1,809 research outputs found

    Travel Intentions among Foreign Tourists for Medical Treatment in Malaysia: An Empirical Study

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    AbstractThis study essentially attempts to discover the underlying factors that might affect the foreign tourists’ intention to obtain medical treatment in Malaysia. The applicability of Theory of Planned Behaviour model provides the possibility to investigate the foreign tourists’ intention and to measure tourists’ general antecedent attitudes and feelings towards travelling abroad to seek medical treatment. The quantitative research approach has been used to conduct this study. A survey was carried out at four locations nationwide (Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region and Eastern Region). The first generation technique was used to test and estimate the complex relationship among the variables. The proposed research model is expected to contribute to an understanding for scholars, marketers, policy makers, and practitioners on how these medical tourists formulate their intention to travel to Malaysia as a medical travel destination in order to increase the inbound market in medical tourism. This adds another contribution to the literature in the medical tourism field, reshaping the definition of medical tourism and having a more inclusive view in medical treatment highlighting the conceptual value of this study. Based on the analysis result, it can be confirmed that only attitude and subjective norm significantly influence the intention to visit for medical treatment in Malaysia, but is not significant for perceived control behaviour. The study concluded with several recommendations and insights that are useful to relevant parties such as Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Ministry of Health, Policy Maker, Public and Private Hospital Management teams as well as Travel Agencies or Companies

    Shear Resistance of Cold-Formed Steel Framing Wall with X-Strap Bracing

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    This research is concentrated on the study of structural strength and behavior of cold-formed steel frame with strap bracing subjected to horizontal loads. The wall specimens with and without calcium silicate board sheathing were tested to compare the differences of shear resistance. Based on the test data, the ultimate strength, stiffness, ductility ratio, and failure behavior were studied for each specimen, and the wall’s movements were also discussed in this paper. The cold-formed steel framing wall without bracing from previous study was introduced for the comparison purpose. As expected, the ultimate strength was increased for the cold-formed steel wall sheathed with calcium silicate board after installing strap bracing. However, the initial stiffness and ductility ratio of cladded wall specimens with bracing did not show much difference as compared to cladded wall specimens without bracing. It was found that the ultimate strength of cold-formed steel wall frame installed with both sheathing and strap bracing is not the sum of ultimate strengths of cold-formed steel wall frame with sheathing and cold-formed steel wall frame with strap bracing only. A better performance of energy absorption beyond the portion of ultimate strength was found for the wall specimen with both sheathing and bracing. It was also observed that the failure type and location are different for the cladded wall specimens with and without bracing

    Dengue Maculopathy in a Traveler

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    Topological Edge Plasmon Modes between Diatomic Chains of Nanoparticles

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    We study the topological edge plasmon modes between two "diatomic" chains of identical plasmonic nanoparticles. Zak phase for longitudinal plasmon modes in each chain is calculated analytically by solutions of macroscopic Maxwell's equations for particles in quasi-static dipole approximation. This approximation provides a direct analogy with the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model such that the eigenvalue is mapped to the frequency dependent inverse-polarizability of the nanoparticles. The edge state frequency is found to be the same as the single-particle resonance frequency, which is insensitive to the separation distances within a unit cell. Finally, full electrodynamic simulations with realistic parameters suggest that the edge plasmon mode can be realized through near-field optical spectroscopy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Ethical decision making in academic dishonesty with application of modified Theory of Planned Behavior: a review

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    This conceptual paper studies the application of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TBP) in academic dishonesty with the mediating variable of ethical ideologies. The study reviews literature on the Theory of Planned Behavior and past studies pertaining to academic dishonesty. The paper analyses the relationship of the variables of TPB on academic dishonesty with ethical ideologies. A conceptual research framework is presented; it provides insight into predicting and understanding how academic dishonesty can occur. The framework suggests that ethical ideology is significantly strengthened by the application of TPB in understanding and predicting how academic dishonesty occurs. Given that ethical ideology provides guidance in judging right and wrong, duty, obligation and moral responsibility, it is an appropriate tool for the researcher, who needs better understanding to diagnose the influences of ethical ideology on unethical behaviour

    Influence of neutralization attitude in academic dishonesty among undergraduates

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    Previous literature had proposed that individuals tend to use neutralization to motivate their decisions to engage in deviant behaviors. This indicated that even though students have strong motivations not to cheat may do so anyway after employing neutralizing strategies. Hence, this study attempted to examine the role of neutralization in influencing students’ attitude towards academic dishonesty. Students tend to use neutralization technique in order to free themselves from feeling guilty in engaging academic dishonesty. Besides that, it also attempted to study the reasons behind college student academic cheating behaviors. This study employed 620 randomly selected students from six different academic institutions. Results supported that students who engaged in academic dishonesty differ significantly from those who did not engage in this deviant behaviour with respect to their tendency to neutralize cheating. Results showed that cheating and neutralization were positively correlated among students. Through the findings, it showed that the use of neutralization techniques explained why students acknowledged that cheating is wrong but still chose to do it anyway

    The Determinants of Intention to use E-voting System: The Case of Generation X in Malaysia

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    The internet has opened doors for electronic voting (E-voting). A review of the loopholes of the 14th General Election in Malaysia including the delay of votes from overseas voters, the declaration of a public holiday on voting day and the extraordinary heavy traffic, implies that E-voting could be a better alternative to the paper-based ballot voting. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the determinants of the intention to use the E-voting system among Generation X in Malaysia. This study focused only on Generation X because most internet users are from this age group (22 to 37-year olds) compared to other age groups. Hence, Generation X may be the focus of E-voting. A survey of 351 respondents on their intention to use E-voting system was conducted throughout 13 states and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (Wilayah Persekutuan). Additionally, an empirical model was drawn from adopted theories and data was analyzed using the Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. The findings showed that compatibility, relative advantages and perceived ease of use significantly contributed to the intention to participate in E-voting. However, perceptions of image, complexity of use, perceived usefulness, trust in the internet and in the government are not significantly related to the intention to use E-voting

    Discovery and characterization of medaka miRNA genes by next generation sequencing platform

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    Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous non-protein-coding RNA genes which exist in a wide variety of organisms, including animals, plants, virus and even unicellular organisms. Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a useful model organism among vertebrate animals. However, no medaka miRNAs have been investigated systematically. It is beneficial to conduct a genome-wide miRNA discovery study using the next generation sequencing (NGS) technology, which has emerged as a powerful sequencing tool for high-throughput analysis. Results In this study, we adopted ABI SOLiD platform to generate small RNA sequence reads from medaka tissues, followed by mapping these sequence reads back to medaka genome. The mapped genomic loci were considered as candidate miRNAs and further processed by a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. As result, we identified 599 novel medaka pre-miRNAs, many of which were found to encode more than one isomiRs. Besides, additional minor miRNAs (also called miRNA star) can be also detected with the improvement of sequencing depth. These quantifiable isomiRs and minor miRNAs enable us to further characterize medaka miRNA genes in many aspects. First of all, many medaka candidate pre-miRNAs position close to each other, forming many miRNA clusters, some of which are also conserved across other vertebrate animals. Secondly, during miRNA maturation, there is an arm selection preference of mature miRNAs within precursors. We observed the differences on arm selection preference between our candidate pre-miRNAs and their orthologous ones. We classified these differences into three categories based on the distribution of NGS reads. Finally, we also investigated the relationship between conservation status and expression level of miRNA genes. We concluded that the evolutionally conserved miRNAs were usually the most abundant ones. Conclusions Medaka is a widely used model animal and usually involved in many biomedical studies, including the ones on development biology. Identifying and characterizing medaka miRNA genes would benefit the studies using medaka as a model organism


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    本研究旨在探討非正式照顧者在照顧60歲或以上受精神病或癌症困擾的家庭成員時遇到的困難、長時間照顧工作帶來的問題和他們的非正式社會支持。同時亦針對他們的需要提出相關建議。受精神問題及癌症困擾的年長患者數字持續上升,這兩類患者的非正式照顧者(下文統稱為照顧者)多面對因患者的情緒起伏和病情轉變化而帶來的巨大壓力。為深入了解他們的現況和為制定相關政策及服務提供參考,研究團隊以半結構性訪談的方法搜集了15位精神病及癌症患者的照顧者和17位服務提供者的意見。 研究結果發現,精神病患者照顧者常遇到的困難包括:缺乏私人空間、經濟壓力大、對相關疾病資訊不了解和因社會的負面標籤不願向外界求助。同時,他們因要長時間照顧患者,人際關係、身體狀況和就業狀況均受到負面影響。對於照顧癌症家屬的照顧者,他們多不了解現有的支援服務,而且需要面對沉重的經濟壓力。由於需要長時間照顧患者,照顧者的日常生活和心理狀況皆受到影響,他們與患者的關係轉差。這兩類照顧者的非正式社會支援網絡主要為家人、朋友及教會會友。 針對照顧者的需要,研究團隊提出了五個建議。一、加強公眾教育以去除社會對精神病患者的負面標籤,減低患者家人及照顧者對尋求外界協助的顧慮。二、增加暫託服務的資源和人手以縮短輪候時間,並推行以地區為本的照顧者「社區保姆」計劃,提供空間予照顧者暫時離開患者,以處理突發或私人事務。三、設立地區性照顧者服務中心,提供輔導服務,推行照顧者技巧培訓、經濟諮詢、喘息活動和「社區保姆」計劃,令到照顧者可以在同一個服務單位獲得所需的服務。四、政府可透過線上資源整合平台為照顧者提供相關照顧資訊,讓照顧者及其家庭更易知悉社會支援服務。對於年長的照顧者,建議政府可以在他們常出現或較容易接觸到的地方擺設攤位街站,派發相關小冊子。五、增加照顧者的經濟支援,提供「喘息及活動津貼」,並且將「照顧元素」融入經濟援助項目,使到綜援申請人和長者生活津貼領取人可獲得一定比率的照顧者津貼金額