303 research outputs found

    Communicative Repertoires and Cultural Identity Construction in a Super Diverse Social Networking Space of Students of the National University of Lesotho

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    The paper examines communicative repertoires and cultural identity construction among students of the National University of Lesotho in the social media space. The paper argues that culture and cultural identity on social media are a complex. Specifically, the studies the manner and ways in which the students deployed communicative repertoires on social media to index their individual and collective identities. Cultural convergence and divergence together with hybridity provides a solid foundation on which the paper is anchored. The chapter combines Fishman (1965, 1972) conceptualisation of domain and Halliday and Hassan’s (1976) approach to discourse analysis as methods for analysing the data. The study is qualitative. In all, 40 students participated in the study. Three groups of 10 students took part in different focus group discussions while ten students were interviewed. The research also analysed screen shots of the students’ posts, comments and communication on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp to find out how they pointed to the students’ individual and collective identities. The paper concludes that on social media culture and cultural identity can take many forms and that a “glocalised” linguistic community is a community where both the local and global linguistic resources available to a community are deployed for a variety of communicative purposes. These communicative repertoires employed on social media mark out the individual and collective identity of the of the students

    Socio-economic Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Urban Ghana

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    The integration of sustainable development practices including environmental management accounting, environmental performance assessment, social equity, economic efficiency and corporate social performance into the daily management portfolios of business has acted as the catalyst towards the socio-economic performance of businesses. This paper explored the effects of environmental sustainability practices on socio-economic performance of manufacturing companies in urban Ghana. The study involved six manufacturing companies. Using the cross-sectional design with a two-stage sampling technique, 600 respondents were selected from the 6 companies. The hypothetical model was tested using regression analysis, to verify the hypothetical relationships between variables in the study. A 2-tailed test involving Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was run to ascertain the relationship between ESPs and economic performance of MCs. The results of the study from the model Summary showed R Square of 0.813 indicating that about 81% of the socio-economic performance of manufacturing companies is accounted for by environmental sustainability practices (ESPs). There is a significant negative profit margins in the operational activities of companies (-0.550) at 0.01 due to ESPs in the company. It is concluded that environmental sustainability practices relate to socio-economic performance of manufacturing companies. Keywords: Environmental sustainability practices, environmental accountability, corporate sustainability performance, environmental citizenship, environmental injustice, manufacturing companies, Ghana DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-15-09 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Language policy and practice in a multilingual classroom : managing linguistic diversity in a Namibian high school

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the language policy and implementation outside and inside the classroom in a multilingual and multicultural international school. Specifically, it aims at giving an insight into how linguistic and cultural diversity is managed at Windhoek International School (WIS). It takes a specific interest in the kinds of language policy that determine which languages are used in education in a context where both teachers and learners are L1 speakers of a considerable number of different languages. The participants in this study are multilingual learners and teachers of WIS. The study uses data from the school records, a questionnaire, interviews and observation. The analysis of the data is descriptive, interpretive and explanatory. The findings of the study are that the language policy at WIS is articulated in such a manner that it encourages monolingual norms although the school’s community is multilingual. English is the MoI, used in official communication across the school and also as a language of communication with the school’s stakeholders. Other European languages, namely- French, German and Portuguese are officially taught as modern foreign languages. Significantly, none of the local Namibian languages are taught in the school. However, the school does not bar its learners and teachers from using their LotE especially outside of the classroom. The study also shows that the language ecology at WIS demonstrates a situation of polyglossia where English is on top of the language hierarchy. From the findings, it is suggested that since WIS recognises the multilingual and multicultural composition of its learners and teachers, its whole school policy should be looked at again to reflect current thinking in language-in-education policy. The policy should place emphasis on dynamic bilingualism by supporting and encouraging the teaching and learning of LotE, including local indigenous languages, as a means of scaffolding and as a means of bridging knowledge development in the school. However, for purposes of examination, the school should place emphasis on the extensive use of English to enable its learners to meet the requirements of external examiners.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bestudeer die taalbeleid en implementering daarvan binne en buite klaskamerverband, by ‘n veeltalige en multikulturele internasionale skool. Spesifiek, is die doel om insae te gee in hoe talige en kulturele diversiteit by Windhoek Internasionale Skool (WIS) hanteer word. Dit stel belang in die verskillende soorte taalbeleid wat bepaal watter tale in onderrig en leer gebruik word in ‘n konteks waar sowel die onderwysers as die leerders eerstetaalsprekers is van ‘n aansienlike aantal verskillende tale. Die deelnemers in hierdie studie is veeltalige leerders en onderwysers aan die WIS. Die studie gebruik data wat bekom is uit skoolrekords, vraelyste, onderhoude en deur waarneming. Die analise van die data word gedoen in die vorm van beskrywing, interpretasie en verduideliking. Die bevindinge van die studie hou in dat die taalbeleid aan die WIS so geartikuleer is dat dit eentalige norme ondersteun, alhoewel die gemeenskap wat deur die skool bedien word, veeltalig is. Engels is die medium van onderrig (MvO/MoI) aan die skool, word in amptelike kommunikasie binne die skool gebruik, en is ook die kommunikasietaal by alle belanghebbendes van die skool (ouers, borge, ens.). Ander Europese tale, naamlik Frans, Duits en Portugees, word as moderne vreemde tale binne die skool se leerplan aangebied. Heel opvallend, word geeneen van die plaaslike Namibiese tale in die skool aangebied nie. Ten spyte van hierdie taalreëlings word leerders en onderwysers van die skool nie beperk in die gebruik van ander tale as Engels (LotEs) nie, veral buite die klaskamers. Die studie toon aan dat die taalomgewing by WIS tekenend is van ‘n sg. poliglossiese gemeenskap waar Engels in die taalhiërargie bo-aan te staan kom. Die bevindinge suggereer dat die WIS, in die lig van hulle erkenning van die veeltalige en multikulturele samestelling van die leerders en onderwysers, sy skoolbeleid in die geheel behoort te heroorweeg, sodat dit belyn word met die mees resente denke oor taal-in-onderrig-beleid. Die beleid behoort op dinamiese tweetaligheid klem te lê deur die onderrig en leer van ander tale as Engels (LotEs), ook plaaslike inheemse tale, aan te moedig en te ondersteun. Dit moet so gedoen word dat dit as “steierwerk”kan dien in die oorbrugging wat nodig is vir leer deur medium van ‘n tweede of vreemde taal. Daarbenewens word aanbeveel dat die skool vir eksamineringsdoeleindes aandag skenk aan die uitgebreide gebruik van Engels, sodat leerders in staat is om aan die vereistes wat eksterne eksaminatore stel, te beantwoord

    Optimization of the Production of a Chocolate-flavoured, Soy-peanut beverage with acceptable Chemical and Physicochemical Properties using a Three-component Constrained Extreme Lattice Mixture Design

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    This study explored the feasibility of producing a soy-peanut, chocolate-flavoured milk beverage with acceptable chemical and physico-chemical properties from soybeans, peanuts and cocoa powder. Ten formulations were processed by mixing three basic ingredients: soybeans (20g/100g-80g/100g), peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) (20g/100g-60g/100g) and cocoa powder (1g/100g-7g/100g). The optimized proportions of the ingredients were obtained using a three-component, constrained extreme lattice mixture design. The optimized product consisted of 54.0-58.5% soybeans, 37.0-42.0% peanut and 4.46 - 4.48% cocoa powder and had an energy value of 124.103kJ/100g.  Proximate analysis of the optimized products indicated that the beverage has a protein content of 2.77%, fat content of 1.38%, carbohydrate content of 1.26%, ash content of 0.32% and water content of 94.27%. This suggests that production of an acceptable full fat soy-peanut, chocolate-flavoured milk beverage is feasible through the optimization of the basic ingredients. Keywords: lattice mixture design, soybeans, peanuts, cocoa powder, soy-peanut, chocolate-flavoured milk beverage

    Alternate Solutions Towards Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in Ghana: Review of Literature

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    Irrigated agriculture management is still not effective in Ghana. The growing recognition of irrigation problems and its impact on the economy and environment have prompted the government of Ghana to implement plans and strategies to encourage new developments and technologies to promote sustainable irrigated agriculture. The study aims at identifying sustainable ways in promoting irrigated agriculture in Ghana. literature search and thematic analysis of the literature were used and the themes identified provide the basis for the study. The results were that sustainability can be achieved if there is effective WUA management, strong irrigation facility, effective farmers training, improving extension capacity to deliver, sustainable irrigation techniques and effective collaboration. In conclusion, irrigation sectors should take full advantage of abundant water resource in Ghana and ensure that irrigation is handled in a way that protects the environment for the present generation without compromising the benefits of the future generations

    Emergence of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae among Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase Producers in Accra, Ghana

