366 research outputs found

    Quality Improvement in Sweet Red Wines Through an Alternative Grape-Drying System

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    A sensorial analysis was undertaken and the colour parameters and phenolic profile were measured fortwo types of Andalusian sweet red wines. Two wines types were studied, i.e. commercial and alternativewines elaborated with musts from grapes obtained by traditional sun drying and by chamber dryingunder controlled temperatures respectively. Results show that the alternative wines obtained in this studywere analytically closer to typical red wines in their lower concentration of browning compounds, a highcontribution of red and blue colour, and hence having a more suitable hue than the traditional sweetwines. Furthermore, the alternative wines were the richest in monomeric anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols andflavonols, which give these wines their antioxidant properties. Their sensorial characteristics were acceptedby consumers, which means that the alternative grape-drying system improves the quality of sweet redwines relative to those obtained by the traditional method

    Sensory Analysis of Sweet Musts in Pedro Ximenez cv. Grapes Dried using Different Methods

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    The sensory properties of musts from Pedro Ximenez grapes chamber-dried at 40 or 50°C, with or withouta dipping treatment, are compared to musts from grapes subjected to the traditional sun-drying methodused in the production of sweet wines. The chamber-dried procedure, specifically at 50°C, decreased thedrying time, improved the health status of the grapes relative to the growth of fungi that produce toxins andyielded must with a very similar color to that of sun-dried grapes. Sensory evaluation has shown that mustfrom grapes dried at 50°C, after treatment with an alkaline emulsion of ethyl oleate, is unacceptable dueto the light color. The musts receiving the highest scores for color, aroma and flavor were from untreatedgrapes dried at 50ºC or potassium carbonate-treated grapes dried at the same temperature. However, thetreatment did not significantly accelerate drying

    First Record in Honduras of the Halfbeak Hyporhampus roberti hildebrandi, Jordan and Everman 1927, (Hemiramphidae) Collected in an Inland Reservoir

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    An inhabitant of tropical America, the Central American halfbeak (Hyporhamphus roberti hildebrandi), is one of 2 subspecies of halfbeaks of the subgenus Hyporhamphus (Collette 2003, Collette 2004) that belong to the family Hemiramphidae. This family has representatives from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997, Berra 2001, Collette 2004), and nearly all species are marine; however, some Hemiramphidae species in the Indo-Australian region are restricted to freshwater (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997). The distributional range of H. r. hildebrandi extends along the Caribbean coast of Central America from Mexico to the Gulf of Uraba in Colombia (Collette 2004, Miller et al. 2005). The sub-species is considered marine and estuarine, commonly found in mangrove forests (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997), and coastal lagoons (Schmitter-Soto 1998, Díaz-Ruiz et al. 2003, Collette 2004). For example, they have been collected in the Laguna de Bacalar in southern Mexico (Schmitter-Soto 1998) and the Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica (Winemiller and Leslie 1992). Previous specimens collected in Honduras have been from estuarine and marine systems or from freshwater systems with a direct connection to brackish or marine water (see NeoDat, http://www.neodat.org). Here, we report the first record of H. r. hildebrandi in Honduran freshwater (see Reis et at. 2003) as well as in a landlocked freshwater body of water

    Characterisation of the Colour Fraction of Pedro Ximenez Andalusian Sweet Wines

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    Changes in colour fraction of commercially bottled Pedro Ximenez sweet wines, unaged and oxidatively agedin American oak casks and mostly produced in the Montilla-Moriles and Jerez-Xérès-Sherry Designations ofOrigin (Spain), have been studied. The total tannin content and the total polyphenol content (A280) increasedwith increased aging time, a trend clearly observed in the Jerez wines. Browning, as measured by the absorbanceat 420 nm, differed markedly between unaged and aged wines. Aged wines showed an increase in browning withtime and an increase in high molecular weight browning compounds, most probably Maillard compounds.Colour measurements based on the CIELab system showed a gradual decrease in hue and lightness with ageing

    Analisis Faktor Produksi Alat Tangkap Jaring Insang (Gill Net) Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Rajungan (Portunus SP) Di Desa Sukoharjo Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah

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    Desa Sukoharjo Kabupaten Rembang merupakan salah satu penghasil rajungan (Portunus sp) dengan alat tangkap jaring pejer yang dominan digunakan. Permintaan akan rajungan di pasar lokal maupun luar sangat tinggi sehingga banyak nelayan yang mengoperasikan jaring pejer untuk menangkap rajungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan nelayan jaring insang (gill net) rajungan dan menganalisis faktor produksi yang paling berpengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap hasil tangkapan rajngan di Desa Sukoharjo Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus bersifat deskriptif dan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling.Metode analisis yang digunakan berupa uji asumsi klasik dan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berperan nyata pada unit penangkapan jaring insang di Desa Sukoharjo Kabupaten Rembang terdapat tiga faktor dari tujuh variabel, diantaranya bahan bakar (X1), jumlah tenaga kerja (X2) dan daya mesin (X5). Hubungan antara faktor-faktor produksi dengan produksi unit penangkapan jaring insang di Desa Sukoharjo Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah dapat direpresentasikan dalam model fungsi Cobb-Douglas, yaitu sebagai berikut: Ln Y = 0,938 – 0,597 ln X1 + 0,539 ln X2 + 0,391 ln X5. Sukoharjo village, Rembang is one of the largest swimming crab (Portunus sp) with pejer net fishing gear (gill nets). The demand for crab in local and foreign markets are very high, that's why there are many fishermen who operate nets pejer (gill nets) to catch swimming crabs. This study aims to identify factors that affect the production of swimming crab catches using gill nets (gill net) and analyze the factors of production that very influential and how big the influence of factors production to catch swimming crab in the village of Sukoharjo, Rembang, Central Java. The method used in this research is descriptive case studies and purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is the classic assumption test and the Cobb-Douglas production function. The results showed that the factors that contribute to the gill net fishing unit in the village of Sukoharjo, Rembang were three factors of seven variables, they are fuel (X1), the number of workers (X2), power machines (X5). The relation between the factors of production to the production of gill net fishing unit in the village of Sukoharjo, Rembang, Central Java can be represented in the model of the Cobb-Douglas function, namely as follows: Ln Y = 0,938 – 0,597 ln X1 + 0.539 ln X2 + 0,391 ln X5

