22 research outputs found

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance (qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance (qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres

    Nuevos escenarios para la docencia universitaria : entornos híbridos y pedagogías emergentes.

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    Memorias del IX Simposio Internacional de Docencia Universitaria (SIDU)Los trabajos reunidos en esta Memoria representan una contribución importante al campo de la educación y de la docencia universitaria, en tanto muestran distintas maneras de responder a las problemáticas educativas cotidianas y presentan propuestas para afrontar los retos emergentes en el campo de la educación superior. Invitamos a los lectores a realizar una lectura atenta y crítica de los trabajos compilados en esta publicación. Estamos seguros de que este acercamiento propiciará la reflexión y el análisis riguroso de los objetos de estudio abordados por los autores, y estimulará la generación de nuevos proyectos de investigación, intervención e innovación educativa que incidan en el desarrollo de mejores prácticas de docencia en educación media superior y superior.Pimera edición digitaldoi.org/10.56019/EDU-CETYS.2024.182

    Radiofármaco teragnóstico basado en dendrímeros conjugados a ácido fólico y Lys3 -bombesina con nanopartículas de oro en la cavidad dendrítica

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    Theragnostics (or theranostics) is an acronym of therapeutics and diagnostics. In this project, theterm refers to molecular/macromolecular vectors of specific recognition and nanoplatforms thatincorporate both functions, diagnosisand therapy simultaneously. In addition, the incorporation ofdiagnostic and therapeutics functions may be useful in monitoring disease progress and evaluatingthe response to combined therapy.By using radiopharmaceuticals, it is possible to record and detect by in vivo imaging thespatio-temporal distribution of molecular or cellular processes for diagnostic and therapeuticapplications using nuclear medicine techniques. Lutetium-177-based radiopharmaceuticals areconsidered theranostic systems because of their gamma emission (208 keV ) useful for performingthe diagnostic image and its negative beta radiation(Emax0.498 M eV ) suitable for therapeuticapplications. In this thesis it is reported for the first time, the preparation of a new multivalent andmultifunctional lutetium-177 radiopharmaceutical based on a dendrimer (PAMAM-G4) containinggold nanoparticles, folic acid, and the peptide bombes insuitable for targeted radiotherapy,plasmonic-photothermal therapy and dual molecular imaging (optic and nuclear) of breast cancer.Therefore, the first aim of this research was to synthesize177Lu-dendrimer-folate-bombesin with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in the dendritic cavity (177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesin)and to evaluate the radiopharmaceutical potential for targeted radiotherapy and thesimultaneous detection of folate receptors (FRs) and gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPRs)over-expressed in breast cancer cells. p-SCN-Benzyl-DOTA was linked to the dendrimer in anaqueous-basic medium. The carboxylate groups of Lys1Lys3(DOTA)-Bombesin and folic acid wereactivated with HATU and conjugated to the dendrimer.The conjugate was mixed with 1 % HAuCl4followed by the addition of NaBH4and purified byultrafiltration. Elemental analysis (EDS), particle size distribution (DLS), TEM analysis, UV-Vis,infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies were performed. The conjugate was radiolabeled using177LuCl3and analyzed by radio-HPLC. Studies confirmed the dendrimer functionalization withhigh radiochemical purity (> 95 %). Fluorescence results demonstrated that the presence of AuNPsin the dendritic cavity confers useful photophysical properties to the radiopharmaceutical for opticalimaging. Binding studies in T47D breast cancer cells showed a specific cell uptake (41.15 ± 2.72 %).177Lu-Dendrimer(AuNP)-Folate-Bombesin showed suitable properties as an optical and nuclearimaging agent for breast tumors over-expressing GRPR and FRs, as well as for target-specifictherapy. The integration of fluorescence and plasmonic properties into one molecule is of importancein developing multifunctional imaging and therapy nanoprobes.The second aim of this research was to evaluate the fluorescent properties and the plasmonic-photothermal therapeutic and radiotherapeutic potential of177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesinwhen it is internalized in T47D breast cancer cells. The intense NIR fluorescence emitted fromthe conjugate inside cells corroborated the usefulness of DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesin for opticalimaging. After laser irradiation, the presence of the nanosystem in cells caused a significant increasein the temperature of the medium resulting in a significant decrease in cell viability (down to 