1,035 research outputs found

    Les limites du cadre institutionnel européen

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    Cet article propose une revue de la littĂ©rature des limites du cadre institutionnel actuel de l’Union europĂ©enne. Tout d’abord, il apparaĂźt que les statuts de la Banque centrale europĂ©enne, et en particulier son objectif quasi exclusif de maintien de la stabilitĂ© des prix, ne facilitent pas les possibilitĂ©s d’harmonisation des politiques budgĂ©taires entre les pays membres. Ensuite, la coordination budgĂ©taire institutionnelle semble encore insuffisamment dĂ©veloppĂ©e en Europe. De plus, les contraintes imposĂ©es par le Pacte de stabilitĂ© et de croissance sont trop statiques : elles sous-valorisent le critĂšre de dette publique et imposent des normes uniformes Ă  des pays dont les situations et les dĂ©penses publiques sont trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Enfin, il serait prĂ©fĂ©rable que ces contraintes portent seulement sur la part structurelle des dĂ©ficits publics et comportent davantage de symĂ©trie dans les diffĂ©rentes phases du cycle Ă©conomique. Or, la rĂ©forme du Pacte intervenue en mars 2005 n’apporte que des rĂ©ponses imparfaites Ă  certaines de ces limites.This paper propounds a revue of literature about the limits of the current European institutional framework. First, it appears that the status of the European Central Bank, and particularly its quasi exclusive aim to maintain the stability of prices, don’t ease the possibilities of harmonization of the budgetary policies between the member countries. Then, the institutional coordination of the budgetary policies seems nowadays insufficiently developed in Europe. Moreover, the constraints imposed by the Stability and Growth Pact are too much static: they undervalue the importance of the level of the public debt, and they impose the same norm of public deficits to countries which situations and budgetary expenditures are very heterogeneous. Finally, the budgetary constraints should better be related only to the structural part of the public deficits, and they should be made more symmetric in the different phases of the economic cycle. But the reform of the Pact which took place in March 2005 does only bring imperfect answers to some of these limits

    Les limites du cadre institutionnel européen*

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    This paper propounds a revue of literature about the limits of the current European institutional framework. First, it appears that the status of the European Central Bank, and particularly its quasi exclusive aim to maintain the stability of prices, don’t ease the possibilities of harmonization of the budgetary policies between the member countries. Then, the institutional coordination of the budgetary policies seems nowadays insufficiently developed in Europe. Moreover, the constraints imposed by the Stability and Growth Pact are too much static: they undervalue the importance of the level of the public debt, and they impose the same norm of public deficits to countries which situations and budgetary expenditures are very heterogeneous. Finally, the budgetary constraints should better be related only to the structural part of the public deficits, and they should be made more symmetric in the different phases of the economic cycle. But the reform of the Pact which took place in March 2005 does only bring imperfect answers to some of these limits. Cet article propose une revue de la littĂ©rature des limites du cadre institutionnel actuel de l’Union europĂ©enne. Tout d’abord, il apparaĂźt que les statuts de la Banque centrale europĂ©enne, et en particulier son objectif quasi exclusif de maintien de la stabilitĂ© des prix, ne facilitent pas les possibilitĂ©s d’harmonisation des politiques budgĂ©taires entre les pays membres. Ensuite, la coordination budgĂ©taire institutionnelle semble encore insuffisamment dĂ©veloppĂ©e en Europe. De plus, les contraintes imposĂ©es par le Pacte de stabilitĂ© et de croissance sont trop statiques : elles sous-valorisent le critĂšre de dette publique et imposent des normes uniformes Ă  des pays dont les situations et les dĂ©penses publiques sont trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Enfin, il serait prĂ©fĂ©rable que ces contraintes portent seulement sur la part structurelle des dĂ©ficits publics et comportent davantage de symĂ©trie dans les diffĂ©rentes phases du cycle Ă©conomique. Or, la rĂ©forme du Pacte intervenue en mars 2005 n’apporte que des rĂ©ponses imparfaites Ă  certaines de ces limites.

    AUTHor BIoGrApHy

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    abstract: The aim of our paper is to contribute to the debate on optimal fiscal rules in a monetary union: in terms of global budgetary deficit, of structural budgetary deficit, or of public debt. Indeed, these rules seem to be mixed in the framework of the European Economic and Monetary Union, with the new Fiscal Compact. With the help of a simple macroeconomic model, we show that a goal in terms of public debt is the most appropriate in order to decrease the indebtedness levels, but that it could increase the recessionary risks for the most indebted European countries. Goals in terms of global budgetary deficit or public debt are the most appropriate to limit the budgetary activism and to stabilize fiscal variables in case of demand or supply shocks. However, a goal in terms of structural budgetary deficit is the most appropriate in order to stabilize economic activity levels in case of asymmetric demand or supply shocks

    Pour de nouvelles rencontres en Pays de Caux

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    Si la planification parvient Ă  rendre lisibles des intentions politiques et Ă  nous prĂ©server de certains excĂšs, elle peine toutefois Ă  nous prĂ©munir des fractures issues du zonage et des dĂ©coupages fonciers. Les limites administratives ne font pas souvent sens et se rĂ©vĂšlent inaptes Ă  favoriser des usages fructueux de l’espace ou Ă  garantir une qualitĂ© de paysage. En 2014, un atelier initiĂ© par l’Agence d’urbanisme de la rĂ©gion du Havre et de l’Estuaire de la Seine (AURH) s’est mobilisĂ© autour de cette problĂ©matique et a permis de mettre au point, grĂące au prĂ©cieux concours de trois Ă©lĂšves de 4e annĂ©e de l’École nationale supĂ©rieure du paysage (ENSP), une centaine de propositions de lisiĂšres inĂ©dites sur cinq entitĂ©s paysagĂšres du schĂ©ma de cohĂ©rence territoriale Le Havre Pointe de Caux Estuaire (Scot LHPCE). L’article revient sur les attentes d’attractivitĂ© du territoire, la dĂ©marche de coconstruction des propositions et se focalise sur les questions soulevĂ©es par la frange nord-ouest du Havre, secteur pĂ©riurbain clĂ© dont la dĂ©marche vient rĂ©interroger le devenir. La qualification de lisiĂšres peut-elle vĂ©ritablement dĂ©finir de nouveaux espaces et accompagner des changements de pratiques ?Although planning makes it possible to express political intentions and provide safeguards against certain excesses, it does sometimes fail to protect us from divisions caused by land zoning. Administrative limits often make no sense and are inappropriate for ensuring profitable use of land space or guaranteeing the quality of the landscape. In 2014, a workshop organised by the urban planning agency of the region of Le Havre and the Seine estuary area focused on this question and made it possible to develop, with the valuable contributions of three fourth year students from the Ecole national supĂ©rieur du paysage (ENSP), approximately one hundred original proposals for fringe areas belonging to five landscape entities included in the master urban plan for the Le Havre Pointe de Caux estuary area. The article refers to expectations in terms of the attractiveness of the area, describes the co-design approach for generating the proposals and focuses on the questions raised by the north-western fringe of the Le Havre, a key suburban area the development of which presents new prospects for the future. Can redesigning these fringe areas contribute to defining new spaces and developing new practises 

    Sharp H\"older continuity of tangent cones for spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound and applications

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    We prove a new kind of estimate that holds on any manifold with lower Ricci bounds. It relates the geometry of two small balls with the same radius, potentially far apart, but centered in the interior of a common minimizing geodesic. It reveals new, previously unknown, properties that all generalized spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound must have and it has a number of applications. This new kind of estimate asserts that the geometry of small balls along any minimizing geodesic changes in a H\"older continuous way with a constant depending on the lower bound for the Ricci curvature, the dimension of the manifold, and the distance to the end points of the geodesic. We give examples that show that the H\"older exponent, along with essentially all the other consequences that we show follow from this estimate, are sharp. The unified theme for all of these applications is convexity. Among the applications is that the regular set is convex for any non-collapsed limit of Einstein metrics. In the general case of potentially collapsed limits of manifolds with just a lower Ricci curvature bound we show that the regular set is weakly convex and a.e.a.e. convex, that is almost every pair of points can be connected by a minimizing geodesic whose interior is contained in the regular set. We also show two conjectures of Cheeger-Colding. One of these asserts that the isometry group of any, even collapsed, limit of manifolds with a uniform lower Ricci curvature bound is a Lie group; the key point for this is to rule out small subgroups. The other asserts that the dimension of any limit space is the same everywhere. Finally, we show that a Reifenberg type property holds for collapsed limits and discuss why this indicate further regularity of manifolds and spaces with Ricci curvature bounds.Comment: 48 page

    Utilisation d'analyse de concepts formels pour la gestion de variabilité d'un logiciel configuré dynamiquement

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    RĂ©sumĂ© L'industrie avionique, extrĂȘmement critique, se trouve Ă©galement extrĂȘmement contrainte; par les normes de sĂ©curitĂ© et de certification d'une part, mais aussi par les besoins de personnalisation de ses clients d'autre part. Dans ce contexte, la gestion de variabilitĂ© des systĂšmes est un problĂšme de fond des projets de rĂ©-ingĂ©nierie de systĂšmes avioniques. Nous prĂ©sentons dans ce mĂ©moire des travaux visant Ă  aider la gestion de variabilitĂ© en s'appuyant sur l'analyse de concepts formels et sur le web sĂ©mantique. Le premier objectif de recherche consiste Ă  identifier des comportements typiques et des interactions pour les variables de configuration d'un logiciel configurĂ© dynamiquement. Pour identifier de tels Ă©lĂ©ments, nous nous sommes servi de l'analyse de concepts formels Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux de prĂ©cision dans le systĂšme ainsi que de la dĂ©finition de nouvelles mĂ©triques sur le systĂšme. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ce premier objectif nous avons dĂ©fini une typologie des variables de configuration et de leurs interactions. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© les partages de contrĂŽles entre variables de configuration au niveau du code. Un autre objectif de recherche Ă©tait de construire une base de connaissance permettant de recenser les rĂ©sultats des diffĂ©rentes analyses effectuĂ©es, mais aussi d'ajouter tout nouvel Ă©lĂ©ment pouvant aider Ă  la gestion de variabilitĂ©, notamment Ă  la dĂ©finition des processus de rĂ©-ingĂ©nierie pour chacune des catĂ©gories de la typologie. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cet objectif, nous avons construit une solution fondĂ©e sur le web sĂ©mantique, en dĂ©finissant une nouvelle ontologie de description, extensible, et permettant la construction d'infĂ©rence pour les traitements Ă©voquĂ©s plus haut. Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s ici reprĂ©sentent, Ă  notre connaissance la premiĂšre typologie de variables de configuration pour un logiciel configurĂ© dynamiquement, mais aussi l'application au domaine de l'aĂ©ronautique des techniques de documentation et de gestion de variabilitĂ©s basĂ©es sur le web sĂ©mantique. Les travaux effectuĂ©s et les rĂ©sultats montrent que l'analyse de concepts formels permet effectivement de comprendre certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s et interactions des variables et que le web sĂ©mantique fournit les outils adĂ©quats pour conserver et exploiter les rĂ©sultats. Toutefois, l'utilisation de l'analyse de concepts formels Ă  partir d'autres relations boolĂ©ennes, telles que l'appartenance d'une variable de configuration Ă  un produit, et la construction de nouvelles infĂ©rences plus prĂ©cises permettraient de tirer de nouvelles conclusions. L'application de la mĂ©thode Ă  d'autres systĂšmes permettrait Ă©galement de valider la pertinence de la classification dans d'autres contextes.---------Abstract Because of its critical nature, avionic industry is bound with numerous constraints such as security standards and certifications while having to fulfill the clients’ desires for personalization. In this context, variability management is a very important issue for re-engineering projects of avionic software. In this thesis, we propose a new approach, based on formal concept analysis and semantic web, to support variability management. The first goal of this research is to identify characteristic behaviors and interactions of configuration variables in a dynamically configured system. To identify such elements, we used formal concept analysis on different levels of abstractions in the system and defined new metrics. Then, we built a classification for the configuration variables and their relations in order to enable a quick identification of a variable's behavior in the system. This classification could help finding a systematic approach to process variables during a re-engineering operation, depending on their category. To have a better understanding of the system, we also studied the shared controls of code between configuration variables. A second objective of this research is to build a knowledge platform to gather the results of all the analysis performed, and to store any additional element relevant in the variability management context, for instance new results helping define re-engineering process for each of the categories. To address this goal, we built a solution based on a semantic web, defining a new ontology, very extensive and enabling to build inferences related to the evolution processes. The approach presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, the first classification of configuration variables of a dynamically configured software and an original use of documentation and variability management techniques using semantic web in the aeronautic field. The analysis performed and the final results show that formal concept analysis is a way to identify specific properties and behaviors and that semantic web is a good solution to store and explore the results. However, the use of formal concept analysis with new boolean relations, such as the link between configuration variables and files, and the definition of new inferences may be a way to draw better conclusions. The use of the same methodology with other systems would enable to validate the approach in other contexts

    Jean Frémon, Jannis Kounellis : homme ancien, artiste moderne

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    L’ouvrage, dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la mĂ©moire de Jannis Kounellis disparu en 2017, rassemble des textes de Jean FrĂ©mon Ă©crits pour des catalogues d’exposition, une revue, une monographie, revus pour cette Ă©dition, ainsi que sept dessins. L’artiste, lui, tĂ©moigne Ă  travers les traces qu’il a laissĂ©es et qui parlent pour lui. Jean FrĂ©mon s’en empare et s’essaie Ă  les relier au caractĂšre de l’homme, dont il tente de saisir les traits pour commenter l’Ɠuvre. On y retrouve l’esprit du poĂšte de peu de mots, de peu..

    Chains of Cobalt Doped Magnetosomes Extracted from AMB-1 Magnetotactic Bacteria for Application in AMF hyperthermia

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    International audienceWe report themagnetic properties and heating efficiency of cobalt doped chains of magnetosomes extracted frommagnetotactic bacteria for applications in alternativemagnetic field cancer therapy. The changes of the magnetic properties of the chains of magnetosomes observed in the presence of cobalt are characterized by an enhancement of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy from Keff ∌ 12 KJ/m3 in the absence of cobalt up to Keff ∌ 104 KJ/m3 in the presence of cobalt. We show that these changes are only observed for the magnetosomes organized in chains. Furthermore, the SAR of the extracted chains of magnetosomes mixed in solution and exposed to an oscillating magnetic field of field amplitude 80 mT and frequency 183 kHz is shown to increase from∌400W/gFe for the undoped chains ofmagnetosomes up to ∌500 W/gFe for the cobalt doped chains of magnetosomes

    Effect of aging on calcium signaling in C57Bl6J mouse cerebral arteries

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    In cerebral arteries, alterations of vascular reactivity have been observed but not well molecularly characterized. Therefore, we have hypothesized that cerebrovascular reactivity could be modified by aging via a modification of CaÂČâș signaling in smooth muscle cells. CaÂČâș signals and gene expression implicated in contraction have been measured in posterior and middle cerebral arteries from young (2–3 months) and old (20–22 months) C57Bl6/J mice. Aging induced a decrease of KCl- and caffeine-induced contraction as well as a decrease of the amplitudes and an increase of the durations of KCl- and caffeine-induced CaÂČâș signals. These results could be linked with the decrease of gene expression coding for Cav1.2, RyR2, SERCA2, PLB, STIM1, TRIC-B, and the increase of FKBP12.6 and TPCN1 gene expression. Finally, aging induced a modification of InsP3 subtype expression pattern responsible for a modification of the InsP3 affinity to activate CaÂČâș signals. These results show that aging induces a decrease of contractility correlated with modifications of the expression of genes encoding CaÂČâș signaling toolkit. Globally, the amplitude of CaÂČâș signals was decreased, whereas their duration was increased by a defection of CaÂČâș store refilling
