938 research outputs found

    Parasitoid complex of fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda, in Ghana and Benin

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 21 Jan 2020The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, a moth originating from the American continent, has recently invaded most African countries, where it is seriously threatening food security as a pest of cereals. The current management methods rely heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides but there is a need for more sustainable control methods, including biological control. Surveys were conducted in two West African countries, Ghana and Benin, to determine the native parasitoid complex and assess parasitism rates of S. frugiperda. Samples of S. frugiperda eggs and larvae were collected in maize fields located in 56 and 90 localities of Ghana and Benin, respectively, from July 2018 to July 2019. Ten species were found parasitizing the pest, including two egg parasitoids, one egg–larval, five larval and two larval–pupal parasitoids. The two most abundant parasitoids in both countries were two Braconidae: the egg‐larval parasitoid Chelonus bifoveolatus and the larval parasitoid Coccygidum luteum. Parasitism rates were determined in three Ghanaian regions and averages varied from 0% to 75% between sites and from 5% to 38% between regions. These data provide an important baseline for the development of various biological control options. The two egg parasitoids, Telenomus remus and Trichogramma sp. can be used in augmentative biological control and investigations should be conducted to assess how cultural practices can enhance the action of the main parasitoids, C. luteum and Ch. bifoveolatus, in the field. Understanding the parasitoid complex of S. frugiperda in Africa is also necessary before any development of classical biological controls involving the introduction of parasitoids from the Americas

    Sachet drinking water in accra: the potential threats of transmission of enteric pathogenic protozoan organisms

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    Background: The recent introduction of sachet water to consumers was to provide safe, hygienic and affordable instant drinking water to the public. Although this is a laudable idea current trends seem to suggest that sachet drinking water could be a route of transmission of enteric pathogens. Objective: To assess the safety of sachet drinkingwater. Materials and Methods: Twenty seven different brands of 500ml sachet water samples randomly selected and purchased from various vendors in Accra were subjected to microscopic examinations to determine the presence of parasitic protozoa. The study was carried out between January and May 2005. Results: Seventy-seven percent of the samples contained infective stages of pathogenic parasitic organisms. Common pathogens identified include, Microsporidia sp 14/27 (51.2%), Cryptosporidium parvum 17/27 (63.0%), Cyclospora cayetenensis16/27 (59.3%), Sarcocystis sp. 18/27 (66.7%). Rotifers 5/27 (18.5%), and Charcoat Leyden crystals 12/27 (44.4%). Ninety-three percent of the samples contained unidentified impurities/artifacts.29.6% of the samples contained at least one type of parasite, 14.8% contained at least 2 types of parasites, 25.9% contained at least three types of parasites, while 29.6% contained four types of parasites. Conclusion: The study indicated the presence of contaminants of feacal and zoonotic origin in some of the sachet water examined. This has grim public health implications as the organisms identified can cause water related diseases which have serious complications in children and adults particularly immunocompromised individuals. Sachet watershould be constantly monitored for its microbial quality

    Access to vaccination services for priority ruminant livestock diseases in Ghana: barriers and determinants of service utilization by farmers

