11 research outputs found

    Recognizing emotional state of user based on learning method and conceptual memories

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    With the increased use of computers, electronic devices and human interaction with computer in the broad spectrum of human life, the role of controlling emotions and increasing positive emotional states becomes more prominent. If a user's negative emotions increase, his/her efficiency will decrease greatly as well. Research has shown that colors are to be considered as one of the most influential basic functions in sight, identification, interpretation, perception and senses. It can be said that colors have impact on individuals' emotional states and can change them. In this paper, by learning the reactions of users with different personality types against each color, communication between the user's emotional states and personality and colors were modeled for the variable "emotional control". For the sake of learning, we used a memory-based system with the user’s interface color changing in accordance with the positive and negative experiences of users with different personalities. The end result of comparison of the testing methods demonstrated the superiority of memory-based learning in all three parameters of emotional control, enhancement of positive emotional states and reduction of negative emotional states. Moreover, the accuracy of memory- based learning method was almost 70 percent

    New prediction method for data spreading in social networks based on machine learning algorithm

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    Information diffusion prediction is the study of the path of dissemination of news, information, or topics in a structured data such as a graph. Research in this area is focused on two goals, tracing the information diffusion path and finding the members that determine future the next path. The major problem of traditional approaches in this area is the use of simple probabilistic methods rather than intelligent methods. Recent years have seen growing interest in the use of machine learning algorithms in this field. Recently, deep learning, which is a branch of machine learning, has been increasingly used in the field of information diffusion prediction. This paper presents a machine learning method based on the graph neural network algorithm, which involves the selection of inactive vertices for activation based on the neighboring vertices that are active in a given scientific topic. Basically, in this method, information diffusion paths are predicted through the activation of inactive vertices byactive vertices. The method is tested on three scientific bibliography datasets: The Digital Bibliography and Library Project (DBLP), Pubmed, and Cora. The method attempts to answer the question that who will be the publisher of thenext article in a specific field of science. The comparison of the proposed method with other methods shows 10% and 5% improved precision in DBL Pand Pubmed datasets, respectively

    Smart agriculture management system using internet of things

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    In the world of digital era, an advance development with internet of things (IoT) were initiated, where devices communicate with each other and the process are automated and controlled with the help of internet. An IoT in an agriculture framework includes various benefits in managing and monitoring the crops. In this paper, an architectural framework is developed which integrates the internet of things (IoT) with the production of crops, different measures and methods are used to monitor crops using cloud computing. The approach provides real-time analysis of data collected from sensors placed in crops and produces result to farmer which is necessary for the monitoring the crop growth which reduces the time, energy of the farmer. The data collected from the fields are stored in the cloud and processed in order to facilitate automation by integrating IoT devices. The concept presented in the paper could increase the productivity of the crops by reducing wastage of resources utilized in the agriculture fields. The results of the experimentation carried out presents the details of temperature, soil moisture, humidity and water usage for the field and performs decision making analysis with the interaction of the farmer

    Performance analysis of sentiments in Twitter dataset using SVM models

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    Sentiment Analysis is a current research topic by many researches using supervised and machine learning algorithms. The analysis can be done on movie reviews, twitter reviews, online product reviews, blogs, discussion forums, Myspace comments and social networks. The Twitter data set is analyzed using support vector machines (SVM) classifier with various parameters. The content of tweet is classified to find whether it contains fact data or opinion data. The deep analysis is required to find the opinion of the tweets posted by the individual. The sentiment is classified in to positive, negative and neutral. From this classification and analysis, an important decision can be made to improve the productivity. The performance of SVM radial kernel, SVM linear grid and SVM radial grid was compared and found that SVM linear grid performs better than other SVM models

    Autonomous vehicles: A study of implementation and security

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    Autonomous vehicles have been invented to increase the safety of transportation users. These vehicles can sense their environment and make decisions without any external aid to produce an optimal route to reach a destination. Even though the idea sounds futuristic and if implemented successfully, many current issues related to transportation will be solved, care needs to be taken before implementing the solution. This paper will look at the pros and cons of implementation of autonomous vehicles. The vehicles depend highly on the sensors present on the vehicles and any tampering or manipulation of the data generated and transmitted by these can have disastrous consequences, as human lives are at stake here. Various attacks against the different type of sensors on-board an autonomous vehicle are covered

