484 research outputs found


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    The slowdown in economic growth highlights the problem of developing tax capacity at various levels, therefore the article is devoted to the consideration of practical aspects of the assessment of the tax potential. On the example of the Belgorod region, trends in the development and increase of the tax potential were identified, measures of activation of the elements of the structure of the potential, which are essential for the budget, were proposed.The paper uses methods of comparative analysis, analysis of key indicators of tax and non–tax revenues. Conclusions are made on the need to prioritize areas for the development of tax capacity, to increase the region's independence and to create tax conditions for conducting entrepreneurial activity in the territory.Замедление темпов экономического роста выводит на первый план проблемы развития налогового потенциала на различных уровнях, поэтому статья посвящена рассмотрению практических аспектов оценки налогового потенциала. На примере Белгородской области идентифицированы тенденции развития и наращивания налогового потенциала, предложены меры активизации элементов структуры потенциала, которые имеют существенное значение для бюджета.В работе использованы методы сравнительного анализа, анализа ключевых показателей налоговых и неналоговых доходов. Сделаны выводы о необходимости выделения приоритетных направлений для развития налогового потенциала, повышения самостоятельности региона и создания налоговых условий для ведения предпринимательской деятельности на территории. Уповільнення темпів економічного зростання виводить на перший план проблеми розвитку податкового потенціалу на різних рівнях, тому стаття присвячена розгляду практичних аспектів оцінки податкового потенціалу. На прикладі Бєлгородської області ідентифіковані тенденції розвитку та нарощування податкового потенціалу, запропоновано заходи активізації елементів структури потенціалу, які мають істотне значення для бюджету.В роботі використані методи порівняльного аналізу, аналізу ключових показників податкових і неподаткових доходів. Зроблені висновки про необхідність виділення пріоритетних напрямків для розвитку податкового потенціалу, підвищення самостійності регіону та створення податкових умов для ведення підприємницької діяльності на території

    Distributed simulation of city inundation by coupled surface and subsurface porous flow for urban flood decision support system

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    We present a decision support system for flood early warning and disaster management. It includes the models for data-driven meteorological predictions, for simulation of atmospheric pressure, wind, long sea waves and seiches; a module for optimization of flood barrier gates operation; models for stability assessment of levees and embankments, for simulation of city inundation dynamics and citizens evacuation scenarios. The novelty of this paper is a coupled distributed simulation of surface and subsurface flows that can predict inundation of low-lying inland zones far from the submerged waterfront areas, as observed in St. Petersburg city during the floods. All the models are wrapped as software services in the CLAVIRE platform for urgent computing, which provides workflow management and resource orchestration.Comment: Pre-print submitted to the 2013 International Conference on Computational Scienc

    The Role of a Mediator in the Participatory Practices in the Museum (Mediation and Facilitated Discussion)

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    In the era of the participation culture “viewer-inclusive” methods of communication in the museum have become in demand almost everywhere. The authors pose a question to the master of such a communication practices role. Analyzing participatory practices in terms of the achieved results, the authors appeal to the experience of art mediation (D. Malikova, E. Kochukhov, M. Lind, C. Morsh), the VTC method (A. Housen, P. Yenawine) and its version adapted for Russian students — facilitated discussion (N. V. Ievleva, M. V. Potapova). The master of participatory practices acts as a part of an art environment. The master determines the perception and description norms for an art object, even if the traditional position of the teacher and expert is deliberately reject ed. The development of creative thinking is the result of both methods. But if facilitated discussion primarily develops aesthetic literacy, then art mediation expands the museum communicative environment, attracting visitors from different demographic and psychographic groups and numerous communities

    Thermobaric synthesis, structure, and properties of Dy x Cu 3V4O12

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    The perovskite-like compound Dy x Cu3V 4O12 (x = 0.67-0.75) is synthesized under high pressure (P = 4.0-9.0 GPa) and temperature (T = 1000 C). Its crystal structure is determined (Im-3 space group, Z = 2, a = 7.29348(7) Å) by means of powder X-ray diffraction. The basic lengths and bond angles are defined. It is found that the high-pressure phase of Dy x Cu3V 4O12 is characterized by metallic conductivity and paramagnetic properties. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Spin-orbital Conversion of Bessel Light Beams By Liquid Crystal Elements

