2,322 research outputs found

    Queer Assimilation

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    The issue of assimilation has long been a source of disagreement within the LGBTQ+ community. At the core of the issue are the competing needs for safety/acceptance and full recognition of a distinct identity from the normative mainstream. Queer politics seeks to create a space and a community with the intention of challenging heteronormative and patriarchal institutions, in order to gain acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community as a community with distinct, equally valid values and priorities as the heteronormative/patriarchal mainstream. Queer politics emerges as a non-assimilationist school of thought, which allows for critique of the hegemonic qualities of mainstream cultural values, and various ways in which they can be damaging to LGBTQ+ individuals. The phenomenon of ‘passing’ is one of the most visible signs of this hegemony, in that it functions both as a form of protection, and as a means to accrue social capital on an individual basis, but ends up creating harmful dichotomies between individuals who can pass and those who do not that become extrapolated and generalized into stereotypes. The phenomenon of ‘passing’ is also similar to the idea of homonormativity, which entails the recreation of oppressive dynamics and structures of power in queer spaces, thus furthering the oppression of already marginalized people

    A systematic review on anxious attachment and relationship satisfaction

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    Romantic relationships can serve as a source of intimacy, security, support, and comfort for many individuals. Many studies have identified adult attachment as an important predictor of romantic relationship/marital satisfaction. However, many studies have found anxious attachment to be a predictor of poor relationship satisfaction. Moreover, individuals high in attachment anxiety have been found to constantly worry and ruminate about their relationships, specifically, about the fear of being abandoned or rejected by their romantic partner. As such, it is important to further understand which factors strengthen or weaken relationship/marital satisfaction in anxiously attached adults. This systematic review aimed to answer the following questions: (a) What are the risk and protective factors that strengthen and weaken relationship/marital satisfaction in adults with anxious attachment? (b) What are the moderating effects of interpersonal trauma on relationship/marital satisfaction in adults with anxious attachment? The results of this systematic review revealed 22 risk factors and 17 protective factors for relationship/marital satisfaction in adults with anxious attachment. Specifically, this systematic review found perceptions to be both a significant risk and protective factor for relationship/marital satisfaction in adults with anxious attachment. In addition, this systematic review found Emotion focused couple therapy (EFT) to be a significant protective factor for relationship/marital satisfaction in anxious adults. Lastly, this review found that anxious partners perpetrate more psychological abuse against their partners

    Media as Practice: Narrative and Conceptual Approach for Qualitative Data Analysis

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    This paper considers videogames as meaningful media in interactive and everyday contexts. In order to show our theoretical and methodological perspective for approaching media as practice, we analyze how a commercial video game, Tomb Raider: Cronicles, could be present in several scenarios. The research focuses on how to understand media in context by combining two modes of thought: the narrative, or the use of stories, and the conceptual, or the use of categorical concepts. We have adopted an ethnographical and action research perspective inspired by sociocultural psychology. Our starting point is the concept of narrative considered as an object and method of research. On the one hand, we analyze the way in which a cultural narrative, Lara Croft's story as presented in a game, is introduced in the classroom. On the other hand, we show how narratives, complemented by conceptual analysis, turn into a methodological instrument that helps to analyze the meanings that the participants attribute to the game. Our data comes from a workshop where the research team, acting as participant observers, collaborated with a teacher and her primary school students in Spain. The paper examines two levels of analysis in some detail in order to show how narrative and conceptual thinking can be combined, from a dialectical point of view, in order to understand media as tools that take part in situated activities

    Instituciones, prácticas corporales y memorias resguardadas: mandatos, resistencias y praxis en la Norpatagonia de la primera mitad del siglo XX

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    En la primera mitad del siglo XX, los territorios del sur vivieron un proceso de transición desde su conformación como Territorios Nacionales a la adquisición del status de provincias. En él, políticas es- taduales y acciones de la sociedad civil conformaron un entramado que tensionó procesos de territoria- lización, fronterización y nacionalización en pos de integrar al espacio patagónico a un Estado nacional poco sensible a las demandas específicas de los habitantes norpatagónicos. Así, los diferentes gobiernos nacionales pusieron en acto una serie de dispositivos y acciones frente a los que la sociedad regional generó un abanico de respuestas que fue desde la reproducción de los mandatos que emanaban del pi- vote porteño a la resistencia y la propuesta –discursiva y práctica- de una nueva agenda de significados, problemas y acciones políticas

    Una Retrospección para avanzar y mejorar

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    La presente investigación busca relacionar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en la I.E.C.I sede María Bernal, a través de la evolución del desempeño de los estudiantes en las pruebas SABER en el grado 5°, en las áreas de lenguaje y matemáticas, en el período 2012 -2015 Esta situación se aborda desde un enfoque cualitativo que permite comprender e interpretar la relación entre los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje y el desempeño en las pruebas SABER. También posee características cuantitativas porque se parte del análisis de los resultados de las pruebas SABER 5° contenida en la base de datos del ICFES y los resultados académicos de los estudiantes proporcionados por el sistema institucional MASTER 2000. Los resultados sugieren posibles inconsistencias entre las formas de evaluar las pruebas Saber 5 y los procesos de enseñanza de la institución, dado que estadísticamente los resultados de las pruebas Saber son inferiores a los desempeños internos. Lo anterior sin desconocer otros factores, que pueden influir en los resultados de las pruebas Saber y en los resultados internos tales como situaciones del entorno educativo y familiar que interfieren en sus desempeños. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación es necesario establecer claridad conceptual sobre la forma como se ha concebido la evaluación en Colombia, asumiéndose ésta como una política de Estado que establece su carácter obligatorio y censal en todos los establecimientos educativos del país, especialmente en los grados 3°, 5°, 9° y 11° (Ley 715 de 2001). Esta investigación es pertinente en cuanto a que las IE como Facilitadoras de los procesos educativos, se valen de diversos medios y/o estrategias para alcanzar sus procesos cognitivos, buscando identificar en los estudiantes aquellas situaciones de su entorno educativo y familiar que interfieren en sus desempeños. Esta investigación es pertinente dado que para la Instituciones Educativas, las secretarias de Educación y el MEN es oportuno conocer e interpretar los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes pruebas, para formular estrategias de mejoramiento en los diferentes procesos pedagógicos y de gestión que contribuyan a la obtención de mejores desempeños y por ende en la Calidad Educativa

    Second homes in Mexico: An exploration of the social connections of international residents in the city of Merida

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    Owners of second homes construct complex relationships with the people and place they live in especially when the property is located across national borders. While previous research on second homes identified numerous negative impacts associated with the expansion of this phenomenon (Coppock, 1977; Gallent & Twedwr-Jones, 2000; Hall & Müller, 2004), recent studies have turned to examine the social effects of second homes in connection with social capital and the potential contribution that second home owners might bring to the host communities (Gallent, 2014; Huijbens, 2012). This qualitative study explored the social connections of international second home owners in the city of Merida, Mexico placing emphasis on the concept of social capital. Through eleven semi-structured interviews with temporary and permanent residents, the study sought to contribute to our understanding of the second home social experience from the owner’s perspective in an international context. Three main themes emerged during the analysis of the data: connecting with others, encountering challenges, and accumulating social capital. Findings revealed that international second home owners were building multiple relationships with local and foreign residents at the second home destination. Additionally, challenges related to communication in Spanish, cultural differences, and tensions among groups of foreigners hindered social interactions and the creation of social ties. Findings also suggested that international second home owners had the potential to accumulate social capital in the city. At an individual level, participants were getting social support and accessing resources through informal social networks. In a collective sense, they were helping the community in voluntary groups and informal projects. Recommendations for both foreign residents and local authorities were also included. Future areas of research include examining the locals’ perspective of the presence of second home owners in the city, selecting second home owners from a wide variety of nationalities, and studying the phenomenon in areas with lower density of second homes

