975 research outputs found

    A high dynamic Micro Strips Ionization Chamber featuring Embedded Multi DSP Processing

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    An X-ray detector will be presented that is the combination of a segmented ionization chamber featuring one-dimensional spatial resolution integrated with an intelligent ADC front-end, multi DSP processing and embedded PC platform. This detector is optimized to fan beam geometry with an active area of 192 mm (horizontal) and a vertical acceptance of 6 mm. Spatial resolution is obtained by subdividing the anode into readout strips, having pitch of 150 micrometers, which are connected to 20 custom made integrating VLSI chips (each capable of 64-channel read-out and multiplexing) and read out by 14 bits 10 MHz ADCs and fast adaptive PGAs into DSP boards. A bandwidth reaching 3.2Gbit/s of raw data, generated from the real time sampling of the 1280 micro strips, is cascaded processed with FPGA and DSP to allow data compression resulting in several days of uninterrupted acquisition capability. Fast acquisition rates reaching 10 kHz are allowed due to the MicroCAT structure utilized not only as a shielding grid in ionization chamber mode but also to provide active electron amplification in the gas.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, distilled by AFPL Ghostscript 7.0

    Who\u27s Behind the Lens? Exploring Artistic Voice and Identity in Portrait Photography

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    What methods do photographers use to insert their creative voice into photography, and how do these methods affect aesthetic qualities and viewer’s interpretation of the final product? This was a prominent question I sought to answer in hopes of utilizing the results within my own art. Intrigued by the cultural concept of photography’s ability to “capture a moment” versus the methodical, perhaps even mechanical nature of commercial photography, my research led me to explore how “captured moments” could be artificially manufactured, and in turn to explore how commercial photos can be captured from a serendipitous moment. My focus on portraiture originated from my interest in how a photographer’s perspective affects our understanding of the subject- more specifically, I was interested in how this understanding differs from commercial portraiture to fine art portraiture. I divided my work into commercial and fine art portraiture, photographing and studying both fields in order to understand the differences between and apply the information to my own work. This interest involves understanding the relationship between the photographer and the model, a complex dynamic that I hope to continue exploring within future work. The following are photographs I’ve taken over the course of my research, from my experiences within both commercial and fine art portraiture

    Simulation of complex microstructural geometries using X-FEM and the application to solder joint lifetime prediction

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    In electronic devices solder joints form a mechanical as well as an electrical connection between the circuit board and the component (e.g. a chip or a resistor). Temperature variations occurring during field use cause crack initiation and crack growth inside the joints. Accurate prediction of the lifetime requires a method to simulate the damage process based on microstructural properties. Numerical simulation of developing cracks and microstructural entities such as grain boundaries and grain junctions gives rise to several problems. The solution contains strong and weak discontinuities as well as weak singularities. To obtain reasonable solutions with the finite element method (FEM) the element edges have to align with the cracks and the grain boundaries, which imposes geometrical restrictions on the mesh choice. Additionally, a large number of elements has to be used in the vicinity of the singularities which increases the computational effort. Both problems can be circumvented with the extended finite element method (X-FEM) by using appropriate enrichment functions. In this thesis the X-FEM will be developed for the simulation of complex microstructural geometries. Due to the anisotropy of the different grains forming a joint and the variety of different microstructural configurations it is not always possible to write the enrichment functions in a closed form. A procedure to determine enrichment functions numerically is explained and tested. As a result, a very simple meshing scheme, which will be introduced here, can be used to simulate developing cracks in solder joint microstructures. Due to the simplicity of the meshing algorithm the simulation can be automated completely. A large number of enrichment functions must be used to realize this. Well-conditioned equation systems, however, cannot be guaranteed for such an approach. To improve the condition number of the X-FEM stiffness matrix and thus the robustness of the solution process a preconditioning technique is derived and applied. This approach makes it possible to develop a new and fully automated procedure for addressing the reliability of solder joints numerically. The procedure relies on the random generation of microstructures. Performing crack growth calculations for a series of these structures makes it possible to address the influence of varying microstructures on the damage process. Material parameters describing the microstructure are determined in an inverse procedure. It will be shown that the numerical results correspond well with experimental observations

