313 research outputs found

    Contextualising Corporate Social Responsibility in Singapore

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    Pandangan Etnis Tionghoa Surabaya terhadap Perempuan Etnis Tionghoa Shio Macan 泗水华人对属虎女性华人之看法

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    Penelitian meneliti pandangan etnis Tionghoa bukan shio macan dan shio macan terhadap etnis Tionghoa perempuan shio macan, mengenai sifat dan perjodohannya. Kajian pustaka meliputi pengertian dua belas shio; pengertian shio macan di antara dua belas shio dan sifat perempuan shio macan; jenis-jenis unsur shio macan; keadaan pernikahan perempuan shio macan dengan shio lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan responden berjumlah sebelas responden yang terdiri atas tiga laki-laki dan tiga perempuan bukan shio macan, serta lima perempuan shio macan. Hasil analisis menemukan sebagian besar responden mengerti tentang shio; semua responden mengatakan perempuan shio macan unsur api galak; semua responden mengatakan perempuan shio macan tidak cocok menikah dengan lelaki shio monyet, sebagian responden mengatakan perempuan shio macan tidak cocok menikah shio ular; responden perempuan shio macan sendiri justru berpendapat perempuan shio macan juga tidak cocok menikah dengan laki-laki shio kelinci dan ayam

    Grundlagen der Mustererkennung in der radiologischen Diagnostik - Entwicklung und Evaluation eines studentischen Lernkurses

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    Mustererkennung bildet die Grundlage der radiologischen Bildbefundung. Es gibt verschiedene radiologische Muster, die auf eine bestimmte Anzahl von Grundmustern zurückzuführen sind. Hintergrund der hier vorgestellten Studie ist die Überlegung, dass der Mensch am Beispiel der Computer-assistierten-Diagnose in der Lage ist, einen Computer so zu programmieren, dass er bestimmte Grundmuster erkennt und einordnen kann. Dieser Fortschritt legt die Hypothese nahe, dass der Mensch ebenso fähig sein sollte, Studierenden die radiologische Mustererkennung zu vermitteln. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Online-Lernkurs „Mustererkennung in der radiologischen Diagnostik 2011“ entwickelt und im Sommersemester 2011 erstmals im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Bildgebende Verfahren, Strahlenbehandlung und Strahlenschutz I” eingesetzt. Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit die Bearbeitung des Lernkurses zu einer Ergebnisverbesserung im Kleingruppenunterricht führt. Zudem wurde die Akzeptanz der Studierenden bezüglich der neuen Vermittlung radiologischer Mustererkennung – Muster klassifiziert zu beschreiben und auf verschiedene Strukturen zu übertragen (Transferleistung), statt Diagnosen auswendig zu lernen – und des neuen Kurskonzeptes erhoben. Der Lernkurs beinhaltet 98 Seiten, 89 Abbildungen, 16 Testfragen und 3 Tabel-len und wurde auf der k-med-Lernplattform für die Studierenden hochgeladen. Anhand speziell für den Lernkurs entwickelter Klassifikationsschemata für Muster an parenchymatösen Organen, tubulären Strukturen und Körperhöhlen wur-den den Studierenden unterschiedliche Musterbeispiele aufgezeigt und erläutert. Die Evaluation des Lernkurses umfasste die Einbindung in den Kleingruppenunterricht. Alle Studierende hatten vier Kleingruppenunterrichtstermine, welche die Bearbeitung von Power-Point-Präsentationen mit Beispiel-Fällen typischer radi-ologischer Muster voraussetzte. Innerhalb des Unterrichts sollten die Studierenden Fragen per TED-System beantworten. Die Kleingruppen wurden in eine Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe eingeteilt. Im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe hatte die Interventionsgruppe nach den ersten zwei Kleingruppenterminen Zu-gang zum Lernkurs. Die zwei letzten Kleingruppenunterrichtstermine dienten als Wiederholung und Überprüfung des Lernerfolgs, indem wiederum die gleichen Fragen per TED beantwortet werden sollten. Am Ende der Unterrichtsveranstaltung wurden der Online-Lernkurs und das neue Kurskonzept anhand eines Fragebogens evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Gruppen, die user-tracking-Daten der Lernkursbearbeitung, sowie die Ergebnisse der Umfrage wurden mittels deskriptiver Statistik ausgewertet. Insgesamt haben 21 Studierende den Lernkurs bearbeitet. Die statistische Auswertung der Ergebnisse im Kleingruppenunterricht ergab im Gruppenver-gleich keinen signifikanten Unterschied. Darüber hinaus konnte keine Korrelation zwischen den TED-Wiederholungsergebnissen und der Bearbeitungsdauer des Lernkurses beobachtet werden. 59 von 61 Studierenden haben an der Online-Evaluation teilgenommen. Insgesamt bewertete knapp die Hälfte der Studierenden den Lernkurs als „gut“ und ein Drittel mit „befriedigend“. Für knapp 80% waren die Inhalte des Lernkurses klar und verständlich. Vorkenntnisse bezüglich Mustererkennung lagen in 79% der Studierenden bei „ausreichend“ bis „mangelhaft“. Der neue Vermittlungsansatz von Mustererkennung wie es der Lernkurs zum Ziel hatte, erschien dem Großteil der Befragten als sinnvoll. Es stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern die Ergebnisse des Kleingruppenunterrichts den eigentlichen Lerneffekt durch den Lernkurs widerspiegeln. Wertet man die reinen Ergebniszahlen aus, könnte man annehmen, dass der Lernkurs zu keinem besseren Verständnis bezüglich Mustererkennung geführt hat. In Bezug auf das Erlernen von Mustern fließen mehrere Aspekte der Lerntheorien Behaviorismus und Kognitivismus ein, welche postulieren, dass Lernen durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Die Entwicklung von Transferleistungen spielt dabei eine große Rolle. Dass das Testergebnis nicht mit den Erwartungen übereinstimmt, heißt dementsprechend nicht zwingend, dass keine Transferleis-tung stattgefunden hat. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die Studierenden den neuen Ansatz der Vermittlung befürworteten und die Mehrzahl den Lernkurs als „gut“ bewerteten, sollte man limitierende Faktoren wie Mängel in der Durchführung des Kleingruppenunterrichts und die relativ geringe Anzahl der Studieren-den der Fallgruppe bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse berücksichtigen und die Studie als explorativ werten.

