3,673 research outputs found

    Communication Approach for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: ​ Picture Exchange Communication System

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    There is a range of intervention approaches for individuals with autism who have minimal verbal expressive language. This study reviews a commonly used low-tech option known as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to teach functional communication to individuals through a multi-phase process. Through different research findings, the study will demonstrate factors influencing the effectiveness of PECS for communication development at a school setting. As seen in Ganz et al. (2012) meta-analysis, it has been determined that PECS can be effective in developing functional communication for individuals with autism.https://griffinshare.fontbonne.edu/slp-posters-2023/1016/thumbnail.jp

    \u27Barren, Silent, Godless\u27: The Southern Novels of Cormac McCarthy

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    Though best known for his Western works that have been read widely in the literary community and adapted to film, Cormac McCarthy is rarely discussed in terms of his contribution to Southern literature. However, his first four novels--The Orchard Keeper, Outer Dark, Child of God, and Suttree--are set in the mountainous area around Knoxville, Tennessee. In this setting, McCarthy traces the change of the South and humanity from its agrarian, showing the violent and gothic nature of a modernizing society. In considering the struggle between the old and new South as presented in the characters of The Orchard Keeper, the psychological and religious turmoil of the characters in Outer Dark and Child of God, and the rapidly approaching urbanization of the South in Suttree, McCarthy forces his readers to recognize the changing society and its effects on humanity both in the South and throughout the world. McCarthy continually focuses on the nature of mankind in its questioning of God and the purpose of existence as the South turns away from ideals like closeness to community and nature. His physical and literary movement to the American West brings a change of scenery, yet the content of his novels are consistently gothic, pointing to the darkness that exists within all people, both in the South and elsewhere. McCarthy seems to return to the South with his most recent novel, The Road, in which he finally brings a struggling society into a post-apocalyptic world where men and women reproduce strictly for the purpose of cannibalism, a world where no man can be trusted as any sense of community has been lost and where all hope of God or some greater being seems lost. Yet, McCarthy places within the darkness a little boy whose goodness is both unexpected and inexplicable, and in this boy, McCarthy gives some hope for the world. Through his depictions of darkness in his early Southern texts, McCarthy develops the depraved nature of man, yet he masterfully depicts this ugliness of man through beautiful language. Finally, in The Road, McCarthy reveals that there may be some unforeseen light among the darkness; one must simply search for it

    Mindfulness in Learning

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    Abstract This paper focuses on the concepts of mindfulness and how it can be applied to early education to reduce stress, encourage positive behavior, and help students be more empathetic successful productive human beings. The mindful based curriculum includes mindful movement, mindful eating, mindful breathing, mindful rest, self-regulation skills, empathy, and compassion building skills. Teaching these skills to youths has proven effective in increasing self-esteem, lowering stress levels, reducing bullying and increasing compassion. Children that are taught in an environment that promotes mindfulness are more likely to succeed according to research. With an introduction to the history of mindfulness and the mindfulness movement in Western culture, this paper gives a full and comprehensive understanding of not only why mindfulness is a valuable tool but also demonstrates how studies reflect positive results which encourage further research and application

    A Study of the Relationship of Self-Reported Resistance Training to Lipid Profiles.

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of self-reported resistance training to lipid profiles. The study consisted of 10 subjects between the ages of 19 and 35. Participants were assigned to an exercise group or control group based on self-reported resistance training and according to ACSM standards. After means were determined for the data gathered, the exercise group had lower averages of weight, percent body fat, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides, as well as, a higher average of high-density lipoproteins. Two sample t-tests were performed to determine significance. It was determined that no significant difference existed between serum lipid profile levels of the control group and the self-reported exercise group. This study is important because it expands our knowledge of the relationship between resistance training (RT) and lipid profiles, relying on self-reported data and focusing on an at-risk population

    A Causal-Comparative Study of Teachers\u27 Attitudes Toward Science Teaching Based on Biological Sex, Teaching Experience, and an Instructional Resource in an Urban Elementary School Setting

