119 research outputs found

    Assessing the Sensitivity and Uncertainty of an NH3 Emission Reduction Calculator for Dairy Cattle Barns by Means of Monte Carlo Analysis Combined with Least Square Linearization

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    With regard to Natura 2000, the Flemish government (Belgium) established the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (PAS: acronym in Flemish), with the aim of reducing environmental overload of nitrogen compounds. This approach will have substantial consequences for livestock farms located next to or within special areas of conservation and will likely result in generic measures to reduce ammonia (NH3) emissions from livestock facilities. An NH3 emission reduction calculator for dairy cattle systems (AEREC-DC) was adapted based on a mechanistic approach. Reduction coefficients estimated with this tool are used to assess the efficiency of “low NH3 emission” techniques which can be implemented in Flanders at a later stage. Field measurements will be made in the future to confirm/correct them. Emission reduction techniques combining processes such as floor scraping, flushing, manure acidification, and different types of floor were modeled. The tool comprises 36 input variables, some of which have values that are based on experimental measurements. Nevertheless, reliable information concerning other relevant variables are scarce in the literature. Hence, model sensitivity analysis is imperative. We hypothesize that the ranking of input variables in terms of their effect on the model outcome will change if different uncertainty ranges are assigned to them. Hence, this study was conducted to combine Monte Carlo Analysis associated with Least Square Linearization in order to perform sensitivity and uncertainty analyses on AEREC-DC. The sensitivity analysis was performed by assigning each input variables’ probability distribution function (PDF) with a relatively narrow variance (1% of mean value). The uncertainty analysis was carried out by gradually increasing the PDF’s variance up to what is considered realistic. The outcomes of this study will help deciding which variables urgently need to be monitored experimentally in order to improve predictions’ accuracy

    Comparison of CO2- and SF6- based tracer gas methods for the estimation of ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated dairy barn

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    Livestock production is a source of numerous environmental problems caused by pollutant gas emissions. In naturally ventilated buildings, estimating air flow rate is complicated due to changing climatic conditions and the difficulties in identifying inlets and outlets. To date no undisputed reference measurement method has been identified. The objective of this paper was to compare CO2- and SF6-based tracer gas methods for the estimation of ventilation rates (VRCO2 vs. VRSF6 ) in naturally ventilated dairy barns both under conventional and very open ventilation situations with different spatial sampling strategies. Measurements were carried out in a commercial dairy barn, equipped with an injection system for the controlled release of SF6, and measurement points for the monitoring of SF6 and CO2 concentrations to consider both horizontal and vertical variability. Methods were compared by analysing daily mean VRCO2=VRSF6 ratios. Using the average gas concentration over the barn length led to more accurate ventilation rates than using one single point in the middle of the barn. For conventional ventilation situations, measurements in the ridge seem to be more representative of the barn average than in the middle axis. For more open situations, both VRCO2 and VRSF6 were increased, VRCO2=VRSF6 ratios being also more variable. Generally, both methods for the estimation of ventilation rates gave similar results, being 10-12% lower with the CO2 mass balance method compared to SF6 based measurements. The difference might be attributed to potential bias in both methods

    Thermal environment in two broiler barns during the first three weeks of age

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the internal thermal environment of two broiler barns featuring different ventilation systems representative of Brazilian and South American poultry production industry: (a) a negative-pressure tunnel and (b) a positive- pressure lateral ventilation system. Environmental parameters such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index were assessed; temperature maps for day and night average conditions were determined for the first three weeks of life. Better uniformity of the thermal environment and comfort conditions inside the negative-pressure tunnel were found

    Assessing airflow rates of a naturally ventilated test facility using a fast and simple algorithm supported by local air velocity measurements

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    The high spatial and temporal variations of airflow patterns in ventilation openings of naturally ventilated animal houses make it difficult to accurately measure the airflow rate. This paper focuses on the development of a fast assessment technique for the airflow rate of a naturally ventilated test facility through the combination of a linear algorithm and local air velocity measurements. This assessment technique was validated against detailed measurement results obtained by the measuring method of Van Overbeke et al. (2015) as a reference. The total air velocity |u-|, the normal |Y-| and tangential velocity component |x-| and the velocity vector u- measured at the meteomast were chosen as input variables for the linear algorithms. The airflow rates were split in a group where only uni-directional flows occurred at vent level (no opposite directions of |Y-| present in the airflow pattern of the opening), and a group where bi-directional flows occurred (the air goes simultaneously in and out of the opening). For airflow rates with uni-directional flows the input variables u- and |Y-| yielded the most accurate results. For this reason, it was suggested to use the |Y-| instead of |u-| in ASHRAE’s formula of Q = E × A × |u-|. For bi-directional flows a multiple linear model was suggested where input variable u- gave the best results to assess the airflow rate

    Methodology for airflow rate measurements in a naturally ventilated mock-up animal building with side and ridge vents

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    Currently there exists no generally accepted reference technique to measure the ventilation rate through naturally ventilated (NV) vents. This has an impact on the reliability of airflow rate control techniques and emission rate measurements in NV animal houses. As an attempt to address this issue a NV test facility was built to develop new airflow rate measurement techniques for both side wall and ridge vents. Three set-ups were used that differed in vent configuration, i.e. one cross ventilated set-up and two ridge ventilated set-ups with different vent sizes. The airflow through the side vents was measured with a technique based on an automatic traverse movement of a 3D ultrasonic anemometer. In the ridge, 7 static 2D ultrasonic anemometers were installed. The methods were validated by applying the air mass conservation principle, i.e. the inflow rates must equal the outflow rates. The calculated in - and outflow rates agreed within (5 ± 8)%, (8 ± 5)% and (−9 ± 7)% for the three different set-ups respectively, over a large range of wind incidence angles. It was found that the side vent configuration was of large importance for the distribution of the airflow rates through the vents. The ridge proved to be a constant outlet, whilst side vents could change from outlet to inlet depending on the wind incidence angle. The range of wind incidence angles in which this transition occurred could be clearly visualised

    Semigroup Closures of Finite Rank Symmetric Inverse Semigroups

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    We introduce the notion of semigroup with a tight ideal series and investigate their closures in semitopological semigroups, particularly inverse semigroups with continuous inversion. As a corollary we show that the symmetric inverse semigroup of finite transformations Iλn\mathscr{I}_\lambda^n of the rank ⩜n\leqslant n is algebraically closed in the class of (semi)topological inverse semigroups with continuous inversion. We also derive related results about the nonexistence of (partial) compactifications of classes of semigroups that we consider.Comment: With the participation of the new coauthor - Jimmie Lawson - the manuscript has been substantially revised and expanded. Accordingly, we have also changed the manuscript titl
