367 research outputs found

    Algoritmi per l'analisi dinamica della connettività neurale in vitro: applicazione a disturbi dello sviluppo

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    Studio della formazione e dell'evoluzione di reti neurali in vitro, usate come modello delle reti in vivo, e loro caratterizzazione morfologica e topologic

    Data Mining of Biomedical Databases

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    Data mining can be defined as the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data. This thesis is focused on Data Mining in Biomedicine, representing one of the most interesting fields of application. Different kinds of biomedical data sets would require different data mining approaches. Two approaches are treated in this thesis, divided in two separate and independent parts. The first part deals with Bayesian Networks, representing one of the most successful tools for medical diagnosis and therapies follow-up. Formally, a Bayesian Network (BN) is a probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of random variables and their conditional dependencies via a directed acyclic graph. An algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning that is a variation of the standard search-and-score approach has been developed. The proposed approach overcomes the creation of redundant network structures that may include non significant connections between variables. In particular, the algorithm finds which relationships between the variables must be prevented, by exploiting the binarization of a square matrix containing the mutual information (MI) among all pairs of variables. Four different binarization methods are implemented. The MI binary matrix is exploited as a pre-conditioning step for the subsequent greedy search procedure that optimizes the network score, reducing the number of possible search paths in the greedy search procedure. This approach has been tested on four different datasets and compared against the standard search-and-score algorithm as implemented in the DEAL package, with successful results. Moreover, a comparison among different network scores has been performed. The second part of this thesis is focused on data mining of microarray databases. An algorithm able to perform the analysis of Illumina microRNA microarray data in a systematic and easy way has been developed. The algorithm includes two parts. The first part is the pre-processing, characterized by two steps: variance stabilization and normalization. Variance stabilization has to be performed to abrogate or at least reduce the heteroskedasticity while normalization has to be performed to minimize systematic effects that are not constant among different samples of an experiment and that are not due to the factors under investigation. Three alternative variance stabilization strategies and three alternative normalization approaches are included. So, considering all the possible combinations between variance stabilization and normalization strategies, 9 different ways to pre-process the data are obtained. The second part of the algorithm deals with the statistical analysis for the differential expression detection. Linear models and empirical Bayes methods are used. The final result is the list of the microRNAs significantly differentially-expressed in two different conditions. The algorithm has been tested on three different real datasets and partially validated with an independent approach (quantitative real time PCR). Moreover, the influence of the use of different preprocessing methods on the discovery of differentially expressed microRNAs has been studied and a comparison among the different normalization methods has been performed. This is the first study comparing normalization techniques for Illumina microRNA microarray data

    Modelo de gestión de incidencias para la reducción de plazos de atención de averías del servicio soluciones de datos, en una empresa de telefonía

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    Actualmente, las empresas de telecomunicaciones han sido golpeadas por la guerra de precios por ello ahora buscan diferenciarse por la calidad de sus servicios provocando que revisen la manera en que los gestionan, especialmente la gestión de incidentes, pues impactan directamente en la percepción de calidad de sus clientes afectando la continuidad y disponibilidad de sus negocios, causándoles pérdidas económicas, además de implicar mayores costos para la empresa, pues en caso de incumplir con el tiempo de atención pactado deben pagar penalidades y devoluciones. Se revisó detenidamente el proceso de gestión de incidencias de la gerencia de Gestión Integrada de Clientes y Servicios, considerando el flujo del proceso, la distribución de incidencias y la imputabilidad de las demoras en la atención. Luego del análisis, se determinó que las demoras en la resolución de las averías son causadas porque el personal que las atiende no tiene definido el método de escalamiento, ni cuenta con las bases de conocimiento necesarias para realizar un mejor análisis, produciendo incluso que estas se deriven equivocadamente. Generando que los tiempos de atención se incrementen innecesariamente y que la satisfacción del cliente disminuya. Por esta razón, se propone este proyecto de tesis, para poder tener un nuevo modelo de gestión de incidentes enfocado en la gestión de servicios. Dicha propuesta se basa en las buenas prácticas recomendadas por ITIL para la Operación del Servicio y el punto 8 de la norma ISO 20000-1. Asimismo, se muestran los resultados obtenidos durante los meses de marzo a diciembre del 2017, después de la implementación, para poder obtener conclusiones y proponer recomendaciones para investigaciones futuras.Currently, telecommunications companies have been hit by the price war, and now they seek to differentiate themselves by the quality of their services, causing them to review the way they are managed, especially the management of incidents, as they directly impact on the perception of quality of services. customers affecting the continuity and availability of their businesses, causing economic losses, as well as implying higher costs for the company, because in case of non-compliance with the agreed-upon service time, they must pay penalties and refunds. The incident management process of the Management of Integrated Customer and Service Management was carefully reviewed, considering the flow of the process, the distribution of incidents and the imputability of the delays in the service. After the analysis, it was determined that the delays in the resolution of the breakdowns are caused because the staff that attends them has not defined the scaling method, nor does it have the necessary knowledge bases to perform a better analysis, even producing that these are wrongly derive. Generating that attention times increase unnecessarily and that customer satisfaction decreases. For this reason, this thesis project is proposed, in order to have a new incident management model focused on the management of services. This proposal is based on the best practices recommended by ITIL for the Operation of the Service and point 8 of the ISO 20000-1 standard. Likewise, the results obtained during the months of March to December 2017, after the implementation, are shown in order to obtain conclusions and propose recommendations for future research.Tesi

    Effect of Inversion Recovery Fat Suppression on Hepatic R2* Quantitation in Transfusional Siderosis

