182 research outputs found

    Moessbauer studies in zinc-manganese ferrites for use in measuring small velocities and accelerations with great precision

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    Mossbauer spectroscopy was used for a systematic study of the magnetic behavior of manganese and zinc in mixed ferrites. It was observed that Zn2+ has preference to substitute Mn2+ at interstitial sites where the metal ions are tetrahedrally coordinated with four oxygen neighbors. The internal magnetic hyperfine field at the tetrahedral iron site is larger than that at the octahedral site. The relaxation effects were observed to play an important role as the zinc contents were increased, while the spin-correlation time and the magnetic field were observed to decrease in strength. It is concluded that Mossbauer effect data on complex materials, when used in conjunction with other data, can provide useful insight into the origin of the microscopic properties of magnetic materials

    Bulk and thin films of FeTe: A Moessbauer study

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    Studies of bulk and thin films of FeTe using Moessbauer spectroscopy showed that FeTe has one noncubic Fe (+2) site which is 3d2 4s 4p3 hybridized. The presence of dangling bands was indicated in spectra of FeTe thin films. The films showed a tendency of texture formation. The substrate was observed to influence the film structure and nature of bonds in films

    Moessbauer study in thin films of FeSi2 and FeSe systems

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    Thin films of FeSi2 and FeSe were studied using Moessbauer spectroscopy information regarding dangling bond configuration and nature of crystal structure in thin films was derived. A significant influence of crystalline aluminum substrate on film structure was observed

    Liver imaging : it is time to adopt standardized terminology

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    Liver imaging plays a vital role in the management of patients at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); however, progress in the field is challenged by nonuniform and inconsistent terminology in the published literature. The Steering Committee of the American College of Radiology (ACR)’s Liver Imaging Reporting And Data System (LI-RADS), in conjunction with the LI-RADS Lexicon Writing Group and the LI-RADS International Working Group, present this consensus document to establish a single universal liver imaging lexicon. The lexicon is intended for use in research, education, and clinical care of patients at risk for HCC (i.e., the LI-RADS population) and in the general population (i.e., even when LI-RADS algorithms are not applicable). We anticipate that the universal adoption of this lexicon will provide research, educational, and clinical benefits

    Arrested spinodal decomposition in polymer brush collapsing in poor solvent

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    We study the Brownian dynamics of flexible and semiflexible polymer chains densely grafted on a flat substrate, upon rapid quenching of the system when the quality of solvent becomes poor and chains attempt collapse into a globular state. The collapse process of such a polymer brush differs from individual chains, both in its kinetics and its structural morphology. We find that the resulting collapsed brush does not form a homogeneous dense layer, in spite of all chain monomers equally attracting each other via a model Lennard-Jones potential. Instead, a very distinct inhomogeneous density distribution in the plane forms, with a characteristic length scale dependent on the quenching depth (or equivalently, the strength of monomer attraction) and the geometric parameters of the brush. This structure is identical to the spinodal-decomposition structure, however, due to the grafting constraint we find no subsequent coarsening: the established random bundling with characteristic periodicity remains as the apparently equilibrium structure. We compare this finding with a recent field-theoretical model of bundling in a semiflexible polymer brush.This work was funded by the Osk. Huttunen Foundation (Finland) and the Cambridge Theory of Condensed Matter Grant from EPSRC. Simulations were performed using the Darwin supercomputer of the University of Cambridge High Performance Computing Service provided by Dell Inc. using Strategic Research Infrastructure funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ma501985r

    LI-RADS: A Conceptual and Historical Review from Its Beginning to Its Recent Integration into AASLD Clinical Practice Guidance

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    The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS®) is a comprehensive system for standardizing the terminology, technique, interpretation, reporting, and data collection of liver observations in individuals at high risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). LI-RADS is supported and endorsed by the American College of Radiology (ACR). Upon its initial release in 2011, LI-RADS applied only to liver observations identified at CT or MRI. It has since been refined and expanded over multiple updates to now also address ultrasound-based surveillance, contrast-enhanced ultrasound for HCC diagnosis, and CT/MRI for assessing treatment response after locoregional therapy. The LI-RADS 2018 version was integrated into the HCC diagnosis, staging, and management practice guidance of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). This article reviews the major LI-RADS updates since its 2011 inception and provides an overview of the currently published LI-RADS algorithms

    Community health and medical provision: impact on neonates (the CHAMPION trial)

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    BACKGROUND: The trial aims to evaluate whether neonatal mortality can be reduced through systemic changes to the provision and promotion of healthcare. Neonatal mortality rates in India are high compared to other low income countries, and there is a wide variation of rates across regions. There is evidence that relatively inexpensive interventions may be able to prevent up to 75% of these deaths. One area with a particularly high rate is Mahabubnagar District in Andhra Pradesh, where neonatal mortality is estimated to be in the region of 4-9%. The area suffers from a vicious cycle of both poor supply of and small demand for health care services. The trial will assess whether a package of interventions to facilitate systemic changes to the provision and promotion of healthcare may be able to substantially reduce neonatal mortality in this area and be cost-effective. If successful, the trial is designed so that it should be possible to substantially scale up the project in regions with similarly high neonatal mortality throughout Andhra Pradesh and elsewhere. METHODS/DESIGN: This trial will be a cluster-randomised controlled trial involving 464 villages in Mahabubnagar District. The package of interventions will first be introduced in half of the villages with the others serving as controls. The trial will run for a period of three years. The intervention in the trial has two key elements: a community health promotion campaign and a system to contract out healthcare to non-public institutions. The health promotion campaign will include a health education campaign, participatory discussion groups, training of village health workers and midwives, and improved coordination of antenatal services. The intervention group will also have subsidized access to pregnancy-related healthcare services at non-public lth centres (NPHCs). The primary outcome of the trial will be neonatal mortality. Secondary outcomes will include age at and cause of neonatal death, neonatal morbidity, maternal mortality and morbidity, health service usage, costs and several process and knowledge outcomes. DISCUSSION: The trial will be run by independent research and service delivery arms and supervised by a trial steering committee. A data monitoring committee will be put in place to monitor the trial and recommend stopping/continuation according to a Peto-Haybittle rule. The primary publication for the trial will follow CONSORT guidelines for cluster randomised controlled trials. Criteria for authorship of all papers, presentations and reports resulting from the study will conform to ICMJE standards

    Ductile-Phase Toughening of Brazed Joints

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    A heat treatment is presented that uses ductile-phase toughening to mitigate the effect of brittle intermetallics in a Ni-based braze alloy. The fracture resistance has been enhanced by creating a microstructure containing elongated ductile γ-(Ni) domains that align, preferentially, across the joint. The development of this beneficial microstructure is based on an understanding of the transient dissolution, isothermal solidification, and coarsening phenomena. Due to slow kinetics, the elimination of intermetallics by diffusion is avoided in favor of ductile domain formation through solidification control. The toughening has been attributed to a combination of bridging and process zone dissipation, enabled by the ductile phase
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