419 research outputs found

    Revealing hidden symmetries and gauge invariance of the massive Carroll-Field-Jackiw model

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    In this paper we have analyzed the improved version of the Gauge Unfixing (GU) formalism of the massive Carroll-Field-Jackiw model, which breaks both the Lorentz and gauge invariances, to disclose hidden symmetries to obtain gauge invariance, the key stone of the Standard Model. In this process, as usual, we have converted this second-class system into a first-class one and we have obtained two gauge invariant models. We have verified that the Poisson brackets involving the gauge invariant variables, obtained through the GU formalism, coincide with the Dirac brackets between the original second-class variables of the phase space. Finally, we have obtained two gauge invariant Lagrangians where one of them represents the Stueckelberg form.Comment: revised version. To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Binary Search Algorithm for Mixed Integer Optimization: Application to energy management in a microgrid

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    This paper presents a binary search algorithm to deal with binary variables in mixed integer optimization problems. One example of this kind of problem is the optimal operation of hydrogen storage and energy sale and purchase into a microgrids context. In this work was studied a system composed by a microgrid that has a connection with the external electrical network and a charging station for electric cars. The system modeling was carried out by the Energy Hubs methodology. The proposed algorithm transforms the MIQP (Mixed Integer Quadratic Program) problem into a QP (Quadratic Program) that is easier to solve. In this way the overall control task is carried out the electricity purchase and sale to the power grid, maximizes the use of renewable energy sources, manages the use of energy storages and supplies the charge of the parked vehicles.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-46912-C2-1-RUniversidad de Sevilla CNPq401126/2014-5Universidad de Sevilla CNPq303702/2011-

    A Cluster-Matching-Based Method for Video Face Recognition

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    Face recognition systems are present in many modern solutions and thousands of applications in our daily lives. However, current solutions are not easily scalable, especially when it comes to the addition of new targeted people. We propose a cluster-matching-based approach for face recognition in video. In our approach, we use unsupervised learning to cluster the faces present in both the dataset and targeted videos selected for face recognition. Moreover, we design a cluster matching heuristic to associate clusters in both sets that is also capable of identifying when a face belongs to a non-registered person. Our method has achieved a recall of 99.435% and a precision of 99.131% in the task of video face recognition. Besides performing face recognition, it can also be used to determine the video segments where each person is present.Comment: 13 page

    Development and application of a mechanistic nutrient-based model for precision fish farming

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    This manuscript describes and evaluates the FEEDNETICS model, a detailed mechanistic nutrient-based model that has been developed to be used as a data interpretation and decisionsupport tool by fish farmers, aquafeed producers, aquaculture consultants and researchers. The modelling framework comprises two main components: (i) fish model, that simulates at the individual level the fish growth, composition, and nutrient utilization, following basic physical principles and prior information on the organization and control of biochemical/metabolic processes; and (ii) farm model, that upscales all information to the population level. The model was calibrated and validated for five commercially relevant farmed fish species, i.e., gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), using data sets covering a wide range of rearing and feeding conditions. The results of the validation of the model for fish growth are consistent between species, presenting a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) between 11.7 and 13.8%. Several uses cases are presented, illustrating how this tool can be used to complement experimental trial design and interpretation, and to evaluate nutritional and environmental effects at the farm level. FEEDNETICS provides a means of transforming data into useful information, thus contributing to more efficient fish farmingGrant agreement no. 818367; FEEDNETICS 4.0, funded by EUROSTARS-2 program; FEDER/ERDF, CRESC Algarve 2020 and NORTE 2020; PT-INNOVATION-0099; LA/P/0101/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New 1,3-diarylureas linked by C-C Suzuki coupling to the methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylate moiety: synthesis and fluorescence studies in solution and in lipid membranes

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    New six fluorescent 1,3-diarylureas linked by C-C Suzuki coupling to the 6-position of the methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylate moiety were prepared by reaction of the amino groups on the ortho or meta positions relative to the C-C bond of the Suzuki coupling products, with different para-substituted arylisocyanates (H, OMe, CN), in high to excellent yields. The fluorescence properties of the 1,3-diarylureas in solution and in lipid membranes of egg-yolk phosphatidylcholine (Egg-PC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) or dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB), with or without cholesterol (Ch), were studied. The six 1,3-diarylureas have reasonable fluorescence quantum yields in several solvents (between 0.02 and 0.69) and present a moderately solvent sensitive emission, but are not fluorescent in alcohols and water. The compounds bearing the arylurea moiety in the meta position relative to the C-C bond, especially with the OMe and CN substituents, present the better solvatochromic properties. Incorporation of the six compounds in lipid membranes indicates that all the compounds are deeply located in the hydrophobic region of the lipid bilayers, feeling the transition between the rigid gel phase and fluid phases.To the Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for inancial support to the NMR portuguese network (PTNMR, Bruker Avance III 400-Univ. Minho). To the FCT and FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETE-QREN-EU for financial support to the Research Centres, CQ/UM [PEst-C/QUI/UI0686/2011 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022716)] and CFUM [PEst-C/FIS/UI0607/2011 (F-COMP-01-0124-FEDER-022711)], and to the research projects PTDC/QUI/81238/2006 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007467) (photophysical studies) and PTDC/QUI-QUI/111060/2009 (F-COMP-01-0124-FEDER-015603) (organic synthesis)