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    INTRODUCTION: Livestock diseases are a major constraint to agricultural productivity, frequently causing significant livelihood losses for farmers, and negatively affecting public food safety and security. Vaccines provide an effective and profitable means for controlling most infectious livestock diseases, but remain underutilized. This study sought to assess the barriers and determinants of vaccination utilization for priority livestock diseases in Ghana. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-method study involving a quantitative survey with ruminant livestock farmers (N = 350) and seven focus group discussions (FGD) involving 65 ruminant livestock farmers. The survey data were analyzed, and distribution of barriers to vaccination access described. We evaluated the determinants of vaccination utilization (any use of vaccination against contagious-bovine-pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and peste-des-petits-ruminants (PPR) in 2021) using logistic regression analyses at the 0.05 significance level. FGD transcripts were analyzed deductively. We used triangulation to achieve convergence across the different datasets and analyses. RESULTS: The farmers kept an average (median) of 5 tropical livestock units (TLUs) of ruminant livestock (IQR=2.6-12.0) that were on average 8 kilometers (IQR=1.9-12.4) away from veterinary officers (VOs). Only 16% (56/350) of herds were vaccinated against the diseases. Most farmers (274/350) had limited knowledge on vaccines against CBPP and PPR infections, 63% (222/350) perceived low risk of these diseases to their herds. About half of farmers reported experiencing outbreaks of either disease in the study year (2021). Farmers scored on average 80.5 out of 98 (IQR=74-85) on the RS-14 resilience scale. After adjusting for farmers' livestock rearing experience, herd size, sex, wealth status, distance to VOs, previous disease outbreaks, and perceived risk of the diseases, vaccination utilization was negatively associated with limited knowledge (aOR=0.19, 95%CI=0.08-0.43), and positively associated with personal exposure to outbreaks in the study year (aOR=5.26, 95%CI=2.01-13.7) and increasing resilience (aOR=1.13, 95%CI=1.07-1.19). FGDs revealed farmer misconceptions about vaccines, costs of vaccines, and timely access to vaccines from VOs as additional barriers. CONCLUSIONS: Acceptability, affordability, accessibility, and availability of vaccine services represent the main barriers to vaccines utilization by ruminant livestock farmers in Ghana. Given that limited knowledge regarding the value of vaccination and shortfalls in veterinary service supply are of central importance for both the demand and supply side, more collaboration between the different stakeholders in a transdisciplinary manner to effectively address the low vaccination utilization problem is needed

    Detection of Human Genotype “B” Giardia lamblia in Ghanaian Cattle from Frafraha in Adentan Municipality of Ghana

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    Giardia duodenalis is a common intestinal parasite in humans, a wide range of domesticated and wild animals. There are human and animal specific, as well as zoonotic pathogenic gen­otypes. It is not clear whether livestock in close proximity to humans could be infected with human specific genotypes, and vice versa. In this study, Giardia-positive faecal samples were collected from both humans (n = 4) (from Maamobi Polyclinic in the Ayawaso Sub- Metro) and calves (n = 8) (from Animal Research Institute Farms, Adentan Municipality), in Ghana. Nested PCR amplification using Giardia-specific, Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) genes and Tri­osephosphate isomerase (TPI) gene primers for human and animal faecal samples respectively was carried out. Results showed that 100% of the calves carried the TPI-B genotype, which is a common pathogenic genotype in humans. This report is based on the unusual results obtained as Giardia duodenalis genotype B is known to occur in humans but is being observed in calves for the first time. This suggests that calves in close proximity to humans could be reservoirs and sources of human Giardia infections

    Effectiveness and profitability of preventive veterinary interventions in controlling infectious diseases of ruminant livestock in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review

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    Agriculture in general, and livestock production in particular, serve as a livelihood source for many people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In many settings, lack of control of infectious diseases hampers livestock productivity, undermining the livelihood of rural populations. This scoping review sought to identify veterinary interventions previously evaluated as well as their relative effectiveness in controlling infectious livestock diseases. To be included, papers had to be written in English, German or French, and had to describe the effectiveness and/or profitability of preventive veterinary intervention(s) against anthrax, blackleg, bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, foot-and-mouth disease, goat pox, lumpy skin disease, pasteurellosis, peste des petits ruminants, and/or sheep pox in any SSA country. Of the 2748 publications initially screened, 84 met our inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Most of the studies (n = 73, 87%) evaluated the effectiveness and/or profitability of vaccination, applied exclusively, applied jointly with, or compared to strategies like deworming, antimicrobial treatment, surveillance, feed supplementation, culling and dipping in reducing morbidity and/or mortality to livestock diseases. The effectiveness and/or profitability of antimicrobial treatment (n = 5), test and slaughter (n = 5), and use of lay animal health workers (n = 1) applied exclusively, were evaluated in the other studies. Vaccination was largely found to be both effective and with positive return on investment. Ineffective vaccination was mainly due to loss of vaccine potency under unfavorable field conditions like adverse weather events, cold chain failure, and mismatch of circulating pathogen strain and the vaccines in use.In summary, vaccination is the most effective and profitable means of controlling infectious livestock diseases in SSA. However, to achieve effective control of these diseases, its implementation must integrate pathogen surveillance, and optimal vaccine delivery tools, to overcome the reported field challenges

    Phenotypic cha- racterization of pig genetic resources in the departments of Oueme and Plateau in Benin

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    L’élevage porcin est trĂšs pratiquĂ© au Sud-BĂ©nin et implique une diversitĂ© de races ou de populations. L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait de caractĂ©riser les diffĂ©rents porcs sur le plan morphomĂ©trique et phĂ©notypique. Ainsi, les donnĂ©es phĂ©no- typiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es sur 149 porcs, dont 14 amĂ©liorĂ©s, 91 croisĂ©s et 44 locaux. Les porcs de type gĂ©nĂ©tique local ont prĂ©sentĂ© des mesures morpho- logiques significativement infĂ©rieures (p < 0,05) Ă  celles des porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s et des animaux issus des croisements entre les porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s et les porcs locaux. Les poils des porcs locaux Ă©taient significativement plus courts (p < 0,05) que ceux des porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s et des croisĂ©s. La couleur de la robe a variĂ© d’un type gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă  l’autre. La couleur la plus rencontrĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© le blanc uniforme, suivi du noir uniforme chez tous les types gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Le profil de la tĂȘte Ă©tait plus rectiligne chez les porcs locaux, et plus concave chez les porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s et chez les croisĂ©s. Les oreilles dressĂ©es Ă©taient moins observĂ©es chez les croisĂ©s. Elles Ă©taient orientĂ©es vers l’avant chez les porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s et chez les croisĂ©s alors qu’elles Ă©taient dressĂ©es et orientĂ©es vers l’arriĂšre chez les porcs locaux. La queue en tire-bouchon a Ă©tĂ© significativement (p < 0,05) plus prĂ©sente chez les porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s que chez les porcs croisĂ©s, et elle a Ă©tĂ© plus prĂ©sente chez ces derniers que chez les porcs locaux. La ligne dorsale droite a Ă©tĂ© davantage observĂ©e chez les porcs locaux et chez les croisĂ©s que chez les porcs amĂ©lio- rĂ©s chez lesquels la ligne Ă©tait plus creuse. Les porcs croisĂ©s ont prĂ©sentĂ© une grande similaritĂ© avec les porcs amĂ©liorĂ©s

    Trends in extrapulmonary TB cases at three teaching hospitals in Ghana, 2008-2017

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    SETTING: Three teaching hospitals in Ghana. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate trends in demographics, clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes in extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) patients. DESIGN: This was a retrospective study involving the review and comparison of EPTB and pulmonary TB (PTB) data from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2017 in TB registers and treatment cards. RESULTS: Of 15,392 TB cases, 4607 (30%) were EPTB, including 4477/4607 (97%) new cases. There were 2,679/4607 (58%) males and the age range was 0.3 to 96 years. Pleural TB (1021/4607, 22%) was the most common. Treatment success rates for EPTB and PTB were respectively 72% and 84%. HIV positivity was high among patients with disseminated/miliary TB (429/779, 55%) and TB meningitis (242/526, 46%). To note, disseminated/miliary TB (chi(2) = 33.53, P < 0.0001) increased, whereas TB meningitis (chi(2) = 19.43, P < 0.0001) decreased over the 10-year period. Mortality among EPTB patients was associated with increasing age (25 years), disseminated/miliary TB, TB meningitis and HIV positivity. CONCLUSIONS: There is male preponderance for both EPTB and PTB in Ghana. Increasing age, disseminated/ miliary TB, TB meningitis and HIV are risk factors for mortality among EPTB patients. This emphasises the need for public education on the risk factors for EPTB and preventive strategies

