17 research outputs found

    Periodization and Chronology of the Eneolithic in the Upper and Middle Kama Regions

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    The territory of the Upper and Middle Kama regions is important for study on account of the Turbino sites that have been open there. Artifacts of this type have also been found in Finland. Subsequently, there have been several topics of discussion. Some archaeologists considered the Garino cultural complexes to be from an earlier period, while others supposed that they had appeared simultaneously with the Bor cultural type. The single radiocarbon dates were only obtained for the Garino culture. Therefore, the periodization and chronology of the Eneolithic in the Kama region have not been developed. In recent years, new archaeological sites have been excavated and a series of radiocarbon dates have been obtained for both types of cultures. This allowed us to work out the periodization and chronology of the Eneolithic of the Upper and Middle Kama regions in more detail. The chronological framework of the Garino culture was determined from 4500 BP to 3500 BP (ca. 3500-1600 calBC). The sites of the Bor cultural type were occupied from 4200 BP to 3900 BP (ca. 3000-2200 calBC). Thus, the chronological priority of the Garino culture is established. According to the typological and chronological framework, two stages in the development of the Garino culture were elaborated. The coexistence of the Garino and Bor complexes had a place at the end of the early stage of the Garino culture

    Развитие учения об ограниченных вещных правах на недвижимость в римской юриспруденции республиканского, классического и имперского периодов

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    The article examines the formation and development of studies on limited rights to another's property (rights to things belonging to other people) in ancient Roman law. The authors of the article analyze the Russian and foreign doctrines, as well as the legal heritage of ancient (archaic) law, the Institutiones and Digests, which partially contain works of classical Roman lawyers of the republican period, the principality era and the late Roman Empire surviving to this day. The authors discuss the formation of scientific theories justifying the construction of limited real rights to property. The article emphasizes that limited real rights in Roman law developed together with such complex socio-economic processes as the formation of small and large landed property and urbanization. Theories on limited real rights to property were influenced by civil law and praetorian law that had been forming as separate systems for a long time but then were unified. The scientific novelty of this article consists in the fact that the authors tried highlighting elements of the scientific theory developed by republican and classical lawyers and addressing such an important part of civil law as limited real rights to property. The authors proved the scientific relevance of books on civil law, whose fragments have survived to the present day and whose content can be analyzed in conformity with Justinian's codification. In this regard, they emphasized that Roman lawyers worked on such scientific issues as the content of limited real rights to property, ways of their formation, termination and protection.El artículo examina la formación y el desarrollo de estudios sobre derechos limitados a la propiedad de otra persona (derechos a cosas que pertenecen a otras personas) en la antigua ley romana. Los autores del artículo analizan las doctrinas rusas y extranjeras, así como el patrimonio legal de la ley antigua (arcaica), las Institutiones y Digests, que contienen parcialmente obras de abogados romanos clásicos del período republicano, la era del principado y la era romana tardía. Imperio sobreviviendo hasta nuestros días. Los autores discuten la formación de teorías científicas que justifiquen la construcción de derechos reales limitados a la propiedad. El artículo enfatiza que los derechos reales limitados en la ley romana se desarrollaron junto con procesos socioeconómicos tan complejos como la formación de propiedades y urbanización de tierras grandes y pequeñas. Las teorías sobre los derechos reales limitados a la propiedad fueron influenciadas por la ley civil y la ley pretoriana que se habían estado formando como sistemas separados durante mucho tiempo pero luego se unificaron. La novedad científica de este artículo consiste en el hecho de que los autores intentaron destacar elementos de la teoría científica desarrollada por abogados republicanos y clásicos y abordar una parte tan importante del derecho civil como los derechos reales limitados a la propiedad. Los autores demostraron la relevancia científica de los libros sobre derecho civil, cuyos fragmentos han sobrevivido hasta nuestros días y cuyo contenido puede analizarse de conformidad con la codificación de Justiniano. En este sentido, enfatizaron que los abogados romanos trabajaron en cuestiones científicas como el contenido de los derechos reales limitados a la propiedad, las formas de su formación, terminación y protección.В статье исследован вопрос становления и развития учения о праве ограниченного пользования чужими недвижимыми вещами (праве на чужие вещи) в юриспруденции Древнего Рима. Авторами публикации анализируются отечественная и зарубежная доктрина, юридические памятники древнего (архаического) права, Институции, Дигесты, в которых содержаться сохранившиеся до нашего времени фрагменты сочинений римских юристов республиканского периода, классических римских юристов эпохи принципата и поздней Римской Империи. Авторы рассуждают о формировании научных теорий, обосновывающих конструкции ограниченных вещных прав на недвижимое имущество. В статье подчеркивается, что в античном Риме развитие учения об ограниченных вещных правах проходило параллельно с такими сложными социально-экономическими процессами как образование мелкой и крупной земельной собственности, процессом урбанизации, а так же складывалось под влиянием существовавших долгое время в качестве отдельных систем, (а затем и объединившихся) цивильного и преторского права. Научная новизна представленной публикации заключается в том, что ее авторами предпринята попытка выделить элементы научной теории в изложении взглядов республиканских и классических юристов на такую важнейшую часть гражданского права, как ограниченные вещные права на недвижимое имущество. В работе сделан вывод о научном характере книг по цивильному праву, фрагменты которых дошли до настоящих дней и о содержании которых можно судить из анализа Кодификации Юстиниана. В этой связи подчеркивается, что римскими юристами были научно проработаны такие вопросы как содержание ограниченных вещных прав на недвижимость, способы их возникновения, прекращения и защиты

    Crowd-technology in the selection of personnel

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    In article is examined the crowdsourcing technology and the technology based on its principles a crowd-recruiting as instruments of staff recruitment in the organization. The presented technologies are new effective tools large-scale by geographical coverage and number of participants of selection of the employees who are really interested in work with this organization. Crowd-technologies, which are based on "the phenomenon of the crowd" can not only greatly speed up the solution of important problems for the company, but also significantly reduce costs. Was designed the methodology of introduction of crowdsourcing technology at staff recruitment in the organization Because of introduction of this methodology is assumed optimization of costs of the personnel, thanks to improvement of staff recruitment by means of crowd-technologies (crowdsourcing, crowd-recruiting, crowd-staffing), namely: increase of qualitative structure of the personnel and reduction of staff turnover thanks to what will be seen labor productivity growth.peer-reviewe

    SWAT modeling of the soil properties in GIS-environment: initial calculations

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    The problem of soil parameters modeling and input data preparation are considered in the article. The use of Soil and Water Assessment Tool was analyzed. The question of the soil water content and basic soil agronomic characteristics was considered. The SWAT project was created for the period of 2014-2017 years and could be prolonged. A soil map and cartographic information were digitized for the analysis of soil characteristics. An assessment of soils moisture absorption in different key areas was made in the course of the research

    Dividend Payments and Cross-country Differences in the Choice of Dividend

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    One of the hallmarks of good corporate governance is a well built and complies with the dividend policy, taking into account the interests of both the majority and minority shareholders, companies need to preserve and accrued competitive position in the market. Companies that pay dividends pay attention to credit rating agencies. A comparative analysis of the main indicators of dividend in the emerging markets of Russia and Poland with the performance of the developed markets of France and Germany. In the Russian data tested Lintner model describes well the trajectory of dividend payments in the developed markets. Isolated set of financial results of Russian companies that have an impact on their decision to pay dividends on the selected size of payments, revealed differences in dividend-making companies that have carried out cross-listing from making dividend companies whose shares are listed in Russia. This paper discusses mainly observed the company's decision to pay or not to pay dividends and the establishment of the amount of dividends in each year separately. For a description of such decisions used the term “dividend of choice” or “dividend decisions”. It also shows that dividend decisions of companies can vary significantly in different countries. Keywords: Financial capital structure, dividend policy, financial markets, dividend option JEL Classifications: G32, F62, D5

