223 research outputs found

    Los comercios de inmigrantes extranjeros: fuentes de información y pautas de localización: el caso del Distrito Macarena (Sevilla)

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    Los comercios étnicos constituyen elementos de referencia urbana que parecen evidenciar claramente la presencia de población inmigrante. Entendemos como tales, aquellos locales dedicados a actividades comerciales que cubren mayormente las necesidades de una población extranjera. Su aparición en las ciudades españolas está asociada a la llegada de población inmigrante, aunque no todas las nacionalidades y actividades responden a un mismo patrón de asentamiento. En este trabajo se analizan las pautas de localización de los comercios étnicos en el Distrito Macarena (Sevilla) en relación a las de residencia de las nacionalidades de mayor presencia. Asimismo, se analizan los distintos tipos de actividades en relación con las nacionalidades de los empresarios. Al mismo tiempo, el trabajo se ha planteado contrastar la calidad y utilidad de distintas fuentes de información para el estudio de las pautas de localización de los comercios étnicos. Especial atención han recibido los nuevos formatos y fuentes de datos disponibles en Internet. Dado que se trata de una información muy dinámica y cambiante, el contraste de la calidad se ha llevado a cabo mediante el trabajo de campo y el uso de las herramientas de georreferenciación disponibles en los smartphone. Como resultado, se extraen conclusiones sobre la validez de las fuentes utilizadas, sobre las preferencias empresariales según nacionalidad; sobre los patrones de localización de los distintos comercios y nacionalidades y, finalmente, sobre la relación que existe entre los comercios étnicos y la población residente extranjera en el Distrito Macarena

    Un sistema ERP para las pyme en América Latina: Revisión de literatura

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    Introduction: This article is supported by the research and bibliographic review carried out during February and April 2020 in the Industrial Engineering program of the Fundación Universitaria de Popayán C.Problem: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with various challenges, to the extent that they do not have technological systems that allow them to administer and manage the information that each area can generate in a timely and practical manner, preventing them from effectively planning for the future.Objective: The Bibliographic review aims to establish what type of ERP system would serve SMEs in Latin America, so that they can be combined with the organization’s strategies, seeking to optimize and improve production processes.Methodology: The bibliographic review was carried out applying Kitchenham’s guidelines, which proposes three fundamental stages: (1) planning the review, (2) development of the review, and (3) publication of the review results. Results: For SMEs, cloud-managed openERPs represent a viable option, since implementation costs are signi-ficantly reduced, as well as the issue of maintenance and technical support.Conclusion: OpenERP systems managed in the cloud represent the most feasible option, due to costs, prac-ticality, flexibility and lower operational requirements when implementing the implementation of the system.Este es un artículo de revisión de literatura, donde se consultaron las siguientes bases de datos: Google Scholar, EBSCO, IEEE Explore y ScienceDirect, obteniéndose un total de 100 coincidencias de búsqueda, con el objetivo de determinar la factibilidad que involucra la implementación de un sistema ERP en PYMES. De estos artículos encontrados se realizó un filtro teniendo en cuenta una serie de criterios, quedando un total de 61 artículos, de los cuales a los que abordaban algún tipo de sistemas ERP, se le analizaron factores como: costos, tiempo de implantación, flexibilidad y adaptabilidad. Con base a los resultados encontrados se pudo determinar teniendo presente también puntos de vista de varios autores, que el sistema tecnológico que más le conviene a las PYMES en América Latina, es el sistema Open ERP ODOO que sea gestionado por la nube, ya que permite ahorrar dinero, tiempo en la implementación y se puede ajustar a las necesidades de la empresa

    Perceptions on the importance of gerontological education by teachers and students of undergraduate health sciences

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    BACKGROUND: The main challenge of higher education institutions throughout the world is to develop professionals capable of understanding and responding to the current social priorities of our countries. Given the utmost importance of addressing the complex needs of an increasingly elderly population in Mexico, the National Autonomous University of Mexico has systematically incorporated modules dealing with primary gerontological health care into several of its undergraduate programs in health sciences. The objective of this study was to analyze teacher's and student's perceptions about the current educational practices on gerontology. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 26 teachers and 122 undergraduate students. Subjects were administered interviews and responded survey instrument. RESULTS: A vast proportion of the teachers (42%) reported students' attitudes towards their academic training as the most important factor affecting learning in the field of gerontology, whereas students reported that the main problems of education in gerontology were theoretical (32%) and methodological (28%). In addition, 41% of students considered education on ageing matters as an essential element for their professional development, as compared to 19% of teachers (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the teachers' perceptions about the low importance of education on ageing matters for the professional practice of health sciences could be a negative factor for gerontology teaching

