927 research outputs found

    La formación del profesorado en la riems. Un estudio de caso en la Escuela Preparatoria 9 del sems de la Universidad de Guadalajara

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    Este artículo propone una valoración de la formación recibida por el profesorado de la educación media superior con motivo de la introducción de la Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior (RIEMS) y del enfoque por competencias en este nivel educativo. La evaluación se ha realizado a partir de las opiniones del profesorado. Se ha preguntado al profesorado si la ayuda recibida por las autoridades académicas ha sido suficiente en lo que respecta a su formación en competencias y prácticas RIEMS; pero también si considera poseer dichas competencias y aplicar adecuadamente estas prácticas en el aula. El trabajo concluye que las opiniones de los docentes sobre la eficacia de las acciones formativas es bastante favorable, y que la capacitación del profesorado sigue siendo un instrumento esencial en la implementación de la reforma, entre otras cosas por su capacidad para socializar a la planta docente en los principios de la enseñanza por competencias.This article proposes an assessment of the training received by teachers in higher secondary education when they put into practice the Comprehensive Reform of Higher Secondary Education (Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior, RIEMS) and the competency-based approach at this educational level. This assessment has been carried out on the basis of the opinions expressed by the teaching staff. Teachers have been asked whether the support received from the academic authorities has been sufficient in terms of their training in RIEMS skills and practices; but also whether they consider that they possess these skills and apply these practices adequately within the classroom. This article concludes that teachers’ opinions on the effectiveness of training actions are quite favorable, and that teacher training keep being an essential instrument in the implementation of the reform, among other things because of its capacity to share with the teaching staff the principles of competency-based teaching

    Upflow and downflow biological aerated filters (BAFs) for wastewater treatment

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    Investigations on two small pilot-scale biological aerated filters operating in upflow and downflow mode using identical media were undertaken in order to compare their performance for the removal of carbonaceous matter and ammonia, calibration of empirical models for suspended solids, soluble and total COD and their resistance to organic and hydraulic shock loadings. The initial existence of a plenum chamber under the media bed caused severe reduction in active volume in the downflow reactor. Elimination of the plenum chamber by means of the addition of media solved the problem and both reactors presented plug-flow conditions. Their performance for carbonaceous matter and ammonia removal was compared. With the exception of ammonia, the removal efficiencies for the parameters studied in both types of reactor were very similar. The downflow reactor achieved a greater removal of ammonia than the upflow BAF. Autrotrophic activity was located at the bottom of the reactor in the downflow column and at the top in the upflow unit. Had the running conditions been set identically for both columns, the difference in performance between the two reactors may have been due to the impact of the backwashing on the biological population, effectively washing-out the autotrophs. The verification of a simple empirical model for soluble COD removal for a different type of media than the previously reported was conducted. The new values for the media constant and the overall process constant of the system suggested that overall, the performance of the system was dictated by its media type/liquid flow characteristics. The constants from 4 empirical models were used to predict the removal of SS, sCOD and tCOD in a small BAF (0.07 m3 empty bed volume) and a large BAF (0.69 m3 empty bed volume). The model for soluble COD that included parameters such as gas and liquid velocity provided values closer to the actual observed values. The model for suspended solids and tCOD removal (based on a rapid gravity filters model) was efficient in predicting the overall removal rates of SS and tCOD in both reactors. When the models were used for scaling-up results, only the simplest model that did not include parameters such as gas and liquid velocity was effective. It was demonstrated that a small pilot-scale BAF was not capable of absorbing high peak organic shock loads when the organic loads were increased from a normal load of 1.2-1.4 kg sCOD m-3 d-1 to shock loads between 5.1- 7.3 kg sCOD m-3 d-1, based on empty bed volumes. Nevertheless, the effect on the biomass was limited as normal performance resumed very quickly. Increases in the hydraulic velocity from 0.7-1.0 m h' 1 to 1.5-2.9 m h" 1 had little affect on BAF performance in terms of soluble COD removal. Soluble COD effluent concentrations of <40 mg I-1 (-16 mg 1-1 BOD5) were detected thus, meeting most discharge consents in UK sewage works. The recovery of the reactor in both cases was fast, resuming normal performance within 60 min after the application of the shock load.Ph

    Teotihuacan and Tourism: Residents’ Experience through their Narratives

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    El objetivo es conocer el proceso de evolución de la actividad turística en la zona de Teotihuacán, Estado de México, a través de la narrativa de sus residentes. Desde esta perspectiva, se abren las posibilidades para el abordaje de diversos elementos constitutivos del fenómeno turístico a partir de la diversidad de experiencias de los actores involucrados en él. El enfoque metodológico aplicado fue el cualitativo a partir de la observación y entrevistas semiestructuradas con los residentes de dos comunidades situadas en el contorno de la zona arqueológica de Teotihuacán. Los hallazgos muestran un conjunto de cambios en el entorno, relacionados con los vestigios arqueológicos, que los habitantes han vivido como detonantes y permanentes impulsores de la actividad turística. Se destaca una serie de elementos sociales, económicos y políticos, positivos y negativos, que estos habitantes mantienen como significativos en el recuento de sus experiencias, tanto colectivas como individuales.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Turismo: ¿menos pobreza o mayor exclusión?

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    El propósito de este texto es introducir algunas reflexiones en torno a las implicaciones que tiene el uso del concepto de pobreza en el estudio y diseño de modelos turísticos orientados a la lucha contra la misma. En este sentido, se propone abordar la problemática y su estudio desde otros conceptos más recientes, como el de exclusión social, lo que permite observar aspectos relevantes que permanecen vagos desde el enfoque de la pobreza. Entre ellos, la importancia de la dimensión relacional de los mecanismos de integración o exclusión de individuos y sectores a la sociedad de pertenencia.De entre las recientes estrategias para la reducción de la pobreza destaca cada vez más el turismo, y las nuevas políticas sobre el sector incluyen compromisos para aprovecharlo por su capacidad para generar divisas y empleos. Sin embargo, se necesita sustentar a esta opción, con enfoques robustos y resultados comprobados. ¿Es el turismo un agente de movilidad y de inclusión social?, o ¿simplemente una forma productiva que refuerza las asimetrías preexistentes? Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este documento fue reflexionar sobre la contribución del turismo en el combate a la pobreza al analizar el enfoque que sustenta al turismo pro pobre con base en los teóricos de la exclusión. Finalmente se postula que si se quiere mitigar la pobreza, los planteamientos deben dejar de ser simplistas y superficiales para no generar expectativas inalcanzables en sociedades que anhelan salir de la precariedad

    Risk-based Design of an Offshore Wind Turbine using VoI Analysis

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    Monopiles are the most common solution for supporting wind turbines in offshore conditions. At the design phase of a monopile, a frequency check is to be performed to avoid the resonance hazard with the 1P and 3P excitation, i.e. the frequency domains at which the rotor provokes excitations. However, the estimation of the first natural frequency of the structure is associated with large uncertainties, especially due to lack of knowledge about the soil-structure interaction. Resonance with the dynamic excitations results in a reduced fatigue life. In this paper, the frequency check is addressed following a probabilistic formulation. A rational decision framework is proposed to find an optimum design, based on the evaluation of the expected consequences of failure using risk metrics. Furthermore, the value of acquiring further site-specific information on the soil characteristics is addressed by means of a value of information analysis. A Bayesian network is developed to represent the system and facilitate the analysis. The results provide insight on (1) the relation between design parameters and the risk associated with dynamic amplificationsand (2) how to efficiently distribute the resources at the design point in time