216 research outputs found

    Youth Design the Future of Transportation for Their Community

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    The complexity of a globalized world, accelerating technological advances, and rapid change challenge educational systems. Around the world the call is to develop 21st century skills with a focus on career readiness, ability for lifelong learning, and collaboration skills. The development of the foundational elements of civic engagement (civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions) of children and youth is also a dominant concern for educators and policymakers. Unfortunately, not all youth have the same opportunities to develop civic self-efficacy. However, the civic empowerment engagement gap can be closed by providing underserved students with interactive and authentic civic experiences. We strove to create such an authentic civic experience and piloted the Fresno State Transportation Challenge (FSTI) at an elementary school in the Washington Unified School district, Fresno County, California. The research question for this innovation grant was: Can we leverage the expertise and resources of the Fresno State Transportation Institute to bring high quality educational experience to underserved students and help them improve their communities

    Wise-compassionate Framework: A Leadership Guide To Educational Equity

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    A Wise-Compassionate Framework (WCF) was designed to offer educational leaders a recognizable and comprehensive approach that captures critical race theory as a guide to the academic, social-emotional, health, cultural, and behavioral needs of all students. The WCF complements and builds upon Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Whole School, Whole Community (WSCC) model by infusing compassionate research and social-psychological approaches called wise interventions. The design of the WCF was developed during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The WCF is an educational model that seeks to increase systemic compassion through wise interventions and best practices, both in person and in online settings. Trauma-informed practices, social justice responsibility, and evidence-based research are embodied throughout the tiers of the WCF. This article provides an overview of how the WCF can be utilized in an educational environment. A compassionate approach anchored in evidence-based research can support schools to heal through the COVID-19 pandemic and realize the racial tension amplified by the murder of George Floyd by the police

    Whole Child Framework: Supporting Educators in Their Plight toward MTSS and Equity

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    The Whole Child Framework (WCF) was created to assist educators globally seeking to develop or refine a comprehensive system to meet the needs of all their students through the lens of equity. The WCF is rooted in social ecological model (SEM) and the various interventions approaches to the strategies within this framework are also rooted in empirical evidence from neuroscience, biology, psychology, and educational best practices. The WCF intentionally separates the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional learning (SEL) domains and provides framework in each domain and tier that is rooted in evidence based educational techniques and wellness research. The academic domain is represented upside down on the trapezoid in between the SEL and behavioral pyramids that make up the trapezoid. The purpose is for educators to understand that SEL and behavior systems do not stand alone, and that they both serve as the pillars to completing the ‘whole child’ in education. SEL is considered as the process where students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills critical to understand and manage emotions, as well as the capacity to feel and demonstrate empathy, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (Colorado Education Initiative, 2014). Generally, factors that hinder student success overlap and are multifaceted. These complex issues raise challenges when attempting to measure exactly how to support students through their academic journey. WCF was developed to help educators have a framework that is evidence based around academic, behavioral, and SEL interventions, since several notions are being presented de novo

    Difference-Education Intervention That Promotes A Sense Of Belonging, Mindset, And Hope In Minoritized First-Generation Students

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    This research aimed to test Difference-Education Intervention (DEI) to determine the impact of this intervention on first-generation students' sense of belonging, mindset, and hope in Hispanic Serving Institutions. Social Learning Theory was used to understand that individuals must internalize what is learned and perceived socially, as learning cannot be separated from its social context. As a result of a careful review of the literature, DEI was replicated to examine its effects on first-generation students in Hispanic Serving Institutions. The study used an experimental design to create a control and intervention group. A convenience sampling technique was utilized to recruit 174 first-generation and continuing-generation first-year students from seven class sections of a college preparation course at Fresno State. A total of 84 students (48.28%) participated in the intervention and completed both the pre and post-survey questions. 28 participants were male, and 56 were female. 71 of them were first-generation students, and 13 identified as continuing-generation students. These findings suggest that social-psychological interventions can increase a student's sense of belonging, mindset, and hope for first-generation students in Hispanic Serving Instutions

