211 research outputs found

    Molding Minds: The Roman Use of the Cuirassed Statue in Defining Empire

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    Though a Roman emperor possessed a wide variety of media on which he could address his subjects- coins, arches, decrees- one of the most presently understudied is that of the cuirassed statue. In this artistic genre, the emperor was portrayed in the guise of a triumphant general while performing an adlocutio or simply holding a spear or globe to signify imperial global hegemony. Though the gesture of the ruler is certainly important, in the present study I am examining the function of the face of the breastplate as it concerns imperial propaganda. On this stone canvass the artist carved messages that enabled an emperor to advertise his latest military victory while subtly directing the thoughts of his subjects in regards to how they viewed both their own unique place within the empire and the barbaric "others" outside of it. In particular, the image of the demoralized and defeated barbarian was an especially popular and potent device utilized by many emperors to commemorate a specific victory. Through the agency of the cuirass, for example, citizens in Gaul learned of the subjugation of Judea; a land that was far removed geographically and likely not a part of their conception of the world; that is, until the emperor brought both knowledge of his victory and images of this alien people to their collective psyches. Thus, the narrative on the cuirass shaped how the Gauls viewed the emperor, the empire, and the distant peoples who challenged Rome. By examining important works within the genre and with a keen eye towards historical contexts and modern theoretical approaches, I hope to come to a fuller understanding of the ways in which a ruler strived to construct the opinions and memories of his subjects.No embarg

    Doctor Honoris Causa Póstuma para o Irmão Marino Latore Ariño

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    La solemnidad de la más alta distinción que otorga una Universidad a una autoridad académica en reconocimiento a sus méritos, en sí misma, es un hecho histórico. Sin embargo, este acto adquiere un significado aún mayor dadas las circunstancias: un homenaje póstumo, en memoria de nuestro estimado Hermano, el Dr. Marino. El Hermano Marino combinó las cualidades de docente, investigador, gran líder y educador marista, reconocido por sus competencias profesionales y socioemocionales y por su constante presencia en foros internacionales en el campo de la Educación Superior. ¡Sin duda, fue una inspiración para muchas personas! Un hombre que siempre supo compartir conocimientos; al fin y al cabo, ¿de qué serviría el conocimiento acumulado sin estar al servicio de los demás? Este es el factor distintivo de nuestro homenajeado. Que su legado nos fortalezca para ser una verdadera comunidad: una experiencia de pertenencia, como somos en comunidad cada vez que nos encontramos en un lugar al que pertenecemos. Es ese sentimiento de que somos parte de algo que es más grande que nosotros. Es la actitud de estar presente y encontrar el propósito más profundo en todo lo que hacemos. Es la sensación de seguridad que proviene de un lugar donde nos sentimos completos emocional, espiritual y psicologicamente. Fue alrededor de la comunidad académica que el Hno. Marino construyó su história y nos deja un gran y significativo legado.A solenidade para aquela que é a máxima distinção concedida por uma Universidade a uma autoridade acadêmica como reconhecimento de seus méritos, por si só, trata-se de um acontecimento histórico. Porém, este ato se reveste de um sentido ainda maior dada a circunstância: uma homenagem póstuma, em memória do nosso estimado Irmão, Dr. Marino. Ir. Marino reuniu as qualidades de professor, investigador, grande líder e educador marista, reconhecido por suas competências profissionais e socioemocionais e por sua presença constante em fóruns internacionais no âmbito da Educação Superior. Sem dúvida, foi inspiração para muitas pessoas! Um homem que sempre soube compartilhar o conhecimento; afinal, de que adiantaria o conhecimento acumulado sem que estivesse a serviço do próximo? Eis o fator distintivo do nosso homenageado. Que o seu legado nos fortaleça, para sermos uma verdadeira comunidade: uma experiência de pertença, pois estamos em comunidade cada vez que nos encontramos num lugar ao qual pertencemos. É aquele sentimento de que fazemos parte de algo que é maior do que nós. É a atitude de estar presente e encontrar o propósito mais profundo em tudo o que fazemos. É a sensação de segurança que surge de um lugar no qual nos sentimos emocionalmente, espiritualmente e psicologicamente inteiros. Foi em torno da comunidade acadêmica que o Ir. Marino construiu sua história e nos deixa um grande e significativo legado

    O Simples comparado aos outros métodos tributários para uma microempresa comercial

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    O Simples Nacional é um sistema tributário que foi criado em 2006 através da Lei complementar nº 123 e seu objetivo é atender as micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil com uma tributação reduzida e simplificada. Este trabalho objetiva verificar se o Simples Nacional se constitui na melhor escolha tributaria para uma empresa do ramo do varejo calçadista, comparando este as outras formas de tributação aplicáveis as empresas neste ramo de negócio. O trabalho quanto aos objetivos segue os moldes de pesquisa exploratória e quanto aos procedimentos, segue os moldes de um estudo de caso.The “Simples Nacional” is a tax system that was created in 2006 by Complementary Law No. 123 and its purpose is to serve micro and small enterprises in Brazil with a reduced and simplified taxation. This Course completion assignment works on the issue as far as these assumptions are actually analyzing if “Simples Nacional” would be the best tributary choice for a shoe shop comparing this to other forms of taxation applicable to companies on this trade. This work on the objectives is patterned exploratory research and regarding procedures, work material by following the lines of a case study

    Effects of site‐selection bias on estimates of biodiversity change

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    Estimates of biodiversity change are essential for the management and conservation of ecosystems. Accurate estimates rely on selecting representative sites, but monitoring often focuses on sites of special interest. How such site‐selection biases influence estimates of biodiversity change is largely unknown. Site‐selection bias potentially occurs across four major sources of biodiversity data, decreasing in likelihood from citizen science, museums, national park monitoring, and academic research. We defined site‐selection bias as a preference for sites that are either densely populated (i.e., abundance bias) or species rich (i.e., richness bias). We simulated biodiversity change in a virtual landscape and tracked the observed biodiversity at a sampled site. The site was selected either randomly or with a site‐selection bias. We used a simple spatially resolved, individual‐based model to predict the movement or dispersal of individuals in and out of the chosen sampling site. Site‐selection bias exaggerated estimates of biodiversity loss in sites selected with a bias by on average 300–400% compared with randomly selected sites. Based on our simulations, site‐selection bias resulted in positive trends being estimated as negative trends: richness increase was estimated as 0.1 in randomly selected sites, whereas sites selected with a bias showed a richness change of −0.1 to −0.2 on average. Thus, site‐selection bias may falsely indicate decreases in biodiversity. We varied sampling design and characteristics of the species and found that site‐selection biases were strongest in short time series, for small grains, organisms with low dispersal ability, large regional species pools, and strong spatial aggregation. Based on these findings, to minimize site‐selection bias, we recommend use of systematic site‐selection schemes; maximizing sampling area; calculating biodiversity measures cumulatively across plots; and use of biodiversity measures that are less sensitive to rare species, such as the effective number of species. Awareness of the potential impact of site‐selection bias is needed for biodiversity monitoring, the design of new studies on biodiversity change, and the interpretation of existing data

    Micromechanical modelling of short fibre composites considering fibre length distributions

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    Mechanical response of short fibre composites is varying locally with respect to the microstructural constitution of the material, which in turn is a consequence of flow conditions during manufacturing. This local constitution is described by local fibre volume content, local fibre orientation distribution and local fibre length distribution. For short fibre reinforced plastics, both distributions are affected by flow conditions during an injection moulding process. Current material models for predicting the homogenised material response account for the local volume fraction and local fibre orientation distribution. Fibre length distribution, however, is usually approximated with a single average fibre length. To investigate the effects of fibre length distribution on the elasto-plastic response of short fibre composites, a micromechanical Orientation Averaging model has been extended. Two methods are presented in this work. In the first method, an additional averaging scheme over the fibre length distribution is included. In the second method, a novel representative fibre length is presented based on a stiffness-weighted average. The predictionsobtained from these methods are then compared and evaluated against experimental results of uniaxial tensile tests taken from literature. Good agreements are found using both methods. However, for the investigated behaviour, using a representative fibre length is still beneficial due to the superior computational performance