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    This quantitative, causal-comparative research study analyzed the difference in teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching in an urban elementary school setting based on biological sex, teaching experience, and the use of a science instructional unit of study. The study was significant because it revealed that teaching experience influenced elementary teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching, contributing to the body of knowledge about elementary teachers in an urban setting and related to science education. A convenience sample of 120 study participants in the Georgia urban area was selected. The teacher participants completed the online ten-minute Dimensions of Attitude Toward Science instrument that measured teachers’ cognitive beliefs, affective states, and perceived control toward science teaching. The SurveyMonkey© website with anonymous settings collected the survey data. The researcher conducted three independent sample t-tests and a statistical analysis to evaluate each null hypothesis, which showed a statically significant difference in teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching in an urban elementary school setting based on three or more years of teaching experience. This study showed a significant difference between experienced and less-experienced teachers’ attitudes. Future research includes analyzing teachers’ attitudes toward science based on each attitudinal component and subcomponent

    Characterization of Legacy Sediment variations in accretion and carbon dynamics following dam removal in a recently restored tidal freshwater wetland

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    Damming disrupts the natural flow of sediment to adjoining water bodies resulting in the accumulation of Legacy Sediments (LS). While the impact of LS inputs has been well investigated in lotic Mid-Atlantic piedmont stream restorations, (i.e. milldam removal 1,2,3,4,5,), there have been few studies investigating LS following dam removal in low-gradient coastal plain streams. The objectives of this study were to quantify spatial and temporal variations of LS characteristics in a low-gradient tidal stream restoration within the lower James River watershed. Secondary objectives were to assess the current temporal and spatial variability in sediment deposition within the recently restored Kimages Creek wetlands and adjacent, unaltered wetlands of Harris Creek to investigate current sedimentation processes in a restoration setting


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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship between sensory processing and parent-child play preferences. METHOD: This correlational study used survey design and participants were recruited via snowball sampling. Participants completed a demographic form, Sensory Profile, Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile, and Parent-Child Play Scale. RESULTS: Analysis revealed no relationships between parent sensory seeking scores and child sensory seeking scores. There was also no relationship between parent sensory sensitivity scores and pretend play. There were significant correlations between parent and child sensory sensitivity scores (r =-0.535, p = 0.01) and parent seeking scores and responsive play (r = 0.352, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest there may be a relationship between some, but not all parent and child sensory processing patterns and between parents' sensory processing patterns and their play preferences with their children. Clinicians should take into consideration sensory processing during treatment planning and interventions for children and their families

    Comparison of Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015) reinforces and clearly defines the requirement of school districts to use evidence-based practices (EBPs) to improve student outcomes. The ESSA requires schools to find, evaluate, and implement effective EBPs that support high-quality learning for all students, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is necessary for teachers to use identified EBPs when developing individualized education programs and providing necessary interventions for students with ASD. The purpose of this article is to: (a) examine EBPs determined by two national organizations (i.e., National Professional Development Center, National Standards Project Phase 2), (b) compare overlapping EBPs to determine their effectiveness for students with ASD, and (c) make recommendations for educators and other school professionals teaching students with ASD in school settings. Identification and implementation of EBPs is essential for teachers who work with students with ASD to increase their academic and functional achievement and reach their fullest potential

    A Baseline Study of Edaphic Characteristics, Vegetation Structure, and Recruitment of Native Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L). Rich. Var. distichum) in the Newly Restored Wetland of the VCU Rice Rivers Center

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    In theory, the ideal of ecological restoration is to reestablish a completely functioning ecosystem, however restoration success is often elusive (Stanturf et al. 2001). There is a significant gap in the current research on the impacts of restoration management of restored wetlands on ecosystem functions, especially biogeochemical cycling (Bernal & Mitsch 2013). Furthermore, there are many questions about management techniques when it comes to ecological engineering versus self-design (Bernal & Mitsch, 2013). However, we do know that it is critical to understand the species’ life history, habitat template, and spatio temporal scope when attempting to re-establish populations (Lake et al. 2007). Since resources for conservation and restoration of wetlands are limiting there is a great need to fully understand both the biogeochemical cycling and life history strategies of recruitment and population expansion of target wetland species in restored wetlands in order to have the best chance of restoration success (Mitsch & Gosselink 2007)
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