44 research outputs found

    Uniformly bounded superposition operators in the space of functions of bounded n-dimensional Φ-variation

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    We prove that if a superposition operator maps a subset of the space of all functions of n-dimensional bounded Φ-variation in the sense of Riesz, into another such space, and is uniformly bounded, then the non-linear generator h(x, y) of this operator must be of the form h(x, y) = A(x)y + B(x) where, for every x, A(x) is a linear map.peerReviewe

    Uniformly bounded superposition operators in the space of functions of bounded n-dimensional Φ-variation

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    We prove that if a superposition operator maps a subset of the space of all functions of n-dimensional bounded Φ-variation in the sense of Riesz, into another such space, and is uniformly bounded, then the non-linear generator h(x, y) of this operator must be of the form h(x, y) = A(x)y + B(x) where, for every x, A(x) is a linear map.peerReviewe

    Remark on globally Lipschitzian composition operators

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    Let I C R be an interval, f : I x R —> R a fixed two-place function, and J’(Z) the linear space of all the functions u : I —> R. The function F : F(I) —> F{I} given by the formula (F(u))(x) := /(x,u(x)), x G I, u G F(Z), is said to be a composition operator. Let a G I be fixed. Denote by Lip(I) the Banach space of all the functions « E 7(f) with the norm (1) IhllLip(l) := lu(°)l + sup | I Xi — X2 xi,x2 e I-, In [2] it is proved that if a composition operator F mapping Lip(I) into itself is globally Lipschitzian with respect to the Lip(I)-norm, then /(x, y) = g(x)y + h(x), (x G I;y 6 R), for some g,h GLip(I) (Fragment tekstu)

    Approximate controllability of the impulsive semilinear heat equation

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    In this paper we apply Rothe's Fixed Point Theorem to prove the interior approximate controllability of the following semilinear impulsive Heat Equation {zt=Δz+1ωu(t,x)+f(t,z,u(t,x)),in(0,τ]×Ω,ttk)z=0,on(0,τ)×δΩ,z(0,x)=z0(x),xΩ,z(tk+,x)=z(tk,x)+Ik(tk,z(tk,x)u(tk,x)),xΩ, \begin{cases} z_{t} = \Delta z + 1_{\omega}u(t,x) + f(t,z,u(t,x)), & \text{in} \quad (0,\tau] \times \Omega, t \neq t_{k}) \\ z = 0, & \text{on} \quad (0, \tau) \times \delta\Omega,\\ z(0,x) = z_{0}(x), & x \in \Omega, \\ z(t_{k}^{+}, x) = z(t_{k}^{-}, x) + I_{k}(t_{k},z(t_{k},x)u(t_{k},x)), & x \in \Omega, \end{cases} where k = 1, 2, . . . , p, Ω\Omega is a bounded domain in RN(N1),z0L2(Ω),ω\mathbb{R}^{N}(N \geq 1), z_{0} \in L_{2}(\Omega), \omega is an open nonempty subset of Ω\Omega, 1ω1_{\omega} denotes the characteristic function of the set ω\omega, the distributed control uu belongs to C([0,τ];L2(Ω))C\left([0, \tau]; L_{2}\left(\Omega\right)\right) and f,IkC([0,τ]×R×R;R),k=1,2,3,,pf,I_{k} \in C([0, \tau] \times \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}; \mathbb{R}), k = 1, 2, 3, \ldots, p, such that f(t,z,u)a0zα0+b0uβ0+c0,uR,zR. |f(t,z,u)| \leq a_{0}|z|^{\alpha_{0}} + b_{0}|u|^{\beta_{0}} +c_{0}, \quad u \in \mathbb{R}, z \in \mathbb{R}. Ik(t,z,u)akzαk+bkuβk+ck,k=1,2,3,puR,zR |I_{k}(t,z,u)| \leq a_{k}|z|^{\alpha_{k}} + b_{k}|u|^{\beta_{k}} +c_{k}, k=1,2,3 \ldots, pu \in \mathbb{R}, z \in \mathbb{R} with 12αk<1,12βk<1,k=0,1,2,3,,p\frac{1}{2} \leq \alpha_{k} < 1, \frac{1}{2} \leq \beta_{k} < 1, k= 0,1,2,3, \ldots, p Under this condition we prove the following statement: For all open nonempty subsets ω\omega of Ω\Omega the system is approximately controllable on [0,τ][0, \tau]. Moreover, we could exhibit a sequence of controls steering the nonlinear system from an initial state z0z_{0} to an ϵ\epsilon neighborhood of the nal state z1z_{1} at time τ>0\tau > 0

    Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting to discuss Lost River Cave internships, Big Red email, provide-a-ride and SGA website

    Remarks on uniformly bounded composition operator acting between Banach spaces of functions of two variables of bounded schramm Φ-variation

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    In this paper we prove that if the composition operator H of generator h : Ib a × C → Y (X is a real normed space, Y is a real Banach space, C is a convex cone in X and Ib a ⸦ R2) maps Φ1 BV (Ib a, C) into Φ2 BV (Ib a, Y) and is uniformly bounded, then the left-left regularization h* of h is an affine function in the third variable

    Solutions of Hammerstein equations in the space BV(Iba)

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    Quaestiones Mathematicae 37(2014), 359-37