218 research outputs found

    Smart City and Smart Tourist Destinations: Learning from New Experiences in the 21st century

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    Digital transformation has been a worldwide reality since the late 1990s. However, the 21st century has promoted its acceleration and scope for its use. Tourism professionals have sought the benefits that digital connections via smartphones bring to the diffusion and negotiation of services and products. However, young people from the internet age seek autonomy in the elaboration of their own travel itineraries, contributing to the emergence of intelligent tourist destinations. Based on the correlation with the principles of smart cities that increasingly become the goal of global managers, this study seeks to demonstrate the potential of the insertion of the tourist segment in this new perspective of social behavior. The results show that the co-creation by the travelers in search of experiences of impact in their lives is here to stay with QR Codes and Apps of cell phones. Information and digital communication technologies bring greater autonomy and creativity to the universe of tourists

    Driving citizenship to connected aged population at digital inclusion program ACESSASP – Brazil

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    Digital inclusion programs contribute to promote a revolution regarding Internet access. WEB 2.0 platform democratization of access is increasing the opportunities to build digital citizenship. In Brazil one of the most important initiatives is AcessaSP Digital Inclusion Program, awarded in 2013 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a kind of digital inclusion Nobel, that recognizes innovative efforts worldwide to connect people. AcessaSP is a digital inclusion program, which is now 15 years old and already reached 80 million users in almost 850 infocenters in operation, developed by São Paulo state government in partnership with Research Center for New Communications Technologies Applied to Education – School of the Future / USP. This paper presents AcessaSP and discusses some results concerning connected aged populations practices as users of AcessaSP infocenters. The study was carried out as a comparative survey with statistical data collected in 2008, 2009 and 2012 based on a SPSS database originally developed to provide AcessaSP program with statistical data. Main results point an exponential participation in social networks and significant appropriation of WEB 2.0 tools, suggesting aged population empowerment

    Investigando a epistemologia e a didática das Ciências : discussões necessárias para a compreensão do fazer pedagógico do professor de Ciências