    Oxidative stress as a risk factor for osteoporosis in elderly Mexicans as characterized by antioxidant enzymes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxidative stress (OxS) has recently been linked with osteoporosis; however, we do not know the influence of OxS as an independent risk factor for this disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a case-control study in 94 subjects ≥60 years of age, 50 healthy and 44 with osteoporosis. We measured total antioxidant status, plasma lipid peroxides, antioxidant activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and calculated the SOD/GPx ratio. Bone mineral density was obtained at the peripheral DXA in calcaneus using a portable Norland Apollo Densitometer<sup>®</sup>. Osteoporosis was considered when subjects had a BMD of 2.5 standard deviations or more below the mean value for young adults.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GPx antioxidant activity was significantly lower in the group of subjects with osteoporosis in comparison with the group of healthy subjects (<it>p </it>< 0.01); in addition, the SOD/GPx ratio was significantly higher in the group of individuals with osteoporosis (<it>p </it>< 0.05). In logistic regression analysis, we found OxS to be an independent risk factor for osteoporosis (odds ratio [OR] = 2.79; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 1.08–7.23; <it>p </it>= 0.034).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that OxS is an independent risk factor for osteoporosis linked to increase of SOD/GPx ratio.</p

    Solvent effects on de-excitation channels in the p-coumaric acid methyl ester anion, an analogue of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) chromophore

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    En un intento por arrojar luz sobre los efectos ambientales en los canales de desactivación del cromóforo PYP, se comparan los mecanismos de desactivación radiativa y no radiactiva del éster metílico del ácido p- cúmico aniónico (pCE - ) en la fase gaseosa y la solución acuosa en el CASPT2 // CASSCF / cc-pVDZ nivel y, cuando sea necesario, a nivel CASPT2 // CASPT2 / cc-pVDZ. Encontramos que el solvente produce modificaciones dramáticas en el perfil de energía libre del estado S1. Dos estructuras retorcidas que son mínimas en la fase gaseosa no pudieron ser localizadas en solución acuosa. Además, la estabilidad relativa de los mínimos y las intersecciones cónicas (IC) se revierte con respecto a los valores de la fase gaseosa, lo que afecta a las rutas de desactivación prevalentes. Como consecuencia de estos cambios, se abren tres canales de de-excitación competitivos en solución acuosa: la emisión de fluorescencia desde un mínimo planar en S1, la fotoisomerización trans - cis a través de un IC que implica la rotación del doble enlace de vinilo y el no desvitación radiativa, no reactiva, a través de la IC asociada a la rotación del enlace simple adyacente al grupo fenilo. En la fase gaseosa, los mínimos son las estructuras con menor energía, mientras que en solución la estructura CI β , caracterizada por una gran separación de cargas, se estabiliza fuertemente mediante interacciones con moléculas de agua y se convierte en la estructura con la energía más baja en S1. Estos hechos explican la baja señal de fluorescencia de pCE - en solución acuosa y la presencia de fotoisomerización trans - cis parcial en este sistema.In an attempt to shed light on the environmental effects on the deactivation channels of the PYP chromophore, radiative and non-radiative deactivation mechanisms of the anionic p-coumaric acid methyl ester (pCE−) in the gas phase and water solution are compared at the CASPT2//CASSCF/cc-pVDZ level and, when necessary, at the CASPT2//CASPT2/cc-pVDZ level. We find that the solvent produces dramatic modifications on the free energy profile of the S1 state. Two twisted structures that are minima in the gas phase could not be localized in aqueous solution. Furthermore, the relative stability of minima and conical intersections (CIs) is reverted with respect to the gas phase values, affecting the prevalent de-excitation paths. As a consequence of these changes, three competitive de-excitation channels are open in aqueous solution: the fluorescence emission from a planar minimum on S1, the trans–cis photoisomerization through a CI that involves the rotation of the vinyl double bond and the non-radiative, non-reactive, de-excitation through the CI associated with the rotation of the single bond adjacent to the phenyl group. In the gas phase, the minima are the structures with lower energy, while in solution the CIβ structure, characterized by a large charge separation, is strongly stabilized by interactions with water molecules and becomes the structure with the lowest energy on S1. These facts explain the low fluorescence signal of pCE− in aqueous solution and the presence of partial trans–cis photoisomerization in this system.Trabajo financiado por: Gobierno de Extremadura. Consejería de Economía, Comercio e Innovación. Proyecto GR15169peerReviewe

    Relationship between 2D:4D ratio and body composition in adolescents in Extremadura

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    La ratio 2D:4D es el cociente entre la longitud del dedo índice y anular de la mano, asociada al balance entre andrógenos y estrógenos, durante el desarrollo embrionario. Una baja proporción 2D:4D, refleja niveles más altos de testosterona en el útero. Esta medida se ha relacionado con ciertos parámetros de la composición corporal, que podrían ser indicativos de la probabilidad de presentar riesgos para la salud. Objetivos: analizar si existe relación entre la ratio 2D:4D y la composición corporal y explorar las diferencias entre los sexos. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional y correlacional con 225 adolescentes (108 chicos y 117 chicas), de entre los 12 y 17 años. Se realizaron medidas antropométricas, de composición corporal y la ratio 2D:4D. Resultados: se encontró una relación directa entre la ratio 2D:4D porcentaje de masa grasa (r=,321 y p<,001) y con el IMC (r=,241 y p<,001). Al segmentar por sexo esta correlación solo se encontró en chicas (r=,408, p<,001 y r=,419, p<,001, respectivamente). Además, se encontraros diferencias significativas entre sexos para altura (p=,002), porcentaje de grasa (p<,001) y masa muscular (p<,001), ratio 2D:4D (p<,001). Conclusiones: existe una relación directa de la ratio 2D:4D con el porcentaje de masa grasa y el IMC en adolescentes de Extremadura; es decir, mayores ratios 2D:4D se asocian a mayores porcentajes de grasa e IMC. Además, las chicas presentan mayores ratios 2D:4D y porcentaje de masa grasa, y menor altura y masa muscular en comparación con los chicosThe ratio 2D:4D is the quotient between the length of the index and ring finger of the hand, associated to the balance between androgens and estrogens, during the embryonic development. A low 2D:4D ratio reflects higher levels of testosterone in the uterus. This measure has been associated to certain body composition parameters, which could be indicative of the likelihood of health risks. Objectives: to analyze if there is a relationship between the 2D:4D ratio and body composition and to explore the differences between the sexes. Methods: An observational and correlational study was carried out with 225 adolescents (108 boys and 117 girls), between the ages of 12 and 17. Anthropometric, body composition and 2D:4D ratio measurements were made. Results: A direct relationship was found between the ratio 2D:4D fat mass percentage (r=.321 and p<.001) and with the BMI (r=.241 and p<.001). When segmented by sex, this correlation was only found in girls (r=.408, p<.001 and r=.419, p<.001, respectively). In addition, significant differences were found between sexes for height (p=.002), fat mass percentage (p<.001) and muscle mass (p<.001), ratio 2D:4D (p<.001). Conclusions: there is a direct relationship between the ratio 2D:4D and the fat mass percentage and BMI in adolescents from Extremadura; that is, higher ratios 2D:4D are associated with higher fat mass percentages and BMI. In addition, girls have higher 2D:4D ratios and fat mass percentage, and lower height and muscle mass compared to boy

    Factors Predicting the Response to a Vitamin D-Fortified Milk in Healthy Postmenopausal Women

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    Background: Milk products fortified with vitamin D may constitute an alternative to pharmacological supplements for reaching the optimal levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. Our aim was to analyze the response of serum 25(OH)D and its predictive factors in postmenopausal healthy women after a dietary intervention with a milk fortified with vitamin D and calcium. Methods: We designed a prospective study including 305 healthy postmenopausal women who consumed a fortified milk with calcium (900 mg/500 mL) and vitamin D3 (600 IU/500 mL) daily for 24 months. Results: The 25(OH)D concentrations at 24 months were correlated to weight, to body mass index, to the percentage of fat, triglycerides and to baseline 25(OH)D levels. We found significant differences in the levels of 25(OH)D at 24 months according to baseline 25(OH)D levels (p < 0.001) and body mass index (p = 0.019) expressed at quartiles. Multivariate analysis showed an association between levels of 25(OH)D after the intervention and at baseline 25(OH)D (Beta = 0.47, p < 0.001) and percentage of body fat (Beta = -0.227, p = 0.049), regardless of the body mass index. Conclusions: In healthy postmenopausal women, the improvement in 25(OH)D after an intervention with a fortified milk for 24 months depends mainly on the baseline levels of serum 25(OH)D and on the percentage of body fat

    Comparative evaluation of R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R450A as alternatives to R134a in a variable speed reciprocating compressor

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    A comparative energetic evaluation of R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R450A as alternatives to R134a in a variable speed compressor is carried out. A compressor model based on dimensionless numbers was obtained using the Buckingham p -theorem, which was validated with experimental data; showing that the prediction error of the model is lower than ± 10% and ± 2 K for temperature. The experimental data were obtained by testing R134a, R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R450A for a wide range of operating condi- tions. Results obtained with the validated model, show that the dimensionless approach provides a similar estimation of energy parameters compared with the experimental results, such as power con- sumption, refrigerant mass fl ow rate, cooling capacity, COP, discharge temperature and compressor ef- fi ciencies for each refrigerant tested using the dimensionless approach proposed. The comparative evaluation of the compressor predictions shows a reduction in the cooling capacity obtained with R1234yf, R450A and R1234ze(E), in comparison with R134a. Also, COP values for R1234yf, R450A, and R1234ze(E) are lower than those obtained from R134a. Finally, results shows that the dimensionless correlation compressor model can be used to predict the performance of other reciprocating compres- sors, at similar operating conditions for a wide range of compressor rotation speed, with a reasonable accuracy.The authors thankfully acknowledge to the "Consejo Nacional deCiencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)” for their support to this study, and to the “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (Grant number FPU12/02841) for sponsoring this work through “Becas y Contratosde Formación de Profesorado Universitario del Programa Nacional de Formación de Recursos Humanos de Investigación del ejercicio 2012”