122 research outputs found

    PI(5)P regulates autophagosome biogenesis.

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    Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P), the product of class III PI3K VPS34, recruits specific autophagic effectors, like WIPI2, during the initial steps of autophagosome biogenesis and thereby regulates canonical autophagy. However, mammalian cells can produce autophagosomes through enigmatic noncanonical VPS34-independent pathways. Here we show that PI(5)P can regulate autophagy via PI(3)P effectors and thereby identify a mechanistic explanation for forms of noncanonical autophagy. PI(5)P synthesis by the phosphatidylinositol 5-kinase PIKfyve was required for autophagosome biogenesis, and it increased levels of PI(5)P, stimulated autophagy, and reduced the levels of autophagic substrates. Inactivation of VPS34 impaired recruitment of WIPI2 and DFCP1 to autophagic precursors, reduced ATG5-ATG12 conjugation, and compromised autophagosome formation. However, these phenotypes were rescued by PI(5)P in VPS34-inactivated cells. These findings provide a mechanistic framework for alternative VPS34-independent autophagy-initiating pathways, like glucose starvation, and unravel a cytoplasmic function for PI(5)P, which previously has been linked predominantly to nuclear roles.We are grateful for funding from a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship (095317/Z/11/Z to D.C.R.), a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140/Z/ 12/Z), the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Dementia at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, an MRC Confidence in Concepts grant (D.C.R.), and a FEBS Long- Term Fellowship (A.A.).This article was originally published in Molecular Cell (M Vicinanza, VI Korolchuk, A Ashkenazi, C Puri, FM Menzies, JH Clarke, DC Rubinsztein, Molecular Cell 2015, 57, 219-234

    Tuberculosis and homelessness in Montreal: a retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Montreal is Canada's second-largest city, where mean annual tuberculosis (TB) incidence from 1996 to 2007 was 8.9/100,000. The objectives of this study were to describe the epidemiology of TB among homeless persons in Montreal and assess patterns of transmission and sharing of key locations. METHODS: We reviewed demographic, clinical, and microbiologic data for all active TB cases reported in Montreal from 1996 to 2007 and identified persons who were homeless in the year prior to TB diagnosis. We genotyped all available Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (IS6110-RFLP) and spoligotyping, and used a geographic information system to identify potential locations for transmission between persons with matching isolates. RESULTS: There were 20 cases of TB in homeless persons, out of 1823 total reported from 1996-2007. 17/20 were Canadian-born, including 5 Aboriginals. Homeless persons were more likely than non-homeless persons to have pulmonary TB (20/20), smear-positive disease (17/20, odds ratio (OR) = 5.7, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.7-20), HIV co-infection (12/20, OR = 14, 95%CI: 4.8-40), and a history of substance use. The median duration from symptom onset to diagnosis was 61 days for homeless persons vs. 28 days for non-homeless persons (P = 0.022). Eleven homeless persons with TB belonged to genotype-defined clusters (OR = 5.4, 95%CI: 2.2-13), and ten potential locations for transmission were identified, including health care facilities, homeless shelters/drop-in centres, and an Aboriginal community centre. CONCLUSIONS: TB cases among homeless persons in Montreal raise concerns about delayed diagnosis and ongoing local transmission

    Transcriptional regulation of Annexin A2 promotes starvation-induced autophagy.

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    Autophagy is an important degradation pathway, which is induced after starvation, where it buffers nutrient deprivation by recycling macromolecules in organisms from yeast to man. While the classical pathway mediating this response is via mTOR inhibition, there are likely to be additional pathways that support the process. Here, we identify Annexin A2 as an autophagy modulator that regulates autophagosome formation by enabling appropriate ATG9A trafficking from endosomes to autophagosomes via actin. This process is dependent on the Annexin A2 effectors ARP2 and Spire1. Annexin A2 expression increases after starvation in cells in an mTOR-independent fashion. This is mediated via Jun N-terminal kinase activation of c-Jun, which, in turn, enhances the trans-activation of the Annexin A2 promoter. Annexin A2 knockdown abrogates starvation-induced autophagy, while its overexpression induces autophagy. Hence, c-Jun-mediated transcriptional responses support starvation-induced autophagy by regulating Annexin A2 expression levels.Openheimer Memorial TrustThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms904

    A comprehensive profile of chemokine gene expression in the tissues of the female reproductive tract in mice

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    Homeostatic leukocyte trafficking into and within the female reproductive tract (FRT) contributes to fertility and reproductive health. It is unclear how this process is regulated in the anatomically distinct reproductive tissues, or whether the genes involved are affected by cyclical changes in reproductive hormones. In tissues such as skin and intestine, mouse studies have defined evolutionarily conserved molecular mechanisms for tissue-specific homing, interstitial positioning, and leukocyte egress. Chemokine family members are invariably involved, with the chemokine expression profile of a tissue regulating leukocyte content. Reproductive tissues (ovary, vagina, cervix, uterine horn) of 8 week old virgin female C57BL/6 mice (n = 20) were collected, and expression of mRNA for leukocyte markers and chemokines conducted by qPCR. Lymphocytic and myeloid cell populations within the uterus, cervix, bone marrow and PALN from virgin C57BL/6 mice were determined by flow cytometric analysis. Variation in leukocyte content between reproductive tissues is evident, with the uterus and cervix containing complex mixtures of lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Twenty-six chemokine genes are expressed in the FRT, many by several component tissues, some preferentially by one. Most striking are Xcl1 and Ccl28, which are restricted to the uterus. Ccl20 and genes encoding CXCR2 ligands are primarily transcribed in cervix and vagina. Ovary shows the lowest expression of most chemokine genes, with the notable exception of Ccl21 and Ccl27. We also identify eight chemokines in the vagina whose expression fluctuates substantially across the oestrous cycle. These data reveal complex chemokine networks within the FRT, and provide a framework for future studies of homeostatic leukocyte trafficking into and within these tissues