    Copper Electrodeposition in Mesoscale Through-Silicon-Vias

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    Copper (Cu) electrodeposition (ECD) in through-silicon-vias (TSVs) is an essential technique required for high-density 3-D integration of complex semiconductor devices. The importance of Cu ECD in damascene interconnects has led to a natural development towards copper electrodeposition in TSVs. Cu ECD is preferred over alternative approaches like the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of tungsten (W) or aluminum (Al) because Cu ECD films have lower film stress, lower processing temperatures, and more optimal thermal and electrical properties as compared with CVD W or Al. Via filling with electroplated Cu on substrates that have undergone atomic layer deposition of a conformal platinum seed metal is investigated herein. These mesoscale vias (600 μm depth, 5:1 aspect ratio) will be utilized in ultra-high-vacuum systems and thus require a uniform, void-free Cu deposit of sufficient thickness to prevent device degradation due to skin effects when RF frequencies as high as 100 V at 100 MHz are used. Conformally Cu-lined TSVs are achieved through the implementation of a complex ECD parameter scheme, and these results are compared with computational finite element modeling (FEM) outcomes. A novel, single additive chemistry is also developed and implemented to achieve fully filled void-free mesoscale TSVs within 6 hours of plating time, which represents an extraordinarily fast and controllable plating rate (100 μm/hour) for interconnect (IC) feature filling

    Personality-based recommendation: human curiosity applied to recommendation systems using implicit information from social networks

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    Tesis por compendioEn el día a día, las personas suelen confiar en recomendaciones, tradicionalmente aportadas por otras personas (familia, amigos, etc.) para sus decisiones más variadas. En el mundo digital esto no es diferente, dado que los sistemas de recomendación están presentes en todas partes y de modo transparente. El principal objetivo de estos sistemas es el de ayudar en el proceso de toma de decisiones, generando recomendaciones de su interés y basadas en sus gustos. Dichas recomendaciones van desde productos en sitios web de comercio electrónico, como libros o lugares a visitar, además de qué comer o cuánto tiempo uno debe caminar al día para tener una vida sana, con quién salir o a quién seguir en las redes sociales. Esta es un área en ascensión. Por un lado, tenemos cada vez más usuarios en internet cuya vida está digitalizada, dado que lo que se hace en el "mundo real" está representado en cierto modo en el "mundo digital". Por otro lado, sufrimos una sobrecarga de información, que puede mitigarse mediante el uso de un sistema de recomendación. Sin embargo, estos sistemas también enfrentan algunos problemas, como el problema del arranque en frío y su necesidad de ser cada vez más "humanos", "personalizados" y "precisos" para satisfacer las exigencias de usuarios y empresas. En este desafiante escenario, los sistemas de recomendación basados en la personalidad se están estudiando cada vez más, ya que son capaces de enfrentar esos problemas. Algunos proyectos recientes proponen el uso de la personalidad humana en los recomendadores, ya sea en su conjunto o individualmente por rasgos. Esta tesis está dedicada a este nuevo área de recomendación basada en la personalidad, centrándose en uno de sus rasgos más importantes, la curiosidad. Además, para explotar la información ya existente en internet, obtendremos de forma implícita información de las redes sociales. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tiene como objetivo proporcionar una mejor experiencia al usuario final a través de un nuevo enfoque que ofrece una alternativa a algunos de los retos identificados en los sistemas de recomendación basados en la personalidad. Entre estas mejoras, el uso de las redes sociales para alimentar los sistemas de recomendación reduce el problema del arranque en frío y, al mismo tiempo, proporciona datos valiosos para la predicción de la personalidad humana. Por otro lado, la curiosidad no ha sido utilizada por ninguno de los sistemas de recomendación estudiados; casi todos han usado la personalidad general de un individuo a través de los Cinco Grandes rasgos de la personalidad. Sin embargo, los estudios psicológicos confirman que la curiosidad es un rasgo relevante en el proceso de elegir un item, cuestión directamente relacionada con los sistemas de recomendación. En resumen, creemos que un sistema de recomendación que mida implícitamente la curiosidad y la utilice en el proceso de recomendar nuevos ítems, especialmente en el sector turístico, podría claramente mejorar la capacidad de estos sistemas en términos de precisión, serendipidad y novedad, permitiendo a los usuarios obtener niveles positivos de satisfacción con las recomendaciones. Esta tesis realiza un estudio exhaustivo del estado del arte, donde destacamos trabajos sobre sistemas de recomendación, la personalidad humana desde el punto de vista de la psicología tradicional y positiva y finalmente cómo se combinan ambos aspectos. Luego, desarrollamos una aplicación en línea capaz de extraer implícitamente información del perfil de usuario en una red social, generando predicciones de uno o más rasgos de su personalidad. Finalmente, desarrollamos el sistema CURUMIM, capaz de generar recomendaciones en línea con diferentes propiedades, combinando la curiosidad y algunas características sociodemográficas (como el nivel de educación) extraídas de Facebook. El sistema ha sido probado y evaluado en el contexto turístico por usuarios rEn el dia a dia, les persones solen confiar en recomanacions, tradicionalment aportades per altres persones (família, amics, etc.) per a les seues decisions més variades. En el món digital això no és diferent, atès que els sistemes de recomanació estan presents a tot arreu i de manera transparent. El principal objectiu d'aquests sistemes és el d'ajudar en el procés de presa de decisions, generant recomanacions del seu interès i basades en els seus gustos. Aquestes recomanacions van des de productes en pàgines web de comerç electrònic, com a llibres o llocs a visitar, a més de què menjar o quant temps una persona ha de caminar al dia per a tindre una vida sana, amb qui eixir o a qui seguir en les xarxes socials. Aquesta és una àrea en ascensió. D'una banda, tenim cada vegada més usuaris en internet la vida de les quals està digitalitzada, atès que el que es fa en el "món real" està representat en certa manera en el "món digital". D'altra banda, patim una sobrecàrrega d'informació, que pot mitigar-se mitjançant l'ús d'un sistema de recomanació. No obstant això, aquests sistemes també enfronten alguns problemes, com el problema de l'arrencada en fred i la seua necessitat de ser cada vegada més "humans", "personalitzats" i "precisos" per a satisfer les exigències d'usuaris i empreses. En aquest desafiador escenari, els sistemes de recomanació basats en la personalitat s'estan estudiant cada vegada més, ja que són capaços d'enfrontar eixos problemes. Alguns projectes recents proposen l'ús de la personalitat humana en els recomendadors, ja siga en el seu conjunt o individualment per trets. Aquesta tesi està dedicada a aquest nou àrea de recomanació basada en la personalitat, centrant-se en un dels seus trets més importants, la curiositat. A més, per a explotar la informació ja existent en internet, obtindrem de forma implícita informació de les xarxes socials. Per tant, aquest treball té com a objectiu proporcionar una millor experiència a l'usuari final a través d'un nou