97 research outputs found

    Estimation of production trend of the depik, Rasbora tawarensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), in Lake Laut Tawar, Indonesia

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the production trend of the depik (Rasbora tawarensis) during the last two decades in Lake Laut Tawar. The production trend was examined based on the catch per unit efforts. The direct sampling, fishermen catches collection and fishermen interview were conducted to collect actual fish catches. The results showed that the depik, R. tawarensis production (indicated by the catch-per-unit effort (CPUE)) was seasonally dependent where the CPUE was higher in the rainy season compared to dry season. In addition, the CPUE was higher in the new moon according to lunar cycle. The production of depik in particular and fishes of Lake Laut Tawar in general are declining dramatically during the last two decades. The decrease in the water levels, destructive fishing gears, the presence of introduced species and pollution are the main reasons suggested for this phenomenon.</p

    Impacts of COVID-19 on the value chain of the hake small scale fishery in northern Peru

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    The supply chain mapping and analysis of secondary sources was supported by The Walton Family Foundation (Grant 2019-319) and the estimation of COVID-19 impacts by a 2019–20 SFC-ODA GCRF (University of St Andrews) Grant.All aspects of fish supply chains have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with jobs, income and food security at risk. In Peru, small scale fisheries are fundamental for food security, contributing to about 2/3 of all fish consumed nationally. One of the most important resources which is more affordable for local and regional consumption is hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus). This study is a first attempt to describe the small-scale hake fishery value chain and to quantify the impact of COVID-19 from March to August 2020 in two fishing communities in northern Peru. The levels of fishing and primary buying were the most affected, and we estimate that ~ 23,000 fishing trips were not conducted, ~ 1680 t of hake was not landed (83% decrease), and 620 jobs were negatively impacted during this period. The gross income of vessel owners and primary buyers decreased by ~ $US 913,000. Marked differences were observed in the way each community responded to the pandemic and in their resilience to cope with COVID-19, despite being located less than 10 km away. In El Ñuro, which relied more heavily on the international market for hake trade, the value chain was affected for longer, while in Los Órganos which supplied national markets, the chain was restored after an initial period of adjustment. Our study suggests that government efforts should focus on facilitating a formalisation process in all levels of the chain, develop indicators to monitor the resumption of activities and the inclusion of a value chain approach to small-scale fisheries management.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Estimating fishing effort from highly resolved geospatial data : focusing on passive gears

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    TM, JM and MJ appreciate the financial support provided by the University of St. Andrews Impact and Innovation Fund 2018. TM and MJ acknowledge financial support provided by the “Conserving Atlantic Biodiversity by Supporting Innovative Small-scale Fisheries Co-management” (CABFISHMAN) Project. This project is co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund. Project N°: EAPA_134/2018”.Increasing competition for marine space requires the appropriate development of indicators to best represent the use of marine areas and the value (whether economic, social and/or cultural) derived from such use. Fishers (the largest group of users) are often under-represented in marine spatial planning processes. Highly-resolved vessel tracking data provide opportunities to map the activities of fishing vessels at a level of detail never before available. Most effort mapping methods have focused on active gears such as trawls or dredges in large scale fisheries. For these fisheries, the time spent fishing at sea (hours) is usually a representative indicator of fishing effort, enabling a straightforward mapping of the most important fishing grounds. However, for passive gears generally used in small-scale fisheries, we show that spatial indicators of effort (here, length of vessel track) greatly outperform time-at-sea as an indicator of fishing effort. We further demonstrate and validate a method to estimate gear soak time from vessel tracking data and show how maps of effort that account for soak time can be different from those solely based on time spent fishing at sea. The development of adequate methods to quantify the spatial distribution of passive gear effort is particularly relevant to fisheries management because globally about a fifth of all catches (by weight) are landed by passive gears. Appropriate, fine scale effort maps will provide better tools for spatial planning to support sustainable fishing.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Avaliação dos conhecimentos relativos aos RH pelos profissionais de saúde da UHB

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    O presente estudo foi realizado em Bragança, tendo como objectivo, avaliar os conhecimentos dos profissionais de saúde da Unidade Hospitalar de Bragança (UHB) relativamente aos resíduos hospitalares (RH), no seguimento da unidade curricular Métodos e Técnicas de Investigação da Licenciatura em Farmácia da Escola Superior de Saúde de Bragança. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, correlacional e de carácter exploratório. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de inquéritos realizados pelos constituintes deste grupo de trabalho e foram distribuídos nos diferentes serviços da UHB, sendo o tipo de amostragem feita de modo aleatório, estratificado e por conveniência. A dimensão da amostra correspondeu a 15% dos profissionais de saúde da referente instituição, mas a amostra pretendida era de 30%. O objectivo deste estudo é analisar se na UHB, a triagem de resíduos é devidamente efectuada cumprindo todas as normas de segurança e legislação em vigor, por todos os profissionais de saúde, e se estes, receberam formação suficiente acerca deste tema, saber também se existe alguma relação entre “profissão”/“tempo de serviço” com a “triagem em cada serviço”, o que se revela tão importante nos nossos dias para bem de todos os profissionais, utentes e população em geral, assim como para a preservação a nível ambiental. Assim pode dizer-se que é necessário promover mais acções de formação, por parte de Unidade Hospitalar de Bragança para os profissionais que contactam diariamente com estes resíduos, de modo a não suscitarem dúvidas, que os possam levar a cometer erros. Tais erros trazem custos à Instituição em causa, uma vez que, quando se coloca o resíduo no recipiente errado, paga-se mais para efectuar a triagem. É também uma lacuna a colmatar pelos cursos superiores de saúde, uma vez que os profissionais deveriam trazer da faculdade alguma formação acerca deste assunto, essencialmente os enfermeiros, pois são eles quem mais contactam com os diversos tipos de resíduos hospitalares