16.51± 1.52 %)due to the177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesin plasmonic properties. After treatment with177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesin, the T47D cell viability decreased 90 % because of the radiation absorbed dose (63.16 ± 4.20 Gy) delivered inside cells. In conclusion, the177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesin nanosystem internalized in cancer cells exhibited properties suitable for optical imaging,plasmonic-photothermal therapy, and targeted radiotherapy.Teragnósticos (o teranósticos) es un acrónimo de terapéuticos y diagnósticos. En este proyecto, el término se refiere a vectores moleculares/macromoleculares de reconocimiento específico y a nanoplataformas que incorporan ambas funciones, diagnóstico y terapia de forma simultánea. Además de incorporar funciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas, estas entidades pueden ser útiles en el seguimiento de la progresión de la enfermedad y en la evaluación de la respuesta a la terapia combinada. Por otro lado, a través del uso de radiofármacos es posible registrar y detectar por imagen in vivo, la distribución espacio-temporal de procesos moleculares o celulares para aplicaciones diagnósticas y/o terapéuticas utilizando técnicas de medicina nuclear molecular. En particular, los radiofármacos basados en lutecio-177 son considerados teranósticos por su emisión gamma (208 keV ), útil para realizar la imagen diagnóstica, y por su emisión beta negativa (Emax 498 keV ) adecuada para aplicaciones terapéuticas. En este trabajo de tesis se reporta por primera vez, la preparación de un nuevo radiofármaco de lutecio-177 multivalente y multifuncional basado en un dendrímero (PAMAM-G4) conteniendo nanopartículas de oro en sus cavidades y conjugado a ácido fólico y al péptido bombesina, para su posible uso en radioterapia dirigida, terapia fototérmica plasmónica e imagen molecular dual (óptica y nuclear) de cáncer de mama. Por tanto, el primer objetivo de esta investigación fue sintetizar 177Lu-dendrímero-folato-bombesina con nanopartículas de oro (AuNPs) en la cavidad dendítica (177Lu-DenAuNPFolato-Bombesina) y evaluar el potencial del radiofármaco para la radioterapia dirigida y la detección simultánea de receptores de folato (FR) y de receptores del péptido liberador de gastrina (GRPRs) sobre-expresados en células de cáncer de mama. El p-SCN-bencil-DOTA se conjugó en medio acuoso básico a los grupos amino del dendrímero. Los grupos carboxilato de la Lys1-Lys3 (DOTA)-bombesina y el ácido fólico se activaron con HATU y también se conjugaron al dendrímero. El conjugado se mezcló con HAuCl4 seguido de la adición de NaBH4 y se purific´ mediante ultrafiltraci´on. Se realiz´o el an´alisis elemental (EDS), la distribuci´on de tamañó de partícula (DLS), análisis de TEM, espectroscopia de UV-Vis, infrarrojo y de fluorescencia. El conjugado se marcó radiactivamente usando 177LuCl3 y se analizó por radio-HPLC. Los estudios confirmaron la funcionalización del dendrímero con alta pureza radioquímica (> 95 %). Los resultados de fluorescencia demostraron que la presencia de AuNPs en las cavidades dendríticas confiere al radiofármaco propiedades físicas útiles para la obtención de imágenes ópticas. Los estudios de unión en células de cáncer de mama T47D mostraron una captación celular específica (41,15 ± 2,72 %). Por tanto, el 177Lu-DenAuNP-Folato-Bombesina presenta propiedades adecuadas como un agente de imagen óptica y nuclear para tumores de mama que sobre-expresan GRPR y FRs, así como un nanosistema con potencial para ser utilizado en radioterapia de blancos moleculares específicos. La integración de propiedades fluorescentes y plasmónicas en una molécula es de importancia en el desarrollo de nanosensores multifuncionales para imagen y terapia. El segundo objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades fluorescentes y el potencial terapéutico fototérmico plasmónico y radioterapéutico del 177Lu-DenAuNP-Folato-Bombesina cuando se internaliza en células T47D de cáncer de mama. La fluorescencia intensa NIR emitida a 825 nm del conjugado dentro de las células, corroboró la utilidad de DenAuNP-Folato-Bombesina para la formación de imágenes ópticas. Después de la irradiación láser, la presencia del nanosistema en las células provocó un aumento significativo de la temperatura del medio (46.8 ◦ C, comparado con 39.1 ◦ C sin DenAuNP-Folato-Bombesina, p < 0.05), lo que resultó en una disminución significativa en la viabilidad celular (Hasta 16.51 ± 1.52 %) debido a las propiedades plasmónicas del 177LuDenAuNP-Folato-Bombesina. Después del tratamiento con el radiofármaco, la viabilidad celular T47D disminuyó 90 % debido a la dosis absorbida por radiación (63.16 ± 4.20 Gy) administrada dentro de las células. Se concluye que el 177Lu-DenAuNP-Folate-Bombesina internalizado en células de cáncer presenta propiedades adecuadas para la obtención de imágenes ópticas, terapia fototérmica-plasmónica y radioterapia dirigida.CONACYT (CONACYT-SEP-CB-2014-01-242443

