3,592 research outputs found
Coordenação de graduação: competências requeridas conforme o processo gerencial
This study aimed to link the necessary competencies to the post of management of undergraduate courses with the four essential phases of the management process: planning, organization, direction, and control. The available scientific literature was analyzed, organized based on semantic and content analysis techniques so that the answers to the guiding questions previously formulated could be visualized. The study points out that the undergraduate coordinator needs to master knowledge from other areas of expertise to act, such as a) analyzing scenarios and generating course production; b) management of materials and services infrastructure, c) leadership, communication, and motivation of your team, and d) assessment of the quality of work and production performed.Neste texto relata-se resultados de estudo que teve por objetivo vincular as competências necessárias ao cargo de gerência de graduações com as quatro fases básicas do processo de gestão: planejamento, organização, direção e controle. Analisou-se a literatura disponível, organizada com base nas técnicas de análises semântica e de conteúdo, para que pudessem ser visualizadas as respostas às questões norteadoras previamente formuladas. Entendeu-se que o coordenador de graduações precisa dominar conhecimentos de outras áreas do conhecimento para atuar, tais como análise de cenários e geração de produção do curso; gestão de infraestrutura de materiais e serviços, liderança, comunicação e motivação do seu time e aferição da qualidade do trabalho e da produção realizada
Competitive interaction between guava and weeds: Effect on initial growth
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the 50 most consumed fruits in the world. However, weed competition compromises fruit production in cultivation areas. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the competitive interaction between guava plants and common infesting species on initial growth. Guava seedlings were cultivated during 60 days with Bidens subalternans DC., Waltheria indica L. or Commelina benghalensis L. in a randomized block design with four replicates. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse condition from February to May 2017 in Mossoró city, Brazil. The following variables were analysed: number of leaves; shoot and root length; stem diameter; root, stem, shoot and total dry mass; and leaf area. As a result, only guava plants suffered negative effects on growth due to the competition. W. indica and C. benghalensis were the most competitive species, reducing the number of leaves, leaf area and total dry matter of guava plants. However, guava and W. indica produced more root biomass when in competition. In contrast, B. subalternans and C. benghalensis was not affected by the presence of guava. In conclusion, competition with W. indica or C. benghalensis reduces the growth of guava after transplanting
Continued vaccine breakthrough cases of serotype 3 complicated pneumonia in vaccinated children, Portugal (2016–2019)
Copyright © 2022 Silva-Costa et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.We previously reported that despite the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs), vaccine serotypes remained important causes of pneumonia with pleural effusion and empyema (pediatric complicated pneumococcal pneumonia [PCPP]). We cultured and performed PCR on 174 pleural fluid samples recovered from pediatric patients in Portugal from 2016 to 2019 to identify and serotype Streptococcus pneumoniae. Most PCPP cases (n = 87/98) were identified by PCR only. Serotypes 3 (67%), 14, and 8 (5% each) were the most frequent. Vaccine breakthrough cases were seen among age-appropriately, 13-valent, PCV vaccinated children (median: 3 years, range: 17 months to 7 years), mostly with serotype 3 (n = 27) but also with serotypes 14 and 19A (n = 2 each). One breakthrough was seen with serotype 14 in an age-appropriately, 10-valent, PCV-vaccinated child and another with serotype 3 in a child to whom the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine was administered. While the relative risk of serotype 1 PCPP decreased almost 10-fold from the period of 2010 to 2015 to the period of 2016 to 2019 (relative risk [RR] = 0.106), that of serotype 3 PCPP almost doubled (RR = 1.835). Our data highlight the importance of molecular diagnostics in identifying PCPP and document the continued importance of serotype 3 PCPP, even when PCV13 use with almost universal coverage could be expected to reduce exposure to this serotype. IMPORTANCE The use of conjugate vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae in children has led to substantial reductions in pneumococcal invasive disease. However, the reductions seen in each of the 13 serotypes currently included in the highest-valency vaccine approved for use in children (PCV13), were not the same. It is becoming clear that most vaccine breakthroughs worldwide involve serotype 3 and are frequently associated with complicated pneumonia cases, often with empyema or pleural effusion. Here, we show that despite almost universal PCV13 use, which would be expected to reduce vaccine serotype circulation and further reinforce vaccine direct protection, pneumococci and serotype 3 remain the major causes of pediatric complicated pneumonia. Molecular methods are essential to identify and serotype pneumococci in these cases, which frequently reflect vaccine breakthroughs. A broader use of molecular diagnostics will be essential to determine the role of this important serotype in the context of PCV13 use in different geographic regions.Partial support was received from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/DTP-EPI/1555/2014) and from an investigator-initiated grant from Pfizer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O planejamento estratégico é um meio pelo qual uma organização define o seu futuro, indicando os meios para se chegar aos objetivos e conquistar a visão pretendida. A sua prática contribui para o autoconhecimento institucional, e proporciona mudanças na condução das suas práticas de modo a trazer efetividade e estratégia. Um bom planejamento exige que sua elaboração seja conduzida de maneira correta, e a administração de projetos pode contribuir no processo de elaboração, por possuir diretrizes sistemáticas com início, meio e fim. O presente artigo tem por objetivo verificar se a construção dos planejamentos estratégicos de universidades federais brasileiras apresentam características da administração de projetos. Para responder ao objetivo, foram realizadas entrevistas in loco com gestores de universidades federais que participaram do processo de elaboração do planejamento estratégico de suas instituições. Os resultados indicam que os planejamentos são estratégicos e que o início e a finalização do processo apresentam características da administração de projetos, no entanto, a condução do processo, ou os meios, são divergentes, acarretando dificuldades na aceitação e implementação do planejamento estratégico institucional
Incidence of diarrhea: poor parental recall ability
Several methodological issues may have an impact on the incidence rates of childhood acute diarrhea reported by community-based studies. This study was performed to assess the impact of parental recall ability and definition of diarrhea on the estimate of incidence of acute diarrhea. Eighty-four children younger than 40 months were randomly selected and visited every other day for four weeks and the occurrence of diarrhea was registered. On the last day of the study, another visit was performed and the informants were inquired about the occurrence of diarrhea during the previous four weeks. Data gathered during the four weeks were compared to those obtained on the last visit. Additionally, the informants' definition of diarrhea was investigated and compared to the one adopted by this study. During the observation period, 33 children suffered diarrhea, but only 10 (30.3%) informants reported the occurrence of diarrhea. Although 42.4% of those informants reported that their children had been ill over that period, they did not report diarrhea. Further, 60.6% children who had diarrhea suffered at least one episode in the two weeks prior to the visitation. The same definition of diarrhea used in this study was adopted by 52.1% of the informants inquired. Parental recall is an unreliable method to estimate the incidence of diarrhea and studies with a short interval between the visits should be necessary to correctly evaluate this important health problem. Moreover, assessing the informants' own definition of diarrhea is a significant contribution to the interpretation of the results.Federal University of Bahia School of Medicine Professor Hosannah Oliveira Pediatric CenterFederal University of São Paulo Department of Pediatric Nutrition DivisionUNIFESP, Department of Pediatric Nutrition DivisionSciEL
Oregano essential oil: influence of the chemical composition on the inhibitory activity against Salmonella Enteritidis
Este trabalho avaliou a interferência da origem e do teor de compostos fenólicos de óleo essencial de orégano (OEO) de cinco marcas comerciais provenientes de diferentes regiões do mundo, na atividade inibitória frente à Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). A composição de cada OEO foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (CG-IE-MS). A atividade inibitória frente SE in vitro foi avaliada pela técnica de difusão em poços, empregando-se soluções alcoólicas a 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1,0; ou 2,0%, observando-se a formação de halo de inibição após incubação a 30 °C por 24 horas. Como resultado da análise por CG-IE-MS, foram identificados dezessete componentes voláteis. Todos OEO analisados neste trabalho possuíam carvacrol como componente principal e apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana frente a SE nas cinco concentrações testadas. A ação inibitória das cinco marcas comerciais avaliadas não apresentou diferença estatística significativa (p > 0,05), porém o OEO proveniente da região do Mediterrâneo com p-cimeno e γ-terpineno, além de carvacrol, apresentou maiores halos de inibição de SE que os demais OEO. Concluiu-se que a multiplicação de Salmonella Enteritidis in vitro pode ser inibida por OEO cuja ação antimicrobiana independe da região produtora de orégano. No entanto, óleos essenciais que possuem p-cimeno e γ-terpineno, além de carvacrol, podem ter o seu efeito antimicrobiano potencializado.This study evaluated the influence of the origin and content of phenolic compounds in five Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) brands, from different part of the world, on the inhibitory activity against Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). The composition of each OEO was determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS-IE). The inhibitory activity on SE was evaluated by the agar well diffusion test using alcoholic solutions at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0%, observing the formation of inhibition halos after 24 hours of incubation at 30 °C. Using a GC-MS-IE seventeen volatile components were identified. Carvacrol was the major component of all OEO samples. They were active against SE in all tested concentrations. The differences in the inhibitory activity presented by the five brands were not significant (p > 0.05), but the OEO from the Mediterranean, which contained p-cymene and γ-terpinene besides carvacrol, resulted in larger inhibition halos than the other OEO. It was concluded that the in vitro growth of Salmonella Enteritidis can be inhibited by OEO, regardless the region in which oregano is produced. However, the essential oils that contain carvacrol, p- cymene, and γ-terpinene may present a more effective antimicrobial effect.CNPq - MES
Influence of ClearT and ClearT2 Agitation Conditions in the Fluorescence Imaging of 3D Spheroids
3D tumor spheroids have arisen in the last years as potent tools for the in vitro screening of novel anticancer therapeutics. Nevertheless, to increase the reproducibility and predictability of the data originated from the spheroids it is still necessary to develop or optimize the techniques used for spheroids' physical and biomolecular characterization. Fluorescence microscopy, such as confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), is a tool commonly used by researchers to characterize spheroids structure and the antitumoral effect of novel therapeutics. However, its application in spheroids' analysis is hindered by the limited light penetration in thick samples. For this purpose, optical clearing solutions have been explored to increase the spheroids' transparency by reducing the light scattering. In this study, the influence of agitation conditions (i.e., static, horizontal agitation, and rotatory agitation) on the ClearT and ClearT2 methods' clearing efficacy and tumor spheroids' imaging by CLSM was characterized. The obtained results demonstrate that the ClearT method results in the improved imaging of the spheroids interior, whereas the ClearT2 resulted in an increased propidium iodide mean fluorescence intensity as well as a higher signal depth in the Z-axis. Additionally, for both methods, the best clearing results were obtained for the spheroids treated under the rotatory agitation. In general, this work provides new insights on the ClearT and ClearT2 clearing methodologies and their utilization for improving the reproducibility of the data obtained through the CLSM, such as the analysis of the cell death in response to therapeutics administration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de instrumento para mapear o grau de importância e de utilização de um conjunto de práticas de gestão considerado inovador e que seja aplicável no contexto das universidades públicas federais brasileiras. Para alcançar tal objetivo utilizou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa com dados secundários oriundos do conjunto de práticas premiadas no ‘Concurso inovação na gestão pública federal” promovido pela ENAP (Escola Nacional de Administração Pública) durante o período de 1996 a 2005. Os procedimentos de análise de tais dados secundários envolveram, inicialmente, uma síntese e uma descrição das práticas premiadas. Em seguida, as práticas foram agrupadas em dimensões que representam grandes categorias de gestão. Após a identificação, conceituação e classificação das práticas inovadoras premiadas, organizou-se uma escala que mediu o grau de importância e de adoção de cada prática selecionada. No total foram identificadas dezenove práticas agrupadas nas dimensões de gestão de pessoas, modernização de processos e gestão organizacional. O instrumento gera dados quantitativos a partir de uma escala Likert que varia de um a sete. A análise de dados requer procedimentos estatísticos básicos, tais como média e desvio padrão
O esforço desenvolvido pela Administração Pública do município de Belo Horizonte para levar a sustentabilidade a seus imóveis refletiu-se sobre a escola estudada, sob forma de procurar reduzir seu consumo hídrico em, pelo menos, 30%. Os autores foram procurados pela escola para desenvolverem um estudo destinado a captar e armazenar a água pluvial precipitada sobre os telhados. Tendo por base normas específicas, esse sistema foi concebido, considerando dados pluviométricos da região, o consumo de água potável da escola e a área disponível para implantação da cisterna. Procedeu-se, em seguida, à analise do custo e retorno do investimento. A implantação do projeto extrapola o atendimento dos interesses financeiros; será também um instrumento visível para conscientização da necessidade e possibilidade real de se preservar os recursos hídricos disponíveis na natureza
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