21 research outputs found

    Intestinal lymphangiectasia in a 3-month-old girl: A case report of Hennekam syndrome caused by CCBE1 mutation

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    RATIONAL: Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a rare disease characterized by dilatation and rupture of intestinal lymphatic channels leading to protein-losing enteropathy. IL is classified as primary and secondary types. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 3-month-old girl born at term from vaginal delivery with an APGAR score of 10/10 and birth weight of 4.310 g (>97° percentile) was admitted to our hospital because of increasing abdominal tenderness and diarrhea. At first examination, she presented an abdominal circumference of 60 cm, edema of the lower extremities and vulva, and facial dysmorphisms (hypertelorism, flat nasal bridge, flat mid-face). DIAGNOSIS: Once admitted, ultrasonography showed a large amount of ascites, while blood laboratory investigations revealed severe hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. Lymphoscintigraphy with 99m-Tc-nanocolloid demonstrated abnormal leakage of the tracer in the abdomen as evidence of IL. To detect a possible secondary, exams were performed and demonstrated positive antibody titres for CMV-IgM and IgG in blood and CMV-DNA positivity in blood, urine, saliva, maternal milk, and gastric and duodenal biopsies. Genetic investigations identified the genomic variant c.472C>T of the CCBE1 gene, coding for a protein variant (p.Arg158Cys), in homozygosity. INTERVENTIONS: Total parenteral nutrition was started and continued for a total of 18 days, then gradually bridged by enteral nutrition with a special formula. In addition, antiviral therapy for CMV infection was added first with intravenous ganciclovir for 14 days, resulting in the disappearance of blood viral load after 7 days of therapy and then with valganciclovir per os for another 30 days. OUTCOMES: The clinical course of the child gradually improved. A few days after starting treatments, lower extremities and vulvar edema disappeared, and abdominal circumference gradually decreased to a stable value of 38 cm, without any ultrasonographic signs of ascites left. Moreover, serum albumin and IgG rose to normal values after 3 months (4.3 g/dL and 501 mg/dL, respectively). LESSONS: This case suggests that in presence of IL both primary and secondary causes should be evaluated. On the other hand, genetic diagnosis is crucial not only for diagnosis but also for prognosis in HS. Life expectancy and quality could deeply vary among different gene mutations and protein variants of the same gene. Further studies and case reports are needed to better understand the clinical meaning of these genetic results and the role of CMV as trigger of IL

    The pandemic within the pandemic: the surge of neuropsychological disorders in Italian children during the COVID-19 era

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    Background: Quarantine and isolation measures during COVID-19 pandemic may have caused additional stress and challenged the mental health of the youth. Aim of the study is to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic impact on neuropsychological disorders (NPD) of Italian children and adolescents to provide general pediatric recommendations. Material and methods: A retrospective multicenter observational study was planned by the Italian Pediatric Society (SIP) to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the access of children to pediatric Emergency Departments (pED) for the evaluation of neuropsychological symptoms, collecting the classification codes of diagnoses between March 1, 2019 and March 2, 2021. The period study was split into two sub-periods: a pre COVID-19 period (from March 1 2019 to March 1, 2020) and a COVID-19 period (from March 2, 2020 to March 2, 2021). As additional information, data on NPD hospitalizations in any pediatric department of the involved centers were recorded. Results: During the study period, a total of 533,318 children were admitted to the pED involved in the study. Despite a 48.2% decline of pED admissions, there was a significant increase (83.1%) in patient admissions for NPD. The most frequent NPD conditions which increased during the COVID-19 pandemic were suicidal ideation (+ 147%), depression (+ 115%), eating disorder (+ 78.4%), and psychosis (+ 17.2%). During the pandemic period, a 39.5% increase in NPD hospitalizations was observed as well. The NPD disorders that mostly required hospitalizations were suicidal ideation (+ 134%), depression (+ 41.4%), eating disorder (+ 31.4%), and drug abuse (+ 26.7%). COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on children's health, mainly on their NPD development. Neuropsychological assessment should be required at the primary level, in the pediatrician's office, to facilitate early capture of the sign of impairment and provide an adequate treatment. Conclusion: SIP underlines the psychological consequences of COVID 19 pandemic on the youngest and recommends an early identification of NPD in the pediatric population to avoid other serious consequences for children's physical and mental health

    Preferential solute transport under variably saturated conditions in a silty loam soil: Is the shallow water table a driving factor?

