2,412 research outputs found

    Thiemann transform for gravity with matter fields

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    The generalised Wick transform discovered by Thiemann provides a well-established relation between the Euclidean and Lorentzian theories of general relativity. We extend this Thiemann transform to the Ashtekar formulation for gravity coupled with spin-1/2 fermions, a non-Abelian Yang-Mills field, and a scalar field. It is proved that, on functions of the gravitational and matter phase space variables, the Thiemann transform is equivalent to the composition of an inverse Wick rotation and a constant complex scale transformation of all fields. This result holds as well for functions that depend on the shift vector, the lapse function, and the Lagrange multipliers of the Yang-Mills and gravitational Gauss constraints, provided that the Wick rotation is implemented by means of an analytic continuation of the lapse. In this way, the Thiemann transform is furnished with a geometric interpretation. Finally, we confirm the expectation that the generator of the Thiemann transform can be determined just from the spin of the fields and give a simple explanation for this fact.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 14 pages, no figure

    ARES v2 - new features and improved performance

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    Aims: We present a new upgraded version of ARES. The new version includes a series of interesting new features such as automatic radial velocity correction, a fully automatic continuum determination, and an estimation of the errors for the equivalent widths. Methods: The automatic correction of the radial velocity is achieved with a simple cross-correlation function, and the automatic continuum determination, as well as the estimation of the errors, relies on a new approach to evaluating the spectral noise at the continuum level. Results: ARES v2 is totally compatible with its predecessor. We show that the fully automatic continuum determination is consistent with the previous methods applied for this task. It also presents a significant improvement on its performance thanks to the implementation of a parallel computation using the OpenMP library.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Figures; accepted in A&A; ARES Webpage: www.astro.up.pt/~sousasag/are

    Displaced Mexican American Workers in Retraining Programs

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    One Stop Job Centers assist trade affected displaced workers in skills development and occupational retraining with the goal of re-incorporating them into the workforce. In this study, we explored the job loss and transitional experiences of two groups of low-literate, primarily Spanish speaking males. Findings included coping mechanisms and identification of barriers that included a failed method of instruction

    Canonical Quantization of the Gowdy Model

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    The family of Gowdy universes with the spatial topology of a three-torus is studied both classically and quantum mechanically. Starting with the Ashtekar formulation of Lorentzian general relativity, we introduce a gauge fixing procedure to remove almost all of the non-physical degrees of freedom. In this way, we arrive at a reduced model that is subject only to one homogeneous constraint. The phase space of this model is described by means of a canonical set of elementary variables. These are two real, homogeneous variables and the Fourier coefficients for four real fields that are periodic in the angular coordinate which does not correspond to a Killing field of the Gowdy spacetimes. We also obtain the explicit expressions for the line element and reduced Hamiltonian. We then proceed to quantize the system by representing the elementary variables as linear operators acting on a vector space of analytic functionals. The inner product on that space is selected by imposing Lorentzian reality conditions. We find the quantum states annihilated by the operator that represents the homogeneous constraint of the model and construct with them the Hilbert space of physical states. Finally, we derive the general form of the quantum observables of the model.Comment: 13 pages, Revte

    Utilización de la semilla de girasol (normal y alta en ácido oleico) en la alimentación de vacas lecheras.

