99 research outputs found

    Wrist ultrasound analysis of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

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    In the present study, we evaluated 42 wrists using the semi-quantitative scales power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS) and gray scale ultrasound (GSUS) with scores ranging from 0 to 3 and correlated the results with clinical, laboratory and radiographic data. Twenty-one patients (17 women and 4 men) with rheumatoid arthritis according to criteria of the American College of Rheumatology were enrolled in the study from September 2008 to July 2009 at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). The average disease duration was 14 months. The patients were 66.6% Caucasians and 33.3% non-Caucasians, with a mean age of 42 and 41 years, respectively. A dorsal longitudinal scan was performed by ultrasound on the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints using GE LOGIQ XP-linear ultrasound and a high frequency (8-10 MHz) transducer. All patients were X-rayed, and the Larsen score was determined for the joints, with grades ranging from 0 to V. This study showed significant correlations between clinical, sonographic and laboratory data: GSUS and swollen right wrist (r = 0.546), GSUS of right wrist and swelling of left wrist (r = 0.511), PDUS of right wrist and pain in left wrist (r = 0.436), PDUS of right wrist and C-reactive protein (r = 0.466). Ultrasound can be considered a useful tool in the diagnosis of synovitis in early rheumatoid arthritis mainly when the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and rheumatoid factor are negative, and can lead to an early change in the therapeutic decision44

    Curvatura Da Superfície E Seu Efeito Na Variabilidade Espacial Dos Atributos Do Solo, Pinheiral - Rj/br

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    Understanding the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes is important for improving management practices and soil conservation. In turn, the spatial variability of soil properties results from variation in morphological relief characteristics. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of landform curvature on the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes in the Mar de Morros region (Pinheiral-Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil). Two adjacent landforms were selected with convex and concave curvature and sampled in a regularly spaced grid of 10 meters. A total of 56 soil samples (0-5 cm depth) from the two landforms were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical attributes. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and geostatistics. All chemical attributes showed random patterns of spatial variability in both landforms. The concave landform had higher values of pH and potassium and lower values of aluminum than the convex landform. In contrast, silt content showed spatial dependence in both the concave and convex landforms. Bulk density and clay showed spatial dependence in the convex landform. Bulk density and silt content increased from the shoulder to the footslope of both landforms. The results show that, for this study area, landform curvature has more influence on the spatial dependence of soil physical attributes than of soil chemical properties. © 2016, Federal University of Lavras. All rights reserved.22443143


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    RESUMOEste trabalho buscou avaliar o crescimento de Myracrodruon urundeuvaAllemão produzida em substratos preparados com lodo de esgoto, composto orgânico e esterco bovino. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação por 120 dias no Viveiro do Centro de Referência em Conservação da Natureza e Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas – CRAD, Brasília-DF. Foram testados quatro tipos de adubos: (1) Osmocote®; (2) esterco bovino; (3) composto orgânico; e (4) lodo de esgoto seco. Cada adubo foi submetido a três composições diferentes: (1) 25%, (2) 50% e (3) 75%, com exceção da testemunha e do Osmocote®, totalizando 11 tratamentos com 10 repetições cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: Diâmetro do Coleto (DC), Altura da Muda (H), Número de Folhas (NF), Matéria Fresca de Parte Aérea (MFPA), Matéria Seca de Parte Aérea (MSPA), Matéria Fresca de Raiz (MFR), Matéria Seca de Raiz (MSR) e Índice de Qualidade de Dickson (IQD). As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados indicaram interação significativa entre os tratamentos. As maiores médias foram obtidas nos tratamentos com esterco bovino, seguidas do tratamento com composto. As plantas produzidas apenas com Osmocote® e com lodo de esgoto morreram. O resultado apontou a importância de incorporar matéria orgânica ao substrato para produção de mudas de M. urundeuva e o composto orgânico na proporção de 25% equivale ao esterco bovino na proporção de 25, 50 e 75%

    Diet of two syntopic species of Crenuchidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes) in an Amazonian rocky stream

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    Abstract This study assessed the diet of two poorly known syntopic fish species of the family Crenuchidae, Characidium aff. declivirostre and Leptocharacidium omospilus, in a Presidente Figueiredo´ rocky stream, Amazonas, Brazil. The stomach contents were analyzed and their Frequency of Occurrence (FO %) and Relative Volume (Vol %) were combined in a Feeding Index (IAi). We examined 20 individuals of C. aff. declivirostre and 23 of L. omospilus. The Morisita-Horn Index was used to estimate the overlap between the diets of these species. Immature insects were the most valuable items consumed by both fish species. The diet of C. aff. declivirostre was mainly composed of larvae and pupae of Chironomidae, while L. omospilus predominantly consumed larvae of Hydroptilidae, Hydropyschidae and Pyralidae. Thus, both species were classified as autochthonous insectivorous. Characidium aff. declivirostre was considered a more specialized species, probably reflecting lower feeding plasticity or the use of more restricted microhabitats compared to L. omospilus. When the food items were analyzed at the family taxonomic level, the diet overlap between these species was considered moderate (Morisita-Horn Index = 0.4). However, a more thorough analysis, at the genus level, indicates a very low diet overlap. Therefore, we conclude that the feeding segregation between C. aff. declivirostre and L. omospilus may favor their co-existence, despite their high phylogenetic closeness

    Relationship between physical attributes, clay fraction mineralogy and aluminum forms in soil

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    O alumínio (Al) é um dos elementos mais abundantes em massa nos solos brasileiros, estando presente em diferentes minerais e formas. Considerando a carência de informações sobre a sua participação no comportamento físico do solo, buscou-se, no presente estudo, avaliar a relação entre a mineralogia da fração argila, formas de Al e atributos físicos de diferentes solos. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras deformadas e indeformadas dos horizontes A e B de solos representativos das Zonas Fisiográficas Sul e Campos das Vertentes do estado de Minas Gerais. As amostras foram submetidas às caracterizações física, química e mineralógica. Estudos de correlação mostraram que os atributos físicos dos solos estudados estavam associados às diferentes formas de Al presentes e à mineralogia da fração argila: as formas de Al amorfas e menos cristalinas associaram-se mais aos atributos físicos relacionados com a agregação das partículas do solo, podendo esta associação ser atribuída à afinidade deste elemento com a matéria orgânica, enquanto os componentes cristalinos associaram-se mais aos atributos físicos relacionados com a organização estrutural dos solos._________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Aluminum (Al) is one of the most abundant elements in weight in Brazilian soils, found in different minerals and forms. Considering the lack of information about its participation in the physical behavior of soil, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the mineralogy of the clay fraction, different forms of Al and physical attributes of different soils. Disturbed and undisturbed samples of A and B horizons of representative soils from the South and Campos das Vertentes physiographic regions in the State of Minas Gerais were therefore collected. The samples were subjected to physical, chemical and mineralogical characterizations. Correlation studies performed with the resulting data from the different characterizations showed that the physical attributes of the different studied soils are associated to the different forms of Al and to the mineralogy of the clay fraction: the amorphous and less crystalline forms of Al were more associated to physical attributes related with particle aggregation, such association being ascribed to the affinity of this element with organic matter, while the crystalline components were more associated to physical attributes related with the structural organization of the soils