    Human Resource Management in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis

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    The relevance of the study of human resources management in crisis conditions is determined, firstly, during social change, destroyed the existing usual ways of living, changing values and priorities of society, leading to the disappearance of some and the emergence of other forms of activity. This puts a person a new life task, “creativity” as a manifestation of activity of subject of activity, when the subject and object of the interaction may be reversed, as the operand and the operator. It should be stressed that in modern conditions of dynamic change is changing the paradigm, the subject and methods of management. And, as shows the analysis of the literature, which is especially valuable for economic psychology, psychology of business and management - namely inadequate representation of managers about changes in the economic, political, juridical (legal) entities and the management are the major obstacle to business development and the formulation of effective management of the organization. The problem of the inadequacy of the views of managers about the realities on the basis of which develops business or management is particularly acute for the Russian economy. Keywords: economy, economic crisis, human resources, management, motivation JEL Classifications: J22, J24, J31, J3

    On the Issue of State Support of Agriculture: Regional Aspect

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    Agro-industrial complex (AIC) - a complex socio-economic system, which includes companies with different forms of ownership and management. State regulation should ensure the effective functioning of agro-industrial complex as a single mechanism, taking into account the equality of all forms of economic entities, based on the harmonization of their interests. In addition, AIC is complex and biotech system. In agriculture, the most important use natural means of production. Land, water, etc. On results of operations is greatly affected by climatic and meteorological conditions, which determine the risky nature of production in agriculture. Agriculture, in view of the fact that this industry is the most capital and energy-intensive, less attractive to investors and entrepreneurs. In its development of agriculture and food yields 33 processing industry, which uses imported raw materials, the volume of which is growing faster than domestic production. Therefore, state regulation and support the development of agro-industrial complex - a objective necessity of a market economy. Keywords: economy, agriculture, government support JEL Classifications: E20, O13, O3

    Water quality analysis and simulation

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    The actuality of the study is caused by the needs of water resources state assessment, which natural supply is insufficient. The article analyzes the quality of surface water and groundwater using processed statistical data and the results of mathematical modeling in the GIS environment. The results showed that the quality of water sources under current anthropogenic load is normal, but subsequent monitoring of the situation is required. There is no significant relationship between the quality of surface water and groundwater

    Environmental assessment of soil pollution by heavy metals within the boundaries of roadside areas

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    The work is devoted to the environmental assessment of degree of soil pollution with heavy metals on land plots, located within the boundaries of roadside territories. The study area is characterized by uneven anthropogenic load on different sections of the road. The article examines the indicator of lands ecological state, taking into account heavy metals content, their toxicity, excess of background level. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the excess of the MPC was recorded for two elements of the 1st hazard class - lead and zinc. Thus, the 5-meter zone belongs to the category of very strong pollution (2 MPC for lead, 1 MPC for zinc, and the zone from 25 to 50 m is slightly contaminated). This algorithm can be used for an integral and ecological-economic assessment of soils of land plots, located within the boundaries of roadside territories

    Water deficits in the water economics complex of Crimea

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    In recent years, the natural and economic situation in the Republic of Crimea has developed in such a way that the amount of available water resources is less than the amount of water necessary for the socio-economic development of the peninsula. This article considers one of the main water management hazards for the territory of Crimea: a lack of water. The aim of this study was to assess the water deficit and determine ways to minimize the impact of risk exposures on the population, the economy and the ecosystem as a whole. Options are provided to ensure that (1) the water economic complex supplies water to consumers in sufficient quantity and quality, and (2) the ecological status of water bodies is maintained at a high level. For example, local wastewater treatment and desalination of sea water can be used in agro-industry and the water economic complex both for individual agricultural producers and for large enterprises. The economic efficiency of the use of technologies to reduce the environmental threats of the water economic complex was assessed using technologies to increase water availability. The analysis of the quality of water resources is given, and options for improving the indicators of raw water-pipe water are proposed