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    A maneira como o conteúdo curricular de ciências é apresentado enquanto objeto de ensino, estabelece uma reflexão epistemológica, que, na urgência das discussões do fazer pedagógico do professor, deve estar impressa nas relações que dinamizam o conhecimento. Tais reflexões pertencem ao Campo da Epistemologia e das Didáticas das Ciências, bem como, da Filosofia e da História das Ciências. Neste intento, a compreensão epistemológica das ciências atrelada com as concepções fundantes do fazer pedagógico é que auxiliam professores a melhorarem suas ações e fundamentarem sua ação didática, portanto esta dissertação propõe compreender o perfil epistemológico e a didática dos professores de Ciências, a partir da análise de práticas de ensino e o fazer pedagógico do professor de ciências, do Ensino Fundamental II e do professor de biologia do Ensino Médio. Nesta intenção, transformamos nossos três objetivos específicos em ações de investigação. Primeiramente identificamos, a partir dos diversos conceitos da Epistemologia e da Filosofia das Ciências, as diferentes vertentes didáticas e pedagógicas que embasam a práxis dos professores de Ciências e as concepções epistemológicas que lhes dão sustentação, e no que realizamos uma revisão bibliográfica através de diversos autores que tinham seus estudos dentro da Filosofia das Ciências, da Filosofia da Educação, em História Geral e em História da Educação, bem como, aos assuntos pertinentes a Didática e a Pedagogia, aqui também incluída sua história. Desta revisão, obtivemos quatro espectros epistemológicos didáticos, a saber: Idealismo – Realismo – Escola Tradicional, Empirismo – Convencionalismo – Escolanovismo, Formalismo – Positivismo – Behaviorismo – Tecnicismo e Racionalismo Aplicado – Teoria dos Campos Conceituais. Como segunda ação, interligando-se a primeira, analisamos atividades de ensino e o fazer pedagógico do professor de ciências do Ensino Fundamental II e do professor de biologia, do Ensino Médio, em propostas didático-metodológicas apresentadas nos trabalhos publicados em anais de eventos. Assim, uma nova revisão bibliográfica foi concluída, mas agora nos anais do ENEBIO e do ENPEC, entre 2001 e 2021, a fim de selecionarmos sequências didáticas concebidas e realizadas no âmbito do PIBID. Nos demandando assim, o cumprimento de nossa terceira ação a problematização do perfil epistemológico e didático do professor de Ciências, a luz da Epistemologia de Gaston Bachelard e as relação da Topologia Filosófica por este autor empreendida, e da Didática das Ciências de Gerard Vergnaud e sua Teoria dos Campos Conceituais, o que nos resultou em um perfil epistemológico do professor de ciências polifilosófico, pois é constituído por um espectro de matrizes filosóficas e tendências didáticas distintas. Porém, impregnado majoritariamente da Escola Tradicional pois, 79% dos trabalhos analisados estavam permeados por este espectro. Assim, nossas análises nos demonstraram um perfil onde o fazer pedagógico está longe de um perfil pesquisador e de um perfil que compreenda aprendizagem como uma construção de “duas mãos”, a do professor enquanto mediador de situações e a do aluno enquanto agente de sua aprendizagem. Abrindo uma nova lacuna na investigação da prática do professor de ciências: o porquê não conseguirmos uma ruptura no fazer pedagógico do professor de ciências que demande a este uma concepção de ensino diferenciada?The way in which the curricular content of science is presented as a teaching object, establishes an epistemological reflection, which, in the urgency of the discussions of the teacher's pedagogical work, must be imprinted in the relationships that make knowledge dynamic. Such reflections belong to the Field of Epistemology and Didactics of Science, as well as Philosophy and History of Science. In this attempt, the epistemological understanding of the sciences linked with the fundamental conceptions of the pedagogical work is what help teachers to improve their actions and fundamental in their didactic action, therefore this dissertation proposes to understand the epistemological profile and the didactics of the Science teachers, from the analysis of teaching practices and the pedagogical work of science teachers, Elementary School II and Biology teachers of High School. In this intention, we transformed our three specific objectives into investigation actions. Firstly, we identify, based on the different concepts of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, the different didactic and pedagogical aspects that underlie the practice of Science teachers and the epistemological concepts that support them, and in which we carry out a bibliographical review through several authors that had their studies within the Philosophy of Sciences, Philosophy of Education, General History and History of Education, as well as, to the subjects pertinent to Didactics and Pedagogy, here also included their history. From this review, we obtained four didactic epistemological spectrums, namely: Idealism – Realism – Traditional School, Empiricism – Conventionalism – New School, Formalism – Positivism – Behaviorism – Technicalism and Applied Rationalism – Theory of Conceptual Fields. As a second action, interconnecting the first, we analyzed teaching activities and the pedagogical work of science teachers in Elementary School II and biology teachers in High School, in didactic-methodological proposals presented in works published in annals of events. Thus, a new bibliographic review was concluded, but now in the annals of ENEBIO and ENPEC, between 2001 and 2021, in order to select didactic sequences conceived and carried out within the scope of PIBID. Demanding us, therefore, the fulfillment of our third action, the problematization of the epistemological and didactic profile of the Science teacher, in the light of Gaston Bachelard's Epistemology and the relation of Philosophical Topology undertaken by this author, and Gerard Vergnaud's Didactics of Sciences and his Theory of Conceptual Fields, which resulted in an epistemological profile of the polyphilosophical science teacher, as it is constituted by a spectrum of philosophical matrices and distinct didactic trends. However, mostly permeated by the Traditional School, as 79% of the works analyzed were permeated by this spectrum. Thus, our analyzes showed us a profile where the pedagogical work is far from a researcher profile and a profile that understands learning as a “two-handed” construction, that of the teacher as a mediator of situations and that of the student as an agent of their learning. . Opening a new gap in the investigation of the science teacher's practice: why can't we achieve a rupture in the pedagogical work of the science teacher that demands a different conception of teaching

    O Dilema Europeu: a crise migratória à luz da Escola Inglesa

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    By analyzing the developments of the migrant crisis in Europe according to the theoretical framework of the English School of International Relations, we came to the conclusion that the dilemma faced by the European Union is Janus-faced: it comprises the rise of conflicts of interest between member-states and, atthe same time, the difficulty of turning demands for world justice and an order that benefits states into compatible achievements. Such developments maydecrease the “thickness” of the European international society, but they do not, however, threaten its existence.Ao analisar os desdobramentos da crise migratória na Europa à luz das formulações teóricas da Escola Inglesa de Relações Internacionais, concluise que os dilemas enfrentados pela União Europeia têm duas faces: o aumento do conflito de interesses no interior do bloco e a dificuldade de compatibilizar demandas de justiça mundial a um ordenamento estatal. Estes desdobramentos podem levar ao “afinamento” da sociedade internacional europeia, porém sem ameaçar sua existência

    Dialogic Feminist Gathering and the Prevention of Gender Violence in Girls With Intellectual Disabilities

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    Adolescent gender-based violence prevention and sexuality education is a topic of current concern given the increasing numbers of violence directed at girls. International organizations indicate that one in three girls aged 15 to 19 have experienced gender-based violence in their sexual relationships that this risk may be as much as 3-4 times higher for girls with disabilities. Following the good results obtained in the research project 'Free_Teen_Desire' led by the University of Cambridge and funded by the Marie Curie Actions Program in the prevention of gender violence in adolescents through Dialogic Feminist Gatherings (DFG), the aim of study is to analyze Its transfer and impact on adolescent girls with intellectual disabilities. The DFGs are here understood as generators of a more dialogic environment for girls in general and we wonder if and how It is extended to the context of girls with disabilities. Thus, the research takes the form of a case study with a communicative approach on a DFGs. The intervention is carried out in a special school located in Valencia during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years with a group of 19 non-mixed female students, female teachers, and the mother of one of the students. The study analyzes which are the transfer criteria to incorporate the DFGs in a special education context and what is their impact on the prevention of gender violence in girls with disabilities. The data collection techniques consist of two in-depth interviews, analysis of the field diary of 24 intervention sessions and a focus group with seven teachers. It is demonstrated that DFGs are successfully transferred to the special education context of the case study. The results show how contexts of safety, solidarity and friendship are generated which protect adolescent girls with disabilities from relationships with gender violence

    A coordenação agroindustrial citrícola brasileira e os novos recursos de poder: dos políticos aos jurídicos

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    O presente trabalho mostra que os recursos políticos e jurídicos tornaram-se tão ou mais estratégicos para citricultores e processadores de suco no Brasil que os próprios recursos financeiros, tecnológicos e organizacionais. Também, apresenta uma análise da governança citrícola brasileira atual, que está pautada por estratégias diferentes entre citricultores e processadoras: os citricultores e sua principal associação pautam suas principais ações nas utilizações de recursos políticos e algumas grandes processadoras de suco avançam com utilizações de recursos jurídicos. Esse embate revela um novo entrave para a conquista de resultados positivos pelos citricultores na rede de poder atual, pois os mandados judiciais revelam que o contrato de fornecimento de laranja tornou-se um instrumento de poder fundamental nessa rede de coordenação, causando ganhos estratégicos para as processadoras de suco após quatro anos de conquistas de recursos políticos significativos por parte dos citricultores, especialmente do estado de São Paulo.------------------------------------This essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. It This essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. ItThis essay shows that the political and legal resources, for citrus farmers, became as much strategic as financial, technological and organizational resources themselves. It presents an analysis of Brazilian citrus business governance, which is guided by different strategies between citrus farmers and processing plants: the citrus farmers and their main association guide their actions into using political resources while some big juice processing plants advance by using legal resources. This opposition represents a new obstacle to the conquest of positive results by citrus farmers in the current power network, because court orders shows that the supplying contracts of orange became an instrument of fundamental power into this coordination network, causing strategic gains for the juice processing plants after four years of significant political resource conquests by citrus farmers, specially in Sao Paulo state.Citricultores, recursos de poder, processadores de suco, governança citrícola, citrus farmers, resources of power, juice processing plants, citrus business governance, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries,