2,829 research outputs found

    Relations between stochastic and partial differential equations in hilbert spaces

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce a generalization of the Feynman-Kac theorem in Hilbert spaces. Connection between solutions to the abstract stochastic differential equation d X (t) = A X (t) d t + B d W (t) and solutions to the deterministic partial differential (with derivatives in Hilbert spaces) equation for the probability characteristic t, x h (X (T)) is proved. Interpretation of objects in the equations is given. © 2012 I. V. Melnikova and V. S. Parfenenkova

    Investigation of industrial compositions SONKOR as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in neutral media containing hydrogen sulfide

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    Electrochemical and corrosion behavior of mild steel in neutral media containing hydrogen sulfide has been investigated by weight-loss and electrochemical methods and protective effect of industrial compositions SONKOR has been determined. It has been shown that in 3 % NaCl compositions SONKOR have weak protective effect but it increases greatly in presence of hydrogen sulfide in the solution. At concentration of H2S = 0,6 gram per liter maximal protective effect has SONKOR 9801 (85.57 %) and SONKOR 9920А (81.97 %). Inhibitors SONKOR 9021С (70.82 %), 9510А (73.11 %) и 9701 (67.87 %) show less protective effect


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    The article is sought to highlight the notion of professional well-being of school heads. The relevance of the research topic is presupposed by the tensions that contemporary Lithuanian school heads encounter with under the conditions of continuous change in education.  The theoretical model of factors that have an impact on school heads’ professional well-being serves as a methodological approach for investigation into the said phenomenon in Lithuania. Empirical data gained through focus group discussion provides evidence on Lithuanian school heads’ l professionawell-being constitution. KEYWORDS: well-being, Lithuanian school heads.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/atee.v1i0.67

    (Skaitymo) ikoniškumas. Lolita

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    The paper focuses on the issue of iconicity of (printed) literary narrative and proposes the idea of iconic reading (or iconicity of reading). It discusses Peircean notion of iconic sign, examines its use within the field of iconicity studies in language and literature (Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg, Winfried Nöth, etc.), and considers the differences of paradigms in iconicity research: (1) iconicity as a permanent property of a sign; imitation pattern – form mimes meaning; (2) iconicity as a variable quality of a sign, actualized by the speaker; imitation pattern – form miming form; (3) iconicity as the ground of human thought and a function of a sign, actualized by the reader / reading. Consideration of the differences within the field of iconicity research helps to reveal the underestimated textual aspects that actualize iconic dimension of literary narrative, and inspires to examine their role in the analysis of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, precisely, its “Foreword” (both original English and Russian versions). The analysis of the fictional “Foreword”, which establishes the pattern of iconization of the novel as a whole, and inevitably includes the references to its “main” part, shows how the novel iconizes writing. Withal, the analysis demonstrates how this iconization configures the particular model of reading, which becomes the representamen of the specific cognitive icon. The mental representamen of this icon “stands for” the specific object – the text as the tangible media product, marked by the structural and discursive traits of its own. Respectively, such (cognitive) icon represents the pattern of mimetic relationship between form and meaning, introduced by Lars Elleström (2010), – meaning mimes form, worthy of further consideration.Straipsnyje svarstomi prozinio, pasakojamojo literatūros teksto ikoniškumo klausimai ir siūloma skaitymo ikoniškumo (ar ikoninio skaitymo) idėja. Teorinių problemų svarstymas aprėpia Peirce’o ikoninio ženklo sampratą, jos vartojimo tyrimuose, skirtuose ikoniškumui kalboje ir literatūroje (Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg, Winfried Nöth ir kt.), ypatumus ir pačių ikoniškumo studijų paradigmų skirtumus: (1) ikoniškumas kaip stabili ženklo savybė; imitacijos modelis – forma imituoja reikšmę, (2) ikoniškumas kaip kintanti, kalbančiojo aktyvinama ženklo ypatybė; imitacijos modelis – forma imituoja formą, (3) ikoniškumas kaip mąstymo branduolys ir skaitymo / skaitytojo aktyvinama (ženklo) funkcija. Skirtumų aptarimas leidžia identifikuoti visų ikoniškumo studijų paradigmų nuvertinamus literatūros teksto aspektus ir skatina apibrėžti sąlygas, kuriomis spausdintas pasakojamasis tekstas atveria (ar gali atverti) šių aspektų aktyvinamą ikoninę dimensiją. Teoriniai svarstymai iliustruojami Vladimiro Nabokovo romano Lolita (anglų ir rusų kalbomis) analize, tiksliau, romano visumos ikonizavimo dėsnius steigiančios ir „aiškinančios“ jo „Pratarmės“ tyrimu, neapsieinančiu be nuorodų į „pagrindinę“ romano dalį. Tyrimas atskleidžia būdus, kuriais romanas įfigūrina ir ikonizuoja raštą ir konfigūruoja jo skaitymo modelį, virstantį ypatingos kognityvinės ikonos reprezentamenu. Šio mentalinio reprezentameno objektu tampa tekstas kaip apčiuopiamas medijos produktas, pasižymintis konkrečiais struktūriniais ir diskursyviais ypatumais, o imitacijos modeliu tampa Larso Elleströmo (2010) aptartas, bet gilesnės refleksijos nesulaukęs, neįprastas formos ir reikšmės mimetinio santykio variantas – reikšmė imituoja formą


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