331 research outputs found


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    Importance of the use of titanic alloys is shown in many industries of engineer. Problems which arise at their processing are described that negatively affect process productivity and indicators of surface quality and etc. This is especially important when machining plane surfaces of parts by face milling. The surface roughness depends first of all on geometrical parameters and the shape of the cutting edge of the tool insert that contacts the processed surface. Therefore it was developed an original design of face mill with a stepped insert arrangement with a cylindrical front surface, and at the same time process productivity was improved. Expediency of use of the proposed design of a face mill it is proved by comparative experimental studies of influence of a form of a front surface of round inserts on roughness of the machined surface of parts from titanium alloy VT1-0. The comparison was made between the machining of the face mill with a cylindrical front insert surface and a standard face mill with round inserts (ISO 6462:2011). A non-composite second-order plan was received results of the study were obtained for the conditions of machining titanium alloy. The profile of the machined surface was investigated to evaluate the roughness Ra and it was determined that, with the maximum cutting modes, the face mill of the original design provided a lower roughness of the machined surface than a standard mill. The optimum cutting modes are determined by the criterion of the roughness of the machined surface of parts made of titanium alloy VT1-0 and the process productivity of face milling. The proposed face mill provides a 1.26 time increase in productivity compared to machining a standard face mill while obtaining minimal roughness

    Renewable Energy Promotion with Economic Incentives: The Case of the EU

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    The paper investigates the economic ways of green energy promotion in the European Union. It is stated that environmental friendliness and economic expediency are the main drivers of renewable energy development. The paper emphasizes that the EU has significant achievements in green energy promotion. The EU encourages the use of renewables in a variety of ways, including tariff and non-tariff instruments. In the research different economic incentives are classified by certain criteria. It is outlined in the research that the feed-in tariff was the first and most widely used mechanism of support for green energy producers. At the same time, it is gradually being replaced by a feed-in premium (a system of allowances for additional generation). The paper also highlights the importance of non-tariff instruments, including tax incentives, green certificate system, investment grants, and subsidies

    Phytocenotic features of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hill. in Ukrainian Polesie

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    Middle-aged pine and birch-pine forests of the Dicrano-Pinenion suballiance are the most common biotopes of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hill. in Ukrainian Polesie. This species occurs mostly as solitary plants in forest phytocenoses; rarely its projective coverage can reach 40-45%. C. vulgaris has the highest constancy in phytocenoses of the Peucedano-Pinetum association in Right-bank Polesie. The forests of the Piceo-Vaccinienion uliginosi Seibert in Oberd. (ed.) 1992 suballiance and the Piceion excelsae Pawłowski et al. 1928 alliance are rare habitats of C. vulgaris; they occur only in Right-bank Polesie of Ukraine. Heathlands are rare ecosystems for Ukrainian Polesie, their vegetation is represented by plant communities of the Calluno-Ulicetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Klika et Hadač 1944 and the Nardetea strictae Rivas Goday et Borja Carbonell in Rivas Goday et Mayor Lopez 1966 classes. They are forming in the significantly anthropogenically disrupted territories (e.g. areas after wildfires) or in the areas with intensive human activities, firstly in the military training areas. The phytocenoses of the Calluno-Genistetum pilosae R. Tx. 1937 association occur only in Right-bank Polesie and are the largest heathlands of Ukrainian Polesie in general. For example, in the Rivne region, their area is up to 20 km2. The area of heathlands, belonging to the Calluno-Nardetum strictae Hrync. 1959 association, does not exceed several hectares. The phytocenoses of the Scabioso canescentis-Genistetum Balcerk. et Brzeg 1993 association are represented with small plots in landscapes of pine forests and less frequently in mixed forests on upland terraces of Left-bank Polesie rivers. The characteristic feature of Calluna vulgaris spreading in Right-bank Polesie of Ukraine is its large participation (sometimes with the projective cover up to 80%) and high constancy (92,7%) in phytocenoses of oligotrophic bogs of the Ledo-Sphagnetum magellanici (Malc. 1929) Kästner et Flössner 1933 association. The populations of Calluna vulgaris, explored in the forest phytocenoses of the Cladonio-Pinetum Juraszek 1927 association on the territory of Ukrainian Polesie, are incomplete. Their age spectrum maximum falls on generative individuals. The “Right-bank” population of Calluna vulgaris are characterized by more active proliferation of plants and spreading on new territories. Aging processes dominate among the “left-bank” populations. Generally, environmental conditions of Ukrainian Right-bank Polesie are more favorable to Calluna vulgaris, than conditions of Left-bank Polesie

    "За" і "проти" становлення ринку земель сільскогосподарського призначення в Україні

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    UA: У статті досліджено правові аспекти формування ринку земель сільськогосподарського призначення, узагальнено позитивні та негативні наслідки збереження і відміни мораторію на продаж земель цієї категорії. Визначено основні складові становлення цівілізованого ринку землі в сільському господарстві України. EN: In the article investigated lawful aspects of the formation of themarket for the earth of agricultural destination, are generalized the positive and negative consequences of retention and cancellation of moratorium to sale of the earth of this category. Fundamental component the earth in the agriculture of the Ukraine of the making of civilized Rink are determined

    Становлення власності на землю в Україні у Х - ХІІІ століттях

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    Стаття присвячена процесу становлення і розвиту земельної власності в Україні на етапі розкладу родоплемінної організації і утворення державних форм житт

    Were Ukrainian regions too different to start interregional confrontation: economic, social and ecological convergence aspects?

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    This article deals with analysis of economic, social and ecological disparities of Ukrainian regions. Regional economic disparities are measured through the convergence concept and the article employs panel data analysis with fixed and random effects estimations. Our empirical results show the presence of economic convergence in Ukrainian regions. Initially it was found that poor regions do grow relatively faster than the rich. Moreover, the difference between poor and rich regions has been decreased 1.8 times during 1999 and 2010. In addition, it was found that the presence of ecological convergence in the Ukraine and initially ‘clean’ regions do increase pollution faster than initially ‘dirty’ regions. That is, Ukrainian regions were onverging to some environmental steady state through the process of increasing pollution. Ukrainian regions were also experiencing health onvergence with negative policy implications, since all regions do converge to some health levels through an increase in morbidity. The economic growth of Ukrainian regions was achieved through sacrificing environmental situations and increased morbidity. Therefore, there were no clear economic reasons to start interregional confrontation that has taken place in the Ukraine, since all regions were on the same track of development

    Economic Issues of Blockchain Use in Business: Challenges of Industry 4.0

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    Today's world is developing at a fast pace, and new technologies appear every day, the use of which is aimed at improving people's lives. Industry 4.0 involves automation of all processes and stages of production and helps to increase interconnectivity. In this context, blockchain is one of the most promising technologies, which in recent years has confirmed its effectiveness due to the increase in the profits of companies that use it. This technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of companies, especially those that are participants in the stock market. Blockchain ensures high stability and consolidation of positions in the market. At the same time, blockchain is capable of changing the payment ecosystem by improving the efficiency of financial transactions around the world. With its help, it is possible for companies to reduce data processing costs and increase the volume of information flows. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, its prospects, and steps to implement blockchain in business. The purpose of the research is to investigate the level of use of blockchain technology by Ukrainian companies and to consider existing global examples. The advantage of using blockchain technology is that it allows a company to record both sides of a transaction simultaneously in a shared ledger in real-time, rather than simply keeping verified records of financial transactions in separate privately created databases or ledgers. The main drawback of blockchain technology is the lack of a single regulatory framework regulating the use of this technology

    The features of reactions to acute stress of neuro-endocrine-immune complex, metabolome, ECG and gastric mucosa in rats with various state of innate muscular endurance and resistance to hypoxia

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    Background. It is known about wide variety of individual reactions to stress explained by genetics factors. On the other hand, it is also known about aerobic fitness variability between individuals. From the above it follows the hypothesis that inter-individual differences in normal conditions determine the characteristics of the body's response to acute stress. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis. Material and methods. The experiment is at 58 rats (28 males) Wistar line. Animals were tested for resistance to hypoxic hypoxia and aerobic muscular performance by swimming test. On the basis of the received data two qualitatively equivalent groups in a ratio 10/48 were formed. After a week of recovery over the next 10 days, one animal remained intact and 5 other rats were exposed to water-immersion and restraint stress. The next day after stress, the ECG recorded and some endocrine, metabolic and immune parameters determined as well as erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa evaluated. Results. Four clusters by hypoxic and swimming tests were created retrospectively: normal resistance to hypoxia and muscular endurance (n=11); moderately reduced resistance to hypoxia and normal swimming test (n=25); drastic increased swimming test and normal hypoxic test (n=3); significantly increased resistance to hypoxia and normal swimming test (n=9). Each cluster is characterized by specific (correctness of classification 100%) post-stress changes in 6 neuro-endocrine, 12 immune, 10 metabolic and 2 ECGs parameters, as well as the index of damage to the gastric mucosa. The swimming test determines the post-stress state of the registered parameters by 63,8%, the hypoxic test - by 57,5%, and taken together - by 79,1%. Conclusion. The post-stress neuro-endocrine, immune and metabolic parameters as well as injuries of myocardium and gastric mucosa in rats are determined significantly by innate muscular endurance and resistance to hypoxia