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    De un rebaño de 24 vacas frisonas, alimentadas con una ración forrajera de base, variable según la época, y con una mezcla de diversos alimentos concentrados (pulpa de remolacha, semilla de algodón, harina de soja, pienso compuesto de producción y correctores vitamínico-minerales), se utilizó una media de 15 vacas en lactación para realizar tres ensayos, incorporando distintos niveles de semilla de girasol normal y uno de girasol alto oleico a la mezcla de concentrados y comparándolos en cada caso con una dieta control. En el primer ensayo, teniendo como base forrajera ray-grass verde y paja de cereal, se incorporó un 6,75 p. 100 de semilla de girasol normal (G1) en sustitución de componentes de la mezcla, manteniendo el equilibrio isoproteico e isoenergético. En el segundo ensayo, sobre una ración de base compuesta por ensilado de avena, heno de avena y paja de cebada, se incorporó un 13 p. 100 de semilla de girasol normal (G2) y en el tercero, sobre la misma base forrajera anterior, se añadió semilla de girasol rica en ácido oleico (GA02). La duración de cada ensayo fue de dos meses y medio, realizándose comparaciones de cada mezcla experimental con su respectivo control, en su diseño cruzado. El consumo de concentrado descendió ligeramente, aunque no significativamente, con la inclusión de la semilla de girasol. La condición corporal de las vacas se mantuvo prácticamente constante. La producción de leche descendió, aunque no significativamente, -1,31 1 para la dieta G2, -0,81 1 para la GAO2 y -0,41 1 para la G1. Su composición no varió, salvo en el porcentaje de grasa, que descendió -0,31 puntos en la G2 (p < 0,05). El porcentaje de ácidos grasos insaturados aumentó significativamente (p < 0,001) con las tres dietas experimentales, aunque el de poliinsaturados sólo lo hizo para el tratamiento G2 (p < 0,01)

    Searching for solar siblings among the HARPS data

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    The search for the solar siblings has been particularly fruitful in the last few years. Until now, there are four plausible candidates pointed out in the literature: HIP21158, HIP87382, HIP47399, and HIP92831. In this study we conduct a search for solar siblings among the HARPS high-resolution FGK dwarfs sample, which includes precise chemical abundances and kinematics for 1111 stars. Using a new approach based on chemical abundance trends with the condensation temperature, kinematics, and ages we found one (additional) potential solar sibling candidate: HIP97507.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted in A&

    NIR spectroscopy of the Sun and HD20010 - Compiling a new linelist in the NIR

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    Context: Effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity are basic spectroscopic stellar parameters necessary to characterize a star or a planetary system. Reliable atmospheric parameters for FGK stars have been obtained mostly from methods that relay on high resolution and high signal-to-noise optical spectroscopy. The advent of a new generation of high resolution near-IR spectrographs opens the possibility of using classic spectroscopic methods with high resolution and high signal-to-noise in the NIR spectral window. Aims: We aim to compile a new iron line list in the NIR from a solar spectrum to derive precise stellar atmospheric parameters, comparable to the ones already obtained from high resolution optical spectra. The spectral range covers 10 000 {\AA} to 25 000 {\AA}, which is equivalent to the Y, J, H, and K bands. Methods: Our spectroscopic analysis is based on the iron excitation and ionization balance done in LTE. We use a high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum of the Sun from the Kitt Peak telescope as a starting point to compile the iron line list. The oscillator strengths (log gf) of the iron lines were calibrated for the Sun. The abundance analysis was done using the MOOG code after measuring equivalent widths of 357 solar iron lines. Results: We successfully derived stellar atmospheric parameters for the Sun. Furthermore, we analysed HD20010, a F8IV star, from which we derived stellar atmospheric parameters using the same line list as for the Sun. The spectrum was obtained from the CRIRES- POP database. The results are compatible with the ones found in the literature, confirming the reliability of our line list. However, due to the quality of the data we obtain large errors.Comment: 9 pages and 9 figure

    Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program II: Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, Nd and Eu

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    To understand the formation and evolution of the different stellar populations within our Galaxy it is essential to combine detailed kinematical and chemical information for large samples of stars. We derive chemical abundances of Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, Nd and Eu for a large sample of more than 1000 FGK dwarf stars with high-resolution (RR \sim\,115000) and high-quality spectra from the HARPS-GTO program. The abundances are derived by a standard Local Thermodinamyc Equilibrium (LTE) analysis using measured Equivalent Widths (EWs) injected to the code MOOG and a grid of Kurucz ATLAS9 atmospheres. We find that thick disk stars are chemically disjunct for Zn and Eu and also show on average higher Zr but lower Ba and Y when compared to the thin disk stars. We also discovered that the previously identified high-α\alpha metal-rich population is also enhanced in Cu, Zn, Nd and Eu with respect to the thin disk but presents Ba and Y abundances lower on average, following the trend of thick disk stars towards higher metallities and further supporting the different chemical composition of this population. The ratio of heavy-s to light-s elements of thin disk stars presents the expected behaviour (increasing towards lower metallicities) and can be explained by a major contribution of low-mass AGB stars for s-process production at disk metallicities. However, the opposite trend found for thick disk stars suggests that intermediate-mass AGB stars played an important role in the enrichment of the gas from where these stars formed. Previous works in the literature also point to a possible primary production of light-s elements at low metallicities to explain this trend. Finally, we also find an enhancement of light-s elements in the thin disk at super solar metallicities which could be caused by the contribution of metal-rich AGB stars. (short version)Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, accepted by A&