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    OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the application of spectral pre-saturation inversion recovery (SPIR) fat suppression in standard multiecho gradient-echo sequences has a significant effect on hepatic R2* quantitation in patients with iron overload syndromes. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Eighty patients were scanned with a multiecho gradient-echo sequence without and with the application of SPIR. Six different postprocessing approaches were used to extract R2* values for maximum generality. RESULTS. SPIR fat suppression lowered R2* values by 3.9–7.0% (p < 0.0001 in all pairwise comparisons), independently of the postprocessing algorithm. Coefficients of variation for R2* ranged from 4.5% to 10.0%. Regardless of the size of the ROI (area of homogeneous tissue or entire liver profile in the slice), pixelwise approaches combined with an exponential-plus-constant fitting model yielded the lowest coefficients of variation (4.5% and 5.1%), whereas truncated exponential fits of the averaged signals produced the highest coefficients of variation (7.8% and 10%). For R2* values exceeding 200 Hz, a Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias that grew linearly for all postprocessing methods. CONCLUSION. SPIR fat suppression resulted in systematically lower hepatic R2* estimates. Because calibration curves were derived using images without fat suppression, these biases should be corrected when reporting liver iron concentrations estimated from fat-suppressed multiecho T2*-weighted images

    On the Non-Inflationary Effects of Long-Term Unemployment Reductions

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    Contrary to the New Keynesian paradigm, long-term unemployment can be reversed without a significant uptick in inflation The paper critically examines the New Keynesian explanation of hysteresis based on the role of long-term unemployment. We first examine its analytical foundations, according to which rehiring long-term unemployed individuals would not be possible without accelerating inflation. Then we empirically assess its validity along two lines of inquiry. First, we investigate the reversibility of long-term unemployment. Then we focus on episodes of sustained long-term unemployment reductions to check for inflationary effects. Specifically, in a panel of 25 OECD countries (from 1983 to 2016), we verify by means of local projections whether they are associated with inflationary pressures in a subsequent five-year window. Two main results emerge: i) the evolution of the long-term unemployment rate is almost completely synchronous with the dynamics of the total unemployment rate, both during downswings and upswings; ii) we do not find indications of accelerating or persistently higher inflation during and after episodes of strong declines in the long- term unemployment rate, even when they occur in country-years in which the actual unemployment rate was estimated to be below a conventionally estimated Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). Our results call into question the role of long-term unemployment in causing hysteresis and provide support to policy implications that are at variance with the conventional wisdom that regards the NAIRU as an inflationary barrier

    Evaluation of posttreatment response of hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison of ultrasonography with second-generation ultrasound contrast agent and multidetector CT

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    We evaluated the ability of one-month follow-up contrast- enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) with second-generation contrast agent in monitoring radio frequency ablation (RFA) and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) treatments of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). One-hundred forty-eight HCCs were studied using CEUS: 110 nodules were treated with RFA [41/110 RFA were performed using a pretreatment and an immediate postablation evaluation using CEUS (group 1); 69/110 using only US guidance (group 2)] and 38 nodules treated with TACE. For statistical analysis, McNemar test was used. Overall complete response was observed in 107/148 nodules (92/110 treated with RFA and 15/38 with TACE). A better rate of complete response was found in group 1 compared to group 2 (92.7% vs. 78.3%). In RFA treatment, CEUS showed a sensitivity of 83.3% and a specificity of 100% (diagnostic accuracy of 97%) using MDCT as reference standard with no statistical difference (p > 0.05). CEUS detected all cases of incomplete response in HCC treated with TACE using angiography as reference standard (diagnostic accuracy 100%).We recommend assessing residual intratumoral flow on CEUS during RFA procedure to determine the necessity of immediate additional treatment. In case of positive CEUS results, HCC treated with TACE should be considered still viable

    Left and right atrioventricular coupling index in patients with beta-thalassemia major

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship of left atrioventricular coupling index (LACI) and right atrioventricular coupling index (RACI) with demographics, clinical data, cardiovascular magnetic resonance fndings, and cardiac complications (heart failure, arrhythmias, and pulmonary hypertension) in a cohort of patients with beta-thalassemia major (β-TM). We evaluated 292 β-TM patients (151 females, 36.72±11.76 years) consecutively enrolled in the Extension-Myocardial Iron Overload in Thalassemia (E-MIOT) project. Moreover, we assessed 32 sex- and agematched healthy controls (12 females, mean age 40.78±14.35 years). LACI was determined by calculating the ratio of the left atrium end-diastolic volume to the left ventricle end-diastolic volume, while RACI was defned by calculating the ratio of the right atrium end-diastolic volume to the right ventricle end-diastolic volume. Compared to healthy control, β-TM demonstrated increased LACI (22.99±13.58% vs. 16.05±5.28%; p&lt;0.0001) and RACI (27.84±10.30% vs. 17.06±5.03%; p&lt;0.0001). Aging, diabetes, splenectomy, and the presence of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) showed a signifcant positive association with both LACI and RACI. In stepwise regression analysis, the presence of LGE was found to be an independent predictor of both impaired LACI and RACI (β coefcient=0.244, p&lt;0.0001 and β coefcient=0.218, p=0.003; respectively). LACI and RACI were not correlated with myocardial iron overload. Patients with cardiac complications had signifcantly higher LACI and RACI than patients without cardiac complications. In patients with β-TM, LACI and RACI were signifcantly associated with the presence of LV LGE. In addition, patients with cardiac complications had impaired LACI and RACI