2,555 research outputs found


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    Policies and health actions generate benefits that extrapolate the specificity of its purpose of providing welfare for the population, given its recognized impact in generating technological innovations, employment and income. However, such progress levels are unevenly distributed in countries, so that certain diseases and allocative and ethical questions associated with the development of new mechanisms for diagnosis, of treatment and cure did not find satisfactory answers yet. In Brazil, such a scenario has not been shown different, demanding a wider discussion encompassing the country’s economic and social conditions. Contrasting the analytical and empirical results observed in policies and actions toward the Health Economic-Industrial Complex (CEIS) to establish the barriers as well as structural and economic opportunities for the promotion of health innovations in Brazil, this work raises a number of critical considerations in view of identifying and systematizing gaps in health innovation in the country, thereby proposing a positive comprehensive research agenda on the topic

    Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Membranes for Photocatalytic Water Remediation

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    Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a shortage that in some territories is extreme. In this context, the need for potable water prompts the development of new and more efficient wastewater treatment systems to overcome shortages by recovering and reusing contaminated water. Among the water treatment methods, membrane technology is considered one of the most promising. Besides, photocatalytic degradation has become an attractive and efficient technology for water and wastewater treatment. However, the use of unsupported catalysts has as its main impediment their separation from the water once treated. With this, providing the membranes with this photocatalyzed degradation capacity can improve the application of photocatalysts, since in many cases their application improves their recovery and reuse. This review describes the general photocatalytic processes of the main inorganic nanoparticles used as fillers in hybrid polymeric membranes. In addition, the most recent hybrid organic–inorganic membranes are reviewed. Finally, the membranes formed by metal–organic frameworks that can be considered one of the newest and most versatile developments are described.This research was funded by MINECOG (MAT2017-89553-P), UPV/EHU and Fundación Vital funding within the project “PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN UPV/EHU-FUNDACIÓN VITAL FUNDAZIOA 2020” (VITAL20/26) and Basque Government (ELKARTEK, KK-2021/00082; KK-2020/00019)

    Colorimetric study of montmorillonite: effect of removal of free iron oxides in the montmorillonite - benzidine reaction

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    The objective of this work is to study the influence of the iron oxide removal in the montmorillonite - benzidine reaction and the influence of the methods used for this removal. Four montmorillonites references were used and one of unknown origin. The following tests were conducted: a) soluble salts, exchangeable cations, organic matter and manganese oxide removal. b) The same treatment indicated in a and the iron oxide remoral by the method of JEFFRIES & JACKSON) (1949). c) The same treatment indicated in a and the iron oxide removal by a dithionite - citrate system buffered with sodium bicarbonate. There was influence of the type of treatment for all montomorillonites tested. The iron oxides removal seemed to make uniform the color obtained and the velocity of reaction. The free-H method gave the best results either for the color uniformization or the intensity of the color.Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência da eliminação ou não dos óxidos de ferro livres na reação da montmorillonita com a benzidina, assim como dos métodos usados com tal finalidade. Para tal, suspensões de cinco (5) tipos de montmorillonita, sendo uma de procedência desconhecida (Mx) e quatro descritas pelo Projeto 49 (M22, M20, M22a e M31), foram submetidas a três tipos de tratamento: a) Eliminação dos sais solúveis, cations divalentes trocáveis, matéria orgânica e oxido de manganês livre; b) Mesmo tratamento citado em a e mais a eliminação dos óxidos de ferro livres pelo método do H-nascente' c) Mesmo tratamento citado em a e mais a remoção dos óxidos de ferro livres pelo método do bicarbonato - citrato - ditionito de sódio. Os resultados indicaram que houve influência do tipo de tratamento em todas as montmorillonitas testadas, sendo o teste F significativo ao nível de 1%. A conclusão geral a que se pôde chegar foi que a eliminação dos óxidos de ferro livres parece concorrer para maior uniformização da cor azul obtida, sendo que o método do H-nascente apresentou os melhores resultados, não apenas no que se refere à uniformização, mas também quanto à intensidade da cor obtida

