228 research outputs found

    The Relevance of the Reviewer’s Role: a Methodological Proposal for the Development of the Translation Competence

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    Conforme a autores como Silvia Parra (2005: 370), el encargo de traducción puede definirse como el “conjunto de especificaciones, explícitas o implícitas, que guía tanto el trabajo del traductor como el del revisor”. De las palabras de Parra se desprende la importancia de la labor de revisión en el proceso y en el resultado de la traducción, que puede coincidir bien con la figura del propio traductor (auto-revisión) o que, como indica la autora, puede tratarse de otro ente diferente. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de la fase de revisión en la realidad profesional de la traducción, el objetivo de esta contribución consiste en presentar una aproximación teórico-práctica a la labor de revisión de textos de carácter especializado (ámbito biosanitario y tecnológico), con el fin de delimitar el campo de actuación de este ente, así como de proponer una metodología docente que sirva de fundamento para el desarrollo de la competencia traductora.According to certain authors such as Silvia Parra (2005: 370), the translation assignment can be defined as the set of instructions −both explicit or implicit− guiding not only the translator’s but also the reviewer’s decisions. This definition places an emphasis on the relevance of the revision task in both the process and the product of translation, which may be conducted either by the translator himself/herself (self-revision) or, as indicated by Parra, by a reviewer. Thus the relevance of the reviewer’s role in professional translation teams having been assumed, this paper aims at providing a theoretical and practical approach to revising specialized texts (pertaining to both the bio-sanitary and the technical fields) in order to determine the reviewer’s tasks as well as to propose a useful teaching methodology for the development of the translation competence

    Enfermedades tiroideas en équidos

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    La glándula tiroides juega un papel fundamental en muchas funciones del organismo, como por ejemplo en el crecimiento, en la maduración tisular y en el metabolismo. La función primaria de la glándula tiroides es la síntesis y liberación de triyodotironina (T3) y tiroxina (T4), las cuales están influenciadas por el efecto de la hormona estimulante de la glándula tiroides (TSH) y la hormona liberadora de tirotropina (TRH). A pesar de que las patologías de la glándula tiroides son poco frecuentes en caballos, entre los trastornos de la glándula tiroides que se pueden encontrar están el hipotiroidismo (más común en neonatos), el síndrome del enfermo eutiroideo, el hipertiroidismo y las neoplasias, siendo estas últimas la alteración más frecuente, sobre todo los tumores benignos tipo adenoma. El pronóstico de todas estas patologías no es grave y raramente conllevan la muerte del animal. No obstante, el diagnostico asertivo de estas afecciones requiere pruebas específicas tales como la determinación de las concentraciones séricas de hormonas tiroideas junto con la realización de pruebas funcionales o dinámicas, ya que si sólo se lleva a cabo una medición puntual de hormonas tiroideas se puede incurrir en falsos diagnósticos. Igualmente, en algunos casos es de ayuda la realización de una ecografía y/o biopsia de la glándula.Thyroid glands are essential for several organic functions such as growth, neural tissue maturation and metabolism. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are the main hormones produced by thyroid glands, under regulation via feed-back from the pituitary gland (Thyroid stimulating hormone –TSH-) and hypothalamus (Thyrotropin-releasing hormone –TRH-). In horses, thyroid gland pathology is a rare, non-fatal finding with a good prognosis. Hypothyroidism (commonly in foals), euthyroid sick syndrome, hyperthyroidism and thyroid neoplasia can be found in equine patients with certain frequency. The most common thyroid pathology is neoplasia, being usually a benign adenoma. Diagnosis can be changeling in these pathologies and requires specific serum hormone determinations together with dynamic tests, since a punctual thyroid hormone measurement can provoke wrong conclusions and lead to misdiagnosis

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El proyecto, en el que se trabaja desde hace cinco años y ha contado con un presupuesto de 4.050 euros, tiene como reto desarrollar entre el alumnado de Veterinaria las habilidades y destrezas que van a necesitar cuando concluyan su formación académica y comiencen a ejercer su profesión. Por ello, la iniciativa incluye tres actividades: simulación de casos prácticos; desarrollo de un tutor virtual 3D para el aprendizaje de inglés; y la gestión de recursos y la adquisición de nuevas competencias en Veterinaria mediante la resolución de problemas basados en la evidencia

