2,047 research outputs found

    Effects of density on lek-site selection by Black Grouse <i>Tetrao tetrix</i> in the Alps

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    Capsule: The Black Grouse is a primarily lekking species, but low population density and lack of suitable habitat can lead to the establishment of non-lekking populations. Aims: To understand if differences in density could be related to differences in the lekking system, if there were differences in lek-site selection, and if there was a direct effect of habitat on the lek size. Methods: We compared lek sizes between two Black Grouse populations with different male population densities as estimated by distance sampling. We considered land-cover categories, landscape metrics and orographic variables and computed the Ivlev’s Electivity Index to evaluate habitat selection of males in the two study areas. A general linear model was used to assess the relationship between lek size and habitat variables. Results: We could not demonstrate the direct effect of density on the displaying behaviour but we found strongly different patterns of lek-site selection and different effects of habitat on lek size according to the population density. Conclusions: We concluded that habitat normally considered as high quality and habitat complexity may play different roles in selection by solitary versus lekking males when different population densities are considered

    Né dace, né bungalow, né alberghi. Forme di città e tipi architettonici per l’insediamento del riposo al concorso “La Città Verde” di Mosca del 1929

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    Per il concorso la “Città Verde” di Mosca del 1929 - bandito dai sindacati – erano stati identificati come temi chiave del riposo di massa per una società operaia socialista due aspetti: “accessibilità ai luoghi di vacanza” e la “natura speciale delle attrezzature per il riposo”. In merito al primo aspetto – il trasporto di massa - a Mosca era già stato sperimentato un sistema di recapito ai sobborghi da sempre utilizzati dai moscoviti per il riposo infrasettimanale basato su un tracciato ferroviario anulare di raccordo tra le radiali e costruito sia per uso industriale e logistico che per uso turistico. E’ la circonvallazione ferroviaria di Mosca del 1903-08 le cui stazioni e attrezzature furono accuratamente progettate per assolvere a questo doppio scopo: funzionali ma anche ospitali al passeggero e ben inserite nei contesti paesaggistici dei boschi e campagne intorno alla città. In merito al secondo aspetto – il tipo di attrezzatura – vale la pena ricordare che il tema del concorso fu sollevato da una campagna giornalistica che denunciava i privilegi di pochi che potevano permettersi una dacia fuori città e la difficoltà di garantire alla massa dei lavoratori, non tanto la dacia come oggetto fisico, ma la dacia come momento di comunione con la natura. I quattro progetti presentati dagli architetti invitati al concorso affrontarono, ciascuno con diversa enfasi rispetto ai due temi chiavi del “trasporto e del viaggio” e del “tipo di attrezzatura ricreativa” , una serie di soluzioni per la forma della città del riposo definita da un determinato tipo di maglia trasportistica e per tipi di residenza temporanea, questi ultimi disaggregati in edifici per il sonno e strutture per il soggiorno climatico. Il nostro intervento prende in esame secondo questo schema nelle diverse proposte di D. Fridman, M. Ginzburg, N. Ladovskij, K. Mel’nikov

    Molti lettori, ma "con giudizio". Giovanni Tabacco, storico delle istituzioni

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    Nella vasta gamma di interessi testimoniata dall'attività di recensore di Giovanni Tabacco, il contributo si sofferma in particolare sul suo approccio molto critico alla storiografia costituzionale tedesca (Böckenförde, Brunner)

    Rebuilding from the countryside. The Hakka settlement for the Green City of the future in Pearl River Delta

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    This paper is based on a research carried out in the framework of the agreement signed in 2008 between Italy (School of Civil Architecture, Politecnico di Milano) and the Guangdong Province (Huizhou Municipality). The research material collected so far had been presented in an exhibitions held at the School of Civil Architecture (5-23 June 2012), and another at the Milan Urban Centre (19-30 April 2013). This research has faced problems of conservation and enhancement of Hakka architectural and landscape heritage in the territory of Huiyang (Huizhou Municipality, Guangdong Province). These problems concern of the future of many Hakka fortified villages – and the resulting “monumental rural settlement” - in the countryside of the Pearl River Delta, one of the largest and fastest growing metropolitan areas in the world. The Guangdong authorities are critically reconsidering development strategies adopted so far in the region, showing a growing interest in the countryside: no longer as a mere land reservoir for future urban development, but as a resource for a better and healthier environmental. This approach could be expressed with the slogan "rebuilding the countryside within the city of the future" as alternative to "the undifferentiated growth of the city in the countryside.

    Cittadinanza amministrativa e cittadinanza politica tra Sette e Novecento

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    La costruzione parallela, ma non sempre coincidente, della cittadinanza amministrativa e della cittadinanza politica in Europa tra il tardo Settecento e il Novecent

    Intervento sulla World History

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    Riflessioni sugli apporti scientifici della World History e sulle sue prospettive di diffusione nella storiografia italian

    Sui confini nell'Italia preunitaria

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    La costruzione dei confini nell'Italia preunitari

    Patrick Boucheron (ed.): Histoire mondiale de la France, Paris: Seuil 2018, 1076 pp.