    Overexpression of human DKK1 via rAAV vector-mediated gene transfer stimulates chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Enhancing the chondroregenerative activities of mesenchymal stem cells via therapeutic gene transfer as reinforced sources of implantable cells in sites of cartilage injury is a promising tool to improve the natural processes of cartilage repair. In the present study, we show that overexpression of the Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1) via clinically adapted recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors is capable of significantly stimulating proliferative, anabolic, and chondrodifferentiation events in primary human mesenchymal stem cells compared with control (reporter rAAV lacZ) transduction over an extended period of time in vitro (21 days). Strikingly, administration of the rAAV DKK1 candidate vector concomitantly restrained unwanted osteogenic and hypertrophic differentiation outcomes in these cells. These findings reveal the possible future benefits of such an approach to treat articular cartilage lesions in relevant experimental models in vivo

    Ética, técnica e progresso científico: uma análise do princípio da responsabilidade em Hans Jonas

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    This paper examines the reading of Hans Jonas about the impact of new technologies on human and extra-humanlife. He highlights, in particular, that new technologies have assumed an excessive power to the man, who bringsboth good and disastrous consequences, which may even lead to the extinction of the present and future life. He confirms that this significant increase in technical knowledge. Unfortunately, that was not proportional to the increase of human wisdom. So, our intention is to present, according to the understanding of Hans Jonas, the proposed review of the prevailing ethical levels along the western philosophical tradition; elucidating the main features of modern technology; presenting the shortcomings of traditional ethics before emerging problems in the contemporary world; circumscribing how ethical principle of responsibility emerges and showing how extent scientific progress demands ethical prudence. Therefore, we support the idea that the ethics of Hans Jonas goes beyond the anthropocentric relationship, promoting bio-cosmocentric ethics that includes the extra-human, considering the development of ethical awareness and the responsibility of man to the present and future of life on the planet.O presente artigo examina a leitura de Hans Jonas sobre o impacto das novas tecnologias nas vidas humana e extra-humana. Destaca, de modo particular, que as novas tecnologias conferiram um poder desmedido ao homem, que não só trazem consequências boas, mas também desastrosas, podendo inclusive acarretar a extinção da vida presente e futura. Ratifica que esse significativo aumento no conhecimento técnico, infelizmente não foi proporcional ao aumento da sabedoria humana. A intenção consiste em apresentar, desde a compreensão de Hans Jonas, a proposta de revisão dos patamares éticos vigentes ao longo da tradição filosófica ocidental; elucidar as principais características da técnica moderna; mostrar as insuficiências da ética tradicional diante dos problemas emergentes no mundo contemporâneo; circunscrever como surge e se constitui o princípio ético da responsabilidade e mostrar em que medida o progresso científico demanda prudência ética. Portanto, defende-se que a ética jonasiana ultrapassa a relação antropocêntrica, preconizando uma ética bio-cosmocêntrica que engloba o extra-humano, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento da consciência ética e a responsabilidade do homem para com o presente e futuro da vida no planeta

    Does the Chemodiversity of Bacterial Exometabolomes Sustain the Chemodiversity of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter?

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    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a complex mixture of chemical compounds. At 750 Pg C, it is one of the biggest pools of reduced carbon on Earth. It has been proposed that the diversity of DOM is responsible for its recalcitrance. We hypothesize that the chemodiversity of marine DOM is a reflection of the chemodiversity of bacterial exometabolomes. To test this, we incubated two model strains of the Roseobacter group; Phaeobacter inhibens and Dinoroseobacter shibae in pure culture using three different simple organic compounds as sole carbon sources (glutamate, glucose, and acetate and succinate for P. inhibens and D. shibae, respectively). The exometabolome of the model organisms was characterized using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) and ecological diversity measures. We detected thousands of molecular masses in the exometabolomes of P. inhibens and D. shibae (21,105 and 9,386, respectively), reflecting the capability of single bacterial strains to diversify simple organic compounds. The chemical composition of the exometabolomes changed with growth phase and also differed according to the strain incubated and the utilized substrate. We mimicked a higher diversity of substrates, bacterial species and heterogeneous growth (different growth phases) to approach the complexity of natural environments, by computationally creating combinations of detected exometabolomes. We compared the chemodiversity of these combinations, indicative for chemodiversity of freshly produced microbial DOM to that of refractory DOM from one of the oldest oceanic water masses (North Equatorial Pacific Intermediate Water). Some combinations of exometabolomes showed higher richness than the deep ocean refractory DOM, and all the combinations showed higher functional diversity. About 15% of the 13,509 molecular formulae detected in exometabolomes and refractory oceanic DOM were shared, i.e., occurred in Roseobacter exometabolomes and in deep water samples. This overlap provides further support for our hypothesis that marine bacteria from the Roseobacter group contribute to the sustainability of marine DOM chemodiversity and stability

    Internacionalización de la educación superior: concepciones, modelos y desafíos

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    Este artículo aborda las concepciones, modelos y desafíos de la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior y sus interfaces con las instituciones de educación superior, proponiendo reflexiones que contribuyan con una educación superior intercultural y de calidad, comprometida con la sociedad. La metodología es cualitativa y, en este siglo, tiene como base la producción científica en libros y artículos de investigadores de diferentes países cuando abordan el tema de la internacionalización de la educación superior y perspectivas que favorezcan su comprensión y la adopción de mejores prácticas y procesos para volverla realidad en la universidad. A lo largo de la historia de la educación superior, la internacionalización fue ampliando sus abordajes a partir de los avances de la sociedad y sus oportunidades. Actualmente, el concepto se ha ampliado, abarcando la enseñanza, la investigación, la extensión y la innovación, y llevando consigo un conjunto de estrategias, en complementariedad, que favorecen su implementación en todas las áreas de la educación superior. Esas estrategias se extienden más allá de la internacionalización transfronteriza e incluyen la internacionalización del currículo y la internacionalización en casa. En este siglo, con el desarrollo de las tecnologías, las estrategias se han expandido y la interconectividad se ha hecho presente en la consubstanciación de redes colaborativas. La internacionalización favorece el desarrollo de competencias interculturales, asegurando más calidad para la educación superior. Los conceptos y abordajes de la internacionalización de la educación superior se presentan en este artículo y se articulan con las perspectivas y desafíos de la educación superior, considerando las características de la sociedad globalizada, con sus oportunidades y fragilidades

    Effective remodelling of human osteoarthritic cartilage by sox9 gene transfer and overexpression upon delivery of rAAV vectors in polymeric micelles

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    [Abstract] Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors are well suited carriers to provide durable treatments for human osteoarthritis (OA). Controlled release of rAAV from polymeric micelles was already shown to increase both the stability and bioactivity of the vectors while overcoming barriers, precluding effective gene transfer. In the present study, we examined the convenience of delivering rAAV vectors via poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) polymeric (PEO–PPO–PEO) micelles to transfer and overexpress the transcription factor SOX9 in monolayers of human OA chondrocytes and in experimentally created human osteochondral defects. Human osteoarthritic (OA) chondrocytes and human osteochondral defect models were produced using human OA cartilage obtained from patients subjected to total knee arthroplasty. Samples were genetically modified by adding a rAAV-FLAG-hsox9 vector in its free form or via polymeric micelles for 10 days relative to control conditions (unmodified cells). The effects of sox9 overexpression in human OA cartilage samples were monitored by biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical analyses. Delivery of rAAV-FLAG-hsox9 via polymeric micelles enhanced the levels of sox9 expression compared with free vector administration, resulting in increased proteoglycan deposition and in a stimulated cell proliferation index in OA chondrocytes. Moreover, higher production of type II collagen and decreased hypertrophic events were noted in osteochondral defect cultures when compared with control conditions. Controlled therapeutic rAAV sox9 gene delivery using PEO–PPO–PEO micelles is a promising, efficient tool to promote the remodelling of human OA cartilage