    Susceptibility of the Mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso, 1913) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) to micoinsecticidas products

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    Se examin&oacute; la patogenicidad de los micoinsecticidas, Mycotrol, Pae-sin y Vertisol formulados con Beauveria bassiana, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus y Lecanicillium lecanii respectivamente, sobre Planococcus citri. Las evaluaciones se realizaron en condiciones de laboratorio utilizando un aspersor manual y una torre de pulverizaci&oacute;n. Frutos de lim&oacute;n infestados en forma individual con adultos o huevos fueron inoculados con la dosis comercial. Los tratamientos fueron distribuidos en un dise&ntilde;o en bloques con tratamientos aleatorizados. Los tratamientos asperjados manualmente o utilizando una torre de pulverizaci&oacute;n indujeron infecci&oacute;n y ocasionaron la muerte de adultos de P. citri, 24 y 48 h despu&eacute;s de la aplicaci&oacute;n. En huevos asperjados con la torre se observ&oacute; que los tratamientos indujeron infecci&oacute;n y ocasionaron la muerte de huevos de P. citri, 72 h despu&eacute;s de la aplicaci&oacute;n. En un segundo bioensayo se evalu&oacute; la susceptibilidad de huevos, ninfas y adultos de P. citri con esporas provenientes de cultivos puros de los hongos propagados en ADS a una dosis est&aacute;ndar 1&Atilde;?108 esporas/ml. Este estudio muestra que entre los tratamientos evaluados sobre los diferentes estados de desarrollo de P. citri no hay una diferencia significativa P &gt; 0,05 y todos son pat&oacute;genos del insecto, manifestando mayor agresividad el tratamiento Mycotrol, en huevos, ninfas I, ninfas II y adultos. En cuanto a la susceptibilidad result&oacute; que los adultos, ninfa II y ninfa I son los m&aacute;s susceptibles a estos productos

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance&nbsp;(qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework&nbsp;on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The&nbsp;objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres

    Hepatoprotective effect of Leucophyllum frutescens on Wistar albino rats intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride

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    Many hepatoprotective herbal preparations have been recommended in alternative systems of medicine for the treatment of hepatic disorders. No systematic study has been done on protective efficacy of Leucophyllum frutescens to treat hepatic diseases. Protective action of L. frutescens methanol extract (obtained by maceration) was evaluated in an animal model of hepatotoxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Wistar albino rats were divided into five groups. Group I was normal control group; Groups II-V received CCl4. After inducing hepatic damage, Group II served as control CCl4; Group III was given silymarin as reference hepatoprotective; and Groups IV and V received different doses of plant extract. Liver marker enzymes were assayed in serum. Samples of livers were observed under microscope for the histopathological changes. Levels of marker enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were increased significantly in CCl4 treated rats (Group II). Groups IV and V intoxicated with CCl4 and treated with L. frutescens methanol extract significant decreased the activities of these two enzymes. Also these groups resulted in less pronounced destruction of the liver architecture, there is not fibrosis and have moderate inflammation compared with Group II. The present study scientifically validated the traditional use of L. frutescens for liver disorders. In conclusion the methanol extract of L. frutescens aerial parts could be an important source of hepatoprotective compounds

    177Lu-Dendrimer Conjugated to Folate and Bombesin with Gold Nanoparticles in the Dendritic Cavity: A Potential Theranostic Radiopharmaceutical

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    177Lu-labeled nanoparticles conjugated to biomolecules have been proposed as a new class of theranostic radiopharmaceuticals. The aim of this research was to synthesize 177Lu-dendrimer(PAMAM-G4)-folate-bombesin with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in the dendritic cavity and to evaluate the radiopharmaceutical potential for targeted radiotherapy and the simultaneous detection of folate receptors (FRs) and gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPRs) overexpressed in breast cancer cells. p-SCN-Benzyl-DOTA was conjugated in aqueous-basic medium to the dendrimer. The carboxylate groups of Lys1Lys3(DOTA)-bombesin and folic acid were activated with HATU and also conjugated to the dendrimer. The conjugate was mixed with 1% HAuCl4 followed by the addition of NaBH4 and purified by ultrafiltration. Elemental analysis (EDS), particle size distribution (DLS), TEM analysis, UV-Vis, and infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies were performed. The conjugate was radiolabeled using 177LuCl3 or 68GaCl3 and analyzed by radio-HPLC. Studies confirmed the dendrimer functionalization with high radiochemical purity (>95%). Fluorescence results demonstrated that the presence of AuNPs in the dendritic cavity confers useful photophysical properties to the radiopharmaceutical for optical imaging. Preliminary binding studies in T47D breast cancer cells showed a specific cell uptake (41.15±2.72%). 177Lu-dendrimer(AuNP)-folate-bombesin may be useful as an optical and nuclear imaging agent for breast tumors overexpressing GRPR and FRs, as well as for targeted radiotherapy

    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, an American plant used as sweetener: Study of its effects on body mass control and glycemia reduction in Wistar male and female rats.

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    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni water extracts have been used as a natural sweetener and customary medicine by the indigenous inhabitants of South America for several hundred years. This plant was sent to Europe in the 16th century and was described by Peter Jacob Esteve in Spain. Recently the food industry has started to employ S. rebaudiana as sweetener using its glycosides after purification. Advertisement claims that Stevia glycosides is good for controling body mass and reducing glycemia. This study's objective was to evaluate the effect of S. rebaudiana leaf extract on Wistar rats as animal model to prove its effectiveness on body mass control, glycemia reduction, and other biochemical parameters. Three groups were randomly formed with 24 males and 24 females: A blank group without any sweetener, a control group drinking water with 10% glucose, and the test group ingesting a 0.94% water extract of S. rebaudiana. Body mass measurements as well as food and drink consumption were daily performed. The experiment lasted 120 days after the specimens were weaned and got used to eating solid food. Euthanasia was done and blood serum was collected to evaluate the following biochemical parameters: Glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin, glucagon, leptin, ghrelin, and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, GIP. Results indicated that only female rats had statistical differences in body mass gain. No relevant effects either positive or negative were found in the biochemical parameters measured. The crude extracts of S. rebaudiana did not show any relevant changes in biochemical and hormonal profiles, changes nor body mass with respect to the blank and control groups of young and healthy rats in the age range of infancy to youth. According to the results obtained, the therapeutic properties that have been associated to S. rebaudiana consumption especially for body mass control and glycemia reduction, did not occur in young and healthy male and female rats in equivalent age to infants, young children, and youths