12 research outputs found

    From sea monsters to charismatic megafauna: changes in perception and use of large marine animals

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    Marine megafauna has always elicited contrasting feelings. In the past, large marine animals were often depicted as fantastic mythological creatures and dangerous monsters, while also arousing human curiosity. Marine megafauna has been a valuable resource to exploit, leading to the collapse of populations and local extinctions. In addition, some species have been perceived as competitors of fishers for marine resources and were often actively culled. Since the 1970s, there has been a change in the perception and use of megafauna. The growth of marine tourism, increasingly oriented towards the observation of wildlife, has driven a shift from extractive to non-extractive use, supporting the conservation of at least some species of marine megafauna. In this paper, we review and compare the changes in the perception and use of three megafaunal groups, cetaceans, elasmobranchs and groupers, with a special focus on European cultures. We highlight the main drivers and the timing of these changes, compare different taxonomic groups and species, and highlight the implications for management and conservation. One of the main drivers of the shift in perception, shared by all the three groups of megafauna, has been a general increase in curiosity towards wildlife, stimulated inter alia by documentaries (from the early 1970s onwards), and also promoted by easy access to scuba diving. At the same time, environmental campaigns have been developed to raise public awareness regarding marine wildlife, especially cetaceans, a process greatly facilitated by the rise of Internet and the World Wide Web. Currently, all the three groups (cetaceans, elasmobranchs and groupers) may represent valuable resources for ecotourism. Strikingly, the economic value of live specimens may exceed their value for human consumption. A further change in perception involving all the three groups is related to a growing understanding and appreciation of their key ecological role. The shift from extractive to non-extractive use has the potential for promoting species conservation and local economic growth. However, the change in use may not benefit the original stakeholders (e.g. fishers or whalers) and there may therefore be a case for providing compensation for disadvantaged stakeholders. Moreover, it is increasingly clear that even non-extractive use may have a negative impact on marine megafauna, therefore regulations are needed.SFRH/BPD/102494/2014, UID/MAR/04292/2019, IS1403info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health effects of air pollution exposure on children and adolescents in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Children and adolescents have been considered more susceptible to the effects of air pollution than adults. in order to investigate the responses of children of different ages to air pollution exposure, daily records or hospital admissions for children in five age groups (equal or less than 2 years of age, 3-5, 6-13, 14-19, and all ages together, i.e., from 0-19 years of age) were obtained from January 1993 to November 1997 in São Paulo, Brazil, and were compared to daily records of PM10, O-3, SO2, CO and NO2 concentrations in ambient air. for each age group a generalized additive Poisson regression was fitted controlling for smooth functions of time, temperature, humidity, and days of the week, with an additional indicator for holidays. Polynomial distributed lag models were used to estimate the 7-day cumulative effect of each pollutant.Children 2 years or less were the most susceptible to the effects of all five pollutants with an increase of 9.4% (95% CI: 7.9,10.9) in respiratory admissions associated with each interquartile range increase in PM10. the oldest group was the second most susceptible to air pollutants, with each interquartile range increase in PM10 associated with a 5.1% (95% CI: 0.3,9.8) increase in respiratory admissions. An interquartile range increase in CO was associated with an 11.3% (95% CI: 5.9,16.8) increase in respiratory hospitalizations. When a multipollutant model was used, the effect of PM10 on respiratory admissions for all ages together was unchanged, while the SOP and the other pollutants effect was substantially reduced.This study showed that daily respiratory hospital admissions for children and adolescents in São Paulo increased with air pollution, and that the largest effects were found for the youngest (2 years or less) and oldest (14-19 years) age groups. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2001; 31:106-113. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Harvard Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Environm Epidemiol Program, Dept Environm Hlth, Boston, MA 02115 USAUniv Santo Amaro, Sch Med, Dept Pediat, Environm Pediat Program, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Santo Amaro, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Lab Expt Air Pollut, São Paulo, BrazilHarvard Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Physiol Program, Dept Environm Hlth, Boston, MA 02115 USAWeb of Scienc

    Representações e experiências sobre aborto legal e ilegal dos ginecologistas-obstetras trabalhando em dois hospitais maternidade de Salvador da Bahia Representations and experiences of obstetrician/gynecologists with legal and illegal abortion in two maternity-hospitals in Salvador da Bahia