    DGKA (diacylglycerol kinase, alpha 80kDa)

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    Review on DGKA, with data on DNA/RNA, on the protein encoded and where the gene is implicated

    Ethnomycological knowledge among Kaqchikel, indigenous Maya people of Guatemalan Highlands

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    Background: The Guatemalan Highlands is a region of great but so far poorly known mycological diversity. People living in this area have long used wild fungi as a source of food and income. However, our knowledge of the ethnomycological practices of the Mayan peoples of Guatemala is still rudimental, especially if compared with information reported for the neighboring region of Mexico. Among the main indigenous groups of the Maya people inhabiting the highlands of Central Guatemala, stand the Kaqchikel, accounting for nearly 8% of the entire Guatemalan population. The main aim of this study was to record the traditional knowledge and use of edible wild mushrooms by inhabitants of the municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez that lies at the heart of the Kaqchikel area in the central highlands of Guatemala, also describing the relevant selling practices and dynamics. A secondary aim was to compare the diversity and composition of the mushroom assemblage offered at the market with the macrofungal diversity of woods in the area. Methodology: This study is the result of 4 years of ethnomycological research, conducted through continuous visits to the municipal market and focused interviews with collectors and vendors. Field sampling in pine-oak forested areas surrounding San Juan Sacatepéquez, from where the mushrooms sold at the market are foraged, were also conducted, in the presence of local collectors. Results: The results show a significant richness of species sold in the market, a network of commerce of purchase, sale, and resale of several species, with relatively stable prices, and knowledge about edible and inedible species that is transmitted mainly within the family nucleus. The business of selling mushrooms in the market is an exclusive activity of women, who are supplied by collectors or by other vendors. Fungi are sold and bought only as food, while no consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms or medicinal mushrooms was recorded. Several species of Amanita, Cantharellus, Boletus, Lactarius, and Russula were those most commercialized in the 4 years of the study, but we also spotted fungi never reported before as consumed in the country, including Gastropila aff. fumosa (= Calvatia fumosa) and several species of Cortinarius. Field sampling in nearby pine-oak forests confirmed an elevated local macrofungal diversity. Conclusion: Our study unveiled the contemporary wealth of Kaqchikel culture for what concerns mushrooms, demonstrating that mushrooms continue to be culturally and economically important for these communities despite the erosion of traditional knowledge. Our results also confirmed the need to investigate in greater detail the Guatemalan mycodiversity that is vast and poorly known

    Setting the Context

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    Panelists were members of the planning committee of this symposium and began meeting in September 2020. These proceedings are available free for download but also available for purchase in print for $6 plus tax and shipping.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/global_voices_4/1007/thumbnail.jp

    DEAnER: An Effective Assessment Model

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    Abstract The study wa

    A Multiscale Model for Solute Diffusion in Hydrogels.

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    The number of biomedical applications of hydrogels is increasing rapidly on account of their unique physical, structural, and mechanical properties. The utility of hydrogels as drug delivery systems or tissue engineering scaffolds critically depends on the control of diffusion of solutes through the hydrogel matrix. Predicting or even modeling this diffusion is challenging due to the complex structure of hydrogels. Currently, the diffusivity of solutes in hydrogels is typically modeled by one of three main theories proceeding from distinct diffusion mechanisms: (i) hydrodynamic, (ii) free volume, and (iii) obstruction theory. Yet, a comprehensive predictive model is lacking. Thus, time and capital-intensive trial-and-error procedures are used to test the viability of hydrogel applications. In this work, we have developed a model for the diffusivity of solutes in hydrogels combining the three main theoretical frameworks, which we call the multiscale diffusion model (MSDM). We verified the MSDM by analyzing the diffusivity of dextran of different sizes in a series of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels with distinct mesh sizes. We measured the subnanoscopic free volume by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) to characterize the physical hierarchy of these materials. In addition, we performed a meta-analysis of literature data from previous studies on the diffusion of solutes in hydrogels. The model presented outperforms traditional models in predicting solute diffusivity in hydrogels and provides a practical approach to predicting the transport properties of solutes such as drugs through hydrogels used in many biomedical applications
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