    Long-Term Prospective Study of the Influence of Estrone Levels on Events in Postmenopausal Women with or at High Risk for Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background. The link between endogenous estrogen, coronary artery disease (CAD), and death in postmenopausal women is uncertain. We analyzed the association between death and blood levels of estrone in postmenopausal women with known coronary artery disease (CAD) or with a high-risk factor score for CAD. Methods. 251 postmenopausal women age 50–90 years not on estrogen therapy. Fasting blood for estrone and heart disease risk factors were collected at baseline. Women were grouped according to their estrone levels (<15 and ≥15 pg/mL). Fatal events were recorded after 5.8 ± 1.4 years of followup. Results. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed a significant trend (P = 0.039) of greater all-cause mortality in women with low estrone levels (<15 pg/mL). Cox multivariate regression analysis model adjusted for body mass index, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history, and estrone showed estrone (OR = 0.45; P = 0.038) as the only independent variable for all-cause mortality. Multivariate regression model adjusted for age, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history, and estrone showed that only age (OR = 1.06; P = 0.017) was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality. Conclusions. Postmenopausal women with known CAD or with a high-risk factor score for CAD and low estrone levels (<15 pg/mL) had increased all-cause mortality

    Trends and topics in geographically weighted regression research from 1996 to 2019

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    [EN]This research was conducted in order to improve the understanding of the struc-ture, contents, and trend of topics within the existing literature in the field of geographically weighted regression. Additionally, it intended to determine and produce a mapping of scientific networks in the domain of geographically weighted regression. The proposed methodology implements a combination of bibliometric techniques and modelling of topics in order to extract the latent top-ics from the collected literature by utilising latent Dirichlet allocation and a ma-chine learning tool. The results identified the most prolific authors, the most cited authors, the most representative articles and journals, and the countries which are responsible for the publication

    GeoWeightedModel : An R-Shiny package for Geographically Weighted Models

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    [EN]This paper describes GeoWeightedModel, a R package, which provides a graphical user friendly web application to perform techniques from a subarea of spatial Statistics known as Geographically Weighted (GW) models, such as Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) and its extensions: Robust GWR, Generalized GWR, Heteroskedastic GWR, Mixed GWR, and “Scalable​ GWR), Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis, and Geographically Weighted Discriminant analysis. It also allows calculating a basic and robust Geographically weighted summary. The main goal of GeoWeightedModel package was to make the workflow easier to use, especially for those who are not familiar with the R environment. With GeoWeightedModel, analyses can be performed interactively (point-and-click way) in a web browser, making the applications easier for many more researchers. In addition with this tool, the results of the analyses can be mapped providing a valuable tool for exploring the spatial heterogeneity of the data

    Is the algorithm used to process heart rate variability data clinically relevant? Analysis in male adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether the algorithm used for the heart rate variability assessment (fast Fourier transform versus autoregressive methods) influenced its association with cardiovascular risk factors in male adolescents. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 1,152 male adolescents (aged 14 to 19 years). The low frequency, high frequency components (absolute numbers and normalized units), low frequency/high frequency ratio, and total power of heart rate variability parameters were obtained using the fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods, while the adolescents were resting in a supine position. RESULTS: All heart rate variability parameters calculated from both methods were different (p<0.05). However, a low effect size (<0.1) was found for all parameters. The intra-class correlation between methods ranged from 0.96 to 0.99, whereas the variation coefficient ranged from 7.4 to 14.8%. Furthermore, waist circumference was negatively associated with high frequency, and positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p<0.001 for both fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in all associations). Systolic blood pressure was negatively associated with total power and high frequency, whereas it was positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p<0.001 for both fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in all associations). Body mass index was negatively associated with high frequency, while it was positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p values ranged from <0.001 to 0.007). CONCLUSION: There are significant differences in heart rate variability parameters obtained with the fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in male adolescent; however, these differences are not clinically significant. OBJETIVO: Analisar se o algoritmo usado para avaliação da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (transformada rápida de Fourier versus autoregressivo) influencia em sua associação com fatores de risco cardiovascular adolescentes do gênero masculino. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, que incluiu 1.152 adolescentes do gênero masculino (14 a 19 anos). Componentes de baixa e alta frequência (absolutos e unidades normalizadas), razão componente de baixa frequência/componente de alta frequência e poder total da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca foram obtidos em repouso, na posição supina, usando os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo. RESULTADOS: Todos os parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca para ambos os métodos foram diferentes (p<0,05). Entretanto, um pequeno tamanho do efeito (<0,1) foi observado para todos os parâmetros. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse entre os métodos variaram de 0,96 a 0,99, enquanto os coeficientes de variação foram de 7,4 a 14,8%. A circunferência abdominal foi negativamente associada com o componente de alta frequência, e positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). A pressão arterial sistólica foi negativamente associada com o poder total e o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). O índice de massa corporal foi negativamente associado com o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associado com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (valores de p variando de <0,001 a 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: Houve diferenças significantes nos parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca obtidos com os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo em adolescentes masculinos, mas essas diferenças não foram clinicamente significativas

    Advertising of specialized medical services in the internet: bioethical aspects involved in the matter

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    Propaganda médica é tema de relevância mundial controverso. O médico tem legítimo direito de propagar suas atividades profissionais, mas deve conservar-se dentro dos limites éticos. É clara a importância que a comunicação assume na promoção da saúde. A internet insere-se, nesta conjuntura, como uma mídia utilizada para educação da população e propagação da publicidade médica. Contudo, o compromisso ético vem sendo substituído por interesses da política socioeconômica capitalista. Quando o médico se torna responsável pela banalização da medicina, coloca em xeque a relação médico-paciente. Este estudo levantou no Google propagandas de serviços médicos especializados do Estado de São Paulo na internet, de outubro de 2008 a julho de 2009.La propaganda médica es un tema controversial de relevancia mundial. El médico tiene el legítimo derecho de propagar sus actividades profesionales, pero debe conservarse dentro de los límites éticos. Está clara la importancia que la comunicación asume en la promoción de la salud. El internet se insiere, en esta coyuntura, como un medio utilizado para educación de la población y propagación de la publicidad médica. A pesar de eso, el compromiso ético viene siendo substituido por intereses de la política socioeconómica capitalista. Cuando el médico se torna responsable por la banalización de la medicina, se coloca en jaque la relación médico-paciente. Este estudio procuró en Google propagandas de servicios médicos especializados del Estado de São Paulo en el internet, de octubre de 2008 a julio de 2009.Publicidade. Internet. Ética médica. Bioética.Medical advertising is a controversial theme of worldwide relevance. The physician has the legitimate right of advertising his/her professional activities, but must preserve him/herself within the ethical limits. The importance that communication assumes in the promotion of health is clear. The internet is inserted in this conjuncture as a media used for education of the population and dissemination of medical advertising. However, the ethical commitment is being substituted by capitalist socioeconomic political interests. When the physician becomes responsible for the trivialization of medicine, it challenges the physician-patient relationship. This study assessed, in Google, advertisements of specialized medical services of the State of São Paulo in the internet, from September 2008 to July 2009

    Tumores Malignos do Intestino Delgado

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    Os tumores malignos primários do intestino delgado são raros e freqüentemente diagnosticados em estádios avançados. Num período de 27 anos (1960-1987) foram atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia de Ribeirão Preto, 17 pacientes com neoplasia maligna de delgado. A maior parte das lesões se assestavam no ileo, com freqüência decrescente a montante. Havia tumores sincrônicos em 35,29% dos casos. Os sinais e sintomas clínicos mais freqüentes foram: dor abdominal (94,12%), náuseas e vômitos (52,94%), perda de peso (52,94%) e anorexia (35,29%). Por ocasião do primeiro atendimento, 3 pacientes tinham peritonite por perfuração do tumor, uma delas subseqüente à radioterapia. Dos exames complementares, o de maior valor foi o estudo radiológico contrastado do delgado. O tratamento consistiu na ressecção do segmento comprometido e do mesentério, incluindo outros órgãos eventualmente envolvidos. Em um caso, apenas a biópsia pôde ser realizada. O tipo histológico mais freqüente foi o linfoma, seguido pelo leiomiossarcoma eadenocarcinoma. Tivemos a lamentar 4 óbitos operatórios (23,53%), 3 por choque séptico (2 operados na vigência de peritonite e 1 por deiscência de anastomose) e 1 por acidente anestésico. Foi empregada a quimio e/ou radioterapia adjuvante em todos os pacientes que sobreviveram o pós-operatóno, à exceção de um paciente que se negou a recebê-los. Todos os 3 pacientes com leiomiossarcoma apresentaram recidiva e foram reoperados. Quatro pacientes estavam vivos por ocasião do último seguimento, com sobrevida entre 2 e 15 anos. A sobrevida de 5 anos foi de 25% para os linfomas (38% quando excluídos os óbitos operatórios) e de 100% para os adenocarcinomas, embora se trate de apenas 2 casos. Desde que os sinais e sintomas nos tumores de delgado são vagos e mal definidos, é necessário que esse diagnóstico seja cogitado para que o diagnóstico mais precoce seja estabelecido e conseqüentemente se tenha um melhor prognóstico