1,604 research outputs found

    Penentuan Persediaan Bahan Baku Kopra Pada PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk Dengan Pendekatan Epq (Economic Production Quantity)

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    One of the factor to minimize the total cost is increasing the efficiency staples of copra, to avoid raw materials shortage that will make the production process stopped or the company will paying more for storage when the raw materials is excessive. This research is applying EPQ (Economic Production Quantity) method to determine the quantity and the period of staples ordering in a palm oil industries, using PT. Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk as a case study. By using EPQ method, the company could anticipating the gradually arrival of raw materials. Financially, EPQ method is more optimal in ordering the raw materials. The calculation resulted, the value of Q0 (order quantity) is 79.539,90 tons and T0 (order period) is 1,29 months. Applying EPQ will profit the company

    Report from upper atmospheric science

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    Most of the understanding of the thermosphere resulted from the analysis of data accrued through the Atmosphere Explorer satellites, the Dynamics Explorer 2 satellite, and observations from rockets, balloons, and ground based instruments. However, new questions were posed by the data that have not yet been answered. The mesosphere and lower thermosphere have been less thoroughly studied because of the difficulty of accessibility on a global scale, and many rather fundamental characteristics of these regions are not well understood. A wide variety of measurement platforms can be used to implement various parts of a measurement strategy, but the major thrusts of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program would require Explorer-class missions. A remote sensing mission to explore the mesosphere and lower thermosphere and one and two Explorer-type spacecraft to enable a mission into the thermosphere itself would provide the essential components of a productive program of exploration of this important region of the upper atomsphere. Theoretical mission options are explored

    Identifikasi Patahan Manado Dengan Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger Di Airmadidi Minahasa Utara

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan Patahan Manado yang melintasi Kelurahan Rap-Rap Airmadidi Minahasa Utara. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan alat geolistrik Multichannel and Multielectrode Resistivity MAE X612-EM. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 3 lintasan pengukuran dengan panjang bentangan masing-masing 480 meter. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak RES2DINV. Hasil pengolahan data tersebut memberikan gambaran penampang lintang 2 dimensi citra bawah permukaan pada ketiga lintasan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, teridentifikasi rekahan pada jarak 30 meter dari jalur Patahan Manado, dengan kedalaman dari permukaan tanah 0-50 meter untuk lintasan 1, 0-25 meter untuk lintasan 2, 0-30 meter untuk lintasan 3, dengan harga resistivitas <70 Ωm.The research has been done to identify and to create a map of Manado Fault that passed through the Village of Rap-Rap, Airmadidi, North Minahasa. The research was carried out using a multichannel and multielectrode resistivity MAE X612-EM geoelectrical device.The data collection was carried out on 3 measurement lineswith a range of 480 meters each. The data processing was held using RES2DINV software. Its result gave an overview of the 2-dimensional transection of beneath-surface imaging on those 3 lines. According to the analysis outcome, the fracture is identified at 30 meters from the Manado fault, with a depth of 0-50 meters from the ground's surface (line 1), 0-25 meters (line 2), and 0-30 meters (line 3) with a resistivity value of <70 Ωm

    Contribution of Round Potato Production to Household Income in Mbeya and Makete Districts, Tanzania

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    In Tanzania, agriculture remains the largest sector of the economy, and hence its performance has substantial impacts on income and poverty.  Round potatoes are grown in all continents under various climatic conditions. Smallholder farmers in Mbeya Rural and Makete Districts in Tanzania recognise the potential of round potatoes as a crop contributing significantly to household income and food security. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of potato production to household income in Mbeya and Makete Districts in the southern highlands of Tanzania. The specific objectives of the research were to: (1) analyse round potato production and other crops grown in the study area, (2) assess household income from round potato and from other sources in the study area and (3) determine the impact of round potato production on household income. A cross-sectional research involving 233 potato farmers was conducted in March 2012 through structured interviews using a questionnaire, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The dependent variable, household income, was regressed on eight independent variables to find the impact of each of them on the dependent variable. The results showed that there was high positive significant impact of income from round potato per adjusted adult equivalent unit (AAEU) on household income (p &lt; 0.001). It is concluded that round potatoes are more profitable than other major crops grown in the study area. Moreover, if given due attention and care, round potatoes can contribute greatly to household income. It is recommended that the government should support farmers in terms of availability of inputs, training on improved agricultural technologies and support for research on round potatoes so that they can help increase household income. Keywords: Round potato, household income, Southern Highlands, Tanzani


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    Permukiman akan selalu berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan lahan akibat meningkatnya jumlah penduduk. Pada akhirnya kawasan yang seharusnya dilindungi dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat bermukim. Pemanfaatan lahan sebagai permukiman  di kawasan sekitar Danau Tondano bisa saja dilakukan namun harus memperhatikan aspek penataan lingkungan permukiman. Ada begitu banyak aspek dalam permukiman,diantaranya yang sering terabaikan adalah masalah pengelolaan air limbah. Pengelolaan air limbah perlu diperhatikan dalam menata suatu permukiman,apalagi permukiman yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah permukiman yang berkembang di kawasan sekitar danau Tondano ,karena memungkinkan timbulnya pencemaran di danau Tondano. Kecamatan Remboken merupakan salah satu Kecamatan di Kabupaten Minahasa yang permukimannya banyak berkembang di kawasan sekitar Danau Tondano. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif,dimana data dianalisis secara kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kondisi pembuangan air limbah serta menghitung kebutuhan sarana pengelolaan air limbah di Kecamatan Remboken lewat perencanaan Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sebagian besar sarana dan prasarana pembuangan air limbah baik grey water maupun black water diantaranya ketersediaan WC, serta septik tank kurang memadai. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar limbah dari permukiman Kecamatan Remboken  masuk ke badan air Danau Tondano. Oleh karena itu berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka direkomendasikan perencanaan Instalasi Pembuangan Air Limbah (IPAL),dimana air limbah yang dihasilkan akan diolah untuk meminimalisir bahan- bahan pencemar untuk selanjutnya air limbah yang telah diolah dapat dimanfaatkan kembali atau dikembalikan ke badan air Danau Tondan
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