    Cyber physical systems: A smart city perspective

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    Cyber-physical system (CPS) is a terminology used to describe multiple systems of existing infrastructure and manufacturing system that combines computing technologies (cyber space) into the physical space to integrate human interaction. This paper does a literature review of the work related to CPS in terms of its importance in today’s world. Further, this paper also looks at the importance of CPS and its relationship with internet of things (IoT). CPS is a very broad area and is used in variety of fields and some of these major fields are evaluated. Additionally, the implementation of CPS and IoT is major enabler for smart cities and various examples of such implementation in the context of Dubai and UAE are researched. Finally, security issues related to CPS in general are also reviewed

    Design of optimal search engine using text summarization through artificial intelligence techniques

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    Natural language processing is the trending topic in the latest research areas, which allows the developers to create the human-computer interactions to come into existence. The natural language processing is an integration of artificial intelligence, computer science and computer linguistics. The research towards natural Language Processing is focused on creating innovations towards creating the devices or machines which operates basing on the single command of a human. It allows various Bot creations to innovate the instructions from the mobile devices to control the physical devices by allowing the speech-tagging. In our paper, we design a search engine which not only displays the data according to user query but also performs the detailed display of the content or topic user is interested for using the summarization concept. We find the designed search engine is having optimal response time for the user queries by analyzing with number of transactions as inputs. Also, the result findings in the performance analysis show that the text summarization method has been an efficient way for improving the response time in the search engine optimizations

    Classification of electroencephalography using cooperative learning based on participating client balancing

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    Modern technologies are widely used today to diagnose epilepsy, neurological disorders, and brain tumors. Meanwhile, it is not cost-effective in terms of time and money to use a large amount of electroencephalography (EEG) data from different centers and collect them in a central server for processing and analysis. Collecting this data correctly is challenging, and organizations avoid sharing their and client information with others due to data privacy protection. It is difficult to collect these data correctly and it is challenging to transfer them to research centers due to the privacy of the data. In this regard, collaborative learning as an extraordinary approach in this field paves the way for the use of information repositories in research matters without transferring the original data to the centers. This study focuses on the use of a heterogeneous client balancing technique with an interval selection approach and classification of EEG signals with ResNet50 deep architecture. The test results achieved an accuracy of 99.14 compared to similar methods

    Bone Anomaly Detection by Extracting Regions of Interest and Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The most suitable method for assessing bone age is to check the degree of maturation of the ossification centers in the radiograph images of the left wrist. So, a lot of effort has been made to help radiologists and provide reliable automated methods using these images. This study designs and tests Alexnet and GoogLeNet methods and a new architecture to assess bone age. All these methods are implemented fully automatically on the DHA dataset including 1400 wrist images of healthy children aged 0 to 18 years from Asian, Hispanic, Black, and Caucasian races. For this purpose, the images are first segmented, and 4 different regions of the images are then separated. Bone age in each region is assessed by a separate network whose architecture is new and obtained by trial and error. The final assessment of bone age is performed by an ensemble based on the Average algorithm between 4 CNN models. In the section on results and model evaluation, various tests are performed, including pre-trained network tests. The better performance of the designed system compared to other methods is confirmed by the results of all tests. The proposed method achieves an accuracy of 83.4% and an average error rate of 0.1%

    A New 12-Lead ECG Signals Fusion Method Using Evolutionary CNN Trees for Arrhythmia Detection

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    The 12 leads of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals show the heart activities from different angles of coronal and axial planes; hence, the signals of these 12 leads have functional dependence on each other. This paper proposes a novel method for fusing the data of 12-lead ECG signals to diagnose heart problems. In the first phase of the proposed method, the time-frequency transform is employed to fuse the functional data of leads and extract the frequency data of ECG signals in 12 leads. After that, their dependence is evaluated through the correlation analysis. In the second phase, a structural learning method is adopted to extract the structural data from these 12 leads. Moreover, deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models are coded in this phase through genetic programming. These trees are responsible for learning deep structural features from functional data extracted from 12 leads. These trees are upgraded through the execution of the genetic programming (GP) algorithm to extract the optimal features. These two phases are used together to fuse the leads of ECG signals to diagnose various heart problems. According to the test results on ChapmanECG, including the signals of 10,646 patients, the proposed method enjoys the mean accuracy of 97.60% in the diagnosis of various types of arrhythmias in the Chapman dataset. It also outperformed the state-of-the-art methods