10 research outputs found

    Reptilia, Squamata, Leiosauridae, Enyalius bibronii Boulenger, 1885: distribution extension and geographic distribution map

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    This article provides a new record for Enyalius bibronii from municipality of Tenente Laurentino Cruz, state of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. The collection site is located in a mountain forest enclave belonging to the Caatinga domain. This record extends the species distribution towards central region of the state

    Um caso de leucismo em pardal, Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758) em uma ilha do rio São Francisco, nordeste do Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2012v25n1p187O leucismo em aves é uma anomalia genética caracterizada pela ausência total de melanina em algumas ou em todas as penas, porém, ao contrário do albinismo, as outras partes do corpo, tais como olhos, bico e tarsos permanecem com a coloração típica da espécie. O pardal Passer domesticus é uma ave nativa da Europa, Ásia e norte da África e foi introduzido na América do Norte, América do Sul, África do Sul, Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Atualmente, é a espécie de ave com a maior distribuição geográfica. Relatamos, aqui, o registro de um indivíduo leucístico de Passer domesticus na ilha do Rodeadouro, rio São Francisco, nordeste do Brasil

    Tropidurus semitaeniatus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) as seed disperser of the plant Commiphora leptophloeos (Burseraceae) in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil

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    Tropidurus semitaeniatus is broadly distributed in the rocky habitats of the caatingas of northeastern Brazil (Vanzolini et al., 1980). In the context of a behavioral ecology work, a T. semitaeniatus population was studied at the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó; 06.5767º S, 37.2558º W, datum: WGS84; elev. 192 m), Serra Negra do Norte municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. One of the studied aspects included the foraging behavior of lizards recorded by focal animal samples that consisted of 10 continuous minutes of behavioral monitoring on different individuals, with one session from 0700-1000 h and other from 1400- 1700 h, during two consecutive days

    Forced copulation attempt in the Blue-tailed Lizard, Micrablepharus maximiliani (Reinhardt & Luetken, 1862) (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae) in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil

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    Forced copulation is characterized by jerky and rapid movements performed by a female in an apparent attempt to escape from a mounting male. This short communication reports a forced copulation attempt by the gymnophthalmid lizard Micrablepharus maximiliani in a forest enclave inside the Caatinga biome, Tenente Laurentino Cruz municipality, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The rejection behavior of the female consisted of running, pushing and hiding from the mounting male. Although the causes of female mate rejection remain unclear, it may be possible that on this occasion the female M. maximiliani may not have been reproductively active and/or avoided the male deliberately

    <i>Tropidurus semitaeniatus</i> (Squamata: Tropiduridae) as seed disperser of the plant <i>Commiphora leptophloeos</i> (Burseraceae) in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil

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    Tropidurus semitaeniatus is broadly distributed in the rocky habitats of the caatingas of northeastern Brazil (Vanzolini et al., 1980). In the context of a behavioral ecology work, a T. semitaeniatus population was studied at the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó; 06.5767º S, 37.2558º W, datum: WGS84; elev. 192 m), Serra Negra do Norte municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. One of the studied aspects included the foraging behavior of lizards recorded by focal animal samples that consisted of 10 continuous minutes of behavioral monitoring on different individuals, with one session from 0700-1000 h and other from 1400- 1700 h, during two consecutive days.Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    <i>Tropidurus semitaeniatus</i> (Squamata: Tropiduridae) as seed disperser of the plant <i>Commiphora leptophloeos</i> (Burseraceae) in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil

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    Tropidurus semitaeniatus is broadly distributed in the rocky habitats of the caatingas of northeastern Brazil (Vanzolini et al., 1980). In the context of a behavioral ecology work, a T. semitaeniatus population was studied at the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó; 06.5767º S, 37.2558º W, datum: WGS84; elev. 192 m), Serra Negra do Norte municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. One of the studied aspects included the foraging behavior of lizards recorded by focal animal samples that consisted of 10 continuous minutes of behavioral monitoring on different individuals, with one session from 0700-1000 h and other from 1400- 1700 h, during two consecutive days.Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    New records of Pseudopaludicola pocoto Magalhães, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad & Garda, 2014 (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) in the Caatinga Biome, Brazil

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    We provide new records of Pseudopaludicola pocoto Magalhães, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad & Garda, 2014 in the Caatinga Biome in the states of Paraíba and Pernambuco, which fill a distribution gap in this species’ range

    Mating behavior and female accompaniment in the whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Squamata, Teiidae) in the Caatinga region of northeastern Brazil

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    We report here a set of observations on mating behavior and female accompaniment by the whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus ocellifer in an area of Caatinga (xerophilous open forests) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. We observed a stationary male lizard performing repeated vibratory movements of the pelvis and tail base upon the sandy soil. Since that male was in front of a burrow in which a female of the same species was sheltered, we hypothesize that this behavior may be part of a courtship display. We continued the observation and later, when the female emerged from the burrow, the male climbed on her and the copulation occurred. The incident of accompaniment observed was characterized by one male continuously accompanying a female during foraging. Plausible functional explanations for a male accompany a female include mating guarding, post-copulatory courtship, and sperm loading. By accompanying females, males would be guaranteeing insemination by multiple copulation and stimulation of the female, and protecting their paternity by chasing away other males, diminishing the chances of extra-pair copulations

    Fauna de lagartos de hábitats de Caatinga do Campus Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal Do Vale Do São Francisco, Petrolina-Pe, Brasil

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    Estudos que caracterizam a composição de fauna são essenciais para aumentar o conhecimento da diversidade presente em uma determinada área. O aumento de estudos sobre a herpetofauna das Caatingas tem permitido a descrição de espécies e o reconhecimento de endemismos localizados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos conhecer a composição da fauna de lagartos do Campus Ciências Agrárias (CCA) da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF), Pernambuco através de um rápido levantamento; compará-la com a de outras quatro áreas de Caatinga e investigar o uso de microhábitats pelos lagartos. No período compreendido entre setembro e novembro de 2011 foram realizadas amostragens semanais em quatro sítios previamente selecionados no CCA. Os dados foram obtidos através de pitfall traps e busca ativa. A riqueza local compreendeu 14 espécies de lagartos, distribuídas em oito famílias. A fauna de lagartos do CCA mostrou uma maior similaridade com aquela registrada em três áreas: Estação Ecológica do Seridó, RN (0,70), Exu, PE (0,60), e a localidade de Nascimento, RN (0,59). Ameivula ocellifera e Tropidurus hispidus  foram as espécies com predomínio, representando 77,8% dos registros de uso de microhábitats. A composição de espécies presentes no CCA correspondeu a 29,8% das espécies registradas para a Caatinga, e em grande parte está constituída por espécies de ampla distribuição nesta região. No entanto, a ocorrência de espécies com distribução restrita, como Nothobachia ablephara e Procellosaurinus erythrocercus, reforça a existência de diferentes padrões de distribuição para os lagartos das Caatingas e a necessidade de conservação desta área e de outras similares na região semiárida do nordeste do Brasil