enfocament que ofereix una alternativa a alguns dels reptes identificats en els sistemes de recomanació basats en la personalitat. Entre aquestes millores, l'ús de les xarxes socials per a alimentar els sistemes de recomanació redueix el problema de l'arrencada en fred i, al mateix temps, proporciona dades valuoses per a la predicció de la personalitat humana. D'altra banda, la curiositat no ha sigut utilitzada per cap dels sistemes de recomanació estudiats; quasi tots han usat la personalitat general d'un individu a través dels Cinc Grans trets de la personalitat. No obstant això, els estudis psicològics confirmen que la curiositat és un tret rellevant en el procés de triar un item, qüestió directament relacionada amb els sistemes de recomanació. En resum, creiem que un sistema de recomanació que mesure implícitament la curiositat i la utilitze en el procés de recomanar nous ítems, especialment en el sector turístic, podria clarament millorar la capacitat d'aquests sistemes en termes de precisió, sorpresa i novetat, permetent als usuaris obtindre nivells positius de satisfacció amb les recomanacions. Aquesta tesi realitza un estudi exhaustiu de l'estat de l'art, on destaquem treballs sobre sistemes de recomanació, la personalitat humana des del punt de vista de la psicologia tradicional i positiva i finalment com es combinen tots dos aspectes. Després, desenvolupem una aplicació en línia capaç d'extraure implícitament informació del perfil d'usuari en una xarxa social, generant prediccions d'un o més trets de la seua personalitat. Finalment, desenvolupem el sistema CURUMIM, capaç de generar recomanacions en línia amb diferents propietats, combinant la curiositat i algunes característiques sociodemogràfiques (com el nivell d'educació) extretes de Facebook. El sistema ha sigut provat i avaluat en el context turístic per usuaris reals. Els resultats demostren la seua capacitat perIn daily life, people usually rely on recommendations, traditionally given by other people (family, friends, etc.) for their most varied decisions. In the digital world, this is not different, given that recommender systems are present everywhere in such a way that we no longer realize. The main goal of these systems is to assist users in the decision-making process, generating recommendations that are of their interest and based on their tastes. These recommendations range from products in e-commerce websites, like books to read or places to visit to what to eat or how long one should walk a day to have a healthy life, who to date or who one should follow on social networks. And this is an increasing area. On the one hand, we have more and more users on the internet whose life is somewhat digitized, given than what one does in the "real world" is represented in a certain way in the "digital world". On the other hand, we suffer from information overload, which can be mitigated by the use of recommendation systems. However, these systems also face some problems, such as the cold start problem and their need to be more and more "human", "personalised" and "precise" in order to meet the yearning of users and companies. In this challenging scenario, personality-based recommender systems are being increasingly studied, since they are able to face these problems. Some recent projects have proposed the use of the human personality in recommenders, whether as a whole or individually by facet in order to meet those demands. Therefore, this thesis is devoted to this new area of personality-based recommendation, focusing on one of its most important traits, the curiosity. Additionally, in order to exploit the information already present on the internet, we will implicitly obtain information from social networks. Thus, this work aims to build a better experience for the end user through a new approach that offers an option for some of the gaps identified in personality-based recommendation systems. Among these gap improvements, the use of social networks to feed the recommender systems soften the cold start problem and, at the same time, it provides valuable data for the prediction of the human personality. Another found gap is that the curiosity was not used by any of the studied recommender systems; almost all of them have used the overall personality of an individual through the Big Five personality traits. However, psychological studies confirm that the curiosity is a relevant trait in the process of choosing an item, which is directly related to recommendation systems. In summary, we believe that a recommendation system that implicitly measures the curiosity and uses it in the process of recommending new items, especially in the tourism sector, could clearly improve the capacity of these systems in terms of accuracy, serendipity and novelty, allowing users to obtain positive levels of satisfaction with the recommendations. This thesis begins with an exhaustive study of the state of the art, where we highlight works about recommender systems, the human personality from the point of view of traditional and positive psychology and how these aspects are combined. Then, we develop an online application capable of implicitly extracting information from the user profile in a social network, thus generating predictions of one or more personality traits. Finally, we develop the CURUMIM system, able to generate online recommendations with different properties, combining the curiosity and some sociodemographic characteristics (such as level of education) extracted from Facebook. The system is tested and assessed within the tourism context by real users. The results demonstrate its ability to generate novel and serendipitous recommendations, while maintaining a good level of accuracy, independently of the degree of curiosity of the users.Menk Dos Santos, A. (2018). Personality-based recommendation: human curiosity applied to recommendation systems using implicit information from social networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/114798TESISCompendi