    α-Catenin levels determine direction of YAP/TAZ response to autophagy perturbation

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    The factors regulating cellular identity are critical for understanding the transition from health to disease and responses to therapies. Recent literature suggests that autophagy compromise may cause opposite effects in different contexts by either activating or inhibiting YAP/TAZ co-transcriptional regulators of the Hippo pathway via unrelated mechanisms. Here, we confirm that autophagy perturbation in different cell types can cause opposite responses in growth-promoting oncogenic YAP/TAZ transcriptional signalling. These apparently contradictory responses can be resolved by a feedback loop where autophagy negatively regulates the levels of α-catenins, LC3-interacting proteins that inhibit YAP/TAZ, which, in turn, positively regulate autophagy. High basal levels of α-catenins enable autophagy induction to positively regulate YAP/TAZ, while low α-catenins cause YAP/TAZ activation upon autophagy inhibition. These data reveal how feedback loops enable post-transcriptional determination of cell identity and how levels of a single intermediary protein can dictate the direction of response to external or internal perturbations

    IGF-1 receptor antagonism inhibits autophagy

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    Inhibition of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling pathway increases lifespan and protects against neurodegeneration in model organisms, and has been considered as a potential therapeutic target. This pathway is upstream of mTORC1, a negative regulator of autophagy. Thus, we expected autophagy to be activated by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) inhibition, which could account for many of its beneficial effects. Paradoxically, we found that IGF-1 inhibition attenuates autophagosome formation. The reduced amount of autophagosomes present in IGF-1R depleted cells can be, at least in part, explained by a reduced formation of autophagosomal precursors at the plasma membrane. In particular, IGF-1R depletion inhibits mTORC2, which, in turn, reduces the activity of protein kinase C (PKCa/b). This perturbs the actin cytoskeleton dynamics and decreases the rate of clathrin-dependent endocytosis, which impacts autophagosome precursor formation. Finally, with important implications for human diseases, we demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of the IGF-1R signalling cascade reduces autophagy also in zebrafish and mice models. The novel link we describe here has important consequences for the interpretation of genetic experiments in mammalian systems and for evaluating the potential of targeting the IGF-1R receptor or modulating its signalling through the downstream pathway for therapeutic purposes under clinically relevant conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases, where autophagy stimulation is considered beneficial.This is the version of the manuscript that was first published on line. The final version can be found published in Human Molecular Genetics by OUP here: http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/22/4528.full.pdf+html

    The RAB11A-Positive Compartment Is a Primary Platform for Autophagosome Assembly Mediated by WIPI2 Recognition of PI3P-RAB11A.

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    Autophagy is a critical pathway that degrades intracytoplasmic contents by engulfing them in double-membraned autophagosomes that are conjugated with LC3 family members. These membranes are specified by phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P), which recruits WIPI2, which, in turn, recruits ATG16L1 to specify the sites of LC3-conjugation. Conventionally, phosphatidylinositides act in concert with other proteins in targeting effectors to specific membranes. Here we describe that WIPI2 localizes to autophagic precursor membranes by binding RAB11A, a protein that specifies recycling endosomes, and that PI3P is formed on RAB11A-positive membranes upon starvation. Loss of RAB11A impairs the recruitment and assembly of the autophagic machinery. RAB11A-positive membranes are a primary direct platform for canonical autophagosome formation that enables autophagy of the transferrin receptor and damaged mitochondria. While this compartment may receive membrane inputs from other sources to enable autophagosome biogenesis, RAB11A-positive membranes appear to be a compartment from which autophagosomes evolve

    Oxidation of SQSTM1/p62 mediates the link between redox state and protein homeostasis.

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    Cellular homoeostatic pathways such as macroautophagy (hereinafter autophagy) are regulated by basic mechanisms that are conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdom. However, it remains poorly understood how these mechanisms further evolved in higher organisms. Here we describe a modification in the autophagy pathway in vertebrates, which promotes its activity in response to oxidative stress. We have identified two oxidation-sensitive cysteine residues in a prototypic autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62, which allow activation of pro-survival autophagy in stress conditions. The Drosophila p62 homologue, Ref(2)P, lacks these oxidation-sensitive cysteine residues and their introduction into the protein increases protein turnover and stress resistance of flies, whereas perturbation of p62 oxidation in humans may result in age-related pathology. We propose that the redox-sensitivity of p62 may have evolved in vertebrates as a mechanism that allows activation of autophagy in response to oxidative stress to maintain cellular homoeostasis and increase cell survival

    Felodipine induces autophagy in mouse brains with pharmacokinetics amenable to repurposing.

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    Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease manifest with the neuronal accumulation of toxic proteins. Since autophagy upregulation enhances the clearance of such proteins and ameliorates their toxicities in animal models, we and others have sought to re-position/re-profile existing compounds used in humans to identify those that may induce autophagy in the brain. A key challenge with this approach is to assess if any hits identified can induce neuronal autophagy at concentrations that would be seen in humans taking the drug for its conventional indication. Here we report that felodipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker and anti-hypertensive drug, induces autophagy and clears diverse aggregate-prone, neurodegenerative disease-associated proteins. Felodipine can clear mutant α-synuclein in mouse brains at plasma concentrations similar to those that would be seen in humans taking the drug. This is associated with neuroprotection in mice, suggesting the promise of this compound for use in neurodegeneration