    Postnatal penile growth concurrent with mini-puberty predicts later sex-typed play behavior: Evidence for neurobehavioral effects of the postnatal androgen surge in typically developing boys.

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    The masculinizing effects of prenatal androgens on human neurobehavioral development are well established. Also, the early postnatal surge of androgens in male infants, or mini-puberty, has been well documented and is known to influence physiological development, including penile growth. However, neurobehavioral effects of androgen exposure during mini-puberty are largely unknown. The main aim of the current study was to evaluate possible neurobehavioral consequences of mini-puberty by relating penile growth in the early postnatal period to subsequent behavior. Using multiple linear regression, we demonstrated that penile growth between birth and three months postnatal, concurrent with mini-puberty, significantly predicted increased masculine/decreased feminine behavior assessed using the Pre-school Activities Inventory (PSAI) in 81 healthy boys at 3 to 4years of age. When we controlled for other potential influences on masculine/feminine behavior and/or penile growth, including variance in androgen exposure prenatally and body growth postnally, the predictive value of penile growth in the early postnatal period persisted. More specifically, prenatal androgen exposure, reflected in the measurement of anogenital distance (AGD), and early postnatal androgen exposure, reflected in penile growth from birth to 3months, were significant predictors of increased masculine/decreased feminine behavior, with each accounting for unique variance. Our findings suggest that independent associations of PSAI with AGD at birth and with penile growth during mini-puberty reflect prenatal and early postnatal androgen exposures respectively. Thus, we provide a novel and readily available approach for assessing effects of early androgen exposures, as well as novel evidence that early postnatal aes human neurobehavioral development.We thank the participating families and the Cambridge Baby Growth Study team. Data were presented at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, where suggestions were integrated into analyses. The study was supported by the European Union Fifth Framework Programme) (Grant #QLK4-CT-1999-01422, World Cancer Research Fund International, Mothercare Foundation, Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children and Medical Research Council (UK). We also thank the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and the National Institute for Health Research — Biomedical Research Centre Cambridge.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X15000033#

    The role of CPAP as a potential bridge to invasive ventilation and as a ceiling-of-care for patients hospitalized with Covid-19-An observational study.

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    BACKGROUND: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ventilation may be used as a potential bridge to invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), or as a ceiling-of-care for persistent hypoxaemia despite standard oxygen therapy, according to UK guidelines. We examined the association of mode of respiratory support and ceiling-of-care on mortality. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of routinely collected de-identified data of adults with nasal/throat SARs-CoV-2 swab-positive results, at the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust between 10th March-19th April 2020 (outcomes determined on 22nd May). FINDINGS: Of 347 patients with SARs-CoV-2 swab-positive results, 294 (84.7%) patients admitted for Covid-19 were included in the study. Sixty-nine patients were trialled on CPAP, mostly delivered by face mask, either as an early ceiling of care instituted within 24 hours of admission (N = 19), or as a potential bridge to IMV (N = 44). Patients receiving a ceiling of care more than 24 hours after admission (N = 6) were excluded from the analysis. Two hundred and fifteen patients (73.1%) maximally received air/standard oxygen therapy, and 45 (15.3%) patients maximally received CPAP. Thirty-four patients (11.6%) required IMV, of which 24 had received prior CPAP. There were 138 patients with an early ceiling-of-care plan (pre-admission/within 24h). Overall, 103(35.0%) patients died and 191(65.0%) were alive at study end. Among all patients trialled on CPAP either as a potential bridge to IMV (N = 44) or as a ceiling-of-care (N = 19) mortality was 25% and 84%, respectively. Overall, there was strong evidence for higher mortality among patients who required CPAP or IMV, compared to those who required only air/oxygen (aOR 5.24 95%CI: 1.38, 19.81 and aOR 46.47 95%CI: 7.52, 287.08, respectively; p<0.001), and among patients with early ceiling-of-care compared to those without a ceiling (aOR 41.81 95%CI: 8.28, 211.17; p<0.001). Among patients without a ceiling of care (N = 137), 10 patients required prompt intubation following failed oxygen therapy, but 44 patients received CPAP. CPAP failure, defined as death (N = 1) or intubation (N = 24), occurred in 57% (N = 25) of patients. But in total, 75% (N = 33) of those started on CPAP with no ceiling of care recovered to discharge-19 without the need for IMV, and 14 following IMV. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that among patients with no ceiling-of-care, an initial trial of CPAP as a potential bridge to IMV offers a favourable therapeutic alternative to early intubation. In contrast, among patients with a ceiling-of care, CPAP seems to offer little additional survival benefit beyond oxygen therapy alone. Information on ceilings of respiratory support is vital to interpreting mortality from Covid-19. STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY: Sample size relatively small.Study sample representative of hospitalised Covid-19 patients in UK.Previously unreported data on role of ceilings-of-care in hospitalised Covid-19 patients.Novel data on use of CPAP separated by indication