    Informe de campo del monitoreo ambiental y reconocimiento de áreas impactadas en la Comunidad Nativa Canaán de Cachiyacu - Ucayali - región Loreto

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    Presenta el informe de campo del monitoreo ambiental y reconocimiento de áreas impactadas en la Comunidad Nativa de Canaán de Cachiyacu ubicada en el distrito de Contamana, provincia de Ucayali, región Loreto. Dicha evaluación se realizó dentro de los límites del Lote 31 B administrado por la empresa Maple Gas Corporation del Perú S.R.L. los días 2 y 3 de abril de 2013. Se tomaron nuevos puntos de muestreo en el trayecto de la Quebrada Cachiyacu y Quebrada Tubocaño para determinar y/o descartar posibles zonas impactadas por derrame de hidrocarburo

    O papel do destino turístico na escolha dos alunos do centro académico internacional: o caso do programa erasmus na universidade de la laguna

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    The study measures the importance of the university and the tourist destination factors in the international students´ choice of placement for their studies and their further satisfaction. Using a sample from the Erasmus Exchange Programme in the Canary Islands, one of the main European tourist destinations, the results show the potential that academic tourism could have for the host destination and in particular, the importance of the attraction factors linked to the destination rather than those associated with the academic center. Hence, to take advantage of this potential, it is essential to develop collaborative strategies among the managers of the destination and those responsible for the academic center analyzed.estudo propõe aferir a importância da universidade a par dos fatores do destino turístico na escolha dos alunos internacionais face ao posicionamento para seus estudos e ao seu posterior grau de satisfação. Usando uma amostra a partir do programa de intercâmbio Erasmus, nas Ilhas Canárias, um dos principais destinos turísticos europeus, os resultados mostram o potencial que o turismo académico poderá ter para o destino de acolhimento e, em particular, a importância dos fatores de atração ligados ao destino. Neste sentido, para aproveitar esse potencial, é essencial desenvolver estratégias de colaboração entre os gestores do destino e os responsáveis pelo centro académico analisado

    Evaluación de los cambios en los resíduos sólidos urbanos en un vertedero durante el proceso de biodegradación

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    Cuando los residuos son depositados en un relleno sanitario se inicia un proceso de degradación que depende de multitud de factores, tales como la cobertura, la temperatura, la humedad, la precipitación, etc. Estos factores influyen en la evolución del residuo a lo largo del tiempo, tanto en la fermentación anaerobia, como en la generación de lixiviado. Para analizar la evolución de los rechazos en el relleno sanitario se ha construido un lisímetro en el que se ha depositado 30.5 kg de rechazo. Durante el desarrollo del experimento se vertió una mezcla agua-lixiviado por la parte superior, simulando las precipitaciones y se recogido el lixiviado por la parte inferior. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un incremento en el poder calorífico después del periodo y esto debido al descenso del contenido de ceniza del rechazo. El resultado mínimo de DQO fue de 17,750 mg/L y el máximo en la semana 9 de 33,000 mg/L. Para la DBO5 se alcanzó un valor mínimo de 6,000 mg/L y un máximo de 11,000 mg/L. Los sólidos alcanzaron un valor de 50,000 mg/L en la semana 9; valor similar a los reportados por otros autores. El volumen de lixiviado obtenido del lisímetro, muestra que conforme se le aplica presión a la masa de rechazo el volumen de lixiviado disminuye respecto al tiempo, de forma que se aprecia una disminución en la permeabilidad. Los asentamientos mecánicos mostraron que por cada 5 bares de presión, la masa de rechazo se compactó 1 cm aproximadamente.When wastes are deposited in a sanitary, starts a degradation process that depends on multitude of factors, such as the coverage, the temperature, the humidity, the rainfall, etc. These factors influence the evolution of the waste over time, in the anaerobic fermentation and in the generation of leachate. A lysimeter was constructed in order to analyze the evolution of the rejections in the sanitary landfill, with a capacity of 30.5 kg. During the development of the experiment was poured a mixture of water-leachate from the top, simulating the rainfall and the leachate was collected from the bottom. The results obtained show an increase in the calorific value at the end of the experimental period, which was congruent with the reduction of the content of ash of the rejection. The mínimum value of COD was 17,750 mg/L and the máximum, corresponding to the week 9, of 33,000 mg/L. In case of BDO5, a minimal value of 6,000 mg/L was reached and a maximum of 11,000 mg/L. The highest value of the concentration of solids was 50,000 mg/L, corresponding to the week 9; value similar to those reported by other authors. The volume of leachate obtained in the lysimeter, shows that as applies pressure to the mass of rejection, its value decreases in relation to time, so that there is a reduction in the permeability. Mechanical settlements showed that for every 5 bars of pressure, the mass of rejection was compacted 1 cm approximatel

    Immunohistochemical characterization of tuberculous lesions in sheep naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis

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    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.[EN] Background: Sheep have been traditionally considered as less susceptible to Mycobacterium bovis (Mbovis) infection than other domestic ruminants such as cattle and goats. However, there is increasing evidence for the role of this species as a domestic Mbovis reservoir, mostly when sheep share grazing fields with infected cattle and goats. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information about the pathogenesis and the immune response of Mbovis infection in sheep. The goals of this study were to characterize the granuloma stages produced by the natural infection of Mbovis in sheep, to compare them with other species and to identify possible differences in the sheep immune response. Samples from bronchial lymph nodes from twelve Mbovis-naturally infected sheep were used. Four immunohistochemical protocols for the specific detection of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages were performed to study the local immune reaction within the granulomas. Results: Differences were observed in the predominant cell type present in each type of granuloma, as well as differences and similarities with the development of tuberculous granulomas in other species. Very low numbers of T-lymphocytes were observed in all granuloma types indicating that specific cellular immune response mediated by T-cells might not be of much importance in sheep in the early stages of infection, when macrophages are the predominant cell type within lesions. Plasma cells and mainly B lymphocytes increased considerably as the granuloma developed being attracted to the lesions in a shift towards a Th2 response against the increasing amounts of mycobacteria. Therefore, we have proposed that the granulomas could be defined as initial, developed and terminal. Conclusions: Results showed that the study of the lymphoid tissue granulomata reinforces the view that the three different types of granuloma represent stages of lesion progression and suggest an explanation to the higher resistance of sheep based on a higher effective innate immune response to control tuberculosis infection.SIThis paper was funded by a grant from INIA-RTA2014–00002-C02–01 (FEDER co-funded)

    Evaluation of the combined glucose-insulin and intravenous glucose tolerance tests for insulin dysregulation diagnosis in donkeys

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    Background. Insulin dysregulation (ID) and donkey metabolic syndrome (DMS) are common in this species. Contrary to horses, diagnostic guidelines compiling insulin cut-offs values and dynamic testing interpretations have not been reported for this species. Objectives. To evaluate resting serum insulin concentrations, the combined glucose-insulin test (CGIT) and the glucose intravenous tolerance test (IVGTT) for the diagnosis of DMS with ID suspicion. Study design. Diagnostic test comparison.Methods. Six of 80 mix-breed adult donkeys fulfilled the inclusion criteria for DMS based on history or clinical evidence of recurrent laminitis, body condition >6 and neck score >2 or baseline insulin and leptin concentrations >20 µIU/mL and >12 ng/mL respectively. CGIT and IVGTT were performed in all donkeys within a week and interpreted following guidelines reported for equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Insulin and glucose curves were analysed, proxies calculated and correlations and multivariate analysis assessed. Results. Following EMS guidelines, CGIT classified 2 (using glucose-positive phase duration) or 3 (using insulin concentration) and IVGTT classified 5 donkeys as ID. ID donkeys showed a lower glucose/insulin ratio, QUICKI and RISQI, and a higher insulin/glucose ratio, MIRG and HOMA-B%. Main limitations. Comparison of these tests with additional dynamic testing including a larger number of ID donkeys is necessary. Conclusions. This is the first study evaluating dynamic tests to assess ID/DMS in DMS-suspected donkeys. IVGTT detected more ID donkeys than CGIT. EMS recommendations could also be used for DMS diagnosis, although a baseline insulin cut-off value is needed