61 research outputs found

    Anthropometric and musculoskeletal assessment of patients with Marfan syndrome

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    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A Síndrome de Marfan (SM) é uma doença autossômica dominante do tecido conjuntivo que envolve os sistemas ocular, cardiovascular e musculoesquelético, causada por mutações no gene da fibrilina1, gerando flacidez nos ligamentos articulares, favorecendo a hipermobilidade articular e redução na contenção do crescimento ósseo. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as medidas antropométricas, alterações musculoesqueléticas e a frequência do tratamento fisioterapêutico nos pacientes com SM. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 26 pacientes, sendo 17 do gênero feminino, com idade de 13,23±2,77 anos, massa corpórea de 51,5±24-68 Kg, altura de 1,70±1,40-1,81 m e envergadura de 1,73±0,12 cm, e nove do gênero masculino, com idade de 14,44±2,18, massa corpórea de 61,0±42-72 Kg, altura de 1,83±1,66-1,97 m e envergadura de 1,93±0,13. Foram obtidas medidas antropométricas, alterações ME de forma padronizada, sendo o pectus e a escoliose, por avaliação radiológica, e a angulação (â) da curva escoliótica, pelo método de Cobb; a aracnodactilia, pelo sinal do polegar e teste de Walker-Murdoch, e a dolicostenomelia, pela envergadura em relação à altura. Os pacientes responderam a um questionário quanto à participação em tratamento de fisioterapia. RESULTADOS: Quando comparados com a estimativa brasileira, a massa corpórea e a altura apresentaram valores maiores no gênero feminino (p=0,001 e p<0,0005) e masculino (p=0,019 e p=0,0001). Das alterações musculoesqueléticas, encontrou-se pectus em 3 (11%), pectus e escoliose em 19 (73%), dolicostenomelia em 11 (42%) e aracnodactilia em 21(80%). Onze (42%) pacientes com SM já haviam realizado tratamento de fisioterapia. CONCLUSÕES: As alterações antropométricas e musculoesqueléticas estão presentes na SM, e o tratamento fisioterapêutico é pouco frequente. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBACKGROUND: Marfan syndrome (MS) is an autosomic dominant condition of the connective tissue that involves the ocular, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. MS is caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene, leading to joint ligaments flaccidity, joint hypermobility and an overgrowth of the long bones. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to assess anthropometry, musculoskeletal alterations and the prevalence of physical therapy treatments among patients with MS. METHODS: Twenty-six patients were included in this study [17 females (age: 13.23±2.77 years; body mass 51.5±24-68 Kg; height 1.70±1.40-1.81 m; arm span: 1.73±0.12 m) and 9 males (age: 14.44±2.18; body mass: 61.0±42-72 Kg; height: 1.83±1.66-1.97 m; arm span: 1.93±0.13 m)]. Anthropometric measurements and musculoskeletal abnormalities were determined in a standardized fashion: pectus and scoliosis were assessed through radiography and angulation (â) of the scoliosis curve using the Cobb method; arachnodactyly was assessed through the thumb sign and Walker-Murdoch test and dolichostenomelia was assessed by arm span in relation to height. Patients also responded to a questionnaire addressing participation in physical therapy. RESULTS: In comparison to values estimated for the Brazilian population, mass and height were greater among the patients with MS (females: p=0.001 e p<0.0005 e males p=0.019 e p=0.0001, respectively). The following musculoskeletal abnormalities were found: pectus in 3 patients (11%), pectus and scoliosis in 19 (73%), dolichostenomelia in 11 (42%) and arachnodactyly in 21 (80%). Eleven patients (42%) with MS had previously undergone physical therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with MS exhibit altered musculoskeleto and anthropometry and have infrequent physical therapy treatment

    Cohort profile: the 100 million Brazilian cohort

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    The creation of The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort was motivated by the availability of high quality but dispersed social and health databases in Brazil and the need to integrate data and evaluate the impact of policies aiming to improve the social determinants of health (e.g. social protection policies) on health outcomes, overall and in subgroups of interest in a dynamic cohort. • The baseline of The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort comprises 131 697 800 low-income individuals in 35 358 415 families from 2011 to 2018. The Cohort population is mostly composed of children and young adults, with a higher proportion of females than the general Brazilian population, who identify themselves as Brown and live in the urban area of the country. • Exposure to social protection and the follow-up of individuals are obtained through: (i) deterministic linkage using the Social Identification Number (NIS) to link the Cohort baseline to social protection programmes and to periodically renewed socioeconomic information in Cadatro U ́ nico datasets; and/or (ii) non-deterministic linkage using the CIDACS-RL non-deterministic linkage tool, to link the Cohort baseline to administrative health care datasets such as mortality (Mortality Information System, SIM), disease notification (Information System for Notifiable Diseases, SINAN), birth information (Live Birth Information System, SINASC) and nutrition status (Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, SISVAN). • So far, studies have used The 100 Million Brazilian Cohort to investigate the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of leprosy, leprosy treatment outcomes and low birthweight and to evaluate the impact of the Bolsa Familia Programme (BFP) on leprosy and child mortality. Other studies are now being conducted that are of utmost relevance to the health inequalities of Brazil and many low- and middle-income countries, and many research opportunities are being opened up with the linkage of a range of health outcomes

    Nurses' workload and its relation with physiological stress reactions

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the relation between the workload and the physiological stress reactions among nurses working at a hospital service. METHODS: cross-sectional, correlational, quantitative study, involving 95 nurses, in 2011 and 2012. Spearman's bivariate Correlation Test was used. RESULTS: most subjects are female, between 23 and 61 years old and working between 21 and 78 hours per week. The most frequent physiological reactions were back pain, fatigue/exhaustion, stiff neck and stomach acidity, with 46.3% of the subjects presenting low and 42.1% moderate physiological stress responses. No correlation was found between the workload and the physiological stress responses. CONCLUSION: although most of the nurses work more than 36 hours/week, physiologically, they do not present high reaction levels in response to stress. These workers deal with conflicts in the vertical and horizontal relations between professionals, family members and patients. In that sense, taking care of professionals who offer health services can be a fundamental strategy, as good user care mainly depends on healthy teams.OBJETIVO: analisar a relação entre a carga horária de trabalho e as reações fisiológicas do estresse, entre enfermeiros de unidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, correlacional, quantitativo, realizado com 95 enfermeiros em 2011 e 2012. De forma bivariada, utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos sujeitos pertencia ao sexo feminino, faixa etária entre 23 e 61 anos, trabalhando de 21 a 78 horas semanais. As reações fisiológicas mais frequentes foram dores lombares, fadiga/exaustão, rigidez no pescoço e acidez estomacal, sendo que 46,3% dos sujeitos apresentaram baixas respostas fisiológicas ao estresse e moderadas em 42,1%. Não houve correlação entre a carga horária de trabalho e as reações fisiológicas do estresse. CONCLUSÃO: embora a maioria dos enfermeiros exercesse suas funções por mais de 36 horas/semana, fisiologicamente não apresentavam reações elevadas de resposta ao estresse. Tais trabalhadores lidavam com conflitos nas relações verticais e horizontais entre profissionais, familiares e pacientes. Nesse sentido, cuidar de profissionais que oferecem serviços de saúde pode ser estratégia fundamental, uma vez que bons atendimentos aos usuários dependem, principalmente, de equipes saudáveis.OBJETIVO: analizar la relación entre la carga horaria de trabajo y las reacciones fisiológicas de estrés entre enfermeros de servicio hospitalario. MÉTODOS: estudio trasversal, correlacional, cuantitativo, desarrollado con 95 enfermeros en 2011 y 2012. De forma bivariada, fue utilizada la Prueba de Correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS: la mayoría de los sujetos es del sexo femenino, rango de edad entre 23 y 61 años y trabaja de 21 a 78 horas semanales. Las reacciones fisiológicas más frecuentes fueron dolores de espalda, fatiga/agotamiento, rigidez en el cuello y acidez estomacal, siendo que 46,3% de los sujetos revelaron bajas respuestas fisiológicas al estrés y moderadas en 42,1%. No fue encontrada correlación entre la carga horaria de trabajo y las reacciones fisiológicas del estrés. CONCLUSIÓN: aunque la mayoría de los enfermeros ejerza su función por más de 36 horas/semana, fisiológicamente no muestran reacciones elevadas de respuesta al estrés. Tales trabajadores lidian con conflictos en las reacciones verticales y horizontales entre profesionales, familiares y pacientes. En ese sentido, cuidar de profesionales que ofrecen servicios de salud puede ser estrategia fundamental, ya que buena atención a los usuarios depende principalmente de equipos saludables