12 research outputs found

    Autentic Assessment Development Skill Aspectin Class IV SD

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    This study aims to find an assessment instrument that can be used in carrying out the authentic assessment of skills aspects in the fourth grade of elementary school. This research is included in the type of research development (research &develpment) is a research process used to produce the product in the form of an authentic assessment of aspects of skills in the fourth grade of elementary school. The subjects in this study were students and teachers of fourth grade at SD Percobaab Medan City, and validation experts as many as 5 people who have criteria as: (a) PPKn material experts, (b) IPS material experts, (c) Indonesian material experts D) Indonesian experts, and (e) design experts. As the object of research is the development of an authentic assessment instrument of student skills aspects. The result of the initial analysis of the fourth grade teacher book and the theme book of 7 Cita-Citaku Element with the subtheme of Me and Cita-Citaku, My Ideal Pursuit, and Gain Achieved the Idea, that there is no detailed instrument of skill assessment on each subtheme of learning. Based on the acquisition of validation scores from each expert the average score score on the study material PPKn 92.85% with the category is very valid, the average score score in the study of the material of social studies 78.57% with valid category, the average score on the score 94,64% of Indonesian subjects with highly valid category, average score on linguistic study 93,75% with very valid category, and average score score in 85.93% design study with very valid category. The results of trial 1 and trial 2 acquired an average grade of 94.53% with very valid categories. Based on an authentic assessment instrument questionnaire the aspects of the 2013 curriculum skills provided to teachers have no difficulty using the instrument, so the authentic assessment instrument of the skill aspect is valid and usable. Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Aspect, Instrument Appraisal

    Predicting students’ aggressive behavior by coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication

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    This study aims to find out the relationship between coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication with aggressive behavior of students of Department of Automotive at SMK PAB 12 Saentis. This type of research is quantitative by involving 93 students as a sample taken with total sampling techniques with the first screening of aggressive behavior tendencies. This study used 3 (three) coping mechanism scales, interpersonal communication scales, and aggressive behavior scales to obtain data analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed a negative relationship between coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication with students’ aggressive behavior simultaneously and partially. Coping mechanisms and interpersonal communication can predict the emergence of aggressive behavior of students by 52.8%

    Actual and Ideal Character of Professional Counselor Based on Expert Standardization for the State University of Medan Students

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    This study dealt with Research and Development / R & D or Research-Based Development / RBD. The purpose of this research is to determine the performance of the ideal and actual "professional counselor" character of Study Progra


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    This quantitative research aimed to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and lecturer’s assertive behavior with foreign language anxiety experienced by university student. The population in this study was the students of the Department of English Education, State Institute for Islamic Studies Langsa. The samples were selected by using Stratified Random Sampling technique and sorted 147 students in semester 2, 4, and 6 that spread proportionally. The data were collected by using Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), self-efficacy scale, and lecturer’s assertive behavior scale. The data, then, were analyzed by multivariate linear regression. The result showed that self-efficacy and lecturer’s assertive behavior significantly contributed to foreign language anxiety. The effective contribution of self-efficacy and lecturer’s assertive behavior to foreign language anxiety was 58,4%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang hubungan antara keyakinan diri dan kemandirian dengan kematangan vokasional. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa/i SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi jurusan Perhotelan karena para alumni menunjukkan tingkat vokasional rendah yang dominan setelah lulus dan dihadapkan dengan dunia karir. Subjek yang dipilih adalah para siswa/i yang duduk di kelas X dengan proses pemilihan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Sebanyak 120 siswa menjadi subjek penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga skala yaitu skala keyakinan diri, kemandirian, dan kematangan vokasional. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keyakinan diri dan kemandirian dengan kematangan vokasional dimanasumbangan efektif kedua variabel (keyakinan diri dan kemandirian) sebesar 81,2%. Kesimpulan penelitian dapat dijadikan dasar pertimbangan bagi pendidik sekolah untuk memberikan motivasi, pengarahan dan pemahaman kepada siswa bahwa keyakinan diri dan kemandirian dapat meningkatkan kematangan vokasional siswa


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    Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi komunikasi persuasif guru terhadap kepercayaan diri dan motivasi belajar siswa. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII di SMP Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara acak (random sampling) dengan jumlah sampel terpilih sebanyak 78 orang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala komunikasi persuasif guru, skala kepercayaan diri, dan skala motivasi belajar. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).Analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kontribusi positif antara komunikasi persuasif dan kepercayaan diri. Diketahui pula bahwa terdapat kontribusi yang positif antara komunikasi persuasif dan motivasi belajar. Secara spesifik, diketahui bahwa dalam penelitian ini, komunikasi persuasif guru tergolong tinggi, kepercayaan diri siswa tergolong sedang, dan motivasi belajar siswajuga tergolong sedang

    Pengaruh Pola Asuh Demokrasi dan Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Pertimbangan Moral Siswa

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    This study aims to (1) determine the effect of democracy parenting style and emotional intelligence with moral judgment (2) to determine the effect of democracy parenting style with moral judgment (3) to determine the effect of emotional intelligence with moral judgment. The population of this study are students of class XI  SMAN 12 Medan amounted to 344 students. The study sample consisted of 105 students who were selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Collected using the moral judgment scale used are defining issues test (DIT), a scale of democracy parenting style, and emotional intelligence scale. Data were analyzed using regression analysis techniques. The results show (1) there is no effect of democracy parenting style on students' moral judgment, which is indicated by the coefficients rx1y = 0.448 and p > 0.05 ; (2) there is no effect of emotional intelligence on students' moral judgment, which is indicated by the coefficients rx1y = 0.161 and p > 0.05 ; (3) there is no effect of democracy parenting style and emotional intelligence with students' moral judgment, which is indicated by the coefficients F = 1.243 and R = 0.154 while R² = 0.024 with p > 0.05. The percentage of contributions given by democracy parenting style and emotional intelligence towards moral judgment is 24 %. The remaining 76 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this study

    Teori-teori sosial budaya

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    203 hlm. : 24 cm


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    Abstract: The development of storytelling skills in early childhood is important to note because it is a basic skill for the next level of education. This study aims to produce pop up book media that are valid and can improve early childhood storytelling skills. This research method uses 4D model development research with the stages of define, design, develop, disseminate. Expert judgment is used in the development of pop up books to be continued trials for early childhood to get various responses as input for improvement. Research results for pop up book media products that have been assessed as valid by experts and effective for use in learning to improve storytelling abilities in young children early with the criteria for classifying children's storytelling abilities, children who are categorized as having the ability to tell as many as 12 with details of 2 children are in the developing category according to expectations, and 10 children are in the very developing category. well, it can be said that the child has increased the ability to tell stories