4 research outputs found

    Дизајн на физибилити студија за воспоставување на производство на zirconium-89 радиоизотоп и имплементација на 89Zr-радиофармацевтици во клиничката пракса во Република Северна Македонија

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    In the last decade, the application of radiopharmaceuticals based on zirconium-89 (89Zr) radiometal has increased in both preclinical and clinical studies. The most frequently used 89Zr-radiopharmaceutical is 89Zr-trastuzumab used in the management of patients with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in North Macedonia and the most common cause of death from malignant neoplasms in this population; therefore, the introduction of new nuclear medicine procedures in these patients might improve the management of this disease. However,the introduction of radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production requires significant investments, both manpower and financial. The purpose of this work is to present the design conceptualization of a feasibility study for the establishment of production of zirconium-89 radioisotope and implementation of 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice in the Republic of North Macedonia and to present the initial results from the first phases of the study. This feasibility study is designed to include preliminary analysis, market research, technical feasibility analysis, economic analysis, review and analysis of all data and feasibility conclusion. The evaluation of the data from the analyses conducted in all study phases is needed to identify the favourable and unfavourable factors and circumstances in order to make a final assessment of the feasibility of establishing the zirconium-89 radioisotope and 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals production and implementation of 89Zr-trastuzumab use in nuclear medicine practice.Во последната деценија, радиофармацевтските препарати што содржат zirconium-89 (89Zr) радиоизотоп имаат зголемена примена како во претклиничките, така и во клиничките студии. Најчесто користен 89Zr-радиофармацевтик е 89Zr-trastuzumab кој се применува во насока на планирање на терапија на пациенти со рак на дојка. Ракот на дојката е најчестиот карцином кај жените во Северна Македонија и најчеста причина за смрт од малигни неоплазми кај оваа популација, затоа воведувањето нови дијагностички процедури во нуклеарната медицина може да придонесе за подобро планирање на терапијата кај овие пациенти. Сепак, воспоставувањето на производство на радиоизотопи и радиофармацевтици бара значителни инвестиции, финансиски и кадровски. Целта на овој труд е да го претстави дизајнот на физибилити студијата за воспоставување на производство на zirconium-89 радиоизотоп и имплементација на 89Zr-радиофармацевтици во клиничката пракса во Република Северна Македонија, како и да ги претстави резултатите од почетните фази на студијата. Оваа физибилити студија е дизајнирана така што вклучува прелиминарна анализа, истражување на пазарот, анализа на техничка изводливост, економска анализа, преглед и анализа на сите податоци и заклучок за физибилност. Евалуацијата на податоците од анализите во рамки на сите фази на студијата е потребна за да се идентификуваат поволните и неповолните фактори и околности за да се донесе конечна проценка на физибилноста за воспоставување на производство на zirconium-89 радиоизотоп и 89Zr-радиофармацевтици и воведување на 89Zr-trastuzumab во нуклеарно-медицинската пракса

    Design of feasibility study for the establishment of production of zirconium-89 radioisotope and implementation of 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice in the Republic of North Macedonia

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    The radiopharmaceuticals based on zirconium-89 (89Zr) radiometal, in the last decade, have increased application in both preclinical and clinical studies. The most frequently used 89Zr-radiopharmaceutical is 89Zr-trastuzumab used in the management of patients with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in North Macedonia and the most common cause of death from malignant neoplasms in this population, therefore the introduction of new nuclear medicine procedures in these patients might improve the management of this disease. However, the introduction of radioisotope and radiopharmaceutical production requires significant investments, both manpower and financial. In order to assess the feasibility of establishing the production of zirconium-89 radioisotope and 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals at the University Institute of Positron Emission Tomography (UI PET), a feasibility study is designed. The purpose of this work is to present the design conceptualization of a feasibility study for the establishment of production of zirconium-89 radioisotope and implementation of 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice in the Republic of North Macedonia and to present the initial results from the first phases of the study. This feasibility study is designed to include preliminary analysis, market research, technical feasibility analysis, economic analysis, review and analysis of all data and feasibility conclusion. The evaluation of the data from the analyses conducted in all study phases is needed to identify the favourable and unfavourable factors and circumstances in order to make a final assessment of the feasibility of establishing the zirconium-89 radioisotope and 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals production and implementation of 89Zr-trastuzumab use in nuclear medicine practice. Keywords: feasibility study, zirconium-89 radioisotope, 89Zr-radiopharmaceuticals, production, 89Zr-trastuzuma

    Mantle driven cretaceous flare-ups in Cordilleran arcs

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    © 2018 The AuthorsContinental arcs display episodic magmatism characterized by flare-ups and lulls. Models published to explain these patterns invoke (1) upper plate crustal processes driven by internal feedback; (2) episodic mantle melting processes, or (3) external lower plate tectonic events. This study addresses the role of mantle magmas during flare-ups in Mesozoic Cretaceous continental arcs using geochronological and geochemical data for three Cretaceous arc segments: the western Peninsular Ranges Batholith (wPRB), the Peruvian Coastal Batholith (PCB), and the Chilean Coastal Batholith (CCB). In all three arc segments, bedrock zircon age patterns defining a flare-up from ~125 to 90 Ma characterized by gabbro to granite units with Sri < 0.705, ƐNd from 0 to +7.5, 208Pb/204Pb from 38.2 to 38.7, and 206Pb/204Pb from 18.3 to 18.7. These values project well towards a depleted mantle source. Areal measurements show that gabbro forms ~18% (wPRB), ~24% (PCB), and ~10% (CCB) of exposed

    Invisible monuments: a handbook for reading the city

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    Dokumentarna pozorišna predstava o sećanju na Drugi svetski rat, antifašističku borbu i Holokaust u Beogradu. Predstava je nastala u okviru projekta “Dvostruki teret - učenje o nacionalsocijalizmu i Holokaustu u Evropi”. Projekat je podržan od strane Evropske unije.Documentary theatre play about the memory of the Second World War, the anti-fascist struggle and the Holocaust in Belgrade. The performance was created as part of the project "Double Burden - learning about National Socialism and the Holocaust in Europe". The project is supported by the European Union.YouTube link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a5Pe8td1k0]Originalna muzika: Attila Antal. Video: Igor Marković. Koreografija: Rada Kovačević. Scenski pokret: Zvonimir Peranić. Asistent režije i saradnik za dikciju i scenski govor: Uroš Novović. Asistentkinja koreografkinje: Natalia Kidišević. Producentkinja: Jovana Janjić. Saradnici/ce na projektu, profesori/ke Treće beogradske gimnazije: Miloš Bajlovski, Biljana Bogojević, Jelena Kručičanin.Stručni saradnici/ce i konsultanti/kinje: Rena Jeremić Raedle, Nenad Lajbenšperger, Ilija Malović, Ana Panić, Tamara Popović, Katarina Pejović, Dubravka Stojanović, Marijana Stojčić, Aleksandar Todosijević.Video dokumentacija: Studio Miroslav.Nosilac projekta: Goethe-Institut Kroatien. Partneri: Documenta - Centar za suočavanje s prošlošću (Zagreb), Forum za primenjenu istoriju (Beograd), Festival tolerancije - Festival suvremenog židovskog filma (Zagreb), Historijski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine (Sarajevo) i zaklada „Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora“ (Weimar). Pridruženi partneri: FKVK Zaprešić, Muzej grada Koprivnice, BITEF teatar (Beograd), Muzej istorije Jugoslavije (Beograd). Škole: Srednja škola „Ban Josip Jelačić“ (Zaprešić), Gimnazija „Obala“ (Sarajevo), Gimnazija „Fran Galović“ (Koprivnica), Gimnazija „Lovassy-László“ (Veszprém) i Treća beogradska gimnazija (Beograd).Trajanje 01:13:40 minuta (duration 01:13:40 minutes)