68 research outputs found

    Intravital Microscopy Visualizing Immunity in Context

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    AbstractRecent advances in photonics, particularly multi-photon microscopy (MPM) and new molecular and genetic tools are empowering immunologists to answer longstanding unresolved questions in living animals. Using intravital microscopy (IVM) investigators are dissecting the cellular and molecular underpinnings controlling immune cell motility and interactions in tissues. Recent IVM work showed that T cell responses to antigen in lymph nodes are different from those observed in vitro and appear dictated by factors uniquely relevant to intact organs. Other IVM models, particularly in the bone marrow, reveal how different anatomic contexts regulate leukocyte development, immunity, and inflammation. This article will discuss the current state of the field and outline how IVM can generate new discoveries and serve as a “reality check” for areas of research that were formerly the exclusive domain of in vitro experimentation

    CCR7 ligands stimulate the intranodal motility of T lymphocytes in vivo

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    In contrast to lymphocyte homing, little is known about molecular cues controlling the motility of lymphocytes within lymphoid organs. Applying intravital two-photon microscopy, we demonstrate that chemokine receptor CCR7 signaling enhances the intranodal motility of CD4+ T cells. Compared to wild-type (WT) cells, the average velocity and mean motility coefficient of adoptively transferred CCR7-deficient CD4+ T lymphocytes in T cell areas of WT recipients were reduced by 33 and 55%, respectively. Both parameters were comparably reduced for WT T lymphocytes migrating in T cell areas of plt/plt mice lacking CCR7 ligands. Importantly, systemic application of the CCR7 ligand CCL21 was sufficient to rescue the motility of WT T lymphocytes inside T cell areas of plt/plt recipients. Comparing the movement behavior of T cells in subcapsular areas that are devoid of detectable amounts of CCR7 ligands even in WT mice, we failed to reveal any differences between WT and plt/plt recipients. Furthermore, in both WT and plt/plt recipients, highly motile T cells rapidly accumulated in the subcapsular region after subcutaneous injection of the CCR7 ligand CCL19. Collectively, these data identify CCR7 and its ligands as important chemokinetic factors stimulating the basal motility of CD4+ T cells inside lymph nodes in vivo

    A Near-Infrared Cell Tracker Reagent for Multiscopic In Vivo Imaging and Quantification of Leukocyte Immune Responses

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    The complexity of the tumor microenvironment necessitates that cell behavior is studied in a broad, multi-scale context. Although tomographic and microscopy-based far and near infrared fluorescence (NIRF, >650 nm) imaging methods offer high resolution, sensitivity, and depth penetration, there has been a lack of optimized NIRF agents to label and track cells in their native environments at different scales. In this study we labeled mammalian leukocytes with VivoTag 680 (VT680), an amine reactive N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester of a (benz) indolium-derived far red fluorescent probe. We show that VT680 diffuses into leukocytes within minutes, covalently binds to cellular components, remains internalized for days in vitro and in vivo, and does not transfer fluorescence to adjacent cells. It is biocompatible, keeps cells fully functional, and fluoresces at high intensities. In a tumor model of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immunotherapy, we track and quantify VT680-labeled cells longitudinally at the whole-body level with fluorescence-mediated molecular tomography (FMT), within tissues at single cell resolutions by multiphoton and confocal intravital microscopy, and ex vivo by flow cytometry. Thus, this approach is suitable to monitor cells at multiple resolutions in real time in their native environments by NIR-based fluorescence imaging

    Targeting the CBM complex causes Treg cells to prime tumours for immune checkpoint therapy.

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    Solid tumours are infiltrated by effector T cells with the potential to control or reject them, as well as by regulatory T (Treg) cells that restrict the function of effector T cells and thereby promote tumour growth1. The anti-tumour activity of effector T cells can be therapeutically unleashed, and is now being exploited for the treatment of some forms of human cancer. However, weak tumour-associated inflammatory responses and the immune-suppressive function of Treg cells remain major hurdles to broader effectiveness of tumour immunotherapy2. Here we show that, after disruption of the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) signalosome complex, most tumour-infiltrating Treg cells produce IFNγ, resulting in stunted tumour growth. Notably, genetic deletion of both or even just one allele of CARMA1 (also known as Card11) in only a fraction of Treg cells-which avoided systemic autoimmunity-was sufficient to produce this anti-tumour effect, showing that it is not the mere loss of suppressive function but the gain of effector activity by Treg cells that initiates tumour control. The production of IFNγ by Treg cells was accompanied by activation of macrophages and upregulation of class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex on tumour cells. However, tumour cells also upregulated the expression of PD-L1, which indicates activation of adaptive immune resistance3. Consequently, blockade of PD-1 together with CARMA1 deletion caused rejection of tumours that otherwise do not respond to anti-PD-1 monotherapy. This effect was reproduced by pharmacological inhibition of the CBM protein MALT1. Our results demonstrate that partial disruption of the CBM complex and induction of IFNγ secretion in the preferentially self-reactive Treg cell pool does not cause systemic autoimmunity but is sufficient to prime the tumour environment for successful immune checkpoint therapy

    A Novel Endothelial L-Selectin Ligand Activity in Lymph Node Medulla That Is Regulated by α(1,3)-Fucosyltransferase-IV

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    Lymphocytes home to peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs) via high endothelial venules (HEVs) in the subcortex and incrementally larger collecting venules in the medulla. HEVs express ligands for L-selectin, which mediates lymphocyte rolling. L-selectin counterreceptors in HEVs are recognized by mAb MECA-79, a surrogate marker for molecularly heterogeneous glycans termed peripheral node addressin. By contrast, we find that medullary venules express L-selectin ligands not recognized by MECA-79. Both L-selectin ligands must be fucosylated by α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase (FucT)-IV or FucT-VII as rolling is absent in FucT-IV+VII−/− mice. Intravital microscopy experiments revealed that MECA-79–reactive ligands depend primarily on FucT-VII, whereas MECA-79–independent medullary L-selectin ligands are regulated by FucT-IV. Expression levels of both enzymes paralleled these anatomical distinctions. The relative mRNA level of FucT-IV was higher in medullary venules than in HEVs, whereas FucT-VII was most prominent in HEVs and weak in medullary venules. Thus, two distinct L-selectin ligands are segmentally confined to contiguous microvascular domains in PLNs. Although MECA-79–reactive species predominate in HEVs, medullary venules express another ligand that is spatially, antigenically, and biosynthetically unique. Physiologic relevance for this novel activity in medullary microvessels is suggested by the finding that L-selectin–dependent T cell homing to PLNs was partly insensitive to MECA-79 inhibition

    A central role for DOCK2 during interstitial lymphocyte motility and sphingosine-1-phosphate–mediated egress

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    Recent observations using multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) have uncovered an unexpectedly high lymphocyte motility within peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs). Lymphocyte-expressed intracellular signaling molecules governing interstitial movement remain largely unknown. Here, we used MP-IVM of murine PLNs to examine interstitial motility of lymphocytes lacking the Rac guanine exchange factor DOCK2 and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)Îł, signaling molecules that act downstream of G protein–coupled receptors, including chemokine receptors (CKRs). T and B cells lacking DOCK2 alone or DOCK2 and PI3KÎł displayed markedly reduced motility inside T cell area and B cell follicle, respectively. Lack of PI3KÎł alone had no effect on migration velocity but resulted in increased turning angles of T cells. As lymphocyte egress from PLNs requires the sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 1, a Gαi protein–coupled receptor similar to CKR, we further analyzed whether DOCK2 and PI3KÎł contributed to S1P-triggered signaling events. S1P-induced cell migration was significantly reduced in T and B cells lacking DOCK2, whereas T cell–expressed PI3KÎł contributed to F-actin polymerization and protein kinase B phosphorylation but not migration. These findings correlated with delayed lymphocyte egress from PLNs in the absence of DOCK2 but not PI3KÎł, and a markedly reduced cell motility of DOCK2-deficient T cells in close proximity to efferent lymphatic vessels. In summary, our data support a central role for DOCK2, and to a lesser extent T cell–expressed PI3KÎł, for signal transduction during interstitial lymphocyte migration and S1P-mediated egress

    Translational Studies Using the MALT1 Inhibitor (S)-Mepazine to Induce Treg Fragility and Potentiate Immune Checkpoint Therapy in Cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in the maintenance of immune homeostasis but also protect tumors from immune-mediated growth control or rejection and pose a significant barrier to effective immunotherapy. Inhibition of MALT1 paracaspase activity can selectively reprogram immune-suppressive Tregs in the tumor microenvironment to adopt a proinflammatory fragile state, which offers an opportunity to impede tumor growth and enhance the efficacy of immune checkpoint therapy (ICT). METHODS: We performed preclinical studies with the orally available allosteric MALT1 inhibitor (S)-mepazine as a single-agent and in combination with anti-programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) ICT to investigate its pharmacokinetic properties and antitumor effects in several murine tumor models as well as patient-derived organotypic tumor spheroids (PDOTS). RESULTS: (S)-mepazine demonstrated significant antitumor effects and was synergistic with anti-PD-1 therapy in vivo and ex vivo but did not affect circulating Treg frequencies in healthy rats at effective doses. Pharmacokinetic profiling revealed favorable drug accumulation in tumors to concentrations that effectively blocked MALT1 activity, potentially explaining preferential effects on tumor-infiltrating over systemic Tregs. CONCLUSIONS: The MALT1 inhibitor (S)-mepazine showed single-agent anticancer activity and presents a promising opportunity for combination with PD-1 pathway-targeted ICT. Activity in syngeneic tumor models and human PDOTS was likely mediated by induction of tumor-associated Treg fragility. This translational study supports ongoing clinical investigations (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04859777) of MPT-0118, (S)-mepazine succinate, in patients with advanced or metastatic treatment-refractory solid tumors

    Retroviruses use CD169-mediated trans-infection of permissive lymphocytes to establish infection

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    Dendritic cells can capture and transfer retroviruses in vitro across synaptic cell-cell contacts to uninfected cells, a process called trans-infection. Whether trans-infection contributes to retroviral spread in vivo remains unknown. Here, we visualize how retroviruses disseminate in secondary lymphoid tissues of living mice. We demonstrate that murine leukemia virus (MLV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are first captured by sinus-lining macrophages. CD169/Siglec-1, an I-type lectin that recognizes gangliosides, captures the virus. MLV-laden macrophages then form long-lived synaptic contacts to trans-infect B-1 cells. Infected B-1 cells subsequently migrate into the lymph node to spread the infection through virological synapses. Robust infection in lymph nodes and spleen requires CD169, suggesting that a combination of fluid-based movement followed by CD169-dependent trans-infection can contribute to viral spread

    HIV-infected T cells are migratory vehicles for viral dissemination

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    After host entry through mucosal surfaces, HIV-1 disseminates to lymphoid tissues to establish a generalized infection of the immune system. The mechanisms by which this virus spreads among permissive target cells locally during early stages of transmission, and systemically during subsequent dissemination are not known1. In vitro studies suggest that formation of virological synapses (VSs) during stable contacts between infected and uninfected T cells greatly increases the efficiency of viral transfer2. It is unclear, however, if T cell contacts are sufficiently stable in vivo to allow for functional synapse formation under the conditions of perpetual cell motility in epithelial3 and lymphoid tissues4. Here, using multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM), we examined the dynamic behavior of HIV-infected T cells in lymph nodes (LNs) of humanized mice. We found that most productively infected T cells migrated robustly, resulting in their even distribution throughout the LN cortex. A subset of infected cells formed multinucleated syncytia through HIV envelope (Env)-dependent cell fusion. Both uncoordinated motility of syncytia as well as adhesion to CD4+ LN cells led to the formation of long membrane tethers, increasing cell lengths to up to 10 times that of migrating uninfected T cells. Blocking the egress of migratory T cells from LNs into efferent lymph, and thus interrupting T cell recirculation, limited HIV dissemination and strongly reduced plasma viremia. Thus, we have found that HIV-infected T cells are motile, form syncytia, and establish tethering interactions that may facilitate cell-to-cell transmission through VSs. While their migration in LNs spreads infection locally, T cell recirculation through tissues is important for efficient systemic viral spread, suggesting new molecular targets to antagonize HIV infection