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    Previous studies in Accra had established that extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producers were increasingly becoming a public health nuisance. Since ESBL producers resulted in multi-drug resistance among most beta-lactams and non-beta-lactams, the antibiotic of choice for the treatment of these ESBL infections was carbapenems such as imipenem, meropenem and ertapenems. Hence the emergence and spread of carbapenem resistant bacteria may lead to therapeutically dead end for life-threatening infections. This study therefore focussed on the occurrence of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae among ESBL producers from clinical specimens analysed at MDS-Lancet Laboratories, Accra, Ghana. One thousand (1000) clinical isolates were identified and analysed for ESBL producers using the combined disk synergy method. In order to determine the carbapenemase producing ESBL bacteria and the antibiotic of choice for treating carbapenem resistant infections, antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed to determine the minimum inhibition concentration of the antibiotics used against the ESBL producers. The antibiotics used included imipenem, meropenem ertapenem and other antibiotics. The results indicated that 600 (75%) of the clinical isolates were ESBL producers. Among the 600 ESBL producers, 43 (7.2) were carbapenem resistant bacteria including 7 different Gram negative bacterial species. Among the carbapenemase producers, Escherichia coli (34.9%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (25.6%) were the dominant bacterial species. The carbapenem resistant bacteria indicated multi-drug resistance to penicillins (100%), cephalosporins (100%), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (100%), piperacillin-tazobactam (100%), ciprofloxacin (83.7%), gentamycin (79.7%), amikacin (27.9%), colistin (18.6%) and fosfomycin (11.6%).  Colistin seems to be is the drug of choice for treating carbapenem resistant strains. Although fosfomycin showed a higher activity, it is only recommended for urinary tract infections. Evidence based antibiotic usage and nosocomial infection control will help to control the emergence of carbapenem resistant strains in Accra, Ghana. Also, there is the need to intensify research in the use of natural products to treat resistant bacterial infections. Keywords: Carbapenem, ESBLs, Antibiotics, Colisti

    Making Corporate Social Responsibility Work: Do Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) in Ghana Care at All?

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    Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) were set up to provide banking services by way of funds mobilization and offering of credit to cottage industry operators, farmers, fishermen, and regular salaried employees. These banks are not obliged to undertake Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities but are expected by some stakeholders such as citizens in the community to devote part of their profits to meet social developmental activities. This study examines the CSR practices among RCBs in Ghana by adopting a mixed method approach. A combination of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and cross-sectional survey was employed to gather detailed information from 86 respondents who are associated with the selected RCBs. Data collected from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and annual reports were analyzed using content analysis and presented in themes and models. Using the binomial test and descriptive statistics, questionnaire responses were analyzed and presented. We found that among RCBs, CSR has become synonymous to community and social development as managers accept the value that CSR can create in business. Additionally, it was found that three major stages are involved in the planning and implementation of CSR by RCBs. The researchers recommend that RCBs put together CSR policy guidelines, which will form the basis for CSR engagements in their respective banks

    Behavioral Response of Plum Curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar

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    Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a key pest of stone and pome fruits in North America. The behavioral response of adults of different physiological states (sex, age, diet, and mating status) to three commercially available synthetic lures, benzaldehyde (BZ) and plum essence (PE), the male-produced aggregation pheromone, grandisoic acid (GA), or their combinations, was studied in the laboratory. Four choice olfactometer bioassays demonstrated significant attraction of both sexes to PE lure. Both BZ and GA lures were not attractive to plum curculio when tested as commercially formulated. PE had higher release rate (1.51 mg/hr) than BZ (0.36 mg/hr) and GA (ca. 0.04 mg/hr), suggesting that the higher attractiveness of PE may be due to its relatively higher release rates. Tests with combined lures showed a neutral effect of combining GA with PE and an inhibitory effect of combining BZ with PE. The physiological conditions of the weevils had no significant effect on their response to the lures. Olfactometer tests with pure 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) confirmed that this compound was inhibitory to plum curculio. These results are discussed in relation to the contrasting field reports which implicated BZ + GA as an effective attractant for plum curculio


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    The changes experienced in technology due to the third industrial revolution have over the years contributed immensely to the development of efficient devices and systems. As a result, solutions have been provided to challenges encountered in the heating industry. However, higher efficiency and better performance has undoubtedly been highly sort after. This paper presents the complete industrial development of a new system of a microwave device for use in S-band networks (2.45 GHz ISM band in this application): a vector network analyzer (VNA). The VNA, which is designed based on the six-port measurement principle, provides accurate measurements of both magnitude and phase of the load reflection coefficient. The device is designed to have high power handling capabilities and works under the full operating conditions of high-power microwave generators. Initial measurements show that the device perform stable and can perform temperature-independent measurements over protracted periods. The system is suited for on-line monitoring and control of network parameters in industrial waveguide applications.