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    O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo, realizado em dois hospitais-maternidade de Salvador da Bahia, foi investigar a experiência e as representações do aborto legal, analisadas em contraste com as representações do aborto ilegal, dos profissionais de saúde, em particular dos ginecologistas-obstetras.Usou-se como instrumentos um questionário e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 25 profissionais de saúde (dos quais 13 ginecologistas-obstetras) num hospital que oferece um serviço de aborto legal (P), e 20 profissionais de saúde (dos quais 9 ginecologistas-obstetras) em outro hospital, que não oferece este serviço (F). Os fatores que mais influenciam as representações dos ginecologistas-obstetras entrevistados acerca do aborto e que explicam a alta taxa de objeção de consciencia no hospital P foram: 1- a criminalização do aborto e o medo de serem denunciados; 2- a estigmatização do aborto por certos grupos religiosos e pelos proprios médicos; 3- o treinamento em obstetrícia e a falta de uma formação boa no campo da epidemiologia da morbi-mortalidade materna e do aborto; 4- as representações acerca das relações de gênero. Os fatores principais associados à atitudes liberais foram: a idade - abaixo de 30/acima de 45 anos - a experiência com altas taxas de mortalidade materna devidas ao aborto e a experiência com o aborto legal.<br>The objective of this qualitative study, carried out in two maternity-hospitals in Salvador da Bahia, was to investigate the experience and representations of health professionals, and particularly obstetricians-gynecologists, regarding legal abortion in comparison with their representations and experience with illegal abortion. A questionnaire was distributed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 health professionals (13 obstetricians-gynecologists) in a hospital providing legal abortion (P) and with 20 health professionals (9 obstetricians-gynecologists) in another hospital that does not provide this service (F). The factors that influence the representations and experience of abortion of most obstetricians-gynecologists and explain the high rate of conscientious objection at Hospital P were: 1- the criminalization of abortion and the fear of being denounced; 2- the stigmatization of abortion by certain religious groups and by the physicians themselves; 3- training in obstetrics and the lack of good training in the epidemiology of maternal morbidity-mortality and abortion; 4- representations on gender relations. The main factors associated with liberal attitudes were: age - under 30 and over 45 years of age - experience with high maternal mortality rates due to abortion and experience with legal abortion

    Desafios da contracepção juvenil: interseções entre gênero, sexualidade e saúde Challenges of youth contraception: intersections between gender, sexuality and health

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    Este artigo aborda, sob uma perspectiva socioantropológica, os desafios postos aos jovens na gestão da vida afetivo-sexual, no que tange à prevenção de gravidez imprevista. Discute algumas dificuldades por eles encontradas no manejo da contracepção, no decorrer de suas trajetórias afetivo-sexuais, identificando situações propensas à não-utilização de métodos anticonceptivos (MAC). Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, cujo material empírico agrupa 73 entrevistas em profundidade, com jovens de ambos os sexos, de 18 a 24 anos de idade, provenientes de três capitais do país (Salvador, Rio de Janeiro e Porto Alegre) e de dois segmentos sociais (popular e médio), que passaram por ao menos um episódio de gravidez na adolescência. A análise temática dos dados reúne elementos afins e recorrentes nas narrativas juvenis, além dos contrastes de gênero e classe social. Os resultados relativos às dificuldades dos jovens de usar continuamente os MAC foram agrupados em eixos temáticos: contexto do relacionamento; relação com a família no que tange à sexualidade; efeitos colaterais dos métodos hormonais; descuido com a contracepção; dificuldades dos serviços de saúde; “falha” dos MAC; forte concepção da paternidade nos segmentos populares; uso de preservativo com parceiras “desconhecidas”; uso de coito interrompido, sem conhecimento do ciclo menstrual da parceira.<br>This paper shows, from a social anthropological perspective, the challenges faced by young people in managing their sexual and affective lives, when it comes to preventing unexpected pregnancy. It aims to discuss some of the difficulties young people have when dealing with contraception along their sexual and affective lives and also to identify circumstances in which they tend not to use contraceptive methods. A qualitative research is presented, in which empirical data consists of 73 in-depth interviews with young people of both sex, with age ranging from 18 to 24, living in three state capitals in Brazil (Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre), and inserted in two social segments (popular and intermediate), who went through at least one experience of teenage pregnancy. A thematic analysis of data was adopted in order to assemble similar and repeated elements in the testimonies of the young people interviewed as well as to assemble the contrasts of gender and social segments. Results that reveal the difficulties of young people in adopting a continued use of contraceptive methods were listed according to the following themes: relationship context; relationship with the family regarding sexuality; side effects of hormonal anticonceptive methods; negligence with contraception; problems with health services; “failure” of contraceptive methods; a strong sense of fatherhood found in the popular segments; use of condoms with “unknown” female partners; withdrawal with no knowledge of the partner menstrual cycle