    Propiedades Psicométricas del Inventario Psicológico de Ejecución Deportiva (IPED) en deportistas peruanos de Alto Rendimiento

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    To measure athlete's success and his sports performance, it is required to quantify the maximum performance developed during seasons of trainings and championships; using a valid, reliable, and adapted to peruvian context instrument. However, caution is urged when considering there is no psychometric evidence to support the use of any scale related to peruvian high performance athletes' sample. The current study was designed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Sports Performance Psychological Inventory (IPED) in the mentioned sample. Method: Participated 255 peruvian athletes with ages between 14 and 38 years (N:23; SD: 4.29); who actively represents the country and in sports modalities affiliated with the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD). For the collection of information, a sociodemographic record, Sports Performance Psychological Inventory (IPED) and the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ) were used. Results: IPED model demonstrated, that the seven-dimensional model had an acceptable fit (SBx2 = 2243.096 / df = 798; CFI=. 955; SRMR=. 095; RMSEA=. 084 [IC90%:. 080 -. 069] and reliability analyses revealed high internal consistency (ω =. 841 > ω =. 754). In addition, scores correlated positively between IPP and MTQ dimensions (AC=. 678; CAN=. 557; CAT=. 457; CVI=. 328; NM=. 425; CAP=. 641; CAC=. 662) and Control (AC=. 558; CAN=. 733; CAT=. 682; CVI=. 171; NM=. 272; CAP=. 432; CAC=. 563) Conclusion: The IPED provides adequate evidence of validity and reliability to measure sports performanc

    Translation urgency in our climate-challenged times : co-producing geographical knowledge on El Niño in Peru

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    This paper was developed as part of the Leverhulme award MRF-2022-065. Fieldwork was supported by AHRC grants (AH/T004444/1AH, AH/V012215/1) and exchange activities (2023) by the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES).This paper makes a case for revisiting the understandings of translation to enhance the co-production of geographical knowledge on climate change. Specifically, it offers insights about the potential role that schoolteachers and students can have as knowledge producers in relation to climate change by drawing on a case study of collaborative research on El Niño in Sechura, northern Peru. We call for researchers to pay greater attention to how co-production can be achieved through the integration of research agendas and practice with curricula development and innovation in school education. We contribute to work on how a generational shift in understanding about climate adaptation can be achieved through exploring communities’ knowledge of the lesser-known opportunities of the El Niño phenomenon in northern desert regions. We conclude by arguing that revisiting how geography engages in and with translation is an urgent priority in climate-challenged times.Peer reviewe

    O paradoxo do sistema médico legal brasileiro em uma análise bioética social

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    Esclarecimentos a respeito de causa mortis no Brasil necessariamente passam por dois serviços com atribuições distintas. No Instituto Médico Legal (IML) são realizadas necropsias por mortes violentas ou suspeitas e no Serviço de Verificação de Óbito (SVO) são realizadas necropsias devidas a morte natural de causa desconhecida. Ocorre que as requisições das necropsias são feitas em delegacias de polícia, que se utilizam de elementos de presunção, com base no registro de Boletins de Ocorrência, que muitas vezes são lavrados por declarações de testemunhas, nem sempre confiáveis. Isso resulta em um viés de seleção, pois a causa jurídica da morte é SUPOSTA, antes&nbsp; mesmo do exame necroscópico, podendo levar a erros, de boa ou má fé, inclusive na detecção de violação de direitos humanos, pois no SVO em geral se dispõe de patologistas, preparados para definição de causa de morte natural e no IML, têm-se médicos legistas, treinados para investigação de mortes violentas, sem experiência em patologia

    Issues of context, capacity and scale: Essential conditions and missing links for a sustainable blue economy

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    Funding: This work was supported by the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI), Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), One Ocean Hub (Grant Ref: NE/S008950/1).The blue economy has roots in the international arena of sustainable development and sets out to unlock opportunities for economy and society whilst protecting and enhancing marine environments. To date there has been no analysis of how this overarching intention for sustainability has influenced the rapid development of blue economy policies at national and regional scales. In this article, we analyse the synergies and conflicts between blue economy policies from a diversity of national and regional policies and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We show that to maintain critical alignment with targets for sustainability, place-based contextual development of blue economies that meet the needs of all actors is necessary. These needs relate to ensuring resilience against future environmental and political shocks, the maintenance of the ecological basis for thriving blue economies, and capacity development at all levels to support effective and equitable governance. Results indicate that co-production will be important to achieve sustainable blue economies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe