13 research outputs found

    Principal component analysis applied to remote sensing

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    [EN] The main objective of this article was to show an application of principal component analysis (PCA) which is used in two science degrees. Particularly, PCA analysis was used to obtain information of the land cover from satellite images. Three Landsat images were selected from two areas which were located in the municipalities of Gandia and Vallat, both in the Valencia province (Spain). In the first study area, just one Landsat image of the 2005 year was used. In the second study area, two Landsat images were used taken in the 1994 and 2000 years to analyse the most significant changes in the land cover. According to the results, the second principal component of the Gandia area image allowed detecting the presence of vegetation. The same component in the Vallat area allowed detecting a forestry area affected by a forest fire. Consequently in this study we confirmed the feasibility of using PCA in remote sensing to extract land use information.[ES] El objetivo principal de este artículo es mostrar una aplicación del análisis de componentes principales (PCA) que se utiliza en dos grados de la ciencia. En particular, se utilizó el análisis de PCA para obtener información de la cobertura del suelo a partir de imágenes de satélite. Tres imágenes Landsat fueron seleccionadas a partir de dos áreas que se encuentran en los municipios de Gandia y Vallat, ambos en la provincia de Valencia (España). En la primera área de estudio, se utilizó una sola imagen Landsat del año 2005. En la segunda área de estudio, se utilizaron dos imágenes Landsat tomadas en los años 1994 y 2000 para analizar los cambios más significativos en la cobertura de la tierra. Según los resultados, el segundo componente principal de la imagen de área Gandia permitió la detección de la presencia de vegetación. El mismo componente en el área de Vallat permitió detectar un área forestal afectada por un incendio forestal. En consecuencia, en este estudio se confirmó la viabilidad del uso de PCA en teledetección para extraer la información territorial.Estornell, J.; Martí-Gavliá, JM.; Sebastiá, MT.; Mengual, J. (2013). Principal component analysis applied to remote sensing. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 6(2):83-89. doi:10.4995/msel.2013.1905SWORD838962Xiuping Jia, & Richards, J. A. (1999). Segmented principal components transformation for efficient hyperspectral remote-sensing image display and classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37(1), 538-542. doi:10.1109/36.739109J. R. Eastman, M. Filk. Long sequence time series evaluation using standardized principal components. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 59(6) 991-996. (1993)

    Sustainable Community Gardens Require Social Engagement and Training: A Users\u2019 Needs Analysis in Europe

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    Urban gardens are spreading in many cities across Europe, with community gardening being a fundamental form of urban agriculture. While the literature reveals the essential role that community gardens can play in terms of learning and education, no studies have investigated the training needs for participants in community gardens to ensure their successful development. The goal of this article is to evaluate the training requirements of urban community gardens to ensure their successful implementation and their contribution to sustainability in European cities. Two questionnaires of users\u2019 needs analysis were designed and implemented in Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, and Cartagena. The results unveiled the need to re-enforce the training in the formation and community building phases of community gardens towards ensuring the creation of an engaged gardening community to maintain activity, particularly for top-down activities (e.g., research-related gardens). Users claimed their need for being trained on crop management skills (e.g., maintenance, bed preparation, organic practices) and on communication skills to further disseminate their activity, thereby increasing the potential for citizen engagement. Such requirements could be overcome with the creation of urban gardens networks, where experiences and knowledge are shared among practitioners. Policy recommendations are provided based on the outputs of this study

    Principal component analysis applied to remote sensing

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    The main objective of this article was to show an application of principal component analysis (PCA) which is used in two science degrees. Particularly, PCA analysis was used to obtain information of the land cover from satellite images. Three Landsat images were selected from two areas which were located in the municipalities of Gandia and Vallat, both in the Valencia province (Spain). In the first study area, just one Landsat image of the 2005 year was used. In the second study area, two Landsat images were used taken in the 1994 and 2000 years to analyse the most significant changes in the land cover. According to the results, the second principal component of the Gandia area image allowed detecting the presence of vegetation. The same component in the Vallat area allowed detecting a forestry area affected by a forest fire. Consequently in this study we confirmed the feasibility of using PCA in remote sensing to extract land use information.</p


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    — Traditional methods applied to the development of new products are becoming obsolete, being necessary advanced methods based on a new approach that allows work cooperatively. This is called Concurrent Engineering and this paper intends to carry out a review of the integration of this discipline in the new ways of working. The main objective of the new forms of work is to systematize the design by interdisciplinary teams simultaneously working the products, the processes, getting the right, design, with a corresponding reduction in costs and time. The introduction of CAPP systems (Computer Aided Process Planning) facilitates process design tools. Therefore, some previous work incorporating such systems are included


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    The use of advanced techniques in work, such as concurrent engineering, on the development of projects implies that all areas involved participate from the start of the primary phases. Getting a correct product is the main target, with an estimated term and controlled and reduced costs. Working with a complex product within a context in design and manufacturing in a company in a highly competitive market, involves the problem domain as a key issue. In this paper, the development of concurrent engineering is discussed in various industrial sectors, complex sectors with high competence, that require tools and a vision aimed towards the optimization of design and development of the products that are carried out in these industrial sectors

    El programa de salud infantil,¿qué, quién, cuántas veces?

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    The well child program (WCP) is the frame for the preventive activities to be carried out in children. There is controversy onsome aspects of the WCP, in its contents as well as in its implementation. There are only a few preventive activities (some ofthem of intervention, other of screening and other of brief counseling) that have good or sufficient evidence to be performedin the general population, and other are effective only if implemented in population at risk.According to population’s features, professionals’ work overload, skills and preferences, the pediatric team should decide thevisits to be implemented by the nurse or by the pediatrician, or both.Concerning to the number of visits, the group PrevInfad proposes a total of 10 visits in children 0 to 14 years old, one antenatalvisit and one in adolescents 16 to 18 years old. The objective is to get the best efficiency by reducing the number of visits to theleast necessary to assure that the most effective activities are implemented, and coinciding with the immunization schedule. TheWCP contents and organization should be a flexible process that adapts to research updates and to social changes and needs.El programa de salud infantil (PSI) es el marco que encuadra las actividades preventivas a realizar en los niños. Existecontroversia sobre algunos aspectos del PSI, tanto en su contenido como en su implementación. De todas lasactividades preventivas (algunas de tipo intervención, otras de cribado y otras de consejo breve en la consulta), solohay unas cuantas en las que podemos decir que hay buena o suficiente evidencia sobre su aplicación a la poblacióngeneral y otras sí que son efectivas pero aplicadas solo a población de riesgo.De acuerdo con las características de población, sobrecarga asistencial, competencias y preferencias de losprofesionales, es cada equipo pediátrico el que debe distribuir qué visitas debe realizar cada uno y si conviene o noque alguna de ellas sea conjunta.Respecto al número de visitas el grupo PrevInfad, propone un total de 10 visitas entre los 0 y los 14 años, más unaprenatal y otra entre los 16 y los 18 años. El objetivo es conseguir la máxima eficiencia, reduciendo las visitas a lasmínimas necesarias para asegurar la realización de las actividades que han demostrado ser eficaces y que se hagancoincidir con los momentos en los que hace falta aplicar el calendario vacunal. El contenido y la organización del PSI debe ser un proceso flexible que le permita en cada momento adaptarse a los nuevos resultados en investigación ya los cambios y necesidades sociales