    New and updated stellar parameters for 71 evolved planet hosts. On the metallicity - giant planet connection

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    It is still being debated whether the well-known metallicity - giant planet correlation for dwarf stars is also valid for giant stars. For this reason, having precise metallicities is very important. Different methods can provide different results that lead to discrepancies in the analysis of planet hosts. To study the impact of different analyses on the metallicity scale for evolved stars, we compare different iron line lists to use in the atmospheric parameter derivation of evolved stars. Therefore, we use a sample of 71 evolved stars with planets. With these new homogeneous parameters, we revisit the metallicity - giant planet connection for evolved stars. A spectroscopic analysis based on Kurucz models in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) was performed through the MOOG code to derive the atmospheric parameters. Two different iron line list sets were used, one built for cool FGK stars in general, and the other for giant FGK stars. Masses were calculated through isochrone fitting, using the Padova models. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (K-S tests) were then performed on the metallicity distributions of various different samples of evolved stars and red giants. All parameters compare well using a line list set, designed specifically for cool and solar-like stars to provide more accurate temperatures. All parameters derived with this line list set are preferred and are thus adopted for future analysis. We find that evolved planet hosts are more metal-poor than dwarf stars with giant planets. However, a bias in giant stellar samples that are searched for planets is present. Because of a colour cut-off, metal-rich low-gravity stars are left out of the samples, making it hard to compare dwarf stars with giant stars. Furthermore, no metallicity enhancement is found for red giants with planets (logg<3.0\log g < 3.0\,dex) with respect to red giants without planets.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables, accepted to A&

    Searching for the signatures of terrestrial planets in F-, G-type main-sequence stars

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    We have studied the volatile-to-refractory abundance ratios to investigate their possible relation with the low-mass planetary formation. We present a fully differential chemical abundance analysis using high-quality HARPS and UVES spectra of 61 late F- and early G-type main-sequence stars, 29 are planet hosts and 32 are stars without detected planets. As the previous sample of solar analogs, these stars slightly hotter than the Sun also provide very accurate Galactic chemical abundance trends in the metallicity range 0.3<[Fe/H]<0.4-0.3<{\rm [Fe/H]}<0.4. Stars with and without planets show similar mean abundance ratios. Moreover, when removing the Galactic chemical evolution effects, these mean abundance ratios, Δ[X/Fe]SUNSTARS\Delta {\rm [X/Fe]_{SUN-STARS}}, versus condensation temperature tend to exhibit less steep trends with nearly null or slightly negative slopes. We have also analyzed a sub-sample of 26 metal-rich stars, 13 with and 13 without known planets and find the similar, although not equal, abundance pattern with negative slopes for both samples of stars with and without planets. Using stars at S/N 550\ge 550 provides equally steep abundance trends with negative slopes for both stars with and without planets. We revisit the sample of solar analogs to study the abundance patterns of these stars, in particular, 8 stars hosting super-Earth-like planets. Among these stars having very low-mass planets, only four of them reveal clear increasing abundance trends versus condensation temperature. Finally, we have compared these observed slopes with those predicted using a simple model which enables us to compute the mass of rocks which have formed terrestrial planets in each planetary system. We do not find any evidence supporting the conclusion that the volatile-to-refractory abundance ratio is related to the presence of rocky planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&