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    For the first time, the spin-orbital conversion of the linearly polarized Bessel beams in the process of their propagation in the electrically-controlled liquid crystal cell has been realized experimentally. Variations in the polarization, phase, and spatial structure of the beam have been analyzed. It has been shown that, when a Bessel beam is propagating along the liquid crystal director, the generated beam is orthogonally polarized, whereas the topological charge is varied by two unities. Keywords: Bessel light beams, spin-orbital conversion; liquid crystal


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    Objective: Studies of composition, stability and antioxidant properties of the betulin-3, 28-diphosphate complexes with dopamine and trisamine.Methods: The betulin-3, 28-diphosphate (BDP) interaction with amines in a water-alcohol medium was studied by using spectral methods and potentiometric titration. Biochemical indexes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) level were estimated in experiments on rats.Results: BDP was synthesized using betulin by POCl3 treatment in the presence of pyridine in dioxane. The complexation of BDP with amines was confirmed by the 31P-NMR and FTIR-spectral data. The stoichiometry of BDP-dopamine complexes was equal to 2:1 and 4:1 and its complexes with trisamine were produced in the ratio 1:1 in a water-alcohol medium. The conditional stability constant К′st of the BDP-trisamine complex is 1130±55 mol∙l-1. BDP-Tris complex improved SOD activity up to 30% and up to 105% in the presence of cytostatic-hydrazine sulfate. The MDA level in erythrocytes decreased up to 57% and in combination with cytostatics (5-fluorouracil and hydrazine sulfate)-up to 11-14%. The catalase activity increased by 44-94% and MDA level in erythrocytes decreased by 22-53% under the action BDP-DA complexes that depends on the dose.Conclusion: The BDP forms stable complexes with trisamine and dopamine that make it possible to use this compound as a component of drug delivery system for high toxicity cytostatics and for readily oxidized catecholamines. It has been shown that both its complexes with amines and the combination with cytostatics enhanced antioxidant activity in an experiment in vitro


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    Thesis work contains the results of research in theoretical aspects of crowdfunding technologies, the methodological approaches are brought together.There is also an analyse of existing usage and further development of crowdfunding in modern world. The national business practice defines the crowdfunding as a crowd financing or collaboration of people who willingly unite their funds. It happens via the Internet to support other people or organizations.The author worked out practical conclusion and recommendation regarding to the usage of crowdfunding technologies for burgeoning entrepreneurs in project finance as a part of the study.The main qualities of crowdfunding technologies were marked out and observed on the research base, e.g. possibilities to assess the value of service and mitigate risks, outreach the target market and create customer base, future development of the project.Disadvantages of crowdfunding technologies (comparison with traditional ways of financing)are: neglecting the projects which have a potential strength for lack of well–thought marketing and commercial strategies; the necessity of expert evaluation when the author overestimate one’s abilities and miscount the numbers of significant factors;  absence of strict reporting and statutory accounting.The crowdfunding is approximately new source of financing, despite this fact, there are all the necessary conditions for full–grown, accessible and convenient way   for subsidization burgeoning entrepreneurs, as it helps to give funds to the projects  which are hard to raise funding in traditional way.В работе проведены исследования теоретических аспектов краудфандинговых технологий, обобщены методические подходы относительно моделей краудфандинга. Представлен анализ существующей практики и перспективы развития технологий краудфандинга в современном мире. В качестве направлений повышения эффективности работы начинающих предпринимателей с применением краудфандинга выделены преимущества и недостатки краудфандинговых технологий по сбору средств на реализацию финансового проекта.В роботі проведено дослідження теоретичних аспектів краудфандингових технологій, узагальнено методичні підходи щодо моделей краудфандингу. Представлений аналіз існуючої практики та перспективи розвитку технологій краудфандингу в сучасному світі. В якості напрямків підвищення ефективності роботи підприємців–початківців із застосуванням краудфандингу виділено переваги та недоліки краудфандинговых технологій по збору коштів на реалізацію фінансового проекту