258 research outputs found

    Relational Aggression in College Students: Associations with Emotion Regulation, Sleep, Social Anxiety, and Psychopathy

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    Relational aggression is defined as aggression that attempts to harm others through the manipulation of relationships, reputation, and status. This can be seen when one spreads rumors, gossips, excludes someone, ignores someone, or gives them the silent treatment (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Lento-Zwolinksi, 2007). Previous research has found that behaviors of relational aggression are more common in adolescence, but tend to decrease in emerging adulthood. Men and women are equally likely to engage in relationally aggressive behavior; however, in women, it is associated with more maladaptive outcomes (Werner & Crick, 1999). The current study found that relational aggression was associated with difficulties in emotion regulation, negative affect, social anxiety, depression, egocentricity, antisocial traits, and spitefulness. There were no significant associations with positive affect, sleep difficulties, and callousness. Potential gender differences in these relationships were also explored

    The Utility of Phosphoglucose Isomerase (PgiC) Intron Sequences in the \u3cem\u3ePhylogenetics\u3c/em\u3e of Physaria (Brassicaceae)

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    The main goal of this research was to determine if the PgiC gene region is useable for phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenetic analysis is done by creating phylogenetic trees based off certain gene regions and comparing it to previously created trees from other gene sequences. The DNA region could then be used in further experiments and research. In particular, this research will be beneficial for Dr. Steve O\u27Kane and others continuing explorations with the Physaria genus. Future researchers and Dr. O\u27Kane would be able to use the successful PgiC gene to have a more accurate idea of Physaria phylogeny. In the end, the results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals

    Analisis Implementasi Metode Petak Kecil terhadap Pendugaan laju Erosi Lahan Non Vegetasi

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    Pengelolaan lahan yang tidak tepat kemungkinan besar akan menyebabkan kerusakan yang lebih serius terhadap lahan dan lingkungan, seperti longsor, erosi, sedimentasi, banjir ,dan kekeringan. Erosi tanah ini hasil proses alami yang terjadi karena angin kencang, hujan deras, dan air mengalir. Tujuan penelitian adalah analisis variasi intensitas hujan pada lahan tanpa vegetasi yang mempengaruhi laju erosi dan volume air limpasan serta memperkirakan besarnya laju erosi di waktu mendatang. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode petak kecil dengan model petak yang berdimensi dengan ukuran panjang 4 m dan lebar 2 m. Dalam analisis hidrologi menggunakan metode aritmatika dan metode mononobe. Dengan variasi intensitas hujan 0,75 liter/menit, 1,00 liter/menit, 1,25 liter/menit, 1,50 liter/menit, dan 1,75 liter/menit didapatkan nilai volume air limpasan terkecil 6,44 liter dan terbesar 10,43 liter. Hal ini menunjukkan lebih banyak air yang melimpas dari pada yang meresap, sehingga energi kinetik air mengalir di permukaan meningkat menyebabkan tanah permukaan tergerus. Kemudian nilai laju erosi mengalami peningkatan seiring kenaikan intensitas hujan dan menghasilkan trendline hubungan antara intensitas hujan dan laju erosi yaitu y = 0,3827x2 + 0,0531x - 0,1828 dimana x adalah variabel intensitas hujan dan y adalah hasil laju erosi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan laju erosi dengan nilai intensitas hujan dalam kala ulang 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, dan 100 tahun didapatkan nilai laju erosi terbesar pada kala ulang 100 tahun sebesar 15,6186 ton/ha/tahun. Kesimpulannya adalah intensitas hujan yang tinggi meningkatkan volume air limpasan dan laju erosi dengan perbandingan kuadratik serta perkiraan laju erosi di lokasi penelitian tergolong sangat ringan hingga ringan

    Pengaruh Net Profit Margin, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio dan Cash Position terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio pada Sub Sektor Perbankan di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Periode 2018-2022

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       Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Current Ratio (CR), dan Cash Position (CP) terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) pada sub sektor perbankan di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2018-2022. Melalui analisis ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang faktor-faktor kunci yang akan memengaruhi kebijakan pembagian dividen dalam industri perbankan.                 Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi 44 perusahaan bank terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dengan kriteria perusahaan terpilih adalah perusahaan yang telah membagikan dividen selama lima tahun berturut-turut pada periode penelitian tahun 2018-2022. Sehingga, total sampel yang terpilih adalah 9 perusahaan bank. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linear berganda dan dianalisis menggunakan program statistik SPSS versi 25.                 Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Net Profit Margin (NPM) memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). (2) Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) juga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap DPR. (3) Current Ratio (CR) tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap DPR. (4) Sementara itu, Cash Position (CP) juga tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap DPR. (5) Secara simultan, NPM, DER, CR, dan CP berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap DPR.            Temuan ini diharapkan akan memberikan wawasan yang berharga bagi para pemangku kepentingan dalam industri perbankan, termasuk manajemen perusahaan dan investor, untuk memahami faktor-faktor kunci yang memengaruhi kebijakan pembagian dividen. Khususnya kondisi laporan keuangan seperti rasio profitabilitas, solvabilitas dan likuiditas. Selain itu implikasi dari temuan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mengambil keputusan strategis dalam mengelola keuangan perusahaan dan membentuk kebijakan dividen yang lebih efektif.as

    EEG Signature of Out-of-Body Experiences Induced by Virtual Reality: A Novel Methodological Approach.

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    Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are subjective experiences of seeing one's own body and the environment from a location outside the physical body. They can arise spontaneously or in specific conditions, such as during the intake of dissociative drug. Given its unpredictable occurrence, one way to empirically study it is to induce subjective experiences resembling an OBE using technology such as virtual reality. We employed a complex multisensory method of virtual embodiment in a virtual reality scenario with 7 healthy participants to induce virtual OBE-like experiences. Participants performed 2 conditions in a randomly determined order. For both conditions, the participant's viewpoint was lifted out of the virtual body toward the ceiling of the virtual room, and real body movements were (visuo-tactile ON condition) or were not (visuo-tactile OFF condition) translated into movements on the virtual body below-the latter aiming to maintain a feeling of connection with the virtual body. A continuous 128-electrode EEG was recorded. Participants reported subjective experiences of floating in the air and of feeling high up in the virtual room at a strong intensity, but a weak to moderate feeling of being "out of their body" in both conditions. The EEG analysis revealed that this subjective experience was associated with a power shift that manifested in an increase of delta and a decrease of alpha relative power. A reduction of theta complexity and an increase of beta-2 connectivity were also found. This supports the growing body of evidence revealing a prominent role of delta activity during particular conscious states

    Rabbit antithymocyte globulin induces rapid expansion of effector memory CD8 T cells without accelerating acute graft versus host disease

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    Rabbit antithymocyte globulin (Thymoglobulin(®)) is commonly used as graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) prophylaxis. Since we found similar total CD8 T cell numbers in patients with and without Thymoglobulin(®) therapy within the first six months after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, we have analyzed the reconstitution of the CD8 T cell compartment in detail. After T cell-depletion, higher and more sustained proliferative capacity of memory CD8 T cells resulted in their rapid expansion, whereas the fraction of naive CD8 T cells decreased. Importantly, this shift towards effector memory CD8 T cells did not accelerate the incidence of GvHD

    Individual spindle detection and analysis in high-density recordings across the night and in thalamic stroke

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    Sleep spindles are thalamocortical oscillations associated with several behavioural and clinical phenomena. In clinical populations, spindle activity has been shown to be reduced in schizophrenia, as well as after thalamic stroke. Automatic spindle detection algorithms present the only feasible way to systematically examine individual spindle characteristics. We took an established algorithm for spindle detection, and adapted it to high-density EEG sleep recordings. To illustrate the detection and analysis procedure, we examined how spindle characteristics changed across the night and introduced a linear mixed model approach applied to individual spindles in adults (n = 9). Next we examined spindle characteristics between a group of paramedian thalamic stroke patients (n = 9) and matched controls. We found a high spindle incidence rate and that, from early to late in the night, individual spindle power increased with the duration and globality of spindles; despite decreases in spindle incidence and peak-to-peak amplitude. In stroke patients, we found that only left-sided damage reduced individual spindle power. Furthermore, reduction was specific to posterior/fast spindles. Altogether, we demonstrate how state-of-the-art spindle detection techniques, applied to high-density recordings, and analysed using advanced statistical approaches can yield novel insights into how both normal and pathological circumstances affect sleep

    Utilization of TREC and KREC quantification for the monitoring of early T- and B-cell neogenesis in adult patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: After hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) T- and B-cell reconstitution from primary lymphoid organs are a prerequisite for an effective early lymphocyte reconstitution and a long-term survival for adult patients suffering from acute leukemia. Here, we asked whether quantification of T cell receptor excision circle, (TREC) and kappa-deleting recombination excision circle (KREC) before and within six month after allogeneic HSCT could be used to measure the thymic and bone marrow outputs in such patients. METHODS: We used a duplex real time PCR assay to quantify the absolute copy counts of TREC and KREC, and correlated the data with absolute cell counts of CD3+CD4+ T-cell and CD19+ B-cell subsets determined by flow cytometry, respectively. RESULTS: By comparing two recently proposed naive T cell subsets, CD31+ naive and CD31- naive T cells, we found a better correlation for the CD31+ subset with TREC level post alloHSCT, in line with the assumption that it contained T cells recently derived from the thymus, indicating that TREC levels reflected real thymic de novo production. Transitional as well as naive B cells highly correlated with KREC levels, which suggested an association of KREC levels with ongoing bone marrow B cell output. CD45RO+ memory T cells and CD27+ memory B cells were significantly less correlated with TREC and KREC recovery, respectively. CONCLUSION: We conclude that simultaneous TREC/ KREC quantification is as a suitable and practicable method to monitor thymic and bone marrow output post alloHSCT in adult patients diagnosed with acute leukemia
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