    Infusing Neuroscience and Education to Create Equity

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    Educational leaders of today are faced with the responsibility to promote equity within their setting despite the zip code or type of populations they serve. The field of education has the opportunity to significantly impact the academic and behavioral outcomes of students that interface with the system. Bradshaw, Goldweber, Greenberg, and Fishbein, (2012) suggest that transferring knowledge rooted in neurological, cognitive, and emotional regulatory factors in the educational field can lead to effective preventative programs that also support academics. The absence of this type of perspective in the educational field confounds the growth of theory as well as the advancement of educational practices in general (Anderson et al., 2016). Strengthening theoretical practice is what can help educators and politicians alike understand how to best develop enriching experiences for all students in all educational settings (Duckworth & Yeager, 2015). With the explosion of literature in neuroscience and the medical field in referencing how human beings respond to various stimuli and how this stimulus can hinder human beings from learning, it is crucial that educational leaders and policymakers find ways to infuse research from neuroscience into educational practice as well as policy for the sake of equity.  This paper attempts to illuminate how the educational field can codify research from neuroscience along with the biology of trauma to help educational leaders and policy makers understand how to work best with underserved populations within school settings to promote equity and a healthier society

    WATER COLLECTOR 1.0: desarrollo de un sistema recolector de agua

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    Práctica socialEl trabajo de grado presenta el diseño e implementación de un sistema recolector de agua horizontal y vertical, además para darle un uso al agua captada se diseñó una huerta por parte de los estudiantes del COUDA, con lo cual integrando la electrónica y las telecomunicaciones se controlaron variables como cantidad de agua captada por cada tipo de recolector, para luego ser enviadas a una plataforma de IoT y tener un registro en tiempo real de la eficiencia de colección de cada tipo de recolector de agua.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN 3. OBJETIVOS 4. METODOLOGÍA 5. ANTECEDENTES 6. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 7. MARCO TEÓRICO 8. EVALUACIÓN DE MODELOS DE CAPTACIÓN PARA EL WATER COLLECTOR 1.0 9. EVALUACIÓN DE INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y HORTALIZAS PARA EL WATER COLLECTOR 1.0 10. APROPIACIÓN SOCIAL Y TECNOLÓGICA EN EL USO DE RECURSOS RENOVABLES PARA EL COLEGIO OFELIA URIBE DE ACOSTA 11. DISEÑO DE ESTRUCTURAS PARA EL WATER COLLECTOR 1.0 12. IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL SISTEMA ELECTRÓNICO DEL WATER COLLECTOR 1.0 13. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 14. CONCLUSIONES 15. TRABAJOS FUTUROS REFERENCIAS ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    DEBI (Device for Bikes)

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    En la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco en México, la seguridad de los ciclistas en áreas urbanas es un gran problema. El gobierno ha invertido en infraestructura como ciclovías y otros programas de movilidad para resolver este conflicto, pero el riesgo de seguridad continua. El dispositivo llamado DEBI (device for bikes) fue desarrollado como prueba de concepto que proporciona características de seguridad activa para ciclistas en áreas urbanas con la implementación de un dispositivo económico y portable. Las principales características de DEBI incluyen: Luces LED que son usadas para indicar cuando el ciclista está frenando y luces direccionales que son controladas de forma inalámbrica usando una aplicación de software ejecutada desde un smartphone. DEBI puede también detectar cuando otros vehículos se acercan en curso de colisión y activa una alarma acústica para alertar al ciclista. Todas estas características son alcanzadas gracias al acelerómetro con tecnología MEMs (Microelectromechanical Systems) y el sensor ultrasónico de proximidad que se comunica con el componente principal que es el microcontrolador ATmega328p de Atmel que está integrado en la tarjeta de desarrollo Bluno Beetle que además cuenta con un módulo de comunicación bluetooth embebido. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios considerando el alcance de este proyecto y todas las funcionalidades de seguridad fueron probadas. Sin embargo, es importante notar que algunas cuestiones relacionadas con lecturas falso-positivas fueron encontradas bajo circunstancias específicas, esto podría ser corregido en futuras versiones usando un sensor de proximidad más robusto, aunque esto requiere un análisis más detallado debido a que incrementaría de manera significativa el costo del dispositivo.In the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico, the safety of cyclists in urban areas is a current problem. The government is investing in infrastructure like bicycle paths and other mobility programs to solve this issue, but there is still a lack of security measures that allow cyclists to ride safely, for example, the incorporation of technological devices with safety features. DEBI (Device for Bikes) is a product developed as a proof of concept to provide active safety features for cyclists in urban areas by implementing a low-cost and portable device. The main features of DEBI include: LED lights used to indicate when the cyclist is stopping and turn signals that are controlled via wireless using a software application running on a smartphone. DEBI can also detect when other vehicles are approaching in collision course and activate an acoustic alarm to alert the cyclist. All these features are achieved thanks to accelerometer with Microelectromechanical Systems technology (MEMs) and an ultrasonic proximity sensor that communicates with the core component, the ATmega328p microcontroller by Atmel™, integrated in the Bluno Beetle™ development board with a built-in Bluetooth communication module. The result was satisfactory considering the scope of this project and all safety features were validated. However, it is important to note that issues related to false-positive detection were found under specific circumstances, this could be corrected in future versions using a more robust proximity sensor, but it will require further analysis since this could significantly increase the cost of the device.Sistema BEAConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Sistema de Información de Servicios Vehiculares Vía Web y Móvil para Mejorar la Atención al Cliente en la Empresa de Transporte ALCOVI S.A.C