    Itinerários abortivos em contextos de clandestinidade na cidade do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Abortion itineraries in a clandestine context in the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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    A partir de um conjunto de entrevistas em profundidade reuniu-se significativo material de cunho etnográfico sobre os percursos - concretos e simbólicos - de jovens mulheres e seus parceiros em busca de solução para uma gravidez imprevista. As iniquidades da sociedade brasileira se expressam em itinerários de maior ou menor sinuosidade, complexidade e duração de acordo com as condições materiais de existência e recursos sociais de que dispõem os sujeitos. Assim, para jovens de setores médios o acesso para a realização do aborto é ágil e bastante seguro, enquanto para as demais mulheres a decisão de abortar compõe-se de esforços em diferentes planos para a consecução do projeto. As narrativas podem assumir contornos dramáticos que configuram decisões de interrupção da gravidez mesmo em estágios avançados de gestação.<br>From a series of in-depth interviews, we gathered a significant amount of ethnographic material on the concrete and symbolic paths taken by young women and their partners in the search for a solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Inequities in Brazilian society are expressed in itineraries/routes of different sinuosity, complexity and duration according to the individuals' social and material conditions of existence. Thus, for middle class youths access to abortion is very swift and secure, whereas for the rest of women the decision to abort consists of efforts on different levels to achieve the undertaking. The narratives may assume dramatic proportions, including abortion even in advanced stages of pregnancy

    Abortamento provocado na adolescência sob a perspectiva bioética Abortion among adolescents: a bioethical approach

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    OBJETIVOS: descrever características sócio-demográficos, comportamentais, clínicos, analise anatomopatológica, e o tipo de abortamento em adolescentes, de modo a discuti-los bioeticamente. MÉTODOS: aplicou-se questionário estruturado no atendimento a 201 adolescentes com abortamento incompleto submetidas à curetagem uterina, em uma maternidade pública no nordeste do Brasil. RESULTADOS: idade média de 16,1 anos; parceiro estável; mulatas; não usavam preservativos nas relações sexuais; média de idade de início de atividade sexual de 15 anos; não planejaram a gestação; desejavam a gravidez; idade gestacional média de 13,2 semanas. O desfecho da gravidez, quanto ao tipo de abortamento 1,99% abortamento espontâneo e 81,59% certamente provocados, dados obtido através da classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Tecidos embrionários e maternos no anatomopatológico 88,56% e 11,44%, respectivamente. Entre os abortamentos certamente provocados, um caso de mola hidatiforme. CONCLUSÕES: recomenda-se urgência nos programas estratégicos de planejamento familiar; realização do anatomopatológico no material proveniente de aborto; a bioética refletindo pró-ativamente se apresenta como instrumento para diretrizes mínimas de proteção e assistência a adolescente, e auxilio ao profissional de saúde.<br>OBJECTIVES: to describe the socio-demographic, behavioral, clinical and anatomical-pathological characteristics and the type of abortion in adolescents as a way of discussing the subject from a bio-ethical perspective. METHODS: a structured questionnaire was applied to 201 adolescent girls receiving treatment for incomplete abortion and being subjected to uterine curretage, at a public maternity unit in the Northeast region of Brazil. RESULTS: the mean age was 16.1 years; most girls had a stable partner, were of mixed race, and were not accustomed to using condoms during sexual intercourse. The mean age for initiation of sexual activity was 15 years. Most had not planned the pregnancy but wanted to get pregnant. The mean gestational age of the fetus was 13.2 weeks. With regard to the type of abortion, 1.99% were spontaneous and 81.59% were certainly provoked, according to data obtained using the World Health Organization classification. Fetal and maternal tissue were 88.56% and 11.44%, respectively. Of the abortions that were certainly provoked, there was one case of the use of a hydatidiform mole. CONCLUSIONS: it is recommended that strategic family planning programs be urgently introduced and that anatomical-pathological tests be carried out on the material resulting from an abortion. Proactive bioethical reflection seems to be the tool for providing minimal guidelines for the protection and care of adolescents and for assisting health professionals