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    Early detection and the importance of environmental drivers for the invasive cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii

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    Freshwater habitats often experience species loss, with the greatest pressures coming from land use alterations and the establishment of non-native species as they become invasive. One species of concern is the tropical invasive freshwater cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii, currently expanding its geographic distribution towards northern regions of Europe. As a toxin-producing, bloom-forming species, population growths of R. raciborskii can negatively affect local biodiversity and ecosystem services. Hence, in this study, I wanted to evaluate and validate (i) the geographical extent of suitable habitats, (ii) its competitive capacities with a native phytoplankton assemblage and (iii) its adaptive capabilities when moved from ideal to colder temperatures. To identify suitable colonization areas, I used Species Distribution Models (SDMs), which revealed suitable habitats in areas where the invasive cyanobacterium has not been recorded, i.e. several parts of Europe including south-eastern Sweden. However, there were some inconsistencies between SDM results and the field studies used to validate the SDM prediction, where only a few of the European screened lakes matched with the SDM prediction. To better understand the competitive success of R. raciborskii we performed a laboratory study using different nutrient and temperature conditions and, as competitors, an assembly of phytoplankton species typically found in Scandinavian freshwaters. Results confirmed the importance of temperature on R. raciborskii growth and its ability to withstand suboptimal environments. The physiological changes and gene expressions of R. raciborskii, when transferred from optimal to suboptimal temperatures, were tested through a differential transcriptomic experiment. Results showed a difference in gene expression in different treatments, with a downregulation of genes in the suboptimal temperature. Although R. raciborskii has not been recorded in Sweden, it is a well-established invasive species in many European lakes. Combined results from this thesis show that R. raciborskii meets the climatic conditions matching with the south-eastern parts of Sweden. If able to surpass physical and ecological barriers, due to its ability to withstand a wide-range of environments, it might be able to survive in lakes with less favorable conditions and bloom when conditions become ideal. To be able to prevent and contain the expansion of this invasive species in northern European lakes, proactive monitoring programs with high temporal and spatial frequency are needed in combination with broad information campaigns to minimize further spread to other freshwater system

    The harmonization of animal protection during transport in the European Union : analysis of the sanctioning systems in Italy, Romania and Spain

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    In the last sixty years, countries in Europe developed a common legal framework for the protection of so-called "farmed" Animals: on farms, during transport and at the time of their killing. This document describes the most relevant aspects of the sanctioning systems implementing the legislation on the protection of Animals during transport in three countries: Italy, Spain and Romania. These nations were chosen in connection with the author's collaboration with the German non-governmental organization, Animals' Angels. The association has been investigating animal transports at the international level since 1998, with particular attention to these three countries. The article draws on findings collected from the organization's field experience as well as perspectives that have emerged over time during the analysis of the various countries. This document aims to lay out the positive and the negative points of each penalty system, as a basis for a wider analysis, and to formulate proposals for a better and uniform application of a dissuasive sanctioning system in Europe. The fact that penalties are left to the competence of the member states, which are culturally different and have different legal systems, has led to an alarmingly irregular implementation. From another perspective, with protection being put in second place, this leads to competitive distortion in the territory of the European Union. The article examines efforts made by European institutions and member states to improve the harmonisation of the application of Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005. It also offers practical inputs that can be used in future negotiations of the existing laws on animal transport.En los últimos sesenta años, los países europeos desarrollaron un marco legal común para la protección de los animales "de granja": en las granjas, durante el transporte y en el momento de su matanza. Este documento pretende describir los aspectos más relevantes de los sistemas de sanción que aplican la legislación sobre la protección de los animales durante el transporte en tres países: Italia, España y Rumanía. La razón por la que elegí estas naciones reside en mi colaboración con la organización no gubernamental alemana Animals' Angels. Esta asociación lleva investigando los transportes de animales desde 1998, a nivel internacional, con especial atención a estos tres países. Me gustaría utilizar algunos de los hallazgos recogidos de nuestra experiencia directa en el campo y las opiniones consolidadas durante el análisis de los distintos países. El presente documento tiene por objeto extrapolar lo positivo y lo negativo de cada sistema de sanciones, como punto de partida para un análisis más amplio, a fin de formular propuestas para una aplicación mejor y más uniforme de un sistema de sanciones disuasivas en Europa. El hecho de que las sanciones se dejen a la competencia de los Estados miembros, que son culturalmente diferentes y tienen sistemas jurídicos distintos, da lugar a una preocupante falta de homogeneidad en la aplicación en la actualidad. Desde otra perspectiva, en relación a la necesidad de protección, esto lleva a una distorsión de la competencia en el territorio de la Unión Europea. Examinaré los esfuerzos realizados por las instituciones europeas y los Estados Miembros, para mejorar la armonización de la aplicación del Reglamento (CE) Nº 1/2005. Además, tengo la intención de ofrecer algunas aportaciones prácticas que espero sean tomadas en serio en caso de futuras negociaciones de las actuales leyes sobre transporte de animales