250 research outputs found

    Triiodothyronine is required for the stimulation of type II 5'-deiodinase mRNA in rat brown adipocytes

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    10 pages, 6 figures.Type II 5'-iodothyronine deiodinase (D2), produces triiodothyronine (T(3)) and is stimulated by cold exposure via norepinephrine (NE) release in brown adipose tissue. Cultured rat brown adipocytes require T(3) for the adrenergic stimulation of D2 activity. D2 mRNA expression in cultured brown adipocytes is undetectable with the use of basal conditions or NE without T(3). Full D2 expression is achieved using NE + T(3), especially after prolonged T(3) exposure. beta(3)-Adrenergic agonists mimic the NE action, whereas cAMP analogs do not. Prolonged exposure to T(3) alone increases D2 mRNA. High T(3) doses (500 nM) inhibit the adrenergic stimulation of D2 activity while increasing D2 mRNA. The effects obtained with NE + T(3) or T(3) alone are suppressed by actinomycin, but not by cycloheximide, which leads to accumulation of short D2 mRNA transcripts. Prolonged or short exposure to T(3) did not change D2 mRNA half-life, but T(3) seemed to elongate it. In conclusion, T(3) is an absolute requirement for the adrenergic stimulation of D2 mRNA in brown adipocytes. T(3) upregulates D2 mRNA, an effect that might involve stimulation of factors required for transcription or for stabilization of D2 mRNA.This work was supported by research grants PB 95–0097 from Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, FISS 94/0274 and 99/0813 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), and CAM 08.6/0030/1998 from Comunidad de Madrid (CAM) (Spain). R. Martínez de Mena was supported by research grants FISS 94/0274 (predoctoral studies) and CAM 08.6/0030/1998 (as postdoctoral).Peer reviewe

    Diseño y aplicación de un manual de estrategias de motivación para disminuir la “Disfunción Familiar” en los hogares de los estudiantes del sector de Poaló en la Unidad Educativa “Poaló García Moreno” en el año lectivo 2014-2015

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    This research has a social character, it is based on the design and application of a motivation strategies manual, it is a feasible and executable project and updated it has an adecquate and update bibliography also it was based on a field investigation. The problem presented was the lack of motivation to solve family problems between parents whit their children who study in Garcia Moreno School in Poaló parish; Latacunga. The construction of theoretical framework and the elaboration of the methodology used in this work was through the survey technique it which validity and rehabilitee were determined at trial and critical analysis. In this research the statistical method was used; reached the objectives of the questions, the proposal will contain introduction, justification, and objectives considering that it was a valid proposal in order to reduce the family dysfunction student’s homes of the educational institution.El presente trabajo investigativo es de carácter social, se basa en el diseño y aplicación de un manual de estrategias de motivación, es un proyecto factible y ejecutable; cuenta con una bibliografía necesaria y actualizada además se basó en una investigación de campo. El problema se presentó por la falta de motivación para resolver los inconvenientes familiares que tienen tanto padres de familia como estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa García Moreno Poaló de la parroquia Poaló del cantón Latacunga. La construcción del marco teórico y la elaboración de la metodología se basan en los principios del buen vivir, la metodología que se utilizó en el presente trabajo de investigación fue a través de la técnica de la encuesta cuya validez y confiabilidad se determinaron mediante el juicio y el análisis crítico de la investigadora, lo que permitió llegar a una confiabilidad aceptable, y fue valorada utilizando la estadística cumpliendo los objetivos de las interrogantes; la propuesta contendrá introducción, justificación, objetivos. Considerando que fue una propuesta válida para disminuir la disfunción familiar en los hogares de los estudiantes de la institución educativa

    The T3 receptor β1 isoform regulates UCP1 and D2 deiodinase in rat brown adipocytes

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis increases when uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) is activated adrenergically and requires T3. In humans, UCP1 activation in BAT seems involved in body weight maintenance. BAT type 2 deiodinase (D2) increases in response to adrenergic agents, producing the T3 required for UCP1 expression. T3 actions are mediated by thyroid hormone nuclear T3 receptors (TR), TRα and TRβ. Studies in mice suggest that TRβ is required for UCP1 induction, whereas TRα regulates body temperature and adrenergic sensitivity. In the present study, we compare the effects of T3 vs. specific TRβ1 and TRα1 agonists [GC-1 and CO23] on the adrenergic induction of UCP1 and D2 in cultured rat brown adipocytes. T3 and GC-1 produced similar increases on UCP1, whereas CO23 increased UCP1 only at high doses (50 nM). GC-1 at low doses (0.2-10 nM) was less potent than T3, increasing the adrenergic stimulation of D2 activity and mRNA. At higher doses, GC-1 further stimulated whereas T3 inhibited D2 activity but not D2 mRNA, suggesting posttranscriptional effects. CO23 had no effect on D2 activity but increased D2 mRNA. T3, GC-1, or CO23 by themselves did not increase UCP1 or D2 mRNA. High T3 doses shortened D2 half-life and increased D2 turnover via proteasome, whereas GC-1 did not change D2 stability. The α1- and α2-adrenergic D2 responses increased using high T 3 doses. In summary, T3 increases the adrenergic stimulation of UCP1 and D2 expression mostly via the TRβ1 isoform, and in brown adipocytes, D2 is protected from degradation by the action of T 3 on TRβ1. Copyright © 2010 by The Endocrine Society.This work was supported by Research Grants SAF2006/01319 and SAF2009-09364 from Plan Nacional (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and FMM2006 from Fundación Médica Madrileña (Spain) (toM.-J.O.). Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERObn) is an initiative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Estudo das relações entre as estratégias de self-handicapping, autoestima, autoeficácia e o rendimento académico: um estudo com alunos do ensino superior

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    Alguns estudos realçam que os alunos mais motivados são aqueles que apresentam perceções positivas de autoeficácia, são mais autorregulados nas suas aprendizagens e obtêm maior sucesso académico. Por outro lado, alguns indivíduos sentem-se inseguros com as suas capacidades e no momento de realizarem as suas atividades académicas apresentam comportamentos de evitamento ou fuga, porque antecipam dificuldades nas tarefas ou manifestam perceções distorcidas sobre as suas capacidades, apresentando também menores perceções de autoestima e de autoeficácia. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer as relações entre as variáveis estratégias de self-handicapping, autoestima, autoeficácia e o rendimento académico num grupo de estudantes do ensino superior. As variáveis foram medidas através da Escala Self-handicapping (Martin, 1998), Escala de autoestima de Rosenberg (Rosenberg, 1965) na sua adaptação para o contexto português por Pechorro, Marôco, Poiares e Vieira (2011) e a dimensão autoeficácia académica através da subescala Autoeficácia para a aprendizagem e desempenho, que é uma das 15 subescalas do Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ Pintrich, 1981). O rendimento académico dos alunos foi medido através da sua classificação de acesso ao ensino superior. Os resultados descritivos apontam que os rapazes tendem a usar mais estratégias de self-handicapping e que o uso destas estratégias, sobretudo o self-handicapping ativo, tendencialmente aumenta à medida que se avança no ano. Os resultados dos estudos correlacionais apontam fracas correlações entre as variáveis sem significado estatístico. No entanto importa realçar as correlações no grupo das raparigas do 1º ano entre a nota de acesso ao ensino superior e as estratégias de self-handicapping reivindicado (correlação negativa) e entre a nota de acesso ao ensino superior e a autoestima (correlação positiva). No 3º ano registaram-se apenas correlações negativas entre as variáveis self-handicapping reivindicado e rendimento académico e entre self-handicapping ativo e rendimento académico, também apenas nas raparigas. Os resultados da análise da regressão sugerem apenas para a explicação do rendimento das raparigas do 1º ano explicando as variáveis self-handicapping reivindicado e autoestima que no seu conjunto explicam 13, 4 % dessa variabilidade. No 3º ano a variável self-handicapping ativo explica 21,2% dessa mesma variabilidade também apena nas raparigas. Os resultados de comparação das médias apontaram para a não existência de efeitos com significado estatístico entre o ano e o género. Espera-se poder contribuir para a discussão no tema da motivação para aprender e os processos adaptativos em alunos do Ensino Superior.Some studies emphasize that the most motivated students are those who present positive perceptions of self-efficacy, are more self-regulated in their learning and achieve greater academic success. On the other hand, some individuals feel insecure with their abilities and at the moment of carrying out their academic activities they exhibit avoidance or escape behaviors because they anticipate difficulties in tasks or manifest perceptions of self-esteem and self-efficacy. The main objective of this work is to know the relationships between the variables self-handicapping strategies, selfesteem, and self-efficacy and academic performance in a group of students of higher education. The variables were measured through the Self-handicapping Scale (Martin, 1998), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) in its adaptation to the Portuguese context by Pechorro, Marôco, Poiares e Vieira (2011) and the academic selfefficacy dimension through the self-efficacy subscale for learning and performance, which is one of the 15 subscales of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ Pintrich, 1981). The academic performance of the students was measured by their classification of access to higher education. The descriptive results indicate that boys tend to use more self-handicapping strategies and that the use of these strategies, especially active self-handicapping, tends to increase as the year progresses. The results of correlational studies point to weak correlations between variables with no statistical significance. However, it is important to highlight the correlations in the group of girls in the 1st year between the notes on access to self-handicapping claimed (negative correlation) and between the note on access to higher education and self-esteem (positive correlation). In the 3rd year there were only negative correlations between the self-handicapping variables claimed and academic performance is between active selfhandicapping and academic achievement, also only in girls. The results of the regression analysis only suggest the explanation of the income of the girls of the 1st year explaining the variables self-handicapping claimed and self-esteem that together explain 13, 4% of this variability. In the 3rd year the active self-handicapping variable explain 21, 2 % of this same variability also only in girls. The results of comparison of the means pointed to the existence of effects with statistical significance between the year and the gander. We hope to contribute to the discussion on the subject of motivation to the discussion on the subject of motivation to learn and the adaptive processes in higher education students

    Ansiedad en gastroscopias: Comparación de dos intervenciones de enfermería en gastroscopias sin sedación.

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    There is a disparity between nurses about the ideal role of nurses in endoscopies without sedation. Some nurses think that providing information to the patient is sufficient to reduce anxiety and improve tolerance and satisfaction, while others believe that behavioral training and positive reinforcement during the procedure are also necessary. The objectives of this study were to test the differences that are produced in the patient’s state of anxiety between the two types of nursing intervention, as well as in the patient’s tolerance and satisfaction. The study included 109 outpatients who had an endoscopy without sedation. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group who received nursing support based on information, behavioral training and positive reinforcement during the procedure, and the control group, who received nursing support based solely on information provided about the procedure. Anxiety was evaluated with a STAI-state test and with psychophysiological parameters at different moments during the process. The data was analyzed with repeated measures of analysis of the variance, which resulted in the following: the STAI score decreased more in the experimental group. Tolerance was greater in the experimental group, patient satisfaction was equal in the two groups, and the difference in the levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate was equal in the two groups. Experimental investigations are useful in nursing to obtain scientific evidence about the ideal clinical practice. It is possible to improve the tolerance of gastroscopy and reduce anxiety due to the procedure, with the intervention of the nurses centered in the cognitive and behavioral aspects of the person.Existe disparidad en las percepciones que las enfermeras de endoscopias  tenemos sobre la intervención de enfermería idónea en gastroscopias sin sedación. Algunas enfermeras  piensan  que el aporte de información es suficiente para reducir la ansiedad, mejorar la tolerancia y satisfacción, mientras  otras defienden que además es necesario  un entrenamiento conductual y un refuerzo positivo durante la prueba.Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron comprobar las diferencias que se producían en el estado de  ansiedad del paciente entre las dos intervenciones de enfermería, así como en la tolerancia y su satisfacción.Se incluyeron 109 pacientes que acudieron vía ambulatoria a realizarse una gastroscopia sin sedación. Se dividieron en dos grupos, el  experimental, con una intervención basada en información, entrenamiento conductual y refuerzo positivo durante la exploración y el control, con una intervención basada en la información. La  ansiedad se evaluó con el test STAI-estado y con  parámetros psicofísicos en diferentes momentos del proceso.Los datos se analizaron con medidas repetidas de análisis de la variancia que  aportaron los siguientes resultados: la puntuación del STAI disminuyó más en el grupo experimental (p=0,035). La tolerancia fue  mejor en el grupo experimental (p= 0,008), la satisfacción del paciente fue  igual en los dos grupos (p=0,5) la diferencia en los valores de tensión arterial sistólica, diastólica y frecuencia cardíaca fue  igual en los dos grupos (p=0,085, p=0,690, p=0,984)Las investigaciones experimentales son posibles en enfermería para obtener evidencias científicas sobre la idónea práctica clínica. Es posible mejorar la tolerancia de la gastroscopia y disminuir la ansiedad debida al procedimiento,  con una intervención de enfermería centrada en el aspecto cognitivo y conductual de la persona

    Silica final lenses under HiPER laser fusion reactor operation conditions

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    We have studied the thermo-mechanical response and atomistic degradation of final lenses in HiPER project. Final silica lenses are squares of 75 × 75 cm2 with a thickness of 5 cm. There are two scenarios where lenses are located at 8 m from the centre: •HiPER 4a, bunches of 100 shots (maximum 5 DT shots <48 MJ at ≈0.1 Hz). No blanket in chamber geometry. •HiPER 4b, continuous mode with shots ≈50 MJ at 10 Hz to generate 0.5 GW. Liquid metal blanket in chamber design

    An overview on armor research for the laser fusion project HiPER

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    During the current preparatory phase of the European laser fusion project HiPER, an intensive effort has being placed to identify an armour material able to protect the internal walls of the chamber against the high thermal loads and high fluxes of x-rays and ions produced during the fusion explosions. This poster addresses the different threats and limitations of a poly-crystalline Tungsten armour. The analysis is carried out under the conditions of an experimental chamber hypothetically constructed to demonstrate laser fusion in a repetitive mode, subjected to a few thousand 48MJ shock ignition shots during its entire lifetime. If compared to the literature, an extrapolation of the thermomechanical and atomistic effects obtained from the simulations of the experimental chamber to the conditions of a Demo reactor (working 24/7 at hundreds of MW) or a future power plant (producing GW) suggests that “standard” tungsten will not be a suitable armour. Thus, new materials based on nano-structured W and C are being investigated as possible candidates. The research programme launched by the HiPER material team is introduced

    Diseño de un modelo de gestión y desempeño financiero en las cuentas por cobrar de la Municipalidad de Turrubares

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    El presente trabajo final de graduación promueve una administración eficiente en las cuentas por cobrar de la Municipalidad de Turrubares, por lo tanto, en el mismo se detalla una propuesta de un Modelo de Gestión y Desempeño Financiero en las cuentas por cobrar de dicho municipio, la cual está fundamentada en tres pilares: Sistemas de Información – Cobranza- Medición del Desempeño Financiero. La Municipalidad de Turrubares cuenta con grandes deficiencias en la gestión de cobros, las cuales se describen en el capítulo segundo y tercero del presente trabajo, sin embargo, en síntesis, su principal problema radica en que no conocen la composición real de la cartera de cuentas por cobrar, lo que dificulta la cobranza. El génesis de esta situación es un sistema de información obsoleto que no brinda información fidedigna y oportuna a los funcionarios municipales. La propuesta planteada permitirá a la Municipalidad de Turrubares no solo solventar las debilidades operativas y administrativas encontradas, sino que permitirá medir con base en indicares y razones financieras el desempeño en la gestión de cobros, siendo este último el valor agregado del modelo. Con la implementación del modelo propuesto la Municipalidad de Turrubares podría aumentar la recaudación de los ingresos propios, mediante una reducción en el saldo de las cuentas por cobrar, y mejorar la toma de decisiones municipales contando con información oportuna y confiable.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Ciencias Sociales::Maestría Profesional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con énfasis en Finanza