    Large genomic aberrations detected by SNP array are independent prognosticators of a shorter time to first treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with normal FISH

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    Background Genomic complexity can predict the clinical course of patients affected by chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with a normal FISH. However, large studies are still lacking. Here, we analyzed a large series of CLL patients and also carried out the so far largest comparison of FISH versus single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array in this disease. Patients and methods SNP-array data were derived from a previously reported dataset. Results Seventy-seven of 329 CLL patients (23%) presented with a normal FISH. At least one large (>5 Mb) genomic aberration was detected by SNP array in 17 of 77 patients (22%); this finding significantly affected TTT. There was no correlation with the presence of TP53 mutations. In multivariate analysis, including age, Binet stage, IGHV genes mutational status and large genomic lesion, the latter three factors emerged as independent prognosticators. The concordance between FISH and SNP array varied between 84 and 97%, depending on the specific genomic locus investigated. Conclusions SNP array detected additional large genomic aberrations not covered by the standard FISH panel predicting the outcome of CLL patient

    Interplay between foetal haemoglobin, micronutrients and oxidative stress biomarkers in sickle cell anaemia children

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    Foetal haemoglobin (HbF) has been speculated to have an impact on the quantity of micronutrients and the latter also have a role to play in oxidative stress (OS) in sickle cell anaemia (SCA). No previous study in Ghana has examined the interplay of these factors together among SCA children. This study compared the levels of OS biomarkers (8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine [8-OHdG] total antioxidant capacity [TAC]) and micronutrients (zinc and copper), and their relationship with HbF in SCA and sickle cell negative, apparently healthy children. This case-control study recruited 58 SCA (out-patients [n = 42] and in-patients [n = 16]) children aged 1–14 years as cases and 62 sickle cell negative children as controls from the Sickle Cell Unit at the Eastern Regional Hospital, Ghana. The micronutrients were measured using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) whereas OS biomarkers and HbF were assayed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). SCA out-patients had a significantly higher level of HbF compared to HbA patients (p = 0.035). SCA in-patients had significantly increased levels of zinc, but a reduced 8-OHdG than SCA out-patients compared to control group (p \u3c 0.05). HbF correlated significantly (r = 0.318, p \u3c 0.038) with zinc in SCA out-patients. Micronutrients are essential in maintaining the redox status in SCA out-patients and HbF can influence some micronutrients

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination and Distribution in Surface Soils and Plants along the West Coast of Ghana

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    Onshore oil drilling activity is ongoing at Jubilee oil fields, Ghana. This activity could lead to heavy metal exposure with consequential adverse effects on public health in nearby coastal communities. Therefore, we assessed heavy metal levels and spatial distribution in soils and plants from the west coast of Ghana to obtain baseline values for monitoring heavy metal exposure. Surface soils were collected from six coastal communities, and analyzed for arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, lead, selenium and zinc using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Mean heavy metal concentrations in soil samples were 2.06, 6.55, 0.016, 21.59, 0.18 and 39.49mg/kg for arsenic, copper, mercury, lead, selenium and zinc, respectively. Mean heavy metal concentrations in plants were 2.70, 17.47, 3.17, 91.74, 1.51 and 9.88mg/kg for arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, selenium and zinc, respectively. Concentrations of arsenic, cadmium and lead in plants exceeded WHO/FAO permissible limits. Enrichment factor for arsenic was significant and extremely high for selenium, while geoaccumulation index showed moderate pollution for selenium. Soil contamination factors for arsenic, lead, and selenium indicated considerable contamination. In view of these findings remediation methods must be adopted to safeguard the communities. The data will be useful for future monitoring of heavy metal exposure in the communities and to assess the impact of the ongoing crude oil drilling activity on the environment