    Towards an improved rapid assessment tool for rockfall protection forests using field-mapped deposited rocks

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    In steep, mountainous terrain, protection forests play a key role in rockfall risk prevention, because trees reduce the energy of falling blocks or even stop them. The simple but robust tool RockForNET (RFN) models the protective effect of forests in order to assess the residual rockfall hazard. It uses the energy line principle with a fixed energy line angle (ELA) to derive the rockfall energy that has to be dissipated by the forest. The objective of this study was firstly to empirically reconstruct the ELA and initial fall heights of field-mapped rockfall deposits on 16 forested slopes in Switzerland. The second objective was to assess to what extent RFN can be improved by estimating trajectory-specific ELAs as well as better representative initial fall height values for rock faces. The analysis showed that the prediction of the protective capacity of a forest could substantially be improved by using transect-specific ELAs and more specific initial fall height values, especially for block volumes between 0.2 and 1 m3. Furthermore, we found a strong relationship between the retro-calculated ELAs and the normalized area below the rockfall trajectories, indicating that the normalized area is a promising method for deriving trajectory specific ELAs

    Gas gain and signal length measurements with a triple-GEM at different pressures of Ar-, Kr- and Xe-based gas mixtures

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    We investigate the gas gain behaviour of a triple-GEM configuration in gas mixtures of argon, krypton and xenon with ten and thirty percent of carbon dioxide at pressures between 1 and 3 bar. Since the signal widths affect the dead time behaviour of the detector we present signal length measurements to evaluate the use of the triple-GEM in time-resolved X-ray imaging.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Zur Implementation der Bildungsstandards im Fach Mathematik für den Primarbereich in das unterrichtliche Handeln von Lehrpersonen: Eine multimethodische Untersuchung im Rahmen des Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogramms SINUS an Grundschulen

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, mit Hilfe von im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung von SINUS an Grundschulen erhobenen Daten zu prüfen, inwieweit sich eine Umsetzung der Bildungsstandards im Unterricht von am Programm teilnehmenden Lehrpersonen zeigt und ob sich Unterschiede in den Leistungen der SINUS-Schülerinnen und -Schüler im Vergleich zu Schülerinnen und Schülern der Regelstichprobe des Ländervergleichstests 2011 nachweisen lassen. Ziel der ersten Studie im Rahmen dieser Arbeit war es, Effekte des Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogramms SINUS an Grundschulen auf die Implementation der prozessbezogenen Kompetenzen in das unterrichtliche Handeln der Lehrpersonen zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Kategoriensystem entwickelt, dass es erlaubte, im Rahmen einer Videostudie das unterrichtliche Handeln teilnehmender Lehrpersonen im Hinblick auf die Förderung prozessbezogener Kompetenzen im Sinne der Bildungsstandards zu analysieren. Die Befunde lieferten Hinweise auf Effekte des Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogramm SINUS an Grundschulen auf die Implementation der Bildungsstandards in das unterrichtliche Handeln der Lehrpersonen. Anschließend wurde eine weitere Studie zur Implementation der Bildungsstandards in SINUS an Grundschulen durchgeführt, die diesmal den Output in Form der Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler in den Fokus nahm. Untersucht wurde, ob sich Unterschiede in den mathematischen Kompetenzen der SINUS-Schülerinnen und -Schüler im Vergleich mit der Regelstichprobe des Ländervergleichs 2011 zeigen und somit Hinweise auf eine erfolgreiche Implementation der Bildungsstandards durch SINUS an Grundschulen liefern können. Auch in dieser Studie zeigt sich ein signifikanter Kompetenzvorsprung der SINUS-Schülerinnen und -Schüler. Insgesamt lieferten die Befunde Hinweise auf die Bedeutung von Unterrichtsentwicklungsprogrammen im Hinblick auf die Implementation der Bildungsstandards (bzw. der grundsätzlichen Implementation von Neuerungen im Bildungssysystem)