1,223 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of phase behaviour of DLVO model for lysozyme and γ\gamma-crystalline aqueous electrolyte solutions

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    Mean spherical approximation (MSA), second-order Barker-Henderson (BH) perturbation theory and thermodynamic perturbation theory (TPT) for associating fluids in combination with BH perturbation theory are applied to the study of the structural properties and phase behaviour of the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) model of lysozyme and γ\gamma-cristalline aqueous electrolyte solutions. Predictions of the MSA for the structure factors are in good agreement with the corresponding computer simulation predictions. The agreement between theoretical results for the liquid-gas phase diagram and the corresponding results of the experiment and computer simulation is less satisfactory, with predictions of the combined BH-TPT approach being the most accurate.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Virial expansions and augmented van der Waals approach: Application to Lennard-Jones-like Yukawa fluid

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    We argue that recently proposed [Melnyk et al., Fluid Phase Equilibr., 2009, Vol. 279, 1] a criterion to split the pair interaction energy into two parts, one of which is forced to be responsible the most accurate as possible for excluded volume energy in the system, results in expressions for the virial coefficients that improve the performance of the virial equation of state in general, and at subcritical temperatures, in particular. As an example, application to the Lennard-Jones-like hard-core attractive Yukawa fluid is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    An automated system for chromosome analysis. Volume 1: Goals, system design, and performance

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    The design, construction, and testing of a complete system to produce karyotypes and chromosome measurement data from human blood samples, and a basis for statistical analysis of quantitative chromosome measurement data is described. The prototype was assembled, tested, and evaluated on clinical material and thoroughly documented

    An Automated System for Chromosome Analysis

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    The design, construction, and testing of a complete system to produce karyotypes and chromosome measurement data from human blood samples, and to provide a basis for statistical analysis of quantitative chromosome measurement data are described

    Mean spherical approximation for the Lennard-Jones-like two Yukawa model: Comparison against Monte Carlo data

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    Monte Carlo simulation studies are performed for the Lennard-Jones like two Yukawa (LJ2Y) potential to show how properties of this model fluid depend on the replacement of the soft repulsion by the hard-core repulsion. Different distances for the positioning of hard core have been explored. We have found, that for temperatures that are slightly lower and slightly higher of the critical point temperature for the Lennard-Jones fluid, placing the hard core at distances that are shorter than zero-potential energy is well justified by thermodynamic properties that are practically the same as in original LJ2Y model without hard core. However, going to extreme conditions with the high temperature one should be careful since presence of the hard core provokes changes in the properties of the system. The later is extremely important when the mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is applied to treat the Lennard-Jones-like fluid.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Automatic generation of tasks and their automatic solutions in application software

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    Досліджено проблему формалізації процесу побудови та розв’язання задач з метою підвищення якості передавань знань та практичних навиків. Проаналізовано відомі підходи до вирішення проблеми автоматичної генерації практичних задач та їх розв’язання. Запропоновано метод генерації множини задач та їх автоматичного розв’язання в прикладному програмному середовищі. Показано, що даний метод володіє низкою переваг перед існуючими, що підтверджується експериментальними дослідженнями.In this paper the problem of formalizing the process of building and solving tasks is analized, existing approaches to solve this problem is analized, described their main advantages and disadvantages. The method of automatic generation of tasks and their solutions in application software are proposed. This method has several advantages over existing, as evidenced by experiments

    Features of the unconventional gas deposits development

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    This article generalizes the data on reserves and production of shale gas in different countries. It also analyzes the peculiarities of the geological structure and development of the shale gas and gas in dense rock deposits. As to the development of shale gas deposits with a net of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic bed fracture, it presents the effect of the factor of the rock matrix permeability, half-length fracture and the distance between fractures on the gas recovery

    Competition between Two Kinds of Correlations in Literary Texts

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    A theory of additive Markov chains with long-range memory is used for description of correlation properties of coarse-grained literary texts. The complex structure of the correlations in texts is revealed. Antipersistent correlations at small distances, L 300 define this nontrivial structure. For some concrete examples of literary texts, the memory functions are obtained and their power-law behavior at long distances is disclosed. This property is shown to be a cause of self-similarity of texts with respect to the decimation procedure.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Physica