920 research outputs found

    Sustainability Values of Students as Influences on the Image of a University Transitioning to Sustainability

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    The journey toward sustainability is a difficult process for a university given the complex requirements necessary for becoming sustainable. To implement sustainability initiatives effectively, therefore, it is important to obtain the support and commitment of university stakeholders. Having a good image as far as the school’s efforts at sustainability are concerned engages stakeholders and encourages that commitment. It is an important element of change as it provides evidence that the school is indeed serious in its activities. Yet is the perception of the school’s image influenced by the students’ sustainability values? A survey of 798 college students at a private university in Metro Manila, Philippines was conducted to establish the relationship of the students’ sustainability values as these influenced their perception of the university’s image. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with the EQS program was used to examine links between student sustainability values, perceptions of the impact of school initiatives, and school image. Results indicate that the school’s image as a contributor to sustainability is influenced by the perception students have of the long-term impact of school initiatives and the importance they place on environmental management. Such results highlight the need for creating awareness about, as well as encouraging involvement with, sustainability initiatives among students, especially with activities that have long-term horizons. Creating such a positive image through the route established by this research wouldhelp provide focus and efficiencies in the university’s sustainability initiatives

    Vegetation Response to Grazing Pressure in the Puna Flat, NW Argentina

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    Puna grasslands are located at a high‐altitude flat plateau in the Northwest of Argentina. It is an arid territory (100 to 300 mm rainfall/year) at 3,000 to 4,000 m a.s.l. The vegetation is scarce, where Andean pastoralist communities produce meat and wool, specialized in llama (Lama glama) and sheep‐breeding, although they do breed multi‐species herds that may also include goats and cattle. There are erosion processes in the Puna, where shepherds and their animals could be synergetic factors with natural very hard climatic conditions. In this work we assess the effect of ovine and lama grazing on the plant communities in the Puna grasslands. Considering that stockyards are used in a very complex way along the year, having differences between those used in winter or in summer, or used for many months or only one month, etc. we built up a Grazing Pressure Index taking in account all these factors in each sampling point. We sampled 28 paired transects (14 in sites with high grazing pressure, and 14 in sites with low grazing pressure) in 2 different ecological sites (grassy grassland and shrubby steppe). Focusing our work on the community functionality, we analysed Plant Functional Types (PTF) measuring their cover, richness and diversity. Our results do not show significant differences on PFT cover, richness or diversity between sites at different grazing pressures. It could be the result of a low grazing pressure or a long grazing pressure history that had configured the TFP associations

    Més clar que l'aigua

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    Critical success factors for refilling : an application to the beauty industry

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    Esta tesis se encarga de examinar y analizar las opiniones y percepciones de consumidores en relaci?n a la reutilizaci?n de empaques en la industria de la belleza, concepto conocido como ?refilling?. El objetivo consisti? en identificar los factores cr?ticos de ?xito que deben ser considerados cuando una empresa desarrolla un modelo de refilling. Para lograr el objetivo se utiliza data recaudada por Marta Marinho, My-Linh Thieu, Zhengbo Huang, y yo misma para la tesis presentada a EDHEC Business School. El estudio que se llev? a cabo utiliza fuentes primarias y secundarias. La informaci?n primaria se obtuvo a trav?s de encuestas a consumidores, cuestionarios virtuales, y observaci?n en tiendas. La informaci?n secundaria se obtuvo a trav?s de an?lisis de documentos virtuales. Para comenzar, se analiz? el concepto de refilling: definici?n, beneficios, caracter?sticas, razones por la que los consumidores lo hacen, y barreras para consumidores. Tambi?n, se revis? como distintas marcas de Estados Unidos y Europa ofrecen refilling. Luego, se exponen los resultados de la investigaci?n primaria. Finalmente, con la informaci?n recaudada en estas 3 partes de la tesis se comparan los resultados obtenidos y concluye con los factores de ?xito. Como resultado, los factores de ?xito encontrados fueron los siguientes: precio, calidad, conveniencia, higiene, comunicaci?n, y empaque

    Addressing Sustainability in Fashion Through Goal Frames and the Theory of Planned Behavior Perspectives

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    The throwaway fast fashion culture leads to increasing wasteful consumption and the dwindling of the world’s natural resources. Thus, it has become apparent that for the good of the environment, consumers need to decrease frequency of buying clothes as a form of pro-environmental behavior (PEB). By linking the Theory of Planned Behavior and Goal-Framing Theory, this study determined factors that can encourage consumers towards PEB performance as well as the influence of goal frames on these factors. This study also explored how consumers’ clothing involvement moderates the effectiveness of these goal frames. Experiments with 350 female respondents were conducted. Results showed that attitude was significantly influenced by environment-frame, while subjective norms was influenced both by environment-frame and image-frame. Results also established a moderating effect of clothing involvement due to enjoyment on the influence of image-frame on subjective norms. The implications in the field of environmental communications were also discussed

    Rasgos generales estratigráficos y sedimentológicos del macizo urgoniano de Gorbea, Región Vasco-Cantábrica Central

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    Se diferencian 8 unidades urgonianas dentro de un esquema de plataforma mixta con individualización final de un banco carbona-iado, en el Aptiense-Albiense medio del macizo de Gorbea (Vizca ya). Pulsaciones tectónicas sinsedimentarias, incluyendo fracturación blandel zócalo y halocinesis, además de variaciones relativas del nivel del tectómar, constituyen los principales controles en el desarrollo y evolución de la plataforma

    Epidemic spreading on interconnected networks

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    Many real networks are not isolated from each other but form networks of networks, often interrelated in non trivial ways. Here, we analyze an epidemic spreading process taking place on top of two interconnected complex networks. We develop a heterogeneous mean field approach that allows us to calculate the conditions for the emergence of an endemic state. Interestingly, a global endemic state may arise in the coupled system even though the epidemics is not able to propagate on each network separately, and even when the number of coupling connections is small. Our analytic results are successfully confronted against large-scale numerical simulations