2,728 research outputs found

    Career Expectations Of Accounting Students

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    The demographic make-up of accounting students is dramatically changing. This study sets out to measure how well the profession is ready to accommodate what may be very different needs and expectations of this new generation of students. Non-traditional students are becoming more and more of a tradition in the current college classroom. Historically, accounting has been an anglo-male-dominated profession.  The make-up of college students now comprises some 57% women. The enrollment in some college accounting classes is even more skewed with women in Texas representing over 80% of the enrollment. A further changing demographic is the emergence of Hispanic females in accounting classes. Hispanics now make up approximately 20% of the Texas population.  Texas is the second largest state economy in the USA and has recently become a Majority/Minority state.  The conclusion is made that the demographic make-up of college students entering the accounting profession is undergoing profound and permanent change. Female Hispanics will make up a significant segment of accounting employment. How will the expectations of this markedly different group of students mesh with the existing culture of the accounting workplace?  Other researchers have looked at the workplace environment in terms of flextime and location.  An important part of this study involves ‘behavioral accounting’ research.  Expectancy theory offers explanations for the motivation of behavior.&nbsp

    Entry Level Technology Positions: No Degree Required

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    Employers demand for skilled technology workers has never been higher. Opportunities for individuals interested in working in technology to acquire the requisite skills have expanded to meet the increased demand. The expansion of training offerings calls into question the quality of new ventures such as coding academies and the necessity of traditional academic pathways. This research addresses concerns by exploring how employers value different forms of skill acquisition within the information technology environment defined as: academic degrees, certifications, and work experience. IT executives and HR managers surveyed give insight into how they relatively value the various sources for their new and experienced employees. Using non-parametric methods and correspondence analysis, an overall picture of employers’ valuations were obtained. Additionally, subsections were analyzed across employer size and industry type. Results from the analysis identified expected general valuations by the employers. However, employer responses to the valuations identified unexpected actions that have potential negative impacts on institutions of higher education

    MĂ©todos para generar trayectorias libres de colisiones en entornos multidimensionales

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    Planear los movimientos de un robot de forma fiable sin que colisione con su entorno se ha convertido en un problema relevante en la última década. La idea central de este artículo es exponer dos de los principales métodos que permiten generar trayectorias libre de colisiones en cualquier espacio n-dimensional. La importancia de conocer estas estrategias radica en que estos mismos algoritmos se han aplicado en áreas distintas a la robótica, como diseño de medicamentos, animación computarizada e inteligencia artificial. También presentamos un referente histórico de varios métodos de generación de trayectorias y mostramos mediante simulaciones como las estrategias de los campos potenciales artificiales y de los mapas probabilísticos funcionan, siendo los más apropiados en virtud de los aspectos teóricos expresados en otros textos especializados.Reliable path-planning and generation of collision-free trajectories has become an area of active research over the past decade where the field robotics has probably been the most active area. This paper's main objective is to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of two of the most popular techniques used in collision-free trajectory generation in n-dimensional spaces. The importance of analysing such techniques within a generalised framework is evident as path-planning is used in a variety of fields such as designing medical drugs, computer animation and artificial intelligence and, of course, robotics. The review provided in this paper starts by drawing a historical map of path-planning and the techniques used in its early stages. The main concepts involved in artificial potential fields and probabilistic roadmaps will be addressed as these are the most influential methods and have been widely used in specialised literature

    The Extragalactic Distance Scale without Cepheids IV

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    The Cepheid period-luminosity relation is the primary distance indicator used in most determinations of the Hubble constant. The tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) is an alternative basis. Using the new ANU SkyMapper Telescope, we calibrate the Tully Fisher relation in the I band. We find that the TRGB and Cepheid distance scales are consistent.Comment: ApJ in press 201

    Career success: the role of teenage career aspirations, ambition value and gender in predicting adult social status and earnings

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    Links between family social background, teenage career aspirations, educational performance and adult social status attainment are well documented. Using a contextual developmental framework, this article extends previous research by examining the role of gender and teenage ambition value in shaping social status attainment and earnings in adulthood. Drawing on data from an 18-year British follow up study we tested a path model linking family background factors (such as family social status and parental aspirations) and individual agency factors in adolescence (in particular, career aspirations and ambition value) to social status attainment and earnings in adulthood. The findings suggest that ambition value is linked to adult earnings. That is, young people for whom it is important to get on in their job earn more money in adulthood than their less ambitious peers. The findings also confirm that teenage career aspirations are linked to adult social status attainment, and suggest that family background factors, teenage career aspirations and ambition value interact to influence social status attainment and earnings in adulthood. Gender differences are discusse

    Comorbid diseases and conditions in people with HIV in the UK

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    Objectives This study aimed to characterize the risk of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the UK progressing to pre-specified HIV-associated comorbidities, compared with matched, HIV-negative controls. Methods Primary and secondary care records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and linked Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) were used to identify PLHIV, and a matched cohort from the HIV-negative population. Kaplan Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate the risk of developing comorbidities including central nervous system (CNS) disorders, end-stage renal disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, stroke and cancer. Results A total of 2945 PLHIV were matched to a cohort of 5890 HIV-negative controls. PLHIV demonstrated an increased hazard ratio (HR) for time to development of incident sleep disorders, depression, osteoporosis, stroke, cancer and renal disease when compared with their matched HIV-negative control. The HRs for anxiety, hypertension, diabetes and CVD were not significantly increased. Conclusions PLHIV in the UK were at a higher risk of developing a number of comorbid conditions, highlighting the need for regular attendance of health reviews such as the annual health reviews recommended by the British HIV Associations (BHIVA) quality standard for care, which are currently not uniformly conducted

    Treatment outcomes of new tuberculosis patients hospitalized in Kampala, Uganda: a prospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: In most resource limited settings, new tuberculosis (TB) patients are usually treated as outpatients. We sought to investigate the reasons for hospitalisation and the predictors of poor treatment outcomes and mortality in a cohort of hospitalized new TB patients in Kampala, Uganda. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Ninety-six new TB patients hospitalised between 2003 and 2006 were enrolled and followed for two years. Thirty two were HIV-uninfected and 64 were HIV-infected. Among the HIV-uninfected, the commonest reasons for hospitalization were low Karnofsky score (47%) and need for diagnostic evaluation (25%). HIV-infected patients were commonly hospitalized due to low Karnofsky score (72%), concurrent illness (16%) and diagnostic evaluation (14%). Eleven HIV uninfected patients died (mortality rate 19.7 per 100 person-years) while 41 deaths occurred among the HIV-infected patients (mortality rate 46.9 per 100 person years). In all patients an unsuccessful treatment outcome (treatment failure, death during the treatment period or an unknown outcome) was associated with duration of TB symptoms, with the odds of an unsuccessful outcome decreasing with increasing duration. Among HIV-infected patients, an unsuccessful treatment outcome was also associated with male sex (P = 0.004) and age (P = 0.034). Low Karnofsky score (aHR = 8.93, 95% CI 1.88 - 42.40, P = 0.001) was the only factor significantly associated with mortality among the HIV-uninfected. Mortality among the HIV-infected was associated with the composite variable of CD4 and ART use, with patients with baseline CD4 below 200 cells/µL who were not on ART at a greater risk of death than those who were on ART, and low Karnofsky score (aHR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.02 - 4.01, P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: Poor health status is a common cause of hospitalisation for new TB patients. Mortality in this study was very high and associated with advanced HIV Disease and no use of ART
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