    The OBAA Standard for Developing Repositories of Learning Objects: the Case of Ocean Literacy in Azores

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    This paper describes the existing web resources of learning objects to promote ocean literacy. The several projects and sites are explored, and the shortcomings revealed. The limitations identified include insufficient metadata about registered learning objects and lack of support for intelligent applications. As solution, we promote the seaThings project that relies on a multi-disciplinary approach to promote literacy in the marine environment by implementing a specific Learning Objects repositories (LOR) and a federation of repositories (FED), supported by a OBAA, a versatile and innovative standard that will provide the necessary support for intelligent applications for education purposes, to be used in schools and other educational institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing Adverse Events in Madeira Primary

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    In last three decades, several epidemiological studies have been developed in order to assess the magnitude, nature and type of adverse events (AEs). Most of these studies focus on hospital settings, where the activities are more standardised, but imultaneously more complex and involving higher risks. However, in the last years, there is a growing movement and strong evidence that point out the importance of studying other healthcare contexts, such as primary care and long-term care. In Portugal, studies on primary care setting are scarce and still in the early stages. In this article, the authors describe the AEs assessment in Portuguese Primary Health Care (PHC) units in Madeira Island/Portugal. This study was quantitative, cross-sectional, observational and analytical, with probability sampling. We quantify and analyse the AEs registered by healthcare providers using the APEAS-PT formulary. A link to the APEAS–PT form was sent to 520 healthcare professionals (111 specialist in Family Medicine, 27 medical students, 382 nurses) who worked in 32 PHC centres. These professionals identified and analysed 85 AEs and 42 incidents, which corresponds to a prevalence of 3.9 AEs per 10,000 visits,with a 95% confidence interval (CI) between 3.7 and 4 AE. Most of the AEs were preventable (96%). The most frequent causal factors of AEs were associated with medication (69%), health care provided to users (54%), communication (41%) and diagnosis (22%). This analysis of AEs in Madeira island PHC contributed to reinforce patient safety culture and to better understand quaternary prevention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer evaluation of a hydro-conservation model and its efficiency on improving the collard greens cv. manteiga shelf life (Brassica oleracea, cv. acephala)

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    [PORT] Neste estudo avaliou-se a aceitação, pelo consumidor, de um equipamento com temperaturas hidrocontroladas e sua eficiência no aumento do tempo de prateleria de couve manteiga (Brassica oleracea, v. acephala). O método de hidroconservação consiste em utilizar uma solução aquosa como meio trocador de calor entre o evaporador e o produto armazenado. O equipamento analisado foi um modelo híbrido onde as câmaras de armazenamento foram parcialmente submersas na solução aquosa. Foram usadas oito câmaras de 7371 cm3 . A aceitação do equipamento foi avaliada através de questionário apresentado próximo do equipamento em um ponto de venda da região central da cidade de São Carlos- SP-BR. A couve manteiga foi escolhida por ser amplamente comercializada no Brasil e apresentar um curto tempo de prateleira. Após higienização e segmentação as amostras foram lacradas em sacos de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) instalados nas câmaras de armazenamento. O tempo de prateleira foi estimado através de teste sensorial e do teor de água das folhas. A análise dos questionários indicou alto índice de aprovação do equipamento (acima de 90%) e índice de rejeição nulo. O teste sensorial mostrou que o consumidor julgou o produto adequado ao consumo por um período de armazenamento superior a 20 dias, três vezes mais que o tempo de prateleira da couve armazenada em geladeira. Neste período a perda de massa foi de 5,8%. Conclui-se que o modelo industrial avaliado mostrou-se viável, tanto do ponto de vista da aprovação pelo público consumidor como pela capacidade de conservação de couve manteiga processada, capacidade esta que pode ser estendida para outros produtos olerícolas. [ENG] This study evaluated the acceptability of an equipment that uses hydrocontroled temperature system, and its efficiency on increasing the shelf life time of collard greens (Brassica oleracea cv. acephala). The hydroconservation method uses a water solution to exchange heat between the evaporator and the stored product. On this paper, however, an hybrid model was evaluated where small storage chambers were parcialy submerged in the solution. There were used eight chambers with 7371 cm3. The acceptability of the equipment was evaluated based on a form fullfiled by the consumers close to the equipment, in a small market at São Carlos-SP-BR. The collard greens was choosen because of its big market in Brazil and its short shelf life time. After satinization and segmentation the samples were inserted in polietilene of low density (PEBD) bags with lock, installed in the storage chambers. The shelf life time was estimated from organoleptic tests and the water content of the leaves. The analysis of the forms showed the high aceptance index (above 90%) of the equipment, and no rejection. The organoleptic tests indicated that the costumer evaluated the equipment positively on storing the collad greens for more than 20 days, three times more than the shelf life when stored in a refrigerator. Along the experiment the mass loss was 5,8%. The conclusions list includes the positive evaluation of the industrial model and its efficency on improving the shelf life time, what can be extended to other vegetables

    Psicologia da Educação no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto: Projecto Caminhos de Bolonha

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    Este artigo apresenta a síntese da intervenção em Psicologia da Educação no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, no âmbito do Projecto Caminhos de Bolonha. O objectivo que norteia as actividades deste Projecto tem sido, desde o seu início, o apoio do Conselho Científico do ISEP na operacionalização do projecto de modernização e inovação do processo ensino aprendizagem no ISEP, induzido pela adesão ao processo de Bolonha.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio