860 research outputs found

    Students’ Views about the Non-traditional Writing

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine university students’ views about the writing to learn activities. The study involved two the same level classes with total of 78 students (39 students in each classes) in a large university at eastern part of Turkey. Both of the groups wrote letter as writing activity. Students completed two writing activities and each student received feedback to it. The only difference between these groups was different audience for writing letter. While one groups’ audience is elementary students, the other groups’ audience is teacher. Students wrote letter about different two topics (matter and force). At the end of this writing to learn activities, students were administrated questionnaire to determine their beliefs about non-traditional activities of each group. Results showed that all of students determined writing is as a useful and instructive activit

    Some of the Findings Relating to the Social Status of the Founders of Pious Foundations (Waqfs) in Edirne During the 17th and 18th Centuries

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    Edirne’de kurulan vakıflar Osmanlı Devleti’nin Rumeli’de Türk-İslam nüfusunun artması ile beraber uygulanan iskân politikası ile yakından ilgilidir. 17. ve 18. yüzyıllarda Edirne’de vakıf kurucularının toplumsal statülerine ilişkin bazı tespitleri konu alan çalışma dört kısımdan oluşmuştur. Çalışma, Vakıf Kayıtlar Arşivi’nde bulunan vakfiye kayıtlarının analizine dayanmaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk kısmında 17. ve 18. yüzyıllarda Edirne şehrinde vakıf kurucularının toplumsal statüleri genel olarak ele alınmış; ikinci ve üçüncü kısımlarda bu statüler, ele alınan dönemde Osmanlı toplum yapısı doğrultusunda askerî ve reaya sınıfları başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler hazırlanan tablolarla da desteklenerek, bu sınıfların yüzdelik dilimler içerisindeki oranları, özellikleri ve farklılıkları dile getirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda her bir sınıf için rastgele seçilmiş bazı örneklere de yer verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde ise, vakıf kurucuları menşe’lerine göre kısaca ele alınmış, ayrıca cinsiyetlerine göre de gruplandırılmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise, ulaşılan bilgiler ışığında bazı değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir

    <b> Under Western Eyes as an Illustration of the Consequences of Loneliness</b>

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    Abstract The protagonist in Joseph Conrad’s novel Under Western Eyes, Razumov is a man who suffers from loneliness. Although, at first, he was a man who possessed the advantages of youth, education and health to make his life fruitful and enjoyable, he could not escape from being a victim of his own wrong doings that can be said to have happened due to his lacking in sharpness and decisiveness. When he ceases his agonizing fear to confront himself and his own wrong doings, he realizes that he is a shameful person. Together with shame, there comes punishment, which is justified by Razumov himself. Being aware of the fact that he can become neither Ziemianitch nor Haldin, he finally internalizes the idea of being “no one” as pointed out by Miss Haldin at the end of the novel. As suggested by Miss Haldin, all humans will be pitied, in the end, no matter which ideology they come from. In this sense, being “no one” serves as a good enough categorization for Razumov who looked for a place for himself in life; at the beginning of the novel, through material success and, in the second half of the novel, through feelings. Razumov is the representation of an ordinary man who is in search of a place for himself and who has his own agitations driven from past experiences. In a world that is described through the binaries of the good and bad, he is the representation of the man who stands alone without a strong adherence to a point of view in life and will end up being categorized as “no one”

    Price volatility spillovers among agricultural commodity and crude oil markets: Evidence from the range-based estimator

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    Gözgör, Giray (Dogus Author)The paper examines the price volatility spillovers among the crude oil, soybeans, corn, wheat, and sugar futures markets over the period 1/1/2006–11/29/2013. We separately investigate the periods of the pre-crisis, the crisis, and the post-crisis in financial markets. We use the Yang-Zhang estimators for the historical volatility and find that there is a volatility sprawl from the crude oil to corn markets. T ere is also bi-directional causality between the corn and soybeans markets. In addition, we observe significant volatility spillovers from both the soybeans and the corn markets to the wheat markets. The results are also valid in a different sub-period analysis

    Effect of immunocastration vaccine administration at different doses on performance of feedlot holstein bulls

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı dozlarda GnRH aşısının Holştayn erkek buzağılarında besi performansı ve karkas randımanı üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmada, 94 baş Holştayn ırkı erkek buzağı kullanılmış ve rastgele 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Besinin 1. ve 60. gününde kontrol grubuna plasebo olarak 1 mL %0.9'luk tuzlu su çözeltisi derialtı yolla enjeksiyon yöntemi ile uygulanmıştır. Besinin aynı günlerinde, Deneme-1 grubundaki buzağılara 1 mL ve 1 mL, Deneme-2 grubundaki buzağılara 1.5 mL ve 1.5 mL ve Deneme-3 grubundaki buzağılara ise 1.5 mL and 1 mL olmak üzere iki doz immunokastrasyon aşısı (Bopriva®) derialtı yolla enjeksiyon yöntemi ile uygulanmıştır. Besi 180 gün sürüştür. Farklı dozlarda immunokastrasyon aşısı uygulamasının entansif koşullarda yetiştirilen Holştayn erkek danalarında, canlı ağırlık ve karkas randımanı üzerine etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir (P>0.05). Buna karşın immunokastrasyon aşısı uygulamasının besinin 61-120 (P0.05). However, it reduced fattening performance between 61-120 days (P<0.05) and 1-180 days (P<0.01). As a result, it was decreased the fattening performance that administration of Bopriva® at different doses as a GnRH vaccine in Holstein male bulls; whereas it was determined that numerically increase in average daily live weight gain was found in the Trial-2 group than the other groups to which the immunocastration vaccine was applied

    A Comparion of the Performances of Type A Mutual Funds Before and After 2008 Global Economic Crisis in Turkey

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    Looking from a historical perspective, financial activities contain many crises in itself. This situation seems to be a feature inherent in the existing economic system and as long as this system continues, it becomes inevitable being faced with the crisis. Especially in recent years, with the increasing globalization, the risk of being faced with a crisis has also increased. In the financial markets, savers who wish to evaluate the accumulation by investing in different investment tools may encounter some difficulties in the face of a variety of financial products and in times of crisis. Mutual funds consist of investment tools which have increasing importance in the capital market and give professional management services to savers in accordance with certain principles. Especially in recent years, mutual funds market is rapidly evolving in Turkey, as well as in the international market. Due to these developments, consideration of growing number of investors and growing portfolios of mutual funds emerges as a necessity. The purpose of this study is to compare the performances of type A mutual funds in Turkey for the period before and after the 2008 crisis. The pre-crisis period have been determined as 2005-2007 and the post-crisis period as 2009-2011. Within the scope of application, there are 74 mutual funds of type A, which continuously operated between January 2005 - December 2007 and January 2009 - December 2011, not joined with another fund, not taken over by another fund, not being in liquidation and having complete data. These mutual funds were analyzed by using performance measurement methods

    The Impact of Using Representation Modes within Writing to Learn Activities on the Scientific Process Skills of the Fifth Grade Students

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of using multimodal representation modes in the writing practices done by the fifth grade students on their scientific process skills. A combined research method which had both quantitative and qualitative characteristics was used in the research and the groups were chosen as control and experimental groups. 32 5th grade students at an elementary school in the North of Turkey formed the study group. Scientific Process Skills Test and writing activities for learning were used as data collection tools in the study. When the unit was completed, the students were asked to tell their peers about the subjects in the unit with a writing activity in the summary writing type. While the students in the experimental group were obliged to use the representation modes in these writing to learn activities, the students in the control group were asked only to complete the writing activity. In this process, the students performed three writing activities, one preparation and two real practice activities. The criteria determining the content and the features of these writing activities (purpose, subject, interlocutor, writing type and page limit) were standards explained in the instructions distributed to the students. The most basic discrepancy between the groups was the request of using of multimodal representations for the students in the experimental group. The writing activities performed within the scope of the study were scored after they were evaluated in consideration of the criteria determined by the researchers. The Cronbach’s alpha credibility coefficent of the scientific process skill test applied as the preliminary test in the beginning of the practice and the post-test at the end of it was determined as 72. The results of the research indicate that using multimodal representations make statistically significant differences on behalf of the experimental group in the scientific process skills of the students

    The influence of N-acetyl-L-cystein infusion on cytokine levels and gastric intramucosal pH during severe sepsis

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    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of continuously infused N-acetyl-L-cystein (NAC) on serum cytokine levels and gastric intramucosal pH in humans suffering from severe sepsis. METHODS: Fifty-three patients were included in the study. In the NAC group (n = 27), after an initial intravenous bolus of NAC (150 mg/kg over 5 min), a continuous intravenous infusion of 12.5 mg/kg per hour was given for 6 hours. Patients in the control group (n = 26) were administered dextrose (5% solution) at the same dosage. We recorded the following: haemodynamic parameters, nasopharyngeal temperature, arterial blood gas changes, plasma cytokine levels, biochemical parameters, intramucosal pH, length of stay in the intensive care unit, duration of of mechanical ventilation and mortality. All measurements were taken at baseline (15 min before the start of the study) and were repeated immediately after the bolus infusion, and at 24 and 48 hours after initiation of the continuous NAC infusion. RESULTS: No differences were found between groups in levels of the major cytokines, duration of ventilation and intensive care unit stay, gastric intramucosal pH and arterial oxygen tension/inspired fractional oxygen ratio (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: We found that NAC infusion at the doses given did not affect cytokine levels, outcomes, or gastric intramucosal pH in patients with severe sepsis. Because of the limited number of patients included in the study and the short period of observation, our findings need confirmation in larger clinical trials of NAC infused in a dose-titrated manner. However, our results do not support the use of NAC in patients with severe sepsis

    The application of stochastic processes in currency exchange rate forecasting and benchmarking for USD-TL and EURO-TL exchange rates

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    Gözgör, Giray (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 2010 International Conference on Applied Economics, 26–28 August 2010, Athens, Greece.Since the first half of the 1990‘s many developing countries liberalizing their financial systems began to be more integrated to the global financial system. Due to the financial crisis, many developing countries have shifted to floating exchange rate regime. Thus, the significance of exchange rates has increased dramatically for the individual and institutional investors in the financial markets. Therefore, the number of studies which focus on forecasting the currency exchange rates increased dramatically. In this study, USDTL and Euro-TL exchange rate forecasts are generated via fundamental stochastic processes based on random walk or martingale, forward rates and the some time series models. The error performance values of the obtained results are tested via the test method developed by Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996). It can be concluded that stochastic processes outperformed time series models for USD-TL exchange rates. According to the results stochastic process are generating more consistent and significant results

    The Perceptions of Five Years Old Group Students’ about Scientists

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    The purpose of this research is to reveal the perceptions of students of five years old group about scientists. The practice was implemented with 76 students having education in five-age group continuing to various nursery schools located in the center of Kastamonu province. Before starting the practice, the teacher asked the questions of “Who is the scientist?” and made them thought with the aim of ensuring the awareness of students against scientist. Afterwards, the researchers asked the students to narrate their pictures while they collect the drawings. The paintings were coded by the researchers by using the descriptive analysis method. The codification was made individually at first and then together with all the researchers with the aim of ensuring the reliability of research. In the light of collected information, it was generally seen in the pictures of students that the work environment of scientists is constituted by the space and world and their gender is generally men and also, there was a small number of women scientist profile. It was also determined that the students emphasized the extraterrestrial life and drew the scientists as similar to astronauts and they used space crafts and planets in their paintings. In another finding, scientists were seen as the people who mostly conduct research and use potion in general. Another attractive research finding is that; a small number of students draw the scientist as person who use computer and study lesson. In the light of these findings, it can be told that the students were affected extremely from their environment (the movies and cartoon they watched, their families, etc.…)