7,833 research outputs found

    Transition from small to large world in growing networks

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    We examine the global organization of growing networks in which a new vertex is attached to already existing ones with a probability depending on their age. We find that the network is infinite- or finite-dimensional depending on whether the attachment probability decays slower or faster than (age)1(age)^{-1}. The network becomes one-dimensional when the attachment probability decays faster than (age)2(age)^{-2}. We describe structural characteristics of these phases and transitions between them.Comment: 5 page

    Flexible construction of hierarchical scale-free networks with general exponent

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    Extensive studies have been done to understand the principles behind architectures of real networks. Recently, evidences for hierarchical organization in many real networks have also been reported. Here, we present a new hierarchical model which reproduces the main experimental properties observed in real networks: scale-free of degree distribution P(k)P(k) (frequency of the nodes that are connected to kk other nodes decays as a power-law P(k)kγP(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}) and power-law scaling of the clustering coefficient C(k)k1C(k)\sim k^{-1}. The major novelties of our model can be summarized as follows: {\it (a)} The model generates networks with scale-free distribution for the degree of nodes with general exponent γ>2\gamma > 2, and arbitrarily close to any specified value, being able to reproduce most of the observed hierarchical scale-free topologies. In contrast, previous models can not obtain values of γ>2.58\gamma > 2.58. {\it (b)} Our model has structural flexibility because {\it (i)} it can incorporate various types of basic building blocks (e.g., triangles, tetrahedrons and, in general, fully connected clusters of nn nodes) and {\it (ii)} it allows a large variety of configurations (i.e., the model can use more than n1n-1 copies of basic blocks of nn nodes). The structural features of our proposed model might lead to a better understanding of architectures of biological and non-biological networks.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Preferential attachment of communities: the same principle, but a higher level

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    The graph of communities is a network emerging above the level of individual nodes in the hierarchical organisation of a complex system. In this graph the nodes correspond to communities (highly interconnected subgraphs, also called modules or clusters), and the links refer to members shared by two communities. Our analysis indicates that the development of this modular structure is driven by preferential attachment, in complete analogy with the growth of the underlying network of nodes. We study how the links between communities are born in a growing co-authorship network, and introduce a simple model for the dynamics of overlapping communities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Diluted antiferromagnet in a ferromagnetic enviroment

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    The question of robustness of a network under random ``attacks'' is treated in the framework of critical phenomena. The persistence of spontaneous magnetization of a ferromagnetic system to the random inclusion of antiferromagnetic interactions is investigated. After examing the static properties of the quenched version (in respect to the random antiferromagnetic interactions) of the model, the persistence of the magnetization is analysed also in the annealed approximation, and the difference in the results are discussed

    Spectral transitions in networks

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    We study the level spacing distribution p(s) in the spectrum of random networks. According to our numerical results, the shape of p(s) in the Erdos-Renyi (E-R) random graph is determined by the average degree , and p(s) undergoes a dramatic change when is varied around the critical point of the percolation transition, =1. When > 1, the p(s) is described by the statistics of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), one of the major statistical ensembles in Random Matrix Theory, whereas at =1 it follows the Poisson level spacing distribution. Closely above the critical point, p(s) can be described in terms of an intermediate distribution between Poisson and the GOE, the Brody-distribution. Furthermore, below the critical point p(s) can be given with the help of the regularised Gamma-function. Motivated by these results, we analyse the behaviour of p(s) in real networks such as the Internet, a word association network and a protein protein interaction network as well. When the giant component of these networks is destroyed in a node deletion process simulating the networks subjected to intentional attack, their level spacing distribution undergoes a similar transition to that of the E-R graph.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Carnitine partially improves oxidative stress, acrosome integrity, and reproductive competence in doxorubicin-treated rats

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    Doxorubicin has been largely used in anticancer therapy in adults, adolescents, and children. The efficacy of l-carnitine as an antioxidant substance has been confirmed both in humans and rats. Carnitine, present in testis and epididymis, is involved in sperm maturation. It is also effective in infertility treatment. As a continuation of a previous study, we evaluated whether some spermatic qualitative parameters, DNA integrity, chromatin structure, and fertility status, could be ameliorated by the carnitine treatment in adult rats, which were subsequently exposed to doxorubicin at pre-puberty. Pre-pubertal male rats were distributed into four groups: Sham ControlDoxorubicinl-carnitinel-carnitine+Doxorubicin (l-carnitine injected 1h before doxorubicin). At 100days of age, all groups were reassigned into two sets: One set was submitted to the evaluation of sperm motility, acrosome integrity, mitochondrial activity, sperm chromatin structure analysis (SCSA), and evaluation of the oxidative stress. The other set of rats was destined to the evaluation of reproductive competence. The percentage of spermatozoa with intact acrosome integrity was higher in the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group when compared with the Doxorubicin group. However, sperm motility and mitochondrial activity were not improved by carnitine pre-treatment. Both values of malondialdehyde and nitrite (indirect measurement of nitric oxide) concentrations were statistically higher in the only doxorubicin-treated group when compared to the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. Fertility index and implantation rate were lower in Doxorubicin group, when compared to Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. Moreover, the percentage of spermatozoa with damaged DNA was higher in the Doxorubicin-treated group when compared to the Carnitine+Doxorubicin group. l-carnitine, when administered before doxorubicin, partially preserved the acrosome integrity, an important feature related to sperm fertilization ability that positively correlated with the reproductive competence and sperm DNA integrity at adulthood. In conclusion, l-carnitine attenuated the long-term alterations caused by doxorubicin in the germ cells and improved male reproductive capacity in adulthood.National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES/Brazil)Fed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Lab Dev Biol, Dept Morphol & Genet, Botucatu St 740,Leitao da Cunha Bldg,2nd Floor, BR-04023900 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Lab Dev Biol, Dept Morphol & Genet, Botucatu St 740,Leitao da Cunha Bldg,2nd Floor, BR-04023900 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Multi-camera person re-identification based on trajectory data

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    This study presents a trajectory-based person re-identification algorithm, embedded in a tool to detect and track customers present in a large retail store, in a multi-camera environment. The customer trajectory data are obtained from video surveillance images captured by multiple cameras, and customers are detected and tracked along the frames that compose the videos. Due to the characteristics of a multi-camera environment or the occurrence of occlusions, caused by objects such as shelves or counters, different identifiers are assigned to each person when, in fact, they should be identified with a unique identifier. Thus, the proposed tool tries to solve this problem in a scenario where there are constraints in using images of people due to data privacy concerns. The results show that our method was able to correctly re-identify the customers present in the store with a re-identification rate of 82%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Constraints on the IR behavior of the gluon propagator in Yang-Mills theories

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    We present rigorous upper and lower bounds for the zero-momentum gluon propagator D(0) of Yang-Mills theories in terms of the average value of the gluon field. This allows us to perform a controlled extrapolation of lattice data to infinite volume, showing that the infrared limit of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator in SU(2) gauge theory is finite and nonzero in three and in four space-time dimensions. In the two-dimensional case we find D(0) = 0, in agreement with Ref. [1]. We suggest an explanation for these results. We note that our discussion is general, although we only apply our analysis to pure gauge theory in Landau gauge. Simulations have been performed on the IBM supercomputer at the University of Sao Paulo.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl