118 research outputs found

    Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Advanced Achalasia

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    Of the several procedures that has to treat esophageal achalasia, the esophagectomy is to be the most indicated in advanced disease, which prompted Pinotti the disseminate the transmediastinal esophagectomy technique in the 1970s, with the advantage of avoiding thoracotomy. Nevertheless, several series demonstrated that this technique was not exempt from complications one of which could lead to massive hemopneumothorax due to injury to the trachea- bronchial tree and vessels due the periesophagitis that may be present with consequent adherence of the esophagus to these noble organs. Thus, Aquino in 1996 introduced the esophageal mucosectomy technique with preservation of the esophageal muscle tunic at the level of mediastinum as well as the transposition of the stomach to the cervical region inside in this tunic for the reconstruction of digestive tract. The advantage of this procedure is to avoid transgression of the mediastinum. This author describes in details this procedure, and shows early results and late evaluation using the ECKARDT score in a series of patients showing the advantages of the esophageal mucosectomy due the low incidence of immediate postoperative complications and good resolution in long term due the absence of symptoms in most patients

    Salvage Esophagectomy in Advanced Esophageal Cancer

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    Even through the esophageal cancer has innumerable treatment options, its prognosis is still unsettled. Because esophagectomy is rarely curative, others therapies, such as chemoradiation emerging in advanced disease followed or not surgery. The salvage esophagectomy is an alternative for those patients with recurrent disease. Thus in this chapter the intend is show the results of the salvage esophagectomy in patients with esophageal cancer who had previously undergone chemoradiation and discussion about the morbidity of this surgical tecnic. Too, its show the our experience in 72 patients with unresectabeled esophageal carcinoma were treated with chemorradiation followed by salvage esophagectomy by trans-toracic approach. Patients was evaluated with regard pos-operative complications and disease free survival. The major complications was deiscence at the level of the of the anastomosis esophagogastric cervical, presents in 16 patients (22,2%) and pulmonar infection in 23 patients (31,9%). In 53 patients that were available for a five years follow-up, was a rate of 43,3% (23 patients) of disease free survival. Thus with the results its conclude that the salvage esophagectomy seems to be valuable in cases without any other therapeutic options

    Determinants of Malnutrition and Post-operative Complications in Hospitalized Surgical Patients

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    The study aimed to determine the nutritional status (NS) of hospitalized surgical patients and investigate a possible association between NS and type of disease, type of surgery and post-operative complications. The gender, age, disease, surgery, complications, length of hospital stay, number of medications, laboratory test results, and energy intake of 388 hospitalized surgical patients were recorded. NS was determined by classical anthropometry. The inclusion criteria were: nutritional status assessment done within the first 24 hours of admission, age 6520 years, and complete medical history. Univariate and multiple Cox\u2019s regression analyses were employed to determine which variables were possible risk factors of malnutrition and complications. Malnutrition was more common in males (p=0.017), individuals aged 70 to 79 years (p=0.000), and individuals with neoplasms and digestive tract diseases (p=0.000). Malnourished individuals had longer hospital stays (p=0.013) and required more medications (p=0.001). The risk of malnutrition was associated with age and disease. Individuals aged 70 years or more had a two-fold increased risk of malnutrition (p=0.014; RR=2.207; 95% CI 1.169-4.165); those with neoplasms (p=0.008; RR=14.950; 95% CI 2.011-111.151) and those having digestive tract diseases (p=0.009; RR=14.826; 95% CI 1.939-113.362) had a 14-fold increased risk of malnutrition. Complications prevailed in older individuals (p=0.016), individuals with longer hospital stays (p=0.007), and individuals who died (p=0.002). The risk of complications was associated with age and BMI. In the present study, the risk of malnutrition was associated with age and type of disease; old age and low BMI may increase complications

    Evolution of nutritional status of infants infected with the human immunodeficiency virus

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    CONTEXT: There are today only a limited number of studies defining growth parameters and nutritional status for HIV children. OBJECTIVE: To study the nutritional status of infants infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. TYPE OF STUDY: Longitudinal study. SETTING: Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and twenty-four children born to HIV infected mothers were evaluated from birth until the age of two years. They were subdivided into two groups: 71 infected children and 53 non-infected children. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Growth was evaluated in both groups by comparing Z-scores for weight/age (w/a), length/age (H/a) and weight/length (w/H) (using the NCHS curves as reference). RESULTS: The Z-score analyses showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups for all the variables studied, except for the H/a value at 3 months of age and the W/H value at 21 months of age, which showed P > 0.05. CONCLUSIONS: The growth of infected infants was observed to be severely affected in comparison with that of seroreversed infants in the same age groups. Although clinical manifestations may take time to appear, the onset of growth changes begin soon after birth.CONTEXTO: Atualmente há estudos limitados que definem parâmetros de crescimento e estado nutricional em crianças com HIV. OBJETIVO: Estudar o estado nutricional de crianças infectadas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo longitudinal. LOCAL: Serviço de imunodeficiência pediátrica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brasil. PARTICIPANTES: 124 crianças nascidas de mulheres infectadas com o HIV foram avaliadas desde o nascimento até dois anos de idade. Elas foram subdivididas em dois grupos: 71 crianças infectadas e 53 crianças não-infectadas. PROCEDIMENTOS: A avaliação do estado nutricional foi realizada pela comparação do Z-score para peso/idade(P/I),altura/idade(A/I) e peso/altura(P/A),usando as curvas do NCHS como referência. Para a comparação do Z-score foram utilizados os testes T de Student e U de Mann-Whitney. Os testes foram conduzidos ao nível de significância=5%. RESULTADOS: A análise do Z-score revelou que houve evidência de diferença entre os dois grupos, para todas as variáveis estudadas, exceto o índice de A/I aos 3 meses e P/A aos 21 meses. CONCLUSÕES: O estado nutricional das crianças infectadas foi gravemente afetado em comparação com as crianças sororreversoras no mesmo grupo de idade. Embora as manifestações clínicas possam demorar a aparecer, as alterações no crescimento surgem logo após o nascimento.Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Department of NutritionUniversidade Metodista de PiracicabaState University of Campinas Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of PediatricsFederal University of São Paulo Department of PediatricsUNIFESP, Department of PediatricsSciEL


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    O período gestacional é importante e crítico para a mãe e para o feto, devido às modificações que ocorrem durante o mesmo. Está suscetível a fatores externos, como em destaque o tabagismo materno, o qual pode causar danos de variadas gravidades. O objetivo desta revisão é avaliar os riscos e malefícios do tabagismo materno para o feto e para o recém nascido. O estudo bibliográfico foi realizado por meio de indexadores nacionais e internacionais através de pesquisa eletrônica nas bases de dados, Scielo CAPES e Medline, no período de 2004 a 2014. Foram utilizados os descritores hábito de fumar, gravidez, gravidez de alto risco, fatores de risco, recém-nascido de baixo peso. O tabagismo gestacional acarreta diferentes danos ao concepto, que podem ser de curta ou longa duração, devido aos efeitos tóxicos do cigarro. Os principais danos encontrados foram, crescimento uterino restrito, baixo peso ao nascer, problemas respiratórios e retardo no crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Devido à prevalência do fumo ainda ser significativa na população de gestantes, e os prejuízos comprovados que o mesmo causa, é preciso desestimular esse hábito maléfico por meio de ações educativas, maior disseminação de informação e esclarecimentos

    Gauging food and nutritional care quality in hospitals

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    Background: Food and nutritional care quality must be assessed and scored, so as to improve health institution efficacy. This study aimed to detect and compare actions related to food and nutritional care quality in public and private hospitals. Methods: Investigation of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS) of 37 hospitals by means of structured interviews assessing two quality control corpora, namely nutritional care quality (NCQ) and hospital food service quality (FSQ). HFNS was also evaluated with respect to human resources per hospital bed and per produced meal. Results: Comparison between public and private institutions revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the number of hospital beds per HFNS staff member (p = 0.02) and per dietitian (p < 0.01). The mean compliance with NCQ criteria in public and private institutions was 51.8% and 41.6%, respectively. The percentage of public and private health institutions in conformity with FSQ criteria was 42.4% and 49.1%, respectively. Most of the actions comprising each corpus, NCQ and FSQ, varied considerably between the two types of institution. NCQ was positively influenced by hospital type (general) and presence of a clinical dietitian. FSQ was affected by institution size: large and medium-sized hospitals were significantly better than small ones. Conclusions: Food and nutritional care in hospital is still incipient, and actions concerning both nutritional care and food service take place on an irregular basis. It is clear that the design of food and nutritional care in hospital indicators is mandatory, and that guidelines for the development of actions as well as qualification and assessment of nutritional care are urgent.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)FAEPA HCFMRP-USPFAEPA (HCFMRP/USP

    Nutrition rehabilitation of undernourished children utilizing Spiruline and Misola

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    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition constitutes a public health problem throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. AIMS: The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an elementary integrator composed of Spiruline (Spirulina platensis) and Misola (millet, soja, peanut) produced at the Centre Medical St Camille (CMSC) of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the nutritional status of undernourished children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 550 undernourished children of less than 5 years old were enrolled in this study, 455 showed severe marasma, 57 marasma of medium severity and 38 kwashiorkor plus marasma. We divided the children randomly into four groups: 170 were given Misola (731 ± 7 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus traditional meals (748 ± 6 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus Misola (767 ± 5 kcal/day). Forty children received only traditional meals (722 ± 8 kcal/day) and functioned as the control group. The duration of this study was eight weeks. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Anthropometrics and haematological parameters allowed us to appreciate both the nutritional and biological evolution of these children. The rehabilitation with Spiruline plus Misola (this association gave an energy intake of 767 ± 5 kcal/day with a protein assumption of 33.3 ± 1.2 g a day), both greater than Misola or Spiruline alone, seems to correct weight loss more quickly. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that Misola, Spiruline plus traditional meals or Spiruline plus Misola are all a good food supplement for undernourished children, but the rehabilitation by Spiruline plus Misola seems synergically favour the nutrition rehabilitation better than the simple addition of protein and energy intake