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    La presente tesis Titulada “Sistema de Información de Servicios Vehiculares Vía Web y Móvil para Mejorar la Atención al Cliente en la Empresa de Transporte ALCOVI S.A.C”; tiene como propósito mejorar la atención a los clientes, se obtuvo información a través de entrevistas realizadas al personal de trabajo y encuestas realizadas a los clientes de la empresa, logrando demostrar que cuenta con una deficiencia con respecto a sus tiempos; la cual fue importante para resolver los objetivos, reducir el tiempo de espera al realizar una consulta, aumentar el número de medios de comunicación, reducir el tiempo de espera del cliente a la unidad de transporte e incrementar el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes, se utilizó el indicador búsqueda la distribución Z, de esta forma el indicador de nivel de satisfacción se aplicó la prueba T Student y la metodología de desarrollo XP se creyó la mejor opción para el desarrollo del proyecto y a su vez factibilidad económicamente. A través del objetivo principal planteado en esta investigación, luego de implantación del sistema se redujo el tiempo de espera al realizar una consulta en un 71%, también se demostró que se redujo el tiempo de espera de un cliente a la unidad de transporte en un 32%; además se logró aumentar el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios en un 25.4%. El sistema implementado permitió una mejora en brindar información de los servicios de empresa, concluyendo que con la implantación del sistema se logró mejorar significativamente la atención del cliente

    Early determinants of acute kidney injury during experimental intra-abdominal sepsis

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Background: Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) is an early and frequent organ dysfunction, associated with increased mortality. Aim: To evaluate the impact of macrohemodynamic and microcirculatory changes on renal function and histology during an experimental model of intra-abdominal sepsis. Material and Methods: In 18 anaesthetized pigs, catheters were installed to measure hemodynamic parameters in the carotid, right renal and pulmonary arteries. After baseline assessment and stabilization, animals were randomly divided to receive and intra-abdominal infusion of autologous feces or saline. Animals were observed for 18 hours thereafter. Results: In all septic animals, serum lactate levels increased, but only eight developed AKI (66%). These animals had higher creatinine and interleukin-6 levels, lower inulin and paraaminohippurate clearance (decreased glomerular filtration and renal plasma flow), and a negative lactate uptake. Septic animals with AKI had lower values of mean end arterial pressure, renal blood flow and kidney perfusion pressure, with an associated increase in kidney oxygen extraction. No tubular necrosis was observed in kidney histology. Conclusions: The reduction in renal blood flow and renal perfusion pressure were the main mechanisms associated with AKI, but were not associated with necrosis. Probably other mechanisms, such as microcirculatory vasoconstriction and inflammation also contributes to AKI development. (Rev Med Chile 2014; 142: 551-558) Key words: Acute kidney injury; Renal circulation; Sepsis