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    A shallow water table might enhance preferential solute movement by modifying both the water flow and solute dynamics. In this study, we estimated soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters through a tracer experiment in lysimeters comparing different water table levels. In a set-up of 12 lysimeters, the bottom boundary condition was set as a water table depth of 120 cm, or 60 cm, or as free drainage. A tracer solution of bromide (250 mg l 1, 40 mm) was added to each lysimeter and soil water was sampled with suction cups at different depths for the following 174 days. Soil water content and matric potential were monitored using TDR probes and electronic tensiometers at the same depths. Soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters in different soil layers were estimated by inverse modeling using HYDRUS 1D. Soil hydraulic parameters were estimated from the Mualemvan Genuchten equations, while both the advection\u2013dispersion (ADE) and physical non-equilibrium mobileimmobile water (MIM) models were used to describe the solute transport. Moreover, the soil pore network was analyzed by means of 3D X-ray microtomography. Results showed different solute dynamics between contrasting water table managements. With free drainage, solute in the immobile domain was negligible, and its transport was fully associated with the mobile water flow. In contrast, a shallow water table affected the tracer transport, by modifying a) the soil pore network, with an increase of the macropores and a reduction of the pore connectivity; b) the flow field, with an increase of immobile water and a reduction of \u3b1MIM, indicating slow exchange between mobile and immobile regions, in turn promoting preferential pathways. Hence, groundwater pollution might be worsened by preferential solute transport of agrochemicals occurring with shallow water table conditions

    West syndrome: a review and guide for paediatricians

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    West syndrome (WS), also known as infantile spasms, occurs in infancy with a peak between 4 and 7 months. Spasms, neurodevelopmental regression and hypsarrhythmia on electroencephalogram (EEG) basically define WS. The International League Against Epilepsy commission classifies the aetiologies of WS into genetic, structural, metabolic and unknown. Early diagnosis and a shorter lag time to treatment are essential for the overall outcome of WS patients. These goals are feasible with the addition of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and genetic and metabolic testing. The present work analysed the medical literature on WS and reports the principal therapeutic protocols of its management. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), vigabatrin (VGB) and corticosteroids are the first-line treatments for WS. There is no unique therapeutic protocol for ACTH, but most of the evidence suggests that low doses are as effective as high doses for short-term treatment, which is generally 2 weeks followed by dose tapering. VGB is generally administered at doses from 50 to 150 mg/kg/day, but its related retinal toxicity, which occurs in 21-34% of infants, is most frequently observed when treatment periods last longer than 6 months. Among corticosteroids, a treatment of 14 days of oral prednisolone (40-60 mg/day) has been considered effective and well tolerated. Considering that an early diagnosis and a shorter lag time to treatment are essential for successful outcomes in these patients, further studies on efficacy of the different therapeutic approaches with evaluation of final outcome after cessation of therapy are needed

    The vitamin d role in preventing primary headache in adult and pediatric population

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    Headache is among the main neurological disorders with a great impact on both adults and children. The diagnosis of primary headache and proper management is often delayed with a great impact on work productivity and overall quality of life. Chronic headache often requires prophylactic therapy to reduce the frequency and severity of the attacks and the use of abortive medications. Besides the use of several classes of drugs, another treatment modality is the use of Nutraceuticals. Some studies have suggested a possible role of vitamin D in headache prophylaxis. Indeed, vitamin D is involved in several pathways of brain development, neuroprotection and neurotransmission. Moreover, there is data suggesting a close relationship between primary headache and vitamin D deficiency, both in children and in adults. To date, a few studies have evaluated the effect of vitamin D on headaches. The aim of this review is to summarize the data collected on headache prophylaxis with vitamin D comparing the effects of vitamin D in pediatric and adult populations

    Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Psychiatric Comorbidity

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    Most focal seizures originate in the temporal lobe and are commonly divided into mesial and lateral temporal epilepsy, depending upon the neuronal circuitry involved. The hallmark features of the mesial temporal epilepsy are aura, unconsciousness, and automatisms. Symptoms often overlap with the lateral temporal epilepsy. However, the latter present a less evident psychomotor arrest, frequent clones and dystonic postures, and common focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures. Sclerosis of the hippocampus is the most frequent cause of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). TLE is among all epilepsies the most frequently associated with psychiatric comorbidity. Anxiety, depression, and interictal dysphoria are recurrent psychiatric disorders in pediatric patients with TLE. In addition, these alterations are often combined with cognitive, learning, and behavioral impairment. These comorbidities occur more frequently in TLE with hippocampal sclerosis and with pharmacoresistance. According to the bidirectional hypothesis, the close relationship between TLE and psychiatric features should lead to considering common pathophysiology underlying these disorders. Psychiatric comorbidities considerably reduce the quality of life of these children and their families. Thus, early detection and appropriate management and therapeutic strategies could improve the prognosis of these patients. The aim of this review is to analyze TLE correlation with psychiatric disorders and its underlying conditions

    The Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy: An Overview on Existant and New Emerging Therapies

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological chronic disorders, with an estimated prevalence of 0. 5 – 1%. Currently, treatment options for epilepsy are predominantly based on the administration of symptomatic therapy. Most patients are able to achieve seizure freedom by the first two appropriate drug trials. Thus, patients who cannot reach a satisfactory response after that are defined as pharmacoresistant. However, despite the availability of more than 20 antiseizure medications (ASMs), about one-third of epilepsies remain drug-resistant. The heterogeneity of seizures and epilepsies, the coexistence of comorbidities, and the broad spectrum of efficacy, safety, and tolerability related to the ASMs, make the management of these patients actually challenging. In this review, we analyze the most relevant clinical and pathogenetic issues related to drug-resistant epilepsy, and then we discuss the current evidence about the use of available ASMs and the alternative non-pharmacological approaches