    Spirituality: Take Me to a Higher Place

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    Panel Chair: Marta Moore Papers Presented: The Acceptance of Fate from a Man of God by Alexandra Mendez Acceptance Is Peace by Kane Stanglin Hindu Beliefs in Bhagavad-Gita by Laura A Eads Analysis of \u27The Sovereignty of Goodness of God\u27 by Kyle Crossli

    Experimental analysis of heat and mass transfer in non-isothermal sloshing using a model-based inverse method

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    Nonisothermal liquid sloshing in partially filled reservoirs can significantly enhance heat and mass transfer between liquid and ullage gasses. This can result in large temperature and pressure fluctuations, producing thrust oscillations in spacecraft and challenging thermal management control systems. This work presents an experimental characterization of the thermodynamic evolution of a cylindrical reservoir undergoing sloshing-induced thermal de-stratification. We use a 0D model-based inverse method to retrieve the heat and mass transfer coefficients in planar and swirl sloshing conditions from the temperature and pressure measurements in the liquid and the ullage gas. The experiments were carried out in the SHAKESPEARE shaking table of the von Karman Institute in a cuboid quartz cell with a cylindrical cut-out of 80 mm diameter in the centre, filled up to 60mm with the cryogenic replacement fluid HFE-7200. A thermal stratification with 25 K difference between the ullage gas and liquid was set as the initial conditions. A pressure drop of 90% in the ullage gas was documented in swirling conditions. Despite its simplicity, the model could predict the system's thermodynamic evolution once the proper transfer coefficients were derived.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Prácticas sociales: corporalidades e instituciones en perspectiva comparada. La norpatagonia andina desde los años ́30 hasta la provincialización.

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    El proceso de provincialización finalizado a fines de la década de 1950, transformó a los Territorios Nacionales patagónicos en nuevas provincias. En él, agencias estatales, instituciones públicas y privadas y heterogéneos grupos de la sociedad civil diseñaron proyectos, construyeron discursivas y desplegaron un amplio abanico de acciones tendientes por un lado a su incorporación plena a la nación en igualdad de condiciones y por otro, a una agenda propia vinculada a las trayectorias, necesidades y prácticas de los habitantes norpatagónicos.Es en este marco que nos interesa analizar cuestiones vinculadas a las prácticas sociales y las corporalidades , los procesos de institucionalización y en especial, las instituciones vinculadas a la salud, a la educación física y a la construcción, transmisión y preservación de las memorias individuales, colectivas e históricas con el fin de significar procesos e identificar continuidades, cambios, conflictos y consensos en discursos y praxis que, desde la perspectiva de la historia regional y los estudios culturales, aporten a la comprensión de un espacio heterogéneo y aún poco estudiado, conformado por la región andina de las actuales provincias de Río Negro, Chubut y Neuquén. Para tal fin, se presentan dos líneas de investigación. La primera refiere a las prácticas corporales y a políticas de tiempo libre -incluyendo en ellas instituciones, prácticas deportivas, conmemoraciones y festejos-. La segunda línea centra su análisis en la cultura escolar y sus agentes, las prácticas corporales al interior de la escuela, las instituciones de salud del espacioregional, y las instituciones culturales, como los museos.Código del proyecto: H-162. Dependencia FAHU - UNCo Bariloche (2015-2018)Integrantes: Prof. ARANCIBIA AGÜERO, Luciano; Prof. CHIAPPE, Mariano; Prof. CHIOCONI, María; Prof. ESTAPE MARISTANY, María del Mar; Esp. LUSETTI, Liliana; Esp. MECOZZI, María Cecilia; Prof. MORALES, María. Lic. PIANTONI, Giulietta; Prof. PIERUCCI, Liliana; Esp. SACARELO, Cristina; Prof. VOTA, Francisco; Esp. ZAMPA, Silvia.Asesor: Dr. MUÑOZ SOUGARRET, Jorg