    Opinions: The Anthropology of Finance

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    One of the more salutory effects of the financial crisis in 2007-8 has been the realization, even by some economists, that numbers do not explain everything and that social forms and relations also play a major part in financial trading. Here anthropologists (and some sociologists) have come to the fore. The JBA therefore asked a number of scholars to write an opinion piece about different aspects of the anthropology of finance that interested them. Here is what some of them kindly contributed

    Investigating Strategies for Dyslexia Friendly Online Learning Environment (on-going project)

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    The rapid development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has promoted the use of online learning in universities, secondary schools and primary schools around the world, including Malaysia. The Education Act 1996 in Malaysia clearly states that the government ought to provide high standard of education to every individual in the country, including children with special education needs. This study focuses on dyslexia, a specific learning difficulty with reading, spelling, writing, memorising and numeracy which affects the learning process. Some of the common problems dyslexic encounter when using the Internet includes small fonts, poor contrast background, large blocks of text, cluttered page layouts, and justified text. This implies that the often adapted usability principles for web accessibility and design do not generally consider these limitations of dyslexics, therefore producing insourmountable barriers for them when engaging the web. This poster presents the underlying difficulties of dyslexics and how the proposed strategies can help to alleviate some of their difficulties

    Steady state vascular imaging with extracellular gadobutrol: evaluation of the additional diagnostic benefit in patients who have undergone a peripheral magnetic resonance angiography protocol

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    Background: To evaluate the feasibility and additional diagnostic benefit of a high-resolution steady state 3D-volume interpolated breath-hold exam (VIBE) sequence between a continuous table movement (CTM) MR angiography of the entire runoff vasculature and a time-resolved (TWIST) MRA of the calves. Methods: In this retrospective IRB approved study 224 patients (72 women, 152 men, mean age 67.29 ± 13.9) were included who had undergone a low-dose MR angiographic protocol at 3T (Siemens TimTrio) after injection of 0.1 mmol/kg gadobutrol including a CTM MRA, a time-resolved MRA of the calf station and a steady state 3D VIBE sequence prior to the time-resolved MRA. One board-certified radiologist rated the image quality of the steady state VIBE sequences on an ordinal three point scale (excellent, good, poor) and analyzed the images for additional diagnostic findings of and beyond the vascular system in comparison to the CTM MRA and the time-resolved MRA. Descriptive statistics and demographic patient data were used for further evaluation. Results: The image quality of the steady state imaging of the pelvis, upper and lower leg was excellent in up to 88%, 84% and 47%, respectively, while poor image quality was only detected in the upper (2%) and lower leg (6%). An additional diagnostic benefit was found in 44% of the patients overall. The most common relevant pathologies included inflammatory processes of the soft tissues (26%), thrombi (14%), abscesses (13%) and tumors (11%). In subgroups of patients above the age of 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80 years an additional pathology was found in 50% 33%, 44%, 65% and 58%, respectively. There was no significant difference in terms of additional findings between men and women (46% and 39%, p > 0.05) and inpatients and outpatients (42% and 45%, p > 0.05). Conclusion: Steady state imaging is also feasible with extracellular contrast agents with good image quality yielding additional diagnostic findings in up to 44% and above in patients older than 60 years of age irrespective of gender or patient status. Given the short acquisition time of 4 minutes this sequence could be added to all peripheral MRA exams

    Healthcare Worker Seroconversion in SARS Outbreak

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    Serum samples were obtained from healthcare workers 5 weeks after exposure to an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). A sensitive dot blot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, complemented by a specific neutralization test, shows that only persons in whom probable SARS was diagnosed had specific antibodies and suggests